
Só um comentário sobre este projeto:

excelente a iniciativa austríaca de combinar seriamente a IA sub-simbólica
(redes neurais, aprendizado de máquina) com a IA simbólica  (lógica e
raciocínio formalizado em geral).

Uma boa oportunidade para quem está envolvido com lógica paraconsistente,
linear, multivalente, semânticas não -deterministicas,   probalidades
não-standard, e-valor (salve Júlio Stern!),  teoria de jogos  e redes
Bayesianas não- convencionais, entre outras belezas da pesquisa atual.

Vejo que muita coisa do tipo "não-isso", "não-aquilo" tem lugar ai.

Recomendaria ( a nossos estudantes em particular)  prestar atenção na


Precall "Bilateral AI" (50 PhDs, 10 Postdocs), fall 2024
> <>
> Elaine Pimentel <>: Jun 21 06:28AM -0300
> Cluster of Excellence Bilateral Artificial Intelligence
> Pre-Call for Applications
> For the recently established Cluster of Excellence CoE Bilateral Artificial
> Intelligence (BILAI), funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), we are
> looking for more than 50 PhD students and 10 Post-Doc researchers (m/f/d)
> to join our team at one of the six leading research institutions across
> Austria (see below).
> In BILAI, major Austrian players in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are
> teaming up to work towards Broad AI. As opposed to Narrow AI, which is
> characterized by task-specific skills, Broad AI seeks to address a wide
> array of problems, rather than being limited to a single task or domain. To
> develop its foundations, BILAI employs a Bilateral AI approach, effectively
> combining sub-symbolic AI (neural networks and machine learning) with
> symbolic AI (logic, knowledge representation, and reasoning) in various
> ways.
> Harnessing the full potential of both symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches
> can open new avenues for AI, enhancing its ability to solve novel problems,
> adapt to diverse environments, improve reasoning skills, and increase
> efficiency in computation and data use. These key features enable a broad
> range of applications for Broad AI, from drug development and medicine to
> planning and scheduling, autonomous traffic management, and recommendation
> systems.
> Prioritizing fairness, transparency, and explainability, the development of
> Broad AI is crucial for addressing ethical concerns and ensuring a positive
> impact on society.
> The research team is committed to cross-disciplinary work in order to
> provide theory and models for future AI and deployment to applications.
> CoE Research Institutions:
> Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU Linz)
> Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)
> Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU)
> Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
> Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz)
> Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Wien)
> Board of directors:
> Sepp Hochreiter (JKU Linz)
> Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien)
> Thomas Eiter (TU Wien)
> Gerhard Friedrich (AAU)
> Christoph Lampert (ISTA)
> Robert Legenstein (TU Graz)
> Axel Polleres (WU Wien)
> Martina Seidl (JKU Linz)
> The call for applications will open on *** September 1,*** 2024.
> For more information, see
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