On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:22 AM, sbahra <sba...@repnop.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd love your thoughts on
> http://backtrace.io/blog/blog/2015/03/13/workload-specialization/ or at
> least hope it's useful to some folks! I've been using this a few years now,
> and decided to spend some time documenting the mechanism. I saw some folks
> asked for this on this last last year. The implementation was targeting TSO
> environment, and has no atomic operations / barriers there. The original
> implementation is also targeting pure single-writer scenario (but extensions
> available to make it completely linearized, if there's interest in that).

The way you do compaction (Probe Sequence Modification) is very nice!

I don't see any mention of SMR in the Delete section. But I guess you
still require deleted elements to be recycled via SMR, right?

In general, this looks like a good example of limiting requirements
and them implementing an efficient solution for the limited problem.

Thanks for sharing!


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