[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-11 Thread brian . hawley

>no. The Math/Pie you have created is an instance variable not a static
>variable. It is associated with an instance of the class, not the class
>itself. A static variable means that there is a single copy of this variable
>associated with class itself. You do not need to instantiate a class to use
>static variable.

You have it backwards. REBOL doesn't have classes. OOP in REBOL is
prototype/delegation based, like Self, NewtonScript or JavaScript -
not class-based like C++, Smalltalk or Java.

Objects in REBOL are all unique. Their behavior is defined within
themselves using static variables, rather than through their class.
They are created from prototypes, not classes. Constructors are just
functions. You don't inherit the features of a class, you call them
directly - this is known as delegation. All fields are static - any
"instance" objects you create call the "class" objects directly.

This style of object-oriented programming, used properly, can be more
efficient than class-based programming. If you really need classes
they're a simple design pattern away.

>For example:
>make-circle: make func [
> radius
> /local blah-blah-blah
> /static num_circles  ;let's say this is how you create static var.
>] [
> num_circles: num_circles + 1 ;this may not be correct but you get the
> return make object! [
> ;object code goes here
> ]

There are techniques for making persistent values in functions -
most of them are arcane (but fun). Functions don't have static
variables as such but you can embed structured data in the code
of the function.

Most of the time it's better to use objects. Try this:

circle-class: make object! [
 num-circles: 0
 new: func [value [number!]] [
 num-circles: num-circles + 1
 make object! compose [
 class: (self)
 radius: value
 num-circles: func [] [class/num-circles]

(skipped a little...)

>The main disadvantage of having static variables is that perhaps it is an
>unnecessary complication. But I don't think so. Maybe because I come from
>java/javascript background. I'm still wondering though if there is a way to
>have static variables that I don't know.

It's interesting that you mention Java and JavaScript in the same
sentence here. Java is class-based like C++. JavaScript is more
like REBOL - all variables are static, constructor functions,
class factory objects instead of classes. The object model of
JavaScript has been traditionally confusing for those who think
OOP is only class-based...

>Regardless, the main problem that I wonder about is if rebol is suited for
>modular programming where people reuse other people's functions/code. Since
>everything is either global or local, it seems as though it would be
>unnatural to use rebol in this way. Java has packages and stuff...

Coming from a background of Oberon, Delphi and such (among many
others) I'd have to agree. Fortunately RT has listened :)

Look at this: http://www.rebol.com/reps/rep002.html

It's a little outdated - many changes have purportedly been made
already but they haven't been codified yet. I gather security
support will be much improved. Still, it's a taste of things to
come. I'm looking forward to it :)

>Perhaps I am not thinking straight and have too much java in my
>blood (which I have been doing to much of lately and finally got
>sick of all the abstractions that got in the way of doing simple

Tell me about it :(

I'm having the opposite problem. I just got put on a project that
is being done with ColdFusion, a web template language like ASP. I
can't go 5 minutes without running into some limitation that would
be trivial to overcome with REBOL. Maybe I can do the next round
with REBOL/Serve when it comes out...


[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-10 Thread joel . neely

Hi, Rishi...

Just a couple of points re REBOL objects that may be of some help:

> no. The Math/Pie you have created is an instance variable not a
> static variable. It is associated with an instance of the class,
> not the class itself. A static variable means that there is a
> single copy of this variable associated with class itself. You do
> not need to instantiate a class to use static variable...

1)  The distinction to which you keep referring -- "class variable"
vs. "instance variable" -- doesn't exist at all in REBOL because
REBOL doesn't use the class-based object model of Java or Smalltalk.

There are other ways to think of objects than simply as instances of
"classes".  In NewtonScript and Self, for example, objects exist
completely as standalone entities without any enveloping class.
Instead, in both of those langauges, objects can have "prototypes",
other objects to which they refer for common (or default) attributes
and methods.  In those languages, the object-to-prototype relationship
is maintained throughout the lifetime of an object, so that changes
to an attribute/method of an object are visible within any other
objects that refer to the first object as their prototype (and that
have not overridden the attribute/method involved).

In REBOL, an object is a standalone entity.  It may be created
directly, using  make object! ...  or may be created using another
object as a model or specification.  However, it is cloned at the
time of creation, and no longer maintains a relation to its model
object.  For example:

>> ob1: make object! [
[attr: 23
[meth: func [] [print attr: attr + 1]
>> kenobi: make ob1 []
>> ob1/meth
>> ob1/meth
>> ob1/meth
>> kenobi/meth
>> kenobi/meth
>> kenobi/meth
>> ob1/attr: 2
== 2
>> ob1/meth
>> ob1/meth
>> kenobi/meth
>> kenobi/meth

Notice that  kenobi  has its own copy of  attr  and  meth  which
are independent of those in  ob1  even though no explicit overriding
was done at the creation of  kenobi .  Therefore all objects are
created equal, without any "class" vs. "instance" distinction.
Therefore the term "static" as used in Java or c++ is meaningless

> The main advantage of having static variables would be to prevent
> name collisions and to group variables/functions that act on a
> class (not an object) together for use in a more natural way.
> The main disadvantage of having static variables is that perhaps
> it is an unnecessary complication. But I don't think so. Maybe
> because I come from java/javascript background. I'm still wondering
> though if there is a way to have static variables that I don't know.
> Regardless, the main problem that I wonder about is if rebol is
> suited for modular programming where people reuse other people's
> functions/code. Since everything is either global or local, it seems
> as though it would be unnatural to use rebol in this way...

2)  I frequently use objects in my own REBOL programming to get
exactly the benefit you're looking for: to partition the namespace.
Most of my REBOL source files define objects to encapsulate all of the
variables, subordinate functions, parse pattern blocks, etc. that make
up the details of the main idea of the script.  A limited number (often
only one!) of the functions within the object are actually intended for
use by the clients of the object.  It's a handy way to structure and
modularize libraries of code (and DOES offer a alternative to global
and local).  I write code in this fashion when I want to reuse it
myself across many independent projects.

Hope this helps!


[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-10 Thread Al . Bri

> I'd also be curious to know why rebol can't be compiled.

Try compiling this:

do ask "Please enter some Rebol code: "

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-10 Thread agem

hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ...
please note all..
as usual with functions, with objects to..
(i know you know, why else clone-object.. :)

   a: make object! [static: make object! [pie: 20]] 
and a/static/pie is static..
should one know again :)


[rebol [] 
?do: func [todo] [prin ">> do " probe :todo prin "== " probe do todo] 
a: make object! [static: make object! [pie: 20]] 
b: make a [] 
c: make a [] 
? a ? b 
print "--" 
?do [b/static/pie: 10] 
? a ? b
A is an object of value: 
make object! [
make object! [
pie: 20
B is an object of value: 
make object! [
make object! [
pie: 20
>> do [b/static/pie: 10]
== 10
A is an object of value: 
make object! [
make object! [
pie: 10
B is an object of value: 
make object! [
make object! [
pie: 10

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 9-Sep-2000/19:12:06-7:00

> no. The Math/Pie you have created is an instance variable not a static
> variable. It is associated with an instance of the class, not the class
> itself. A static variable means that there is a single copy of this variable
> associated with class itself. You do not need to instantiate a class to use
> static variable. For example:
> make-circle: make func [
> radius
> /local blah-blah-blah
> /static num_circles  ;let's say this is how you create static var.
> ] [
> num_circles: num_circles + 1 ;this may not be correct but you get the
> idea...
> return make object! [
> ;object code goes here
> ]
> ]
> small-circle: make-math(2)
> large-circle: make-math(100)
> print make-circle/num-circles  ;this should hypothetically print out 2
> print num-circles ;should print error
> Unfortunately, it would not make sense to add a static option the way I have
> done it since not all functions return objects.
> Anyway, the fact that rebol does not have static variables and static
> functions is no big deal. It was probably a concious decision not to include
> it.
> The main advantage of having static variables would be to prevent name
> collisions and to group variables/functions that act on a class (not an
> object) together for use in a more natural way.
> The main disadvantage of having static variables is that perhaps it is an
> unnecessary complication. But I don't think so. Maybe because I come from
> java/javascript background. I'm still wondering though if there is a way to
> have static variables that I don't know.
> Regardless, the main problem that I wonder about is if rebol is suited for
> modular programming where people reuse other people's functions/code. Since
> everything is either global or local, it seems as though it would be
> unnatural to use rebol in this way. Java has packages and stuff...perhaps I
> am not thinking straight and have too much java in my blood (which I have
> been doing to much of lately and finally got sick of all the abstractions
> that got in the way of doing simple stuff!!)
> Rishi
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 6:03 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:
> > Rishi wrote:
> > > Math.pi=20
> >
> > >> Math: make object! [
> > [Pie: 20
> > []
> > >> Math/Pie
> > == 20
> > >> Pie
> > ** Script Error: Pie has no value.
> > ** Where: Pie
> > >>
> >
> > Andrew Martin
> > ICQ: 26227169
> > http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/
> > -><-
> >
> >

[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-10 Thread lmecir

Hi Rishi,

I think, that you are missing only complications here. What you are saying
is, that Math below is an instance of Object! datatype. You are right. You
are saying, that you would prefer it to be a class. But classes in a lot of
languages (except for C++, Java, ..., AFAIK) are instances of object
datatype too. There is only a little other language classes could do for you
and Rebol objects can't, IMHO. (You can even create a Rebol class hierarchy
using Rebol objects, as I demonstrated.)


> no. The Math/Pie you have created is an instance variable not a static
> variable. It is associated with an instance of the class, not the class
> itself. A static variable means that there is a single copy of this
> associated with class itself. You do not need to instantiate a class to
> static variable. For example:
> make-circle: make func [
> radius
> /local blah-blah-blah
> /static num_circles  ;let's say this is how you create static var.
> ] [
> num_circles: num_circles + 1 ;this may not be correct but you get the
> idea...
> return make object! [
> ;object code goes here
> ]
> ]
> small-circle: make-math(2)
> large-circle: make-math(100)
> print make-circle/num-circles  ;this should hypothetically print out 2
> print num-circles ;should print error
> Unfortunately, it would not make sense to add a static option the way I
> done it since not all functions return objects.
> Anyway, the fact that rebol does not have static variables and static
> functions is no big deal. It was probably a concious decision not to
> it.
> The main advantage of having static variables would be to prevent name
> collisions and to group variables/functions that act on a class (not an
> object) together for use in a more natural way.
> The main disadvantage of having static variables is that perhaps it is an
> unnecessary complication. But I don't think so. Maybe because I come from
> java/javascript background. I'm still wondering though if there is a way
> have static variables that I don't know.
> Regardless, the main problem that I wonder about is if rebol is suited for
> modular programming where people reuse other people's functions/code.
> everything is either global or local, it seems as though it would be
> unnatural to use rebol in this way. Java has packages and stuff...perhaps
> am not thinking straight and have too much java in my blood (which I have
> been doing to much of lately and finally got sick of all the abstractions
> that got in the way of doing simple stuff!!)
> Rishi
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 6:03 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:
> > Rishi wrote:
> > > Math.pi=20
> >
> > >> Math: make object! [
> > [Pie: 20
> > []
> > >> Math/Pie
> > == 20
> > >> Pie
> > ** Script Error: Pie has no value.
> > ** Where: Pie
> > >>
> >
> > Andrew Martin
> > ICQ: 26227169
> > http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/
> > -><-
> >
> >

[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-10 Thread fsievert

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> make-circle: make func [
> radius
> /local blah-blah-blah
> /static num_circles  ;let's say this is how you create static var.
> ] [
> num_circles: num_circles + 1 ;this may not be correct but you get the
> idea...
> return make object! [
> ;object code goes here
> ]
> ]

You can use this:

make-circle: func [radius /local num_circles] [
num_circles: [0]
num_circles/1: num_circles/1 + 1
return make object! [
num: num_circles
rad: radius

>> probe make-circle 99

make object! [
num: [1]
rad: 99
>> probe make-circle 88

make object! [
num: [2]
rad: 88

or this:

circle-maker: make object! [
num-circles: 0
set 'make-circle func [radius] [
num-circles: num-circles + 1
return make object! [
num: num-circles
rad: radius

>> circle-maker/num-circles
== 0
>> probe make-circle 5

make object! [
num: 1
rad: 5
>> probe make-circle 3

make object! [
num: 2
rad: 3
>> circle-maker/num-circles
== 2


[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(3)

2000-09-09 Thread Al . Bri

Rebol Modules have been discussed by Carl Sassenrath. They should cover what
you require, if an 'object! doesn't quite fit what you want. I'm getting a
friend who has got a bigger collection of emails to post it to the list
again or to find which message it was.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169