Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Arlen Ness Electric Motorcycle

2007-02-09 Thread Eric Poulsen
True that battery box isn't pretty, but a bit of fairing would help 
looks and aerodynamics.  The cardboard doesn't help, either.  On the 
flip side, you didn't build a custom bike -- you fit your components 
into an existing frame, which (to me) is rather an accomplishment in 
itself.  Making a custom frame around the components is (in some sense) 

In a larger sense, though, people seem to really shy away from the 
"rolling science project" look; they really want to hide the nature of 
the vehicle.  Personally, I like that look, provided it's not gratuitous 
or non-utilitarian.  Maybe it's just my nerdy nature; chrome and 
unnecessary decoration are superfluous. And don't get me started on 
those little leather tassels on the handlebars. *shudder*  Just seems 
odd that the only vehicles with those are choppers, and ... little pink 
bicycles for girls.

I rather think this bike is pretty damn cool, despite being an ICE; It 
has "Road Warrior" written all over it:

damon henry wrote:
Actually I think the fake cylinder heads look much nicer than my 
battery box.  I wouldn't mind having something like that on my bike.

From: Eric Poulsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ElectricMotorcycles 
To: ElectricMotorcycles 
Subject: Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Arlen Ness Electric Motorcycle
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:56:47 -0800

Not at all impressed.

Also, this bike, and the CHP electric chopper 
( seem to 
have a need for a fake motor, or at least cylinder heads.  Why is 
that?  The CHP article even calls it an "Electric V-Twin," which is 
ridiculous, as the V-Twin refers to the piston engine layout.  Do 
they really think people are so stupid that they'll either: A) Think 
that it's some kind of electric piston, or B) won't consider it a 
real bike without cylinder heads, despite _knowing_ it's electric?  
Of course, then there's the gas tank ...

Of course, noone ever accused the custom chopper guys of having 
substance over style.

Mike wrote: 

I'm not terribly impressed with the looks of that. Any one else?  It 
looks to me like they tossed some batteries in the frame then 
wrapped them with a bread box. Ness usually comes up with better 
looking stuff than that.

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Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Arlen Ness Electric Motorcycle

2007-02-09 Thread Eric Poulsen

Not at all impressed.

Also, this bike, and the CHP electric chopper 
( seem to 
have a need for a fake motor, or at least cylinder heads.  Why is that?  
The CHP article even calls it an "Electric V-Twin," which is ridiculous, 
as the V-Twin refers to the piston engine layout.  Do they really think 
people are so stupid that they'll either: A) Think that it's some kind 
of electric piston, or B) won't consider it a real bike without cylinder 
heads, despite _knowing_ it's electric?  Of course, then there's the gas 
tank ...

Of course, noone ever accused the custom chopper guys of having 
substance over style.

Mike wrote: 

I'm not terribly impressed with the looks of that. Any one else?  It 
looks to me like they tossed some batteries in the frame then wrapped 
them with a bread box. Ness usually comes up with better looking stuff 
than that.

Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] eCycle has new CAD images

2007-01-31 Thread Eric Poulsen

Concept art not the same thing as a real CAD file.

lyle sloan wrote:

Don't know if anyone has been on the eCycle website
recently, but looks like there are some new CAD images
posted of some of their new design concepts.


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Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] EV MC Transmissions

2006-02-24 Thread Eric Poulsen

What kind of (from what vehicle) transmission is that?

Ben wrote:

here are some photos of a mc trans that i converted to use with an
etek.  havent tested it yet

Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Two speed select

2006-02-24 Thread Eric Poulsen
I've been searching in vain for a 2 speed transmission for quite a while 
now.  Are these devices available off-the-shelf?

lyle sloan wrote:

Here is the idea from the other thread.

A two speed select using a double sided compensator

The design is pretty versatile and again simple. The
first and second gears are freewheeling. The chain for
both of them can go to the wheel or to a motor shaft
as per your needs or materials on hand. The selector
clutch or pawl moves between gears on a keyed shaft
and rotates with the keyed shaft. It has three
positions: 1st, neutral, 2nd. It engages by pressing
against either gear. The third sprocket has a chain
that goes to the wheel or motor shaft (per your needs)
and is firmly attached to the keyed shaft.

Selection engagement can be a lever like on a VW
clutch or 2 hydraulic brake cylinders that engage 2
brake calipers (one going one way then one going the
other) like from gokarts. I figure adjust so that the
brakes dont grab and, well, brake. Ensure that a
disconnect switch activates when switching gears or in
neutral so that the motor doesnt over rev. If the
motor is off, there shouldnt be much drag when
engaging or the sudden grab like with a dogleg.

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Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] some electric motorcycle articles and vids

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Poulsen

Yeah, this stinks of BS.

"not recharging ever" means:

1) Perpetual Motion / Over Unity : Bunk.
2) Fusion reactor. Not quite Back to the Future
3) Fuel Cell: Most plausible, but would need fuel, probably hydrogen. 
This wouldn't really be a "battery".

As far as the explosion goes ... um ... huh? It'd be difficult to store 
that much energy in that small of a space with a purely chemical reaction.

Mike wrote:,13190,1124217,00.html

"Some of the electric vehicles that we worked on were so
incredibly powerful, that they were probably dangerous. One of
them had such a powerful battery, you would never have to recharge
itŠever. But the battery was so dangerous that if you were in an
accident and the battery got hit and the outer containment was
breached so that oxygen and water got to the internal chemicals
inside, it would explode. It wouldn't have been just a little
explosion, either. This one battery could probably take out a city

Maybe it was the Naquadria reactor. I saw that on Stargate SG-1 the 
other night.

Pictures load for me. You aren't missing anything.


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[ElectricMotorcycles] EMC emergency cutoff

2005-11-24 Thread Eric Poulsen

lyle sloan wrote:

Now every EV should have a good cutoff regardless if
it is controller or contactor.  There is NO excuse for
this safety item.  I think I saw somewhere that
someone installed one of the industrial safety stop
buttons inplace of gas cap on a tank.  This was an
excellent idea.  I think this should be incorporated
in everybike.  It is quick, easy to find, and look at
the shiny button.  On Wayland's Zombie, I should hope
it has a cutoff on his 240V 2500 amp monster; It's
required per NEDRA.  Contactors can easily be welded
"on" at that voltage and amps.  At the lowervoltages,
though, there is more room for error before arcing. 
This doesnt mean to overlook possible effects and

equipment performance specs, by no means.

--- damon henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Best idea I've heard so far for an emergency cutoff (at least for bikes 
that don't use the clutch) is to take the clutch cable, and connect it 
to the lever on a good (i.e. Heinneman) DC circuit breaker.  In an 
emergency, just grab the "clutch".

Naturally, you have to train yourself to NOT use the clutch when riding ...

Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] Adding sound to your EV - LOL

2005-11-15 Thread Eric Poulsen
I think it would be funnier if you had one on an EV that actually went 
"Vroom Vroom Rrrr" in a human voice when you took off.

A while back, a bunch of the neighborhood kids were riding around out in 
front of my place on their bicycles. I went out there with some of those 
red plastic cups, a pair of scissors and some masking tape. I set them 
all up with the plastic spoke-slapper, much to the annoyance of their 
parents. >=)

lyle sloan wrote:
I saw this and had to share. 

Guess what? You dont have to sneak around quietly in
your EV anymore. Now you can add that throaty growl of
an ICE to your ride. Using the same idea as cards
flicking on the spokes, you can amplify that sound
through a muffler/ tailpipe shaped megaphone.

Advertisement reads as:
"Vroom! Vroom! Turn a regular bicycle into a MEAN
MACHINE! Tomax Turbospoke™ adds growl to any ride! 

Ever put cards in the spokes of your bike as a kid?
The Turbospoke™ does one better. It uses specially
designed replaceable cards that flick in the spokes of
the bike. The sound is then channeled through the
chrome acoustic chamber to create a GROWL people will
notice. Of course, the Turbospoke™ isn't just for fun.
It's also a valuable safety accessory. Besides the
added noise, a red reflector on the end of the
cylinder gives a visual cue to drivers and pedestrians
of the presence of your child. 

Set includes all this:

Acoustic exhaust cylinder 
Reflector cap
Turbospoke™ custom decals
3 replaceable Turbospoke™ cards 
All necessary assembly hardware. Some light assembly

required. Ages 3 and up." 

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