Changes in directory llvm-poolalloc/runtime/BoundsCheckAllocator:

PoolAllocator.cpp added (r1.1)
Log message:

*** empty log message ***

Diffs of the changes:  (+1093 -0)

 PoolAllocator.cpp | 1093 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 1093 insertions(+)

Index: llvm-poolalloc/runtime/BoundsCheckAllocator/PoolAllocator.cpp
diff -c /dev/null 
*** /dev/null   Thu Dec 22 10:49:02 2005
--- llvm-poolalloc/runtime/BoundsCheckAllocator/PoolAllocator.cpp       Thu Dec 
22 10:48:52 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1093 ----
+ //===- PoolAllocator.cpp - Simple free-list based pool allocator 
+ // 
+ //                       The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
+ // the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for 
+ // 
+ //
+ // This file is one possible implementation of the LLVM pool allocator runtime
+ // library.
+ //
+ // FIXME:
+ //  The pointer compression functions are not thread safe.
+ #include "PoolAllocator.h"
+ #include "poolalloc/MMAPSupport.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ typedef long intptr_t;
+ typedef unsigned long uintptr_t;
+ // Performance tweaking macros.
+ #define INITIAL_SLAB_SIZE 4096
+ #define LARGE_SLAB_SIZE   4096
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Configuration macros.  Define up to one of these.
+ #define PRINT_NUM_POOLS          // Print use dynamic # pools info
+ //#define PRINT_POOLDESTROY_STATS  // When pools are destroyed, print stats
+ //#define PRINT_POOL_TRACE         // Print a full trace
+ #define ENABLE_POOL_IDS            // PID for access/pool traces
+ // ALWAYS_USE_MALLOC_FREE - Make poolalloc/free always call malloc/free.  Note
+ // that if the poolfree optimization is in use that this will cause memory
+ // leaks!
+ #endif
+ // Pool Debugging stuff.
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(PRINT_POOL_TRACE)
+ #define DO_IF_TRACE(X)
+ #else
+ #define DO_IF_TRACE(X) X
+ #endif
+ #if defined(ENABLE_POOL_IDS)
+ struct PoolID {
+   void *PD;
+   unsigned ID;
+ };
+ struct PoolID *PoolIDs = 0;
+ static unsigned NumLivePools = 0;
+ static unsigned NumPoolIDsAllocated = 0;
+ static unsigned CurPoolID = 0;
+ static unsigned addPoolNumber(void *PD) {
+   if (NumLivePools == NumPoolIDsAllocated) {
+     NumPoolIDsAllocated = (10+NumPoolIDsAllocated)*2;
+     PoolIDs = (PoolID*)realloc(PoolIDs, sizeof(PoolID)*NumPoolIDsAllocated);
+   }
+   PoolIDs[NumLivePools].PD = PD;
+   PoolIDs[NumLivePools].ID = ++CurPoolID;
+   NumLivePools++;
+   return CurPoolID;
+ }
+ static unsigned getPoolNumber(void *PD) {
+   if (PD == 0) return ~0;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumLivePools; ++i)
+     if (PoolIDs[i].PD == PD)
+       return PoolIDs[i].ID;
+   fprintf(stderr, "INVALID/UNKNOWN POOL DESCRIPTOR: 0x%lX\n",(unsigned 
+   return 0;
+ }
+ static unsigned removePoolNumber(void *PD) {
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumLivePools; ++i)
+     if (PoolIDs[i].PD == PD) {
+       unsigned PN = PoolIDs[i].ID;
+       memmove(&PoolIDs[i], &PoolIDs[i+1], sizeof(PoolID)*(NumLivePools-i-1));
+       --NumLivePools;
+       return PN;
+     }
+   fprintf(stderr, "INVALID/UNKNOWN POOL DESCRIPTOR: 0x%lX\n",(unsigned 
+   return 0;
+ }
+ static void PrintPoolStats(void *Pool);
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void PrintLivePoolInfo() {
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumLivePools; ++i) {
+     fprintf(stderr, "[%d] pool at exit ", PoolIDs[i].ID);
+     PrintPoolStats((PoolTy<PoolTraits>*)PoolIDs[i].PD);
+   }
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void PrintPoolStats(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool) {
+   fprintf(stderr,
+           "(0x%X) BytesAlloc=%d  NumObjs=%d"
+           " AvgObjSize=%d  NextAllocSize=%d  DeclaredSize=%d\n",
+           Pool, Pool->BytesAllocated, Pool->NumObjects,
+           Pool->NumObjects ? Pool->BytesAllocated/Pool->NumObjects : 0,
+           Pool->AllocSize, Pool->DeclaredSize);
+ }
+ #else
+ #endif
+ static unsigned PoolCounter = 0;
+ static unsigned PoolsInited = 0;
+ // MaxHeapSize - The maximum size of the heap ever.
+ static unsigned MaxHeapSize = 0;
+ // CurHeapSize - The current size of the heap.
+ static unsigned CurHeapSize = 0;
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void PoolCountPrinter() {
+   DO_IF_TRACE(PrintLivePoolInfo<PoolTraits>());
+   fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"
+           "*** %d DYNAMIC POOLS INITIALIZED ***\n\n"
+           "*** %d DYNAMIC POOLS ALLOCATED FROM ***\n\n",
+           PoolsInited, PoolCounter);
+   fprintf(stderr, "MaxHeapSize = %fKB  HeapSizeAtExit = %fKB   "
+           "NOTE: only valid if using Heuristic=AllPools and no "
+           "bumpptr/realloc!\n", MaxHeapSize/1024.0, CurHeapSize/1024.0);
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void InitPrintNumPools() {
+   static bool Initialized = 0;
+   if (!Initialized) {
+     Initialized = 1;
+     atexit(PoolCountPrinter<PoolTraits>);
+   }
+ }
+ #define DO_IF_PNP(X) X
+ #else
+ #define DO_IF_PNP(X)
+ #endif
+ //  PoolSlab implementation
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void AddNodeToFreeList(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool,
+                               FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FreeNode) {
+   typename PoolTraits::FreeNodeHeaderPtrTy *FreeList;
+   if (FreeNode->Header.Size == Pool->DeclaredSize)
+     FreeList = &Pool->ObjFreeList;
+   else
+     FreeList = &Pool->OtherFreeList;
+   void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+   typename PoolTraits::FreeNodeHeaderPtrTy FreeNodeIdx = 
+     PoolTraits::FNHPtrToIndex(FreeNode, PoolBase);
+   FreeNode->Prev = 0;   // First on the list.
+   FreeNode->Next = *FreeList;
+   *FreeList = FreeNodeIdx;
+   if (FreeNode->Next)
+     PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(FreeNode->Next, PoolBase)->Prev = FreeNodeIdx;
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void UnlinkFreeNode(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool,
+                            FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FNH) {
+   void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+   // Make the predecessor point to our next node.
+   if (FNH->Prev)
+     PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(FNH->Prev, PoolBase)->Next = FNH->Next;
+   else {
+     typename PoolTraits::FreeNodeHeaderPtrTy NodeIdx = 
+       PoolTraits::FNHPtrToIndex(FNH, PoolBase);
+     if (Pool->ObjFreeList == NodeIdx)
+       Pool->ObjFreeList = FNH->Next;
+     else {
+       assert(Pool->OtherFreeList == NodeIdx &&
+              "Prev Ptr is null but not at head of free list?");
+       Pool->OtherFreeList = FNH->Next;
+     }
+   }
+   if (FNH->Next)
+     PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(FNH->Next, PoolBase)->Prev = FNH->Prev;
+ }
+ // PoolSlab Structure - Hold multiple objects of the current node type.
+ // Invariants: FirstUnused <= UsedEnd
+ //
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ struct PoolSlab {
+   // Next - This link is used when we need to traverse the list of slabs in a
+   // pool, for example, to destroy them all.
+   PoolSlab<PoolTraits> *Next;
+ public:
+   static void create(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned SizeHint);
+   static void *create_for_bp(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool);
+   static void create_for_ptrcomp(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool,
+                                  void *Mem, unsigned Size);
+   void destroy();
+   PoolSlab<PoolTraits> *getNext() const { return Next; }
+ };
+ // create - Create a new (empty) slab and add it to the end of the Pools list.
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ void PoolSlab<PoolTraits>::create(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned 
SizeHint) {
+   if (Pool->DeclaredSize == 0) {
+     unsigned Align = Pool->Alignment;
+     if (SizeHint < sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) - 
+                    sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>))
+       SizeHint = sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) -
+                  sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     SizeHint = SizeHint+sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>)+(Align-1);
+     SizeHint = (SizeHint & ~(Align-1))-sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     // Pool->DeclaredSize = SizeHint;
+   }
+   unsigned Size = Pool->AllocSize;
+   Pool->AllocSize <<= 1;
+   Size = (Size+SizeHint-1) / SizeHint * SizeHint;
+   PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)malloc(Size+sizeof(PoolSlab<PoolTraits>) +
+                                    sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+                                    sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>));
+   char *PoolBody = (char*)(PS+1);
+   // If the Alignment is greater than the size of the FreedNodeHeader, skip 
+   // some space so that the a "free pointer + sizeof(FreedNodeHeader)" is 
+   // aligned.
+   unsigned Alignment = Pool->Alignment;
+   if (Alignment > sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>)) {
+     PoolBody += Alignment-sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     Size -= Alignment-sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+   }
+   // Add the body of the slab to the free list.
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *SlabBody 
+   SlabBody->Header.Size = Size;
+   AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, SlabBody);
+   // Make sure to add a marker at the end of the slab to prevent the 
+   // from trying to merge off the end of the page.
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *End =
+       (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)(PoolBody + 
+                                      Size);
+   End->Header.Size = ~0; // Looks like an allocated chunk
+   // Add the slab to the list...
+   PS->Next = Pool->Slabs;
+   Pool->Slabs = PS;
+ }
+ /// create_for_bp - This creates a slab for a bump-pointer pool.
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ void *PoolSlab<PoolTraits>::create_for_bp(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool) {
+   unsigned Size = Pool->AllocSize;
+   Pool->AllocSize <<= 1;
+   PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)malloc(Size+sizeof(PoolSlab));
+   char *PoolBody = (char*)(PS+1);
+   if (sizeof(PoolSlab) == 4)
+     PoolBody += 4;            // No reason to start out unaligned.
+   // Update the end pointer.
+   Pool->OtherFreeList = (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)((char*)(PS+1)+Size);
+   // Add the slab to the list...
+   PS->Next = Pool->Slabs;
+   Pool->Slabs = PS;
+   return PoolBody;
+ }
+ /// create_for_ptrcomp - Initialize a chunk of memory 'Mem' of size 'Size' for
+ /// pointer compression.
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ void PoolSlab<PoolTraits>::create_for_ptrcomp(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, 
+                                               void *SMem, unsigned Size) {
+   if (Pool->DeclaredSize == 0) {
+     unsigned Align = Pool->Alignment;
+     unsigned SizeHint = sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) -
+                         sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     SizeHint = SizeHint+sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>)+(Align-1);
+     SizeHint = (SizeHint & ~(Align-1))-sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     Pool->DeclaredSize = SizeHint;
+   }
+   Size -= sizeof(PoolSlab) + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+           sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+   PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)SMem;
+   char *PoolBody = (char*)(PS+1);
+   // If the Alignment is greater than the size of the NodeHeader, skip over 
+   // space so that the a "free pointer + sizeof(NodeHeader)" is always aligned
+   // for user data.
+   unsigned Alignment = Pool->Alignment;
+   if (Alignment > sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)) {
+     PoolBody += Alignment-sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     Size -= Alignment-sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+   }
+   // Add the body of the slab to the free list.
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *SlabBody 
+   SlabBody->Header.Size = Size;
+   AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, SlabBody);
+   // Make sure to add a marker at the end of the slab to prevent the 
+   // from trying to merge off the end of the page.
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *End =
+     (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)(PoolBody + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+                                    Size);
+   End->Header.Size = ~0; // Looks like an allocated chunk
+   PS->Next = 0;
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ void PoolSlab<PoolTraits>::destroy() {
+   free(this);
+ }
+ //
+ //  Bump-pointer pool allocator library implementation
+ //
+ void poolinit_bp(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned ObjAlignment) {
+   DO_IF_PNP(memset(Pool, 0, sizeof(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits>)));
+   Pool->Slabs = 0;
+   if (ObjAlignment < 4) ObjAlignment = __alignof(double);
+   Pool->AllocSize = INITIAL_SLAB_SIZE;
+   Pool->Alignment = ObjAlignment;
+   Pool->LargeArrays = 0;
+   Pool->ObjFreeList = 0;     // This is our bump pointer.
+   Pool->OtherFreeList = 0;   // This is our end pointer.
+   unsigned PID;
+   PID = addPoolNumber(Pool);
+ #endif
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolinit_bp(0x%X, %d)\n",
+                       PID, Pool, ObjAlignment));
+   DO_IF_PNP(++PoolsInited);  // Track # pools initialized
+   DO_IF_PNP(InitPrintNumPools<NormalPoolTraits>());
+ }
+ void *poolalloc_bp(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned NumBytes) {
+   DO_IF_FORCE_MALLOCFREE(return malloc(NumBytes));
+   assert(Pool && "Bump pointer pool does not support null PD!");
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolalloc_bp(%d) -> ",
+                       getPoolNumber(Pool), NumBytes));
+   DO_IF_PNP(if (Pool->NumObjects == 0) ++PoolCounter);  // Track # pools.
+   if (NumBytes >= LARGE_SLAB_SIZE)
+     goto LargeObject;
+   DO_IF_PNP(++Pool->NumObjects);
+   DO_IF_PNP(Pool->BytesAllocated += NumBytes);
+   if (NumBytes < 1) NumBytes = 1;
+   uintptr_t Alignment;
+   char *BumpPtr, *EndPtr;
+   Alignment = Pool->Alignment-1;
+   BumpPtr = (char*)Pool->ObjFreeList; // Get our bump pointer.
+   EndPtr  = (char*)Pool->OtherFreeList; // Get our end pointer.
+ TryAgain:
+   // Align the bump pointer to the required boundary.
+   BumpPtr = (char*)(intptr_t((BumpPtr+Alignment)) & ~Alignment);
+   if (BumpPtr + NumBytes < EndPtr) {
+     void *Result = BumpPtr;
+     // Update bump ptr.
+     Pool->ObjFreeList = 
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%p\n", Result));
+     return Result;
+   }
+   BumpPtr = (char*)PoolSlab<NormalPoolTraits>::create_for_bp(Pool);
+   EndPtr  = (char*)Pool->OtherFreeList; // Get our updated end pointer.  
+   goto TryAgain;
+ LargeObject:
+   // Otherwise, the allocation is a large array.  Since we're not going to be
+   // able to help much for this allocation, simply pass it on to malloc.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = (LargeArrayHeader*)malloc(sizeof(LargeArrayHeader) 
+                                                     NumBytes);
+   LAH->Size = NumBytes;
+   LAH->Marker = ~0U;
+   LAH->LinkIntoList(&Pool->LargeArrays);
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%p  [large]\n", LAH+1));
+   return LAH+1;
+ }
+ void pooldestroy_bp(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool) {
+   assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to pooldestroy!\n");
+   unsigned PID;
+   PID = removePoolNumber(Pool);
+ #endif
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] pooldestroy_bp", PID));
+   DO_IF_POOLDESTROY_STATS(PrintPoolStats(Pool));
+   // Free all allocated slabs.
+   PoolSlab<NormalPoolTraits> *PS = Pool->Slabs;
+   while (PS) {
+     PoolSlab<NormalPoolTraits> *Next = PS->getNext();
+     PS->destroy();
+     PS = Next;
+   }
+   // Free all of the large arrays.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = Pool->LargeArrays;
+   while (LAH) {
+     LargeArrayHeader *Next = LAH->Next;
+     free(LAH);
+     LAH = Next;
+   }
+ }
+ //
+ //  Pool allocator library implementation
+ //
+ // poolinit - Initialize a pool descriptor to empty
+ //
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void poolinit_internal(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool,
+                               unsigned DeclaredSize, unsigned ObjAlignment) {
+   assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolinit!\n");
+   memset(Pool, 0, sizeof(PoolTy<PoolTraits>));
+   Pool->splay = new_splay();
+   Pool->AllocSize = INITIAL_SLAB_SIZE;
+   if (ObjAlignment < 4) ObjAlignment = __alignof(double);
+   Pool->Alignment = ObjAlignment;
+   // Round the declared size up to an alignment boundary-header size, just 
+   // we have to do for objects.
+   if (DeclaredSize) {
+     if (DeclaredSize < sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) -
+                        sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>))
+       DeclaredSize = sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) -
+                      sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+     DeclaredSize = DeclaredSize+sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) + 
+                    (ObjAlignment-1);
+     DeclaredSize = (DeclaredSize & ~(ObjAlignment-1)) -
+                    sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+   }
+   Pool->DeclaredSize = DeclaredSize;
+   unsigned PID;
+   PID = addPoolNumber(Pool);
+ #endif
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolinit%s(0x%X, %d, %d)\n",
+                       PID, PoolTraits::getSuffix(),
+                       Pool, DeclaredSize, ObjAlignment));
+   DO_IF_PNP(++PoolsInited);  // Track # pools initialized
+   DO_IF_PNP(InitPrintNumPools<PoolTraits>());
+ }
+ void poolinit(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool,
+               unsigned DeclaredSize, unsigned ObjAlignment) {
+   poolinit_internal(Pool, DeclaredSize, ObjAlignment);
+ }
+ // pooldestroy - Release all memory allocated for a pool
+ //
+ void pooldestroy(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool) {
+   assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to pooldestroy!\n");
+   free_splay(Pool->splay);
+   unsigned PID;
+   PID = removePoolNumber(Pool);
+ #endif
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] pooldestroy", PID));
+   DO_IF_POOLDESTROY_STATS(PrintPoolStats(Pool));
+   // Free all allocated slabs.
+   PoolSlab<NormalPoolTraits> *PS = Pool->Slabs;
+   while (PS) {
+     PoolSlab<NormalPoolTraits> *Next = PS->getNext();
+     PS->destroy();
+     PS = Next;
+   }
+   // Free all of the large arrays.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = Pool->LargeArrays;
+   while (LAH) {
+     LargeArrayHeader *Next = LAH->Next;
+     free(LAH);
+     LAH = Next;
+   }
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void *poolalloc_internal(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned NumBytes) {
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolalloc%s(%d) -> ",
+                       getPoolNumber(Pool), PoolTraits::getSuffix(), 
+   // If a null pool descriptor is passed in, this is not a pool allocated data
+   // structure.  Hand off to the system malloc.
+   if (Pool == 0) {
+     //    std::cerr << "Null descriptor is passed in ";
+     abort();
+     void *Result = malloc(NumBytes);
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X [malloc]\n", Result));
+                 return Result;
+   }
+   DO_IF_PNP(if (Pool->NumObjects == 0) ++PoolCounter);  // Track # pools.
+   // Objects must be at least 8 bytes to hold the FreedNodeHeader object when
+   // they are freed.  This also handles allocations of 0 bytes.
+   if (NumBytes < (sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) - 
+                   sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)))
+     NumBytes = sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) - 
+                sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+   // Adjust the size so that memory allocated from the pool is always on the
+   // proper alignment boundary.
+   unsigned Alignment = Pool->Alignment;
+   NumBytes = NumBytes+sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>) + 
+              (Alignment-1);      // Round up
+   NumBytes = (NumBytes & ~(Alignment-1)) - 
+              sizeof(FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>); // Truncate
+   DO_IF_PNP(CurHeapSize += (NumBytes + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)));
+   DO_IF_PNP(if (CurHeapSize > MaxHeapSize) MaxHeapSize = CurHeapSize);
+   DO_IF_PNP(++Pool->NumObjects);
+   DO_IF_PNP(Pool->BytesAllocated += NumBytes);
+   // Fast path - allocate objects off the object list.
+   if (NumBytes == Pool->DeclaredSize && Pool->ObjFreeList != 0) {
+     typename PoolTraits::FreeNodeHeaderPtrTy NodeIdx = Pool->ObjFreeList;
+     void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+     FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *Node =
+       PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(NodeIdx, PoolBase);
+     UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, Node);
+     assert(NumBytes == Node->Header.Size); 
+     Node->Header.Size = NumBytes|1;   // Mark as allocated
+     //store it in the splay tree
+     if (NumBytes != Pool->DeclaredSize)
+       splay_insert_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long)(&Node->Header+1), 
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X\n", &Node->Header+1));
+     return &Node->Header+1;
+   } 
+   if (PoolTraits::UseLargeArrayObjects &&
+       NumBytes >= LARGE_SLAB_SIZE-sizeof(PoolSlab<PoolTraits>) - 
+       sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>))
+     goto LargeObject;
+   // Fast path.  In the common case, we can allocate a portion of the node at
+   // the front of the free list.
+   do {
+     void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+     FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FirstNode =
+       PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(Pool->OtherFreeList, PoolBase);
+     if (FirstNode) {
+       unsigned FirstNodeSize = FirstNode->Header.Size;
+       if (FirstNodeSize >= NumBytes) {
+         if (FirstNodeSize >= 2*NumBytes+sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)) {
+           // Put the remainder back on the list...
+           FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *NextNodes =
+             (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)((char*)FirstNode +
+                                    sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +NumBytes);
+           // Remove from list
+           UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, FirstNode);
+           NextNodes->Header.Size = FirstNodeSize-NumBytes -
+                                    sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+           AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, NextNodes);
+         } else {
+           UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, FirstNode);
+           NumBytes = FirstNodeSize;
+         }
+         FirstNode->Header.Size = NumBytes|1;   // Mark as allocated
+         DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X\n", &FirstNode->Header+1));
+       //Store it in the splay tree....
+       //      Pool->splay =
+       if (NumBytes != Pool->DeclaredSize)
+         splay_insert_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) (&FirstNode->Header+1), 
+         return &FirstNode->Header+1;
+       }
+       // Perform a search of the free list, taking the front of the first free
+       // chunk that is big enough.
+       typename PoolTraits::FreeNodeHeaderPtrTy *FN = &Pool->OtherFreeList;
+       FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FNN = FirstNode;
+       // Search the list for the first-fit.
+       while (FNN && FNN->Header.Size < NumBytes) {
+         // Advance FN to point to the Next field of FNN.
+         FN = &FNN->Next;
+         // Advance FNN to point to whatever the next node points to (null or 
+         // next node in the free list).
+         FNN = PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(*FN, PoolBase);
+       }
+       if (FNN) {
+         // We found a slab big enough.  If it's a perfect fit, just unlink
+         // from the free list, otherwise, slice a little bit off and adjust
+         // the free list.
+         if (FNN->Header.Size > 2*NumBytes+sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)) {
+           UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, FNN);
+           // Put the remainder back on the list...
+           FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *NextNodes =
+             (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)((char*)FNN +
+                                            sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+                                            NumBytes);
+           NextNodes->Header.Size = FNN->Header.Size-NumBytes -
+             sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+           AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, NextNodes);
+         } else {
+           UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, FNN);
+           NumBytes = FNN->Header.Size;
+         }
+         FNN->Header.Size = NumBytes|1;   // Mark as allocated
+         DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X\n", &FNN->Header+1));
+       //Store it in the splay tree....
+       //      Pool->splay =
+       if (NumBytes != Pool->DeclaredSize)
+         splay_insert_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) (&FNN->Header+1), 
+         return &FNN->Header+1;
+       }
+     }
+     // If we are not allowed to grow this pool, don't.
+     if (!PoolTraits::CanGrowPool) {
+       abort();
+       return 0;
+     }
+     // Oops, we didn't find anything on the free list big enough!  Allocate
+     // another slab and try again.
+     PoolSlab<PoolTraits>::create(Pool, NumBytes);
+   } while (1);
+ LargeObject:
+   // Otherwise, the allocation is a large array.  Since we're not going to be
+   // able to help much for this allocation, simply pass it on to malloc.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = (LargeArrayHeader*)malloc(sizeof(LargeArrayHeader) 
+                                                     NumBytes);
+   LAH->Size = NumBytes;
+   LAH->Marker = ~0U;
+   LAH->LinkIntoList(&Pool->LargeArrays);
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X  [large]\n", LAH+1));
+   //Store it in the splay tree....
+   //Pool->splay =
+   if (NumBytes != Pool->DeclaredSize)
+     splay_insert_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) (LAH+1), NumBytes);
+   return LAH+1;
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void poolfree_internal(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, void *Node) {
+   if (Node == 0) return;
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolfree%s(%p) ",
+                       getPoolNumber(Pool), PoolTraits::getSuffix(), Node));
+   // If a null pool descriptor is passed in, this is not a pool allocated data
+   // structure.  Hand off to the system free.
+   if (Pool == 0) {
+     abort();
+     free(Node);
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[free]\n"));
+     return;
+   }
+   Splay *splay = splay_find_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long)Node);
+   splay_delete_node(splay);
+   // Check to see how many elements were allocated to this node...
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FNH =
+   assert((FNH->Header.Size & 1) && "Node not allocated!");
+   unsigned Size = FNH->Header.Size & ~1;
+   if (Size == ~1U) goto LargeArrayCase;
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d bytes\n", Size));
+   DO_IF_PNP(CurHeapSize -= (Size + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)));
+   // If the node immediately after this one is also free, merge it into node.
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *NextFNH;
+   NextFNH = (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)((char*)Node+Size);
+   while ((NextFNH->Header.Size & 1) == 0) {
+     // Unlink NextFNH from the freelist that it is in.
+     UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, NextFNH);
+     Size += sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>)+NextFNH->Header.Size;
+     NextFNH = (FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits>*)((char*)Node+Size);
+   }
+   // If there are already nodes on the freelist, see if these blocks can be
+   // coallesced into one of the early blocks on the front of the list.  This 
+   // a simple check that prevents many horrible forms of fragmentation,
+   // particularly when freeing objects in allocation order.
+   //
+   if (Pool->ObjFreeList) {
+     void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+     FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *ObjFNH = 
+       PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(Pool->ObjFreeList, PoolBase);
+     if ((char*)ObjFNH + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+         ObjFNH->Header.Size == (char*)FNH) {
+       // Merge this with a node that is already on the object size free list.
+       // Because the object is growing, we will never be able to find it if we
+       // leave it on the object freelist.
+       UnlinkFreeNode(Pool, ObjFNH);
+       ObjFNH->Header.Size += Size+sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+       AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, ObjFNH);
+       return;
+     }
+   }
+   if (Pool->OtherFreeList) {
+     void *PoolBase = Pool->Slabs;
+     FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *OFNH = 
+       PoolTraits::IndexToFNHPtr(Pool->OtherFreeList, PoolBase);
+     if ((char*)OFNH + sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>) +
+         OFNH->Header.Size == (char*)FNH) {
+       // Merge this with a node that is already on the object size free list.
+       OFNH->Header.Size += Size+sizeof(NodeHeader<PoolTraits>);
+       return;
+     }
+   }
+   FNH->Header.Size = Size;
+   AddNodeToFreeList(Pool, FNH);
+   return;
+ LargeArrayCase:
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = ((LargeArrayHeader*)Node)-1;
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "%d bytes [large]\n", LAH->Size));
+   DO_IF_PNP(CurHeapSize -= LAH->Size);
+   // Unlink it from the list of large arrays and free it.
+   LAH->UnlinkFromList();
+   free(LAH);
+ }
+ template<typename PoolTraits>
+ static void *poolrealloc_internal(PoolTy<PoolTraits> *Pool, void *Node,
+                                   unsigned NumBytes) {
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] poolrealloc%s(0x%X, %d) -> ",
+                       getPoolNumber(Pool), PoolTraits::getSuffix(),
+                       Node, NumBytes));
+   // If a null pool descriptor is passed in, this is not a pool allocated data
+   // structure.  Hand off to the system realloc.
+   if (Pool == 0) {
+     void *Result = realloc(Node, NumBytes);
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X (system realloc)\n", Result));
+     return Result;
+   }
+   if (Node == 0) return poolalloc(Pool, NumBytes);
+   if (NumBytes == 0) {
+     poolfree(Pool, Node);
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "freed\n"));
+     return 0;
+   }
+   FreedNodeHeader<PoolTraits> *FNH =
+   assert((FNH->Header.Size & 1) && "Node not allocated!");
+   unsigned Size = FNH->Header.Size & ~1;
+   if (Size != ~1U) {
+     // FIXME: This is obviously much worse than it could be.  In particular, 
+     // never try to expand something in a pool.  This might hurt some 
+     void *New = poolalloc(Pool, NumBytes);
+     assert(New != 0 && "Our poolalloc doesn't ever return null for failure!");
+     // Copy the min of the new and old sizes over.
+     memcpy(New, Node, Size < NumBytes ? Size : NumBytes);
+     poolfree(Pool, Node);
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "0x%X (moved)\n", New));
+     return New;
+   }
+   // Otherwise, we have a large array.  Perform the realloc using the system
+   // realloc function.  This case is actually quite common as many large 
+   // end up being realloc'd it seems.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = ((LargeArrayHeader*)Node)-1;
+   LAH->UnlinkFromList();
+   LargeArrayHeader *NewLAH =
+     (LargeArrayHeader*)realloc(LAH, sizeof(LargeArrayHeader)+NumBytes);
+   DO_IF_TRACE(if (LAH == NewLAH)
+                 fprintf(stderr, "resized in place (system realloc)\n");
+               else
+                 fprintf(stderr, "0x%X (moved by system realloc)\n", 
+   NewLAH->LinkIntoList(&Pool->LargeArrays);
+   return NewLAH+1;
+ }
+ unsigned poolobjsize(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *Node) {
+   if (Node == 0) return 0;
+   // If a null pool descriptor is passed in, this is not a pool allocated data
+   // structure.  We don't really have any way to service this!!
+   if (Pool == 0) {
+     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot call poolobjsize on a pool that is getting"
+             " memory from the heap.  Sorry!\n");
+     abort();
+   }
+   // Check to see how many bytes were allocated to this node.
+   FreedNodeHeader<NormalPoolTraits> *FNH =
+     (FreedNodeHeader<NormalPoolTraits>*)((char*)Node -
+   assert((FNH->Header.Size & 1) && "Node not allocated!");
+   unsigned Size = FNH->Header.Size & ~1;
+   if (Size != ~1U) return Size;
+   // Otherwise, we have a large array.
+   LargeArrayHeader *LAH = ((LargeArrayHeader*)Node)-1;
+   return LAH->Size;
+ }
+ void *poolalloc(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned NumBytes) {
+   DO_IF_FORCE_MALLOCFREE(return malloc(NumBytes));
+   void *ret = poolalloc_internal(Pool, NumBytes);
+   //  printf("Allocated in pool %x num bytes %d ret val %x\n",Pool, NumBytes, 
+   return ret;
+ }
+ void poolfree(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *Node) {
+   DO_IF_FORCE_MALLOCFREE(free(Node); return);
+   poolfree_internal(Pool, Node);
+ }
+ /*
+ void poolcheck(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *referrent, void *Node) {
+   Splay *splay = splay_find_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) referrent);
+   if (((unsigned long) referrent) + splay->val < (unsigned long) Node) {
+     printf("Bounds check failure");
+     abort();
+   }
+ }
+ */
+ void *getreferrent(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *referrent) {
+   return splay_find_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) referrent);
+ }
+ bool poolcheck4(Splay *splay, void *Node) {
+   if( ((unsigned long) splay->key) > ((unsigned long)Node))
+     return false; 
+   if (((unsigned long) splay->key) + splay->val < (unsigned long) Node) {
+     return false; 
+   };
+   return true;
+ }
+ void* poolcheckslow(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *A, void *B, void *C) {
+   void *r = getreferrent(A, B);
+   if (turn == 1) {
+     pCache1 = r;
+     turn = 2;
+   } else {
+     pCache2 = r;
+     turn = 1; 
+   }
+   if (!poolcheck4((Splay *)r, C)) {
+     printf("Bounds error \n");
+     abort();
+   }
+   return r;
+ }
+ void poolregister(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *referrent, unsigned 
size) {
+   if (Pool)
+     splay_insert_ptr(Pool->splay, (unsigned long) referrent, size);
+ }
+ void *poolrealloc(PoolTy<NormalPoolTraits> *Pool, void *Node,
+                   unsigned NumBytes) {
+   DO_IF_FORCE_MALLOCFREE(return realloc(Node, NumBytes));
+   return poolrealloc_internal(Pool, Node, NumBytes);
+ }
+ // Pointer Compression runtime library.  Most of these are just wrappers
+ // around the normal pool routines.
+ // For now, use address space reservation of 256MB.
+ #define POOLSIZE (256*1024*1024)
+ // Pools - When we are done with a pool, don't munmap it, keep it around for
+ // next time.
+ static PoolSlab<CompressedPoolTraits> *Pools[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ void *poolinit_pc(PoolTy<CompressedPoolTraits> *Pool,
+                   unsigned DeclaredSize, unsigned ObjAlignment) {
+   poolinit_internal(Pool, DeclaredSize, ObjAlignment);
+   // The number of nodes to stagger in the mmap'ed pool
+   static unsigned stagger=0;
+   // Create the pool.  We have to do this eagerly (instead of on the first
+   // allocation), because code may want to eagerly copy the pool base into a
+   // register.
+   // If we already have a pool mapped, reuse it.
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
+     if (Pools[i]) {
+       Pool->Slabs = Pools[i];
+       Pools[i] = 0;
+       break;
+     }
+   //
+   // Wrap the stagger value back to zero if we're past the size of the pool.
+   // This way, we always reserve less than 2*POOLSIZE of the virtual address
+   // space.
+   //
+   if ((stagger * DeclaredSize) >= POOLSIZE)
+     stagger = 0;
+   if (Pool->Slabs == 0) {
+     //
+     // Didn't find an existing pool, create one.
+     //
+     // To create a pool, we stagger the beginning of the pool so that pools
+     // do not end up starting on the same page boundary (creating extra cache
+     // conflicts).
+     //
+     Pool->Slabs = (PoolSlab<CompressedPoolTraits>*)
+                       AllocateSpaceWithMMAP(POOLSIZE + (DeclaredSize * 
stagger), true);
+     Pool->Slabs += (DeclaredSize * stagger);
+     // Increase the stagger amount by one node.
+     stagger++;
+     DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "RESERVED ADDR SPACE: %p -> %p\n",
+                         Pool->Slabs, (char*)Pool->Slabs+POOLSIZE));
+   }
+   PoolSlab<CompressedPoolTraits>::create_for_ptrcomp(Pool, Pool->Slabs,
+                                                      POOLSIZE);
+   return Pool->Slabs;
+ }
+ void pooldestroy_pc(PoolTy<CompressedPoolTraits> *Pool) {
+   assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to pooldestroy!\n");
+   if (Pool->Slabs == 0)
+     return;   // no memory allocated from this pool.
+   unsigned PID;
+   PID = removePoolNumber(Pool);
+ #endif
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "[%d] pooldestroy_pc", PID));
+   DO_IF_POOLDESTROY_STATS(PrintPoolStats(Pool));
+   // If there is space to remember this pool, do so.
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
+     if (Pools[i] == 0) {
+       Pools[i] = Pool->Slabs;
+       return;
+     }
+   // Otherwise, just munmap it.
+   DO_IF_TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "UNMAPPING ADDR SPACE: %p -> %p\n",
+                       Pool->Slabs, (char*)Pool->Slabs+POOLSIZE));
+   munmap(Pool->Slabs, POOLSIZE);
+ }
+ unsigned long long poolalloc_pc(PoolTy<CompressedPoolTraits> *Pool,
+                                 unsigned NumBytes) {
+   void *Result = poolalloc_internal(Pool, NumBytes);
+   return (char*)Result-(char*)Pool->Slabs;
+ }
+ void poolfree_pc(PoolTy<CompressedPoolTraits> *Pool, unsigned long long Node) 
+   poolfree_internal(Pool, (char*)Pool->Slabs+Node);
+ }
+ // Access Tracing Runtime Library Support
+ static FILE *FD = 0;
+ void poolaccesstraceinit() {
+   FD = fopen("trace.malloc.csv", "w");
+ #else
+   FD = fopen("", "w");
+ #endif
+ }
+ #define NUMLRU 2
+ static void *LRUWindow[NUMLRU];
+ void poolaccesstrace(void *Ptr, void *PD) {
+   static unsigned Time = ~0U;
+   static void *LastPtr = 0;
+   // Not pool memory?
+   if (PD == 0) return;
+   // Filter out stuff that is not to the heap.
+   ++Time;
+   if ((uintptr_t)Ptr > 1000000000UL)
+     return;
+   Ptr = (void*)((intptr_t)Ptr & ~31L);
+ #if 1
+   // Drop duplicate points.
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NUMLRU; ++i)
+     if (Ptr == LRUWindow[i]) {
+       memmove(LRUWindow+1, LRUWindow, sizeof(void*)*i);
+       LRUWindow[0] = Ptr;
+       return;
+     }
+   // Rotate LRU window.
+   memmove(LRUWindow+1, LRUWindow, sizeof(void*)*(NUMLRU-1));
+   LRUWindow[0] = Ptr;
+ #endif
+   // Delete many points to reduce data.
+   static unsigned int Ctr;
+   if ((++Ctr & 31)) return;
+   fprintf(FD, "%d", Time);
+ #if defined(ENABLE_POOL_IDS)
+   for (unsigned PID = getPoolNumber(PD)+1; PID; --PID)
+     fprintf(FD,"\t?");
+ #else
+   fprintf(FD, "\t%p ", PD);
+ #endif
+   fprintf(FD, "\t%lu\n", (intptr_t)Ptr);
+ }

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