[lock-free] Atomic XCHG based Stack, simple for learning...

2018-12-28 Thread Chris M. Thomasson
This experimental algorithm uses only XCHG at the cost of having a consumer 
wait for the next pointer to be set in a node. However, it allows for real 
work to be done before any waits are performed. So, the "real" work should 
provide a "natural backoff" that might minimize the waiting. The algorithm 
can be improved upon quite a bit. I have some "interesting" ideas for it. 
Well, here is the code in the form of a Relacy unit test:

Notice the "hand off" comments and 0xDEADBEEF, this can be made to work 
much better...
// Simple Atomic Stack
// For Academic and Experimental things... 
// Beginner, Moderate?
// In Good Ol' Relacy! Nice as always.

//#define RL_MSVC_OUTPUT
//#define RL_FORCE_SEQ_CST
//#define RL_GC


// Simple macro based redirection of the verbose  std membars.
#define CT_MB_ACQ std::memory_order_acquire
#define CT_MB_REL std::memory_order_release
#define CT_MB_RLX std::memory_order_relaxed
#define CT_MB_ACQ_REL std::memory_order_acq_rel
#define CT_MB_SEQ_CST std::memory_order_seq_cst
#define CT_MB(mp_0) std::atomic_thread_fence(mp_0)

// Some global vars directing the show...
#define THREADS 3
#define ITERS 2

// Experimental Stack
struct ct_ecstack
#define WAITNEXT ((node*)0xDEADBEEF)

struct node
std::atomic m_next;
VAR_T(unsigned int) m_data;

node(unsigned int data) : m_next(nullptr), m_data(data) {}

void process()
// simulate some work?
rl::yield(1 + rl::rand(2), $); // ;^)

node* next_wait()
node* next = nullptr;

while ((next = m_next.load(CT_MB_RLX)) == WAITNEXT)
// Humm, we can actually do other work right here...
// Hand off...
rl::yield(1, $);

return next;

std::atomic m_head;

ct_ecstack() : m_head(nullptr) {}

void push(node* n)
n->m_next.store(WAITNEXT, CT_MB_RLX);
node* head = m_head.exchange(n, CT_MB_REL); // release
n->m_next.store(head, CT_MB_RLX);

node* flush_try()
return m_head.exchange(nullptr, CT_MB_ACQ); // acquire

// Relacy Stack Test...
struct ct_ecstack_test
: rl::test_suite
ct_ecstack g_ecstack;

void process()
ct_ecstack::node* n = g_ecstack.flush_try(); // flush all

while (n)
// Process n first, acts like a backoff for the next wait
// Hand off some other nodes? Future note...

// Wait for the next pointer, or hand off?
ct_ecstack::node* next = n->next_wait();

// Destroy
delete n;

// Loop on...
n = next;

void thread(unsigned int tidx)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i)
g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));
g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));
g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));


g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));


// Test away... Or fly? Humm...
int main()
rl::test_params p;

p.iteration_count = 1000;
//p.execution_depth_limit = 3;
//p.search_type = rl::sched_bound;
//p.search_type = rl::fair_full_search_scheduler_type;
//p.search_type = rl::fair_context_bound_scheduler_type;


return 0;

Any thoughts? This should be fairly basic in nature.


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Re: [lock-free] Re: Scalable hash map

2018-12-28 Thread Manuel Pöter
Hi Dmitry,

in one of your last post you wrote:

I've uploaded modified hash map which supports strings (and any other 
> satellite data) as keys/values: 
> http://groups.google.com/group/lock-free/files 
> There is example included which uses strings as both keys and values.

That made me think there was a version that supported non-trivial types.
But reading on it says:

The main idea is that satellite data (strings) must be passed through 
> PDR (Partial-copy-on-write Deferred Reclamation) system [...]

I missed that part when I read that post the first time. So basically you 
have to work with an additional indirection - allocate a pcx-node that 
holds the
string (or whatever type you are using) and use a pointer to that node as 
And of course define a specialization of the concurrent_hash_map_traits for 
node type. Correct?



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[lock-free] Re: Actor scheduler source code availability

2018-12-28 Thread Dmitry Vyukov
On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 1:04 PM Per  wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> First, I want to thank you for the fantastic resource you have put together 
> on 1024cores.net. I have found it very helpful in my studies on lockfree 
> algorithms.
> I have a question that I was hoping you could help me with. The "Case Study: 
> Actor Scheduler" references a scalable, fast and starvation-free actor 
> scheduler written in ~300 lines of C. I was wondering if this scheduler is 
> open sourced? If so, where can I find it?

Hi Per,

Yes, it's referenced right from the bottom of that page (acsc.zip):


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Re: [lock-free] Re: What is the most simple SPSC queue?

2018-12-28 Thread Dmitry Vyukov
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 10:57 AM segn  wrote:
> W dniu czwartek, 13 grudnia 2018 07:54:14 UTC+1 użytkownik segn napisał:
>> Basically I'm looking for implementation of the same queue. In the project, 
>> the same principle was used for both thread-thread single-direction 
>> communication (typical master thread + # of worker threads; each channel is 
>> the SPSC FIFO queue), and for kernel-thread communication.
>> The second one was quite specific: it was using a reserved shared memory 
>> block, used as an C array in a way circular buffer is used (so: FIFO). I 
>> wrote the queue, but surprisingly I've lost memory on this :) I cannot tell 
>> if there was some index `int first_free_idx', it looks like there should be.
> I've found the queue that I've used, I think that many (like me and other's 
> from my team) programmers came up with it on their own, but here it is called 
> Fast-Forward Queue: 
> https://scholar.colorado.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1960=csci_techreports

Hi segn,

There is also something called FastFlow and my version that was faster
than FastFlow in my experiments:


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Re: [lock-free] Re: Scalable hash map

2018-12-28 Thread Dmitry Vyukov
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 1:22 PM  wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for resurrecting this old thread!
> The link to the files (http://groups.google.com/group/lock-free/files) no 
> longer works.
> I've downloaded the hash_map.zip file from your homepage, but this version of 
> the code only supports pod-types of 4 or 8 bytes. I am particularly 
> interested in your solution to support non-trivial key/value types. Any 
> chance this code is still available somewhere?

Hi Manuel,

Maybe non-trivial key/types were never supported? I don't think there
were 2 different versions.


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[lock-free] Re: Scalable hash map

2018-12-28 Thread manuel

sorry for resurrecting this old thread!

The link to the files (http://groups.google.com/group/lock-free/files) no 
longer works.
I've downloaded the hash_map.zip file from your homepage, but this version 
of the code only supports pod-types of 4 or 8 bytes. I am particularly 
interested in your solution to support non-trivial key/value types. Any 
chance this code is still available somewhere?



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[lock-free] Re: What is the most simple SPSC queue?

2018-12-28 Thread segn

W dniu czwartek, 13 grudnia 2018 07:54:14 UTC+1 użytkownik segn napisał:

> Basically I'm looking for implementation of the same queue. In the 
> project, the same principle was used for both thread-thread 
> single-direction communication (typical master thread + # of worker 
> threads; each channel is the SPSC FIFO queue), and for kernel-thread 
> communication.
> The second one was quite specific: it was using a reserved shared memory 
> block, used as an C array in a way circular buffer is used (so: FIFO). I 
> wrote the queue, but surprisingly I've lost memory on this :) I cannot tell 
> if there was some index `int first_free_idx', it looks like there should be.
I've found the queue that I've used, I think that many (like me and other's 
from my team) programmers came up with it on their own, but here it is 
called Fast-Forward Queue: 



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[lock-free] Re: Eventcount with timeout

2018-12-28 Thread Chris M. Thomasson

On Thursday, December 27, 2018 at 9:55:57 PM UTC-8, Artur Brugeman wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thank you for your thoughts on this, my thinking was in line with yours 
> and that's why I tried to add timed waiting in Dmitry's eventcount. I guess 
> I need to spend some more time there and figure it out. 

Iirc, Dmitrys algo used some per-thread waitsets for an eventcount algo. 
Cannot remember right now if it is the same one you are referring to.

Fwiw, one can even spin on the lock for wait_begin, wrt something like:

bool wait_begin_try()
if (! m_mutex.try_lock($)) return false;
m_waitbit.store(1, CT_MB_RLX);
return true;

The predicate loop can look like:

unsigned int signal = 0;

while ((signal = m_signal.load(CT_MB_RLX)) != 2)
if (! g_ecount.wait_begin_try())
rl::yield(1, $);

signal = m_signal.load(CT_MB_RLX);

if (signal == 2)


It can even be adaptive in nature where one can fail the try_lock a couple 
of times, then just lock the sucker!


> On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 4:32:04 AM UTC+5, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
>> On Sunday, December 23, 2018 at 9:30:03 PM UTC-8, Artur Brugeman wrote:
>>> Hi Dmitry,
>>> I want to use your eventcount (took the source from intel forum). 
>>> Currently I was using semaphores, which allowed me to set waiting 
>>> timeout. 
>>> Questions:
>>> 1. Is the source from intel forum 'the latest and stable'? You had a 
>>> pretty long discussion there and I'm not sure the posted sources 
>>> incorporated all the fixes.
>>> 2. Can eventcount support waiting timeouts? Can I just add 'timeout' 
>>> param to prepare_wait and commit_wait and call 'sema.timedwait' instead of 
>>> 'wait'? In fact I did just that and now I get segfaults here and there, so 
>>> not sure it's the way to go.
>>> Can you please share your thoughts on this?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>> Fwiw, a timed wait on an eventcount works as easily as spinning on it wrt 
>> not waiting on a kernel waitset at all. The predicate is the user algorithm 
>> itself. So, imagine if the waits never actually block, but spin around. 
>> Yet, everything still works. Fwiw, the following code, that should compile 
>> with Relacy, is the most simplistic eventcount I can imagine:
>> _
>> ...
>> think if g_ecount.wait_commit(); was timed... It would still work as is. 
>> So, yes an eventcount can easily handle timed waits.


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