[lldb-dev] EuroLLVM'20 cancellation notice

2020-03-11 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The 2020 EuroLLVM Developers’ Meeting is cancelled because of COVID-19.

We are sorry to announce that the 2020 EuroLLVM Developers’ Meeting is
cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This was not a decision we took
lightly. Here are the reasons we feel it is best to cancel EuroLLVM 2020.


   We feel this is the responsible and right thing to do to ensure the
   health of all that attend and to do our part to stop the spread of
   coronavirus. The World Health Organization set the risk of COVID-19 as very
   high and stated that every effort to contain the virus and slow the
spread saves
   lives. As EuroLLVM attracts attendees from all over the world, we feel
   that cancellation is an effort to contain and stop the virus.


   We believe France will reach stage 3, which is the last stage of the
   Covid-19 epidemic in the next few days. Once stage 3 is deployed, the
   French government could implement new restrictions that impact those who
   attempt to travel to EuroLLVM 2020 or impact large gatherings such as
   EuroLLVM. In addition, several countries have imposed a mandatory
   quarantine upon return for anyone who visits France.


   Over 50% of our speakers have already informed us that they are unable
   to attend due to a company travel ban or personal reasons. Our attendance
   is projected to drop to below 150 attendees due to similar reasons.
   Registration numbers are already far below expected numbers. Networking is
   consistently the most important reason people attend a LLVM Developers’
   Meetings and with lower attendance would not be as successful.

So what is next?


   We will be giving refunds to all that have registered. This is a manual
   process and will take us a while to complete.


   The deadline to cancel reservations at the Marriott Rive Gauche is March
   16th. Please make sure you cancel before this deadline to receive a refund
   for your hotel booking. We will not cancel any hotel reservations that were
   made by individuals.


   EuroLLVM will not be rescheduled for 2020. We looked at several options
   including delaying the conference by a couple months, but we were not
   confident that we would feel safe hosting it in June 2020 and pushing it
   back further would impact the US LLVM Developers’ Meeting that has already
   been scheduled.


   Students who received an LLVM Foundation travel grant will have their
   non-refundable expenses refunded. They will be contacted about this process.


   Some conferences have resorted to online presentations or recordings. We
   feel strongly that the largest benefit of our conferences is the face to
   face networking and discussions the talks generate, and we do not feel that
   just recording presentations is a good replacement for EuroLLVM.

On behalf of the LLVM Foundation, we are deeply saddened to have to make
this difficult decision, a hard one but the only responsible one. Thank you
to all involved, including the program chair and program committee members,
all that sent in talk proposals, and the entire logistics team.

We hope to see you all at the US LLVM Developers’ Meeting in late
September. Specific dates will be announced in the coming month.

Thank you,

Arnaud de Grandmaison & Tanya Lattner
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] EuroLLVM'20: Diversity and Inclusion in Compilers and Tools workshop announcement

2020-02-19 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Hi All,

It's my pleasure to announce the Diversity and Inclusion in Compilers and
Tools workshop that will be held on the afternoon of April 5th, at the same
venue as the EuroLLVM'20.

This event features speakers and discussion aiming to increase diversity
and inclusion within the LLVM community, attendee's workplace or
university, and within the field of compilers and tools. It is open to
anyone who is interested in these efforts.

Our featured speaker will be Adelina Chalmers, also known as the Geek
Whisperer, and she will be giving a talk entitled *"Don’t Let Fear of
Feedback Stop your Contributions: How to Respond to Negative Feedback"*.

More information about the workshop and registration can be found here:

Hope to see you there !
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] Reminder: don't forget to register to EuroLLVM'20 !

2020-02-14 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
If you are already registered to EuroLLVM'20 --- or not interested in it
--- you can delete this email now.

The EuroLLVM'20 program is available at
http://www.llvm.org/devmtg/2020-04/#program and
registrations are still open at
http://www.llvm.org/devmtg/2020-04/#register with
the early bird rate (ending Feb 28th).

Kind regards,
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: March 27th, 2018

2018-03-23 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on March 27th, 2018.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

For this meetup, we will have a presentation from Gergö Barany about
"Finding Missed Optimizations in LLVM".

Looking forward to meet you !
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: January 30th, 2018

2018-01-24 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Reminder : the next LLVM social in Paris will happen next week, on January
30th, 2018.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

This meetup agenda :
 - Dimitri Gerin will present his initial thinking on "vlang : a C++ RTL
simulator and VHDL convertor".
 - Adrien Guinet, Serge Guelton and Juan Manuel Martinez will talk about
the "Challenges when building an LLVM bitcode obfuscator", based on their 4
years experience building an industrial strength code obfuscator for C/C++
and Objective C.

Looking forward to meet you !
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 3:41 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on January 30th, 2018.
> Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to
> join.
> Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at
> http://www.meetup.com/LLVM-Clang-social
> For this meetup, Adrien Guinet, Serge Guelton and Juan Manuel Martinez
> will talk about the "Challenges when building an LLVM bitcode obfuscator",
> based on their 4 years experience building an industrial strength code
> obfuscator for C/C++ and Objective C.
> Looking forward to meet you !
> -- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: January 30th, 2018

2018-01-08 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on January 30th, 2018.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

For this meetup, Adrien Guinet, Serge Guelton and Juan Manuel Martinez will
talk about the "Challenges when building an LLVM bitcode obfuscator", based
on their 4 years experience building an industrial strength code obfuscator
for C/C++ and Objective C.

Looking forward to meet you !
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: June 14th, 2017

2017-05-30 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on June 14th, 2017.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

This edition will be particularly busy (and interesting !) as we are
delighted to welcome 3 guest speakers:

   - Hal Finkel (Argonne National Laboratory) will present a shortened and
   updated version of his EuroLLVM'17 keynote "*Exascale computing, LLVM,
   and representations of parallelism*". He will also present the work he
   has done on a type sanitizer.
   - David Chisnall (Cambridge University) will talk about "*Targeting
   architectures where pointers are not integers with LLVM*".
   - Tobias Grosser (ETH Zürich) will present the "*Efforts to make Polly
   production quality*".

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: April 18th, 2017

2017-04-16 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on April 18th, 2017.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

We will have 2 talks :
 - *"How fast goes the light ?"* where I will revisit my EuroLLVM'15
lightning talk and look at the progresses made since then,
 - *"Clang's AST vizualization"* by Loïc Joly

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: January 17th, 2017

2017-01-13 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Friendly reminder : the next LLVM social in Paris will happen on January
17, 2017.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

This time, we will have a talk from Michael Kruse: "*Where to put Polly ?
Interactions between Polly and LLVM's other passes.*"

Polly is an extension for LLVM for polyhedral optimization. Unfortunately
what transformations it can perform depends on the form of the IR. Some
LLVM passes improve the analyzability for Polly, but others reduce
optimization opportunities. What would be the ideal pass pipeline for Polly
Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: January 17th, 2017

2017-01-05 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on January 17, 2017.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

This time, we will have a talk from Michael Kruze: "*Where to put Polly ?
Interactions between Polly and LLVM's other passes.*"

Polly is an extension for LLVM for polyhedral optimization. Unfortunately
what transformations it can perform depends on the form of the IR. Some
LLVM passes improve the analyzability for Polly, but others reduce
optimization opportunities. What would be the ideal pass pipeline for Polly
Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: November 22nd, 2016

2016-11-20 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Reminder: the LLVM social in Paris is this Tuesday November 22nd, 2016.

We will have 2 presentations :
 - Patrick Boettcher will give us a talk about how to create an environment
for cross-compilation for a bare metal sparc cpu using CMake, LLVM/Clang
and GCC.
 - Virgile Prevosto will present how clang is used as a C++ frontend in the
frama-c analysis framework.

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:41 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on November 22nd, 2016.
> Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to
> join.
> We are looking for volunteers to present (~20 minutes) at this meetup ---
> as well as the next ones. This does not have to be a formal presentation:
> this could be a tutorial, a BoF, a bugfix party, your usage of LLVM,  ...
> Be creative ! If interested, please talk to one of the organizers.
> Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at
> http://www.meetup.com/LLVM-Clang-social
> Looking forward to meet you,
> -- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: November 22nd, 2016

2016-11-09 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on November 22nd, 2016.

Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to

We are looking for volunteers to present (~20 minutes) at this meetup ---
as well as the next ones. This does not have to be a formal presentation:
this could be a tutorial, a BoF, a bugfix party, your usage of LLVM,  ...
Be creative ! If interested, please talk to one of the organizers.

Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] [EuroLLVM] Early bird registration deadline: Feb 3rd

2016-02-01 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Just a quick reminder: the early bird registration deadline for the
EuroLLVM 2016 is Feb 3rd.

Registration at: https://intranet.pacifico-meetings.com/GesCoForm/?cfg=887

More info about EuroLLVM 2016 at: http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-03/

Kind regards,
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] CFP for the 6th European LLVM conference on March 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain

2016-01-26 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
For your information, we have decided to extend the CFP by a few days, up
to this Friday, May 29th.

So you still have 'till the end of this week to submit a presentation,
lightning talk, poster, tutorial or BoF to the EuroLLVM 2016.

Kind regards,
Arnaud A. de Grandmaison

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:42 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the 6th European LLVM conference on March
> 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
> This will be a full two-day conference which aims to present the latest
> developments around LLVM and help strengthen the network of LLVM developers
> and users. The format will be similar to that of the previous meetings,
> with ample time for presentations, discussion, and networking between
> participants. The meeting is open to anyone whether from industry or
> academia, professional or enthusiast and is not restricted to those from
> Europe - attendees from all regions are welcome !
> EuroLLVM 2016 will be held at Princesa Sofia Hotel (
> http://www.princesasofia.com/en), collocated with the International
> Compiler Construction conference (http://cc2016.eew.technion.ac.il/) and
> CGO (http://cgo.org/cgo2016/)
> We invite academic, industrial and hobbyist speakers to present their work
> on developing or using LLVM, Clang, etc. Proposals for technical
> presentations, posters, workshops, demonstrations and BoFs are welcome.
> Material will be chosen to cover a broad spectrum of themes and topics at
> various depths, some technical deep-diving, some more community focused.
> We are looking for:
> - Keynote speakers.
> - Technical presentations (30 minutes plus questions and discussion)
> related to the development of LLVM, Clang, LLD, LLDB, Polly, ...
> - Presentations relating to academic or commercial use of LLVM, Clang
> etc.
> - Lightning talks (5 minutes, no questions, no discussion).
> - Workshops and in-depth tutorials (1-2 hours - please specify in your
> submission).
> - Poster presentations.
> - Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs).
> **Important dates**
> The deadline for receiving submissions is January 25, 2016.
> Speakers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 15th,
> 2016.
> **Submissions**
> Submissions should be done using the Easychair platform:
> - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eurollvm2016
> Please note that presentation materials and videos for the technical
> sessions will be posted on llvm.org after the conference. We have
> reserved additional spots for speakers, such that they can attend the
> conference even though we have reached our registration limit.
> In terms of submission style, we are looking for:
> - A title and an extended abstract,
> OR
> - A title, abstract and slides.
> Please make clear the status of the slides (are they a skeleton of your
> presentation with the detail missing ?), or, perhaps a section of detail
> that lacks introduction and conclusions?  Also make sure to give enough
> information in the extended abstract: the more you can give us and tell us
> the easier it will be for us to be positive about your submission.
> Proposals that are not sufficiently detailed (talks lacking a
> comprehensive abstract for example) are likely to be rejected. Slides and
> posters must be in PDF format.
> **About LLVM**
> The LLVM Infrastructure is a collection of libraries and tools that make
> it easy to build compilers, optimizers, Just-In-Time code generators, and
> many other compiler-related programs.  LLVM uses a single,
> language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code
> representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time
> systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyse and
> transform programs).
> This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated
> compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time,
> run-time, or "idle-time" (between program runs). The strengths of the LLVM
> infrastructure are its extremely simple design (which makes it easy to
> understand and use), source-language independence, powerful mid-level
> optimizer, automated compiler debugging support, extensibility, and its
> stability and reliability.
> LLVM is currently being used to host a wide variety of Academic Research
> projects and commercial projects.
> For more information, please visit:
> - http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-03/
> We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona !
> --
> Arnaud A. de Grandmaison
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] CFP for the 6th European LLVM conference on March 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain

2016-01-22 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Reminder: the deadline for submitting papers for the EuroLLVM is Monday.

Kind regards,

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 10:42 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the 6th European LLVM conference on March
> 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
> This will be a full two-day conference which aims to present the latest
> developments around LLVM and help strengthen the network of LLVM developers
> and users. The format will be similar to that of the previous meetings,
> with ample time for presentations, discussion, and networking between
> participants. The meeting is open to anyone whether from industry or
> academia, professional or enthusiast and is not restricted to those from
> Europe - attendees from all regions are welcome !
> EuroLLVM 2016 will be held at Princesa Sofia Hotel (
> http://www.princesasofia.com/en), collocated with the International
> Compiler Construction conference (http://cc2016.eew.technion.ac.il/) and
> CGO (http://cgo.org/cgo2016/)
> We invite academic, industrial and hobbyist speakers to present their work
> on developing or using LLVM, Clang, etc. Proposals for technical
> presentations, posters, workshops, demonstrations and BoFs are welcome.
> Material will be chosen to cover a broad spectrum of themes and topics at
> various depths, some technical deep-diving, some more community focused.
> We are looking for:
> - Keynote speakers.
> - Technical presentations (30 minutes plus questions and discussion)
> related to the development of LLVM, Clang, LLD, LLDB, Polly, ...
> - Presentations relating to academic or commercial use of LLVM, Clang
> etc.
> - Lightning talks (5 minutes, no questions, no discussion).
> - Workshops and in-depth tutorials (1-2 hours - please specify in your
> submission).
> - Poster presentations.
> - Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs).
> **Important dates**
> The deadline for receiving submissions is January 25, 2016.
> Speakers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 15th,
> 2016.
> **Submissions**
> Submissions should be done using the Easychair platform:
> - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eurollvm2016
> Please note that presentation materials and videos for the technical
> sessions will be posted on llvm.org after the conference. We have
> reserved additional spots for speakers, such that they can attend the
> conference even though we have reached our registration limit.
> In terms of submission style, we are looking for:
> - A title and an extended abstract,
> OR
> - A title, abstract and slides.
> Please make clear the status of the slides (are they a skeleton of your
> presentation with the detail missing ?), or, perhaps a section of detail
> that lacks introduction and conclusions?  Also make sure to give enough
> information in the extended abstract: the more you can give us and tell us
> the easier it will be for us to be positive about your submission.
> Proposals that are not sufficiently detailed (talks lacking a
> comprehensive abstract for example) are likely to be rejected. Slides and
> posters must be in PDF format.
> **About LLVM**
> The LLVM Infrastructure is a collection of libraries and tools that make
> it easy to build compilers, optimizers, Just-In-Time code generators, and
> many other compiler-related programs.  LLVM uses a single,
> language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code
> representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time
> systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyse and
> transform programs).
> This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated
> compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time,
> run-time, or "idle-time" (between program runs). The strengths of the LLVM
> infrastructure are its extremely simple design (which makes it easy to
> understand and use), source-language independence, powerful mid-level
> optimizer, automated compiler debugging support, extensibility, and its
> stability and reliability.
> LLVM is currently being used to host a wide variety of Academic Research
> projects and commercial projects.
> For more information, please visit:
> - http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-03/
> We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona !
> --
> Arnaud A. de Grandmaison
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] CFP for the 6th European LLVM conference on March 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain

2016-01-18 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Reminder: the deadline for submitting papers for the EuroLLVM 2016 is in 1

Kind regards,
Arnaud A. de Grandmaison

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 8:02 AM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reminder: the deadline for submitting papers for the EuroLLVM 2016 in
> Barcelona is in 2 weeks.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Arnaud A. de Grandmaison
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:42 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
> arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We are pleased to announce the 6th European LLVM conference on March
>> 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
>> This will be a full two-day conference which aims to present the latest
>> developments around LLVM and help strengthen the network of LLVM developers
>> and users. The format will be similar to that of the previous meetings,
>> with ample time for presentations, discussion, and networking between
>> participants. The meeting is open to anyone whether from industry or
>> academia, professional or enthusiast and is not restricted to those from
>> Europe - attendees from all regions are welcome !
>> EuroLLVM 2016 will be held at Princesa Sofia Hotel (
>> http://www.princesasofia.com/en), collocated with the International
>> Compiler Construction conference (http://cc2016.eew.technion.ac.il/) and
>> CGO (http://cgo.org/cgo2016/)
>> We invite academic, industrial and hobbyist speakers to present their
>> work on developing or using LLVM, Clang, etc. Proposals for technical
>> presentations, posters, workshops, demonstrations and BoFs are welcome.
>> Material will be chosen to cover a broad spectrum of themes and topics at
>> various depths, some technical deep-diving, some more community focused.
>> We are looking for:
>> - Keynote speakers.
>> - Technical presentations (30 minutes plus questions and discussion)
>> related to the development of LLVM, Clang, LLD, LLDB, Polly, ...
>> - Presentations relating to academic or commercial use of LLVM, Clang
>> etc.
>> - Lightning talks (5 minutes, no questions, no discussion).
>> - Workshops and in-depth tutorials (1-2 hours - please specify in
>> your submission).
>> - Poster presentations.
>> - Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs).
>> **Important dates**
>> The deadline for receiving submissions is January 25, 2016.
>> Speakers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 15th,
>> 2016.
>> **Submissions**
>> Submissions should be done using the Easychair platform:
>> - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eurollvm2016
>> Please note that presentation materials and videos for the technical
>> sessions will be posted on llvm.org after the conference. We have
>> reserved additional spots for speakers, such that they can attend the
>> conference even though we have reached our registration limit.
>> In terms of submission style, we are looking for:
>> - A title and an extended abstract,
>> OR
>> - A title, abstract and slides.
>> Please make clear the status of the slides (are they a skeleton of your
>> presentation with the detail missing ?), or, perhaps a section of detail
>> that lacks introduction and conclusions?  Also make sure to give enough
>> information in the extended abstract: the more you can give us and tell us
>> the easier it will be for us to be positive about your submission.
>> Proposals that are not sufficiently detailed (talks lacking a
>> comprehensive abstract for example) are likely to be rejected. Slides and
>> posters must be in PDF format.
>> **About LLVM**
>> The LLVM Infrastructure is a collection of libraries and tools that make
>> it easy to build compilers, optimizers, Just-In-Time code generators, and
>> many other compiler-related programs.  LLVM uses a single,
>> language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code
>> representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time
>> systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyse and
>> transform programs).
>> This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated
>> compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time,
>> run-time, or "idle-time" (between program runs). The strengths of the LLVM
>> infrastructure are its extremely simple design (which makes it easy to
>> understand and use), source-language independence, powerful mid-level
>> optimizer, automated compiler debugging support, extensibility, and its
>> stability and reliability.
>> LLVM is currently being used to host a wide variety of Academic Research
>> projects and commercial projects.
>> For more information, please visit:
>> - http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-03/
>> We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona !
>> --
>> Arnaud A. de Grandmaison
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] [EuroLLVM 2016] Registration is now open !

2016-01-15 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The EuroLLVM 2016  will be held in
Barcelona on March 17-18th.

Registration is now open and can be done at

Please note there is an early registration rate until Feb 3rd, 2016: 150€
(student: 80€).
After Feb 3rd, 2016, the registration rate will will be: 200€ (student:

More information about EuroLLVM 2016 can be found at

Arnaud de Grandmaison
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] CFP for the 6th European LLVM conference on March 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain

2016-01-11 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Reminder: the deadline for submitting papers for the EuroLLVM 2016 in
Barcelona is in 2 weeks.

Kind regards,
Arnaud A. de Grandmaison

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:42 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the 6th European LLVM conference on March
> 17-18, 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
> This will be a full two-day conference which aims to present the latest
> developments around LLVM and help strengthen the network of LLVM developers
> and users. The format will be similar to that of the previous meetings,
> with ample time for presentations, discussion, and networking between
> participants. The meeting is open to anyone whether from industry or
> academia, professional or enthusiast and is not restricted to those from
> Europe - attendees from all regions are welcome !
> EuroLLVM 2016 will be held at Princesa Sofia Hotel (
> http://www.princesasofia.com/en), collocated with the International
> Compiler Construction conference (http://cc2016.eew.technion.ac.il/) and
> CGO (http://cgo.org/cgo2016/)
> We invite academic, industrial and hobbyist speakers to present their work
> on developing or using LLVM, Clang, etc. Proposals for technical
> presentations, posters, workshops, demonstrations and BoFs are welcome.
> Material will be chosen to cover a broad spectrum of themes and topics at
> various depths, some technical deep-diving, some more community focused.
> We are looking for:
> - Keynote speakers.
> - Technical presentations (30 minutes plus questions and discussion)
> related to the development of LLVM, Clang, LLD, LLDB, Polly, ...
> - Presentations relating to academic or commercial use of LLVM, Clang
> etc.
> - Lightning talks (5 minutes, no questions, no discussion).
> - Workshops and in-depth tutorials (1-2 hours - please specify in your
> submission).
> - Poster presentations.
> - Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs).
> **Important dates**
> The deadline for receiving submissions is January 25, 2016.
> Speakers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 15th,
> 2016.
> **Submissions**
> Submissions should be done using the Easychair platform:
> - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eurollvm2016
> Please note that presentation materials and videos for the technical
> sessions will be posted on llvm.org after the conference. We have
> reserved additional spots for speakers, such that they can attend the
> conference even though we have reached our registration limit.
> In terms of submission style, we are looking for:
> - A title and an extended abstract,
> OR
> - A title, abstract and slides.
> Please make clear the status of the slides (are they a skeleton of your
> presentation with the detail missing ?), or, perhaps a section of detail
> that lacks introduction and conclusions?  Also make sure to give enough
> information in the extended abstract: the more you can give us and tell us
> the easier it will be for us to be positive about your submission.
> Proposals that are not sufficiently detailed (talks lacking a
> comprehensive abstract for example) are likely to be rejected. Slides and
> posters must be in PDF format.
> **About LLVM**
> The LLVM Infrastructure is a collection of libraries and tools that make
> it easy to build compilers, optimizers, Just-In-Time code generators, and
> many other compiler-related programs.  LLVM uses a single,
> language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code
> representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time
> systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyse and
> transform programs).
> This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated
> compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time,
> run-time, or "idle-time" (between program runs). The strengths of the LLVM
> infrastructure are its extremely simple design (which makes it easy to
> understand and use), source-language independence, powerful mid-level
> optimizer, automated compiler debugging support, extensibility, and its
> stability and reliability.
> LLVM is currently being used to host a wide variety of Academic Research
> projects and commercial projects.
> For more information, please visit:
> - http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-03/
> We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona !
> --
> Arnaud A. de Grandmaison
lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: October 15, 2015

2015-10-10 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
Gentle reminder: the Paris LLVM social is this Thursday, October 15th (see
detail below).

See you there !
Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru, Tobias Grosser

On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison <
arnaud.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on October 15th, 2015. Everyone
> interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, ... is invited to join.
> Note that we have slightly changed the meetup format: from now on we will
> start with a presentation, which will be followed-up by the usual informal
> social.
> For this meetup Calixte Denizet will talk about Scilab's (
> http://www.scilab.org) usage of LLVM.
> We are looking for volunteers to present at the next meetups; this does
> not have to be a formal presentation: this could as well be a tutorial, a
> BoF, a bugfix party, ... Be creative ! If interested, please talk to one of
> the organizers (Duncan, Sylvestre or myself).
> Event details, including free registration at
> http://www.meetup.com/LLVM-Clang-social
> Looking forward to meet you,
> -- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru, Tobias Grosser
lldb-dev mailing list

[lldb-dev] LLVM Social - Paris: October 15, 2015

2015-09-28 Thread Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison via lldb-dev
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on October 15th, 2015. Everyone
interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, ... is invited to join.

Note that we have slightly changed the meetup format: from now on we will
start with a presentation, which will be followed-up by the usual informal

For this meetup Calixte Denizet will talk about Scilab's (
http://www.scilab.org) usage of LLVM.

We are looking for volunteers to present at the next meetups; this does not
have to be a formal presentation: this could as well be a tutorial, a BoF,
a bugfix party, ... Be creative ! If interested, please talk to one of the
organizers (Duncan, Sylvestre or myself).
Event details, including free registration at

Looking forward to meet you,
-- Arnaud de Grandmaison, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru, Tobias Grosser
lldb-dev mailing list