Here's what I do, which is a bit different from the Tomcat instructions.  I pretty much ignore #5 in their instructions....

1.  Modify $CATALINA_BASE/conf/  Change the single line...



I usually also modify $CATALINA_HOME/ with the following, but you can skip this step if you never run Tomcat without using a separate CATALINA_BASE...


2.  Place log4j.jar and in ${catalina.home}/shared (create the directory if it doesn't exist).  You can always override this per/instance by placing in ${catalina.base}/shared, but the default one will always be there and all instances can share log4j.jar from $CATALINA_HOME.  Make sure references ${catalina.base} (as in Tomcat's' documentation) instead of ${catalina.home}.

3.  Replace $CATALINA_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar with tomcat-juli.jar from "extras" and put tomcat-juli-adapters.jar from "extras" into $CATALINA_HOME/lib or $CATALINA_HOME/shared

That's about it.  Hope I didn't miss anything.  I'm kind of doing this from memory.


On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:49:31 +0200
 Peter Magnusson <> wrote:

I have a problem with log4j. Im to set up log4j with tomcat and a basic
setup works fine. Our setup is that we have multiple instances of Tomcat
running on different ports with different $CATALINA_BASE but the same
$CATALINA_HOME, we set this up to be able to start and stop applications
independent from each other.

If i set everything up as described here (disregard
#5) it works fine, only problem is that all instances of tomcat log to the
same file. This is not what i want, i want each instance of tomcat to log to
its own logfile.

So i changed my setup accordning to #5 here , but i
cannot get this to work at all. Its not logging anything when its setup like

First of all, is what im trying to achieve even possible ?
If so, any idea what im doing wrong ? How can i troubleshoot this ?

Any ideas are most welcome, thank you!

Best regards

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