Re: Help needed on propertyConfigurator

2001-09-16 Thread Claus Wagner

viswa wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I am looking in to the log4j manual.In the following example where
> is he specifing the configuration file. Even in many examples i saw 
> But i haven't seen the file name and location of it. Can anybody tell
> Where is he specifing the location of the file.
> import;
>  import org.apache.log4j.Category;
>  import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
>  public class MyApp {
>static Category cat = Category.getInstance(MyApp.class.getName());
>public static void main(String[] args) {
>  // BasicConfigurator replaced with PropertyConfigurator.
>  PropertyConfigurator.configure(args[0]);
>"Entering application.");
>  Bar bar = new Bar();
>  bar.doIt();
>"Exiting application.");
>  }

args[0] refers to the first command line parameter given to your
application. So if your application is 'MyAapp' and configuration info
is in 'MyApp.config' then you would bring up the app with
  java MyApp MyApp.config


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Re: Escape sequences

2001-09-12 Thread Claus Wagner

"Klovance, Joe" wrote:
> I need to modify log4j to so that I can use a delimiter between the fields
> and be able to replace any occurance of the delimeter in any of the paterns
> with an escape sequence. Where in the code would I do that?
> Joe Klovance

If you would only have the first demand, namely putting a delimiter
between the fields, you would just use a new pattern, e.g.,
"%-4r|%t|%a|%h|%-5p|%c%m%n" if you want a "|" as delimiter. The easiest
way is to choose a delimiter which is garuanteed not to be in any

If you really need to parse the message string, a (good?) place for
doing this is in the forcedLog(...) methods of class Category. But then
you have to subclass from Category and overwrite the forcedLog method

  void forcedLog(String fqcn, Priority priority, Object message,
Throwable t) {

// apply your patches here: change for separators, escape them, etc
patchMessage( message ); // <--- new

callAppenders(new LoggingEvent(fqcn, this, priority, message, t));

But then you must tell CategoryFactory to produce instances of your new
category class. Regarding extending log4j in this way you should have a
look at

Have a closer look at the last sentence in this document: 

"There is one a word of caution concerning the use of configurators that
may create Category instances (such as PropertyConfigurator and
DOMConfigurator). Since these configurators do not know about our
extensions, any Category instances they create will not be
AppServerCategory instances. To prevent this problem, any
AppServerCategory that one might want to be configured through a
should be instantiated before the configure method is invoked. In this
way, the configurator will configure the AppServerCategory that already
rather than creating an instance of its super class. "

Baybe it's not enough just to subclass from Category?

Claus Wagner

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Re: Are we sure log4j is flushing the output for a FileWriter?

2001-08-22 Thread Claus Wagner

Scott Ellsworth wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have a project in which we have used log4j extensively.  Our program logs
> a message on start, so there should be something in the log file pretty
> much instantly, but it appears that if the program is halted suddenly, the
> log file will be completely empty.
> I have tried halting it by closing the Java launcher DOS window, and I note
> that I then get an empty log file.  This is true even if the program has
> been running for five or ten minutes.  I am using a plain old FileAppender,
> which inherits from WriterAppender, and thus ImmediateFlush should force
> the writes to take place within seconds at most.
> If I do not kill the process, then the writes take place either when we
> have a few k in the log buffer, or when the process terminates
> gracefully.  This is normal behavior for buffered output, but I even tried
> explicitly setting ImmediateFlush to see if that made a difference.
> NB - there is quite a bit of time where the program sits idle, so I know
> that the initial message is not getting swallowed by threading or something
> similarly vile.
> I have tried both 1.1.3 and 1.1.2.
> So, can anyone confirm that FileWriter is honoring the immediate flush
> requests under Windows and JDK 1.3.1?
> The config file is below.
> log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A_log
> log4j.appender.A_log=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
> log4j.appender.A_log.Threshold=DEBUG
> log4j.appender.A_log.File=pov.log
> log4j.appender.A_log.ImmediateFlush=true
> log4j.appender.A_log.Append=false
> log4j.appender.A_log.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.A_log.layout.ConversionPattern=%d (%r) %-5p %-30c{2} - %m\n
> Scott Ellsworth


I observed a similar behaviour but with a different appender (a custom
RMI appender). It had to deregister with rmiregistry on shutdown. A
managed this for proper exiting of the application. However, this didn't
work when, for example, the application got killed via Ctrl-C or
something similar.

My solution to this was adding a shudown hook to my application.
Registering the shutdown hook was like

// allocate thread which runs when the Java vm gets killed.

// register that thread with the runtime
Runtime runtime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
runtime.addShutdownHook( cleanupThread );

Where's the best place to put this? The main() or the constructor of the
class holding the resource?

I have an attribute as follows:

CleanupThread cleanupThread;

which is defined as follows (as an inner class):

class CleanupThread extends Thread
public void run() {

The method allocateCleanupThread() may look as follows:

public void allocateCleanupThread () {
if( cleanupThread == null ) {
cleanupThread = new CleanupThread();
//System.out.println( "cleanupThread has been created." );

As said above, I used it to deregister from rmiregistry on sudden Java
virtual machine shutdown via Ctrl-C. But maybe you can use such a thing
also to flush streams or do other resource cleanups.


Claus Wagner

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Re: How to change the type of logging without restarting the application

2001-08-20 Thread Claus Wagner

Sajid Shaikh wrote:
> Is there a way to change the type of logging without restarting the
> application. We are using a property file to specify the categories and
> priorities when the application starts. If we change this property file is
> there a way that log4j will automatically pick up the new property settings
> without restarting the application ?
> Thanks for help in advance.
> Sajid.


PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(...) does the trick.


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Re: Log a localized and parameterized message

2001-07-18 Thread Claus Wagner

Veerappan Saravanan wrote:
> Category has a method called l7dlog to help with parameterization and
> localization. But it doesn't quite do what I would like it to do.
> If I have a resource bundle that has the following entry
> ERROR_101=some error in the system
> then if I call
> l7dlog(Priority.ERROR, ERROR_101, null);
> the output would be
> "some error in the system"
> instead I would like it to print the error code along with the message,
> something like
> "ERROR_101: some error in the system"
> I know of two solutions to this...
> 1. change the resource bundle entry to
> ERROR_101=ERROR_101:some error in the system
> but, this is erorr prone, since developers could always enter the wrong id
> in the message.
> 2. Hack the Category class' l7dlog method to do customize it.
> In this case, every upgrade to log4j, I need to change my Category class,
> which could be a pain.
> Are there any other solutions to this?
> Help appreciated.
> Thanks
> Van

There is another possibility to achieve this (although it is not the
proper place to do it):

override protected void forcedLog(), which is called from l7dlog, and
manipulate your message string therein:

 This method creates a new logging event and logs the event
 without further checks.  */
  void forcedLog(String fqcn, Priority priority, Object message,
Throwable t) {

// message is "some error in the system"
// have a getKey() method
// squeeze the key in front of the original message 
// or make a new string --> new_message

callAppenders(new LoggingEvent(fqcn, this, priority, new_message,


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Re: Log a localized and parameterized message

2001-07-18 Thread Claus Wagner

Veerappan Saravanan wrote:
> Category has a method called l7dlog to help with parameterization and
> localization. But it doesn't quite do what I would like it to do.
> If I have a resource bundle that has the following entry
> ERROR_101=some error in the system
> then if I call
> l7dlog(Priority.ERROR, ERROR_101, null);
> the output would be
> "some error in the system"
> instead I would like it to print the error code along with the message,
> something like
> "ERROR_101: some error in the system"
> I know of two solutions to this...
> 1. change the resource bundle entry to
> ERROR_101=ERROR_101:some error in the system
> but, this is erorr prone, since developers could always enter the wrong id
> in the message.
> 2. Hack the Category class' l7dlog method to do customize it.
> In this case, every upgrade to log4j, I need to change my Category class,
> which could be a pain.
> Are there any other solutions to this?
> Help appreciated.
> Thanks
> Van

Hi Van and list,

I need this, too. 

Ceki: is it possible, e.g., to outsource the message building part of
the l7dlog methods into a separate method? Something similar to

public String buildMessage () {
  String msg = getResourceBundleString(key);
  // if message corresponding to 'key' could not be found in the
  // resource bundle, then default to 'key'.
  if(msg == null) {
msg = key;

  return msg;

Users are then able to override and perform some more exotic string


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Re: different appenders for different levels of severity

2001-06-28 Thread Claus Wagner

Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> Claus,
> They are there. Please see under 
> Regards, Ceki


Ooh, I should have found them before sending the mail

Anyway, I assembled a config file like this, which is not working:

# set root category priority to DEBUG,
# it supports only the console per default
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, consoleApp

# we will use two appenders (destinations): the console (default)
# and 2 log files
# consoleApp is set to be a ConsoleAppender, fileApps go to a file

# name of the logfile
# each log file will have a maximum size of 100 kB
# keep 5 backup files

# name of the logfile
# each log file will have a maximum size of 100 kB
# keep 5 backup files

# consoleApp uses PatternLayout, fileApps too.
# consoleApp uses the short timestamp: milliseconds since startup
log4j.appender.consoleApp.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x
- %m%n

# print the date in ISO 8601 format for the debug file
log4j.appender.debugfileApp.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c -

# print the date in ISO 8601 format for the warn file
log4j.appender.warnfileApp.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c -

# print only messages of priority DEBUG only in the package
log4j.appender.debugFileApp.filter.AcceptOnMatch=true, debugfileApp

# let log4j log itself


The log4j output on parsing the config file is 

log4j: Parsing for [root] with value=[DEBUG, consoleApp].
log4j: Priority token is [DEBUG].
log4j: Category root set to DEBUG
log4j: Parsing appender named "consoleApp".
log4j: Parsing layout options for "consoleApp".
log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x -
log4j: End of parsing for "consoleApp".
log4j: Parsed "consoleApp" options.
log4j: Parsing for [] with value=[DEBUG, debugfileApp].
log4j: Priority token is [DEBUG].
log4j: Category set to DEBUG
log4j: Parsing appender named "debugfileApp".
log4j: Parsing layout options for "debugfileApp".
log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n].
log4j: End of parsing for "debugfileApp".
log4j: Setting property [maxFileSize] to [100KB].
log4j: Setting property [maxBackupIndex] to [5].
log4j:WARN Failed to set property filter to value
"org.apache.log4j.varia.PriorityMatchFilter". No setter for property
log4j: Setting property [file] to [debug.log].
log4j: Parsed "debugfileApp" options.
log4j: Handling[null]
log4j: Finished

File "debug.log' has been created but log4j loggs both levels DEBUG and
WARN into it.

If I disable the package related line, debugfileApp

there are no warnings on startup (of course) but no logfile either (of
course), since I didn't connect a category with an appender. The syntax
of the filter settings seem to be ok.

What's wrong with the above config file?

Any help is welcome!


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different appenders for different levels of severity

2001-06-27 Thread Claus Wagner


I want to use the same category in the same class to log to different
appenders. All logs with severity _only_ DEBUG should go to a file
debug.log, and all logs with severity _only_ WARN should go to file
warn.log, and so on.

The FAQ says that attaching a PriorityMatchFilter to an appender should
do the trick. However, the example configuration files test11.xml and
test12.xml from the javadoc was not found by my browser.

Can anybody give me a hint of how to log exact priority matches into
defined appenders?
Any code snipped of a (non-XML) configuration file is welcome!

Thanks in advance

Claus Wagner

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isEnabledFor() not working?

2001-06-27 Thread Claus Wagner

Hi list,

two questions:

1) there is only isDebugEnabled() and isInfoEnabled() present. Is this
meant to be like so? Are WARN, ERROR, and FATAL not meant to be checked
prior to the corresponding logging method call?

2) when I then try to isEnabledFor( Priority.ERROR ), javac is not able
to resolve symbol Priority. After importing org.apache.log4j.Priority,
javac is not able to resolve isEnabledFor(), though
org.apache.log4j.Category has been imported!

Any advice is appreciated!

Claus Wagner

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