On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Sharath Gururaj <e2718...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Nitsan and Dmitry for the clear explanation of #2
> I understand it now.
> However, In the case of concurrent queues,
> I'm not sure if we should interpret the offer() semantics of java in such a
> strict way. (returns false iff queue is full)
> Because in a concurrent situation, the very question "is the queue full?"
> loses meaning
> Even when we return false from offer(), by the time we detect the false
> return, other consumers can race and make the queue not full.
> There is no way to enforce a strict offer() behaviour. Maybe relaxed{Offer,
> Poll} methods should be the default {Offer, Poll} method

I don't know semantics Java interfaces impose, but there cases like
the one you described above, but there are also other cases where the
queue is provably not-full yet Offer fails.
Consider we have a queue with capacity 2. We insert 2 elements
initially. Then start 2 threads. Each thread first removes 1 element
and then inserts 1 element. Under any interleaving of operations in
these threads, the queue is never full during insertion. Yet insertion
can fail with the original implementation of the queue.
Non-linearilizability can be very confusing.


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