AW: LOG4NET-405 (was Re: [VOTE] Release Log4Net 1.2.13 based on RC2)

2013-11-14 Thread Dominik Psenner
>> Thought of that too, but I decided to let it be in UTF8 cause its the
>> compatible format nowadays whereas ASCII is somewhat antique. What do
>> think?
>IIUC ASCII would have been the implicit body encoding for log4net <
>1.2.12 so when looking for a backwards compatible default this would be
>the most natural choice.
>I'm not sure whether setting the encoding to UTF8 triggers some sort of
>different handling inside of the framweork's SMTP code even if the test
>was pure ASCII.  If it doesn't, then I'm fine with UTF8.
>Maybe we should send two messages with a body only containing ASCII
>letters and compare the raw messages created with encoding set to ASCII
>or UTF8 respectively.

Agreed. FWIW, I found this:

and checking a few of my Gmail's mails it seems they default to UTF8. I've
just spammed test messages, this is the code:

static void Main(string[] args)
MailAddress from = new
MailAddress to = new
string host = "";
int port = 25;
NetworkCredential networkCredentials = new
NetworkCredential("", "bar");
bool enableSsl = true;

Encoding[] subjectEncodings = new Encoding[] {
Encoding.ASCII, Encoding.UTF8 };
Encoding[] bodyEncodings = new Encoding[] {
Encoding.ASCII, Encoding.UTF8 };
List content = new List();
for (byte i = 0x20; i <= 0x7F; i++)
string[] subjects = new string[] { "ASCII:\t" +
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(content.ToArray()), "UTF8:\t" +
Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content.ToArray()) };
string[] bodies = new string[] { "ASCII:\t" +
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(content.ToArray()), "UTF8:\t" +
Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content.ToArray()) };
foreach (Encoding subjectEncoding in
foreach (Encoding bodyEncoding in
foreach (string subject in subjects)
foreach(string body in
BodyEncoding=   {1}
Body=   {3}", subjectEncoding.EncodingName,
bodyEncoding.EncodingName, subject, body);

SendMail(from, to,
string.Format("[LOG4NET-405 Test Mail] [{0}] [{1}] {2}",
subjectEncoding.EncodingName, bodyEncoding.EncodingName, subject),
subjectEncoding, body, bodyEncoding, host, port, networkCredentials,

private static void SendMail(MailAddress from, MailAddress
to, string subject, Encoding subjectEncoding, string body, Encoding
bodyEncoding, string host, int port, NetworkCredential credentials = null,
bool enableSsl = true, SmtpDeliveryMethod deliveryMethod =

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new
using (SmtpClient client = new
SmtpClient(host, port))
client.Timeout = 30 * 1000; // 10
// set properties
client.DeliveryMethod =
client.EnableSsl = enableSsl;
client.UseDefaultCredentials =
(credentials == null);
client.Credentials = credentials;
// send message
using (MailMessage msg = new
msg.From = from;

msg.Body = body;
msg.BodyEncoding =

msg.Subject = subject;

AW: LOG4NET-405 (was Re: [VOTE] Release Log4Net 1.2.13 based on RC2)

2013-11-15 Thread Dominik Psenner
>On 2013-11-14, Dominik Psenner wrote:
>>> I'm not sure whether setting the encoding to UTF8 triggers some sort of
>>> different handling inside of the framweork's SMTP code even if the test
>>> was pure ASCII.  If it doesn't, then I'm fine with UTF8.
>> and checking a few of my Gmail's mails it seems they default to UTF8.
>> just spammed test messages, this is the code:
>OK, looks as if the main difference was UTF8 yields base64 encoding
>while ASCII yields quoted printable.  In general any MUA should be able
>to deal with either and the difference likely is no big deal.  I can
>live with keeping the default at UTF8.

I've come to the same conclusion, thus agreed.