Re: [lldb-dev] Odd output issue with lldb -s

2020-09-24 Thread Greg Clayton via lldb-dev
I would suggest using python here. You can make a new LLDB command in a python 
file and then "command script import /path/to/my/". This python script 
would install a new command and you  can then just run that command. Happy to 
help you get this script working off the mailing lists if you need help.

In the python you might be able to do something a bit smarter than trying to 
subtract 24 from the PC. This if very error prone because opcodes for x86 vary 
in size and this value might be in the middle of an opcode. It might be better 
to get the function for the current PC and get its instructions in python:

>>> pc = frame.GetPCAddress()
>>> print(pc)
a.out`main + 36 [inlined] squares(int, int) at main.cpp:17
a.out`main + 36 at main.cpp:17
>>> function = pc.GetFunction()
>>> if not function.IsValid():
...   function = pc.GetSymbol()
>>> print(function)
SBFunction: id = 0x7fff0122, name = main, type = main

Now "function" is either a lldb.SBFunction or lldb.SBSymbol. Both types have a 
"GetInstructions(...)" method which can be used to grab a 
lldb.SBInstructionList for all instructions in that function or symbol:

>>> instructions = function.GetInstructions(target)
>>> for instruction in instructions:
...   print(instruction)
a.out[0x10f10]: pushq  %rbp
a.out[0x10f11]: movq   %rsp, %rbp
a.out[0x10f14]: subq   $0x30, %rsp
a.out[0x10f18]: movl   $0x0, -0x1c(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f1f]: movl   %edi, -0x20(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f22]: movq   %rsi, -0x28(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f26]: movl   $0xa, -0xc(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f2d]: movl   $0x14, -0x10(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f34]: movl   -0xc(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f37]: movl   %eax, -0x8(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f3a]: movl   -0x8(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f3d]: imull  -0x8(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f41]: movl   %eax, -0x14(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f44]: movl   -0x10(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f47]: movl   %eax, -0x4(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f4a]: movl   -0x4(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f4d]: imull  -0x4(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f51]: movl   %eax, -0x18(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f54]: movl   -0x18(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f57]: addl   -0x14(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f5a]: movl   %eax, -0x14(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f5d]: movl   -0x14(%rbp), %eax
a.out[0x10f60]: movl   %eax, -0x2c(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f63]: movl   -0x2c(%rbp), %esi
a.out[0x10f66]: leaq   0x35(%rip), %rdi
a.out[0x10f6d]: movb   $0x0, %al
a.out[0x10f6f]: callq  0x10f82
a.out[0x10f74]: xorl   %ecx, %ecx
a.out[0x10f76]: movl   %eax, -0x30(%rbp)
a.out[0x10f79]: movl   %ecx, %eax
a.out[0x10f7b]: addq   $0x30, %rsp
a.out[0x10f7f]: popq   %rbp
a.out[0x10f80]: retq   

Each "instruction" is a "lldb.SBInstruction" that has a "GetAddress()" method 
which returns the lldb.SBAddress for that instruction. You can compare that to 
the PC value:

>>> for instruction in instructions:
...   if instruction.GetAddress() == pc:
... print(instruction)
a.out[0x10f34]: movl   -0xc(%rbp), %eax

So you can use this to find the index of the instruction that the PC is at 
within "instructions":

>>> for (i, instruction) in enumerate(instructions):
...   if instruction.GetAddress() == pc:
... print(instruction)
... break
a.out[0x10f34]: movl   -0xc(%rbp), %eax
>>> print(i)

Now you can backup as many instructions as you want and not fear that you will 
end up in the middle of an x86 instruction.



> On Sep 24, 2020, at 10:30 AM, Ted Woodward via lldb-dev 
>  wrote:
> I have a very simple lldb script:
> thread select 1
> disassemble --start-address $pc-24 --end-address $pc+24
> When I run lldb with -o “process launch -s” and -s “dis.lldb”, I get odd 
> output – the disassembly from “thread select 1” and from the disassemble 
> command run together.
> This is what I see with top-of-tree on Ubuntu 16:
> bin/lldb /bin/ls -o "process launch -s" -s dis.lldb 
> (lldb) target create "/bin/ls"
> Current executable set to '/bin/ls' (x86_64).
> (lldb) process launch -s
> Process 32258 launched: '/bin/ls' (x86_64)
> (lldb) command source -s 0 'dis.lldb'
> Executing commands in '/local/mnt/ted/tip/full/dis.lldb'.
> (lldb) thread select 1
> (lldb) disassemble --start-address $pc-24 --end-address $pc+24
> * thread #1, name = 'ls', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
> frame #0: 0x77dd7c30`_start
> ->  0x77dd7c30 <+0>: movq   %rsp, %rdi
> 0x77dd7c33 <+3>: callq  0x77dd89b0; _dl_start at 
> rtld.c:353
> 0x77dd7c38 <+0>: movq   %rax, %r12
> 0x77dd7c3b <+3>: movl   0x225037(%rip), %eax  ; _dl_skip_args
> 0x77dd7c18 <+13>: xorl   %eax, %eax
> 0x77dd7c1a <+15>: callq  0x77de88f0; _dl_dprintf at 
> dl-misc.c:275
> 0x77dd7c1f <+20>: movl   $0x7f, %edi
> 0x77dd7c24 <+25>: callq  0x77df24f0; __GI__exit at 
> _exit.c:27
> 0x77dd7c29: 

[lldb-dev] Odd output issue with lldb -s

2020-09-24 Thread Ted Woodward via lldb-dev
I have a very simple lldb script:

thread select 1
disassemble --start-address $pc-24 --end-address $pc+24

When I run lldb with -o "process launch -s" and -s "dis.lldb", I get odd output 
- the disassembly from "thread select 1" and from the disassemble command run 

This is what I see with top-of-tree on Ubuntu 16:

bin/lldb /bin/ls -o "process launch -s" -s dis.lldb
(lldb) target create "/bin/ls"
Current executable set to '/bin/ls' (x86_64).
(lldb) process launch -s
Process 32258 launched: '/bin/ls' (x86_64)
(lldb) command source -s 0 'dis.lldb'
Executing commands in '/local/mnt/ted/tip/full/dis.lldb'.
(lldb) thread select 1
(lldb) disassemble --start-address $pc-24 --end-address $pc+24
* thread #1, name = 'ls', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x77dd7c30`_start`_start:
->  0x77dd7c30 <+0>: movq   %rsp, %rdi
0x77dd7c33 <+3>: callq  0x77dd89b0; _dl_start at 
0x77dd7c38 <+0>: movq   %rax, %r12
0x77dd7c3b <+3>: movl   0x225037(%rip), %eax  ; _dl_skip_args`oom:
0x77dd7c18 <+13>: xorl   %eax, %eax
0x77dd7c1a <+15>: callq  0x77de88f0; _dl_dprintf at 
0x77dd7c1f <+20>: movl   $0x7f, %edi
0x77dd7c24 <+25>: callq  0x77df24f0; __GI__exit at 
0x77dd7c29:   nopl   (%rax)`_start:
->  0x77dd7c30 <+0>:  movq   %rsp, %rdi
0x77dd7c33 <+3>:  callq  0x77dd89b0; _dl_start at 
0x77dd7c38 <+0>:  movq   %rax, %r12
0x77dd7c3b <+3>:  movl   0x225037(%rip), %eax  ; _dl_skip_args
0x77dd7c41 <+9>:  popq   %rdx
0x77dd7c42 <+10>: leaq   (%rsp,%rax,8), %rsp
0x77dd7c46 <+14>: subl   %eax, %edx

Note that the address goes from c3b to c18 right after`oom.

How can I separate the outputs of thread select and disassemble? If I stick in 
something like "register read pc" in between the thread select and the dis, I 
get the output from it before the output from the thread select and dis.
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