[WSG] REST HTTP error codes and responses for form/parameter validation

2006-09-03 Thread Tim Lucas

Any RESTafarians around?

I'm implementing a REST API and am wondering if there's a standard /  
standard practice / strong opinion on what HTTP status codes map to  
form validation errors when processing HTTP REST requests.

Say for example I have the following HTTP request:

POST /tags/rails/messages/
PARAMS: message[name]=hello&message[body]=this+is+my+first+message
HTTP-ACCEPT: text/html; ...

This is just like doing a POST submission from a "New Post" HTML  
page. If there was a form validation error, e.g. a "blurb" parameter  
is required, the web browser would normally just return a 200 OK and  
the HTML page would show the error message.

200 OK
The required field "blurb" was missing

In the REST XML-based API I'd like to indicate the form validation  
error via the relevant HTTP status code and HTTP response body.

POST /tags/rails/messages/
PARAMS: message[name]=hello&message[body]=this+is+my+first+message
HTTP-ACCEPT: application/xml; ...

400 Bad Request
The parameter post[blurb] was not specified

For creating a new resouce I'm thinking 403 Forbidden, or maybe 400  
Bad Request?

For updating a resource I'm thinking 409 Conflict, or maybe 403 or 400?

Is there any convention or standard for this?

Also, the body of the error response could be more XML-like, as was  
pondered in my blog post:

Keen to know your thoughts.

-- tim

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Re: [WSG] REST HTTP error codes and responses for form/parameter validation

2006-09-07 Thread Tim Lucas

On 05/09/2006, at 11:37 AM, Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Is there any convention or standard for this?
Not that I've found. The Yahoo's web services API documentation  
says that "400: Bad request. The parameters passed to the service  
did not match as expected" which seems about right for missing  


Interestingly this is the same approach as the REST client in Rails,  
which expects a "400 Bad Request" for validation errors:


REST obviously lends itself to HTML forms as API documentation  
(textareas, select boxes, etc.), so I've been providing that and  
returning HTTP status codes and XHTML. My CSS classes are exception  
names for machines to parse (though I should also include them as  
http X-something headers; and it would probably be better to send  
XML+client-side-XSLT rather than XHTML).

I guess if they were expecting a HTML response then a "200 OK" with  
XHTML would be best (so you can test with forms), but if they wanted  
XML then you could return a "400 Bad Request". Do browsers render the  
response from 400 responses? I'd prefer to always be sending the same  
response code, it just feels wrong to be varying response codes  
depending on the accept header.

-- tim

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Re: [WSG] REST HTTP error codes and responses for form/parameter validation

2006-09-07 Thread Tim Lucas

On 04/09/2006, at 7:30 PM, James Ellis wrote:

The  RFC for this is at ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt via
http://www.w3.org/Protocols/#Specs which includes the available codes
in the Spec.

Yep though its a shame that within a given domain the status code  
definitions are so vague that the spec is useless as a standard  
between developers, driving most people to just stick to 200 or 400  
for everything.

I think you could use 409 Conflict for invalid data. Maybe even 410
Gone if a client interacts with the resource no longer there.. etc

If found this in google:

One of the ideas there is to use an extra header to denote a more  
specific error

I love that idea. Maybe just return "400 Bad Request" for validation  
errors with some extra headers for domain specific info?

So you could have something like this which would allow you to target
the actual error...

HTTP/1.1 409 Gone
X-API-Error 1500 Record foo no longer available

record foo is no longer available

The current Rails approach for validation errors when trying to  
create resources is to return "400 Bad Request" with the following  

  Password confirmation can't be blank
  Password is too short (minimum is 4 characters)
  Password can't be blank
  Login is too short (minimum is 3 characters)
  Login can't be blank
  Email is too short (minimum is 3 characters)
  Email can't be blank

It could definitely be improved by at least including the resource  
attribute the error relates to:

  Password confirmation  
can't be blank
  Password is too short (minimum is 4  

  Password can't be blank
  Login is too short (minimum is 3  

  Login can't be blank
  Email is too short (minimum is 3  

  Email can't be blank

-- tim

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