> o: skip o o/size

Thanks to everybody who suggested this.

But I am pretty sure I was already doing that
and it just behaved as if the skip never happened.
I didn't know if it was a bug or not.
Does anybody else want to try this?

To test it out, you have to open/direct on a file
that already exists and has some stuff.
Then try to skip to the end and append some stuff.

I guess the appended stuff will really be placed
at the beginning of the file, not the end, as
if the skip didn't have any impact nor error.
Seemed weird, which was why I wrote the msg
in the first place.

Then I had gc problems
just using write/append which I got around using
recycle/on, so eventually I did reach Mt. GigaJunk,
but the trek was tougher than expected.


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