Just replying to one bit.

> By the way, the cookies-client.r is giving me trouble.
> there are documentation mistakes, redundancies, and inflexible
> code, and it doesn't fetch binary files like .jpg properly
> because of mishandling of cr lf chars, etc. - does anybody
> have a proper version that works or does anybody want to
> have a go at improving the blasted thing?
> For instance, what the heck is the actual
> purpose of cookie-data2?  Why are there two
> and not many (a block)?  Where is an actual example of use
> of each of these?
> Is the cookie stuff supposed to be built into Rebol,
> or do you have to get down and dirty with the http protocol
> internals?

I hope that cookies will be supported in Rebol. I think that
cookies-client.r is a bit too low-level. One way I have seen it done (WebL)
is having a cookie database built into the language, which by default makes
cookies transparent to the programmer. It also allows the programmer to
manage cookie databases.  Something similar would no go astray here.  I was
going to give this method a go, but became entangled in uncertainty as to
what is the real cookie spec. actually is. Then I just got sidetracked.

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