Re: [Logica-l] Prêmio CAPES de tese 2022

2022-10-17 Por tôpico 'Ciro Russo UFBA' via LOGICA-L

Parabéns Evelyn, viva!



Il 16/10/2022 18:18, Marcos Silva ha scritto:

Parabéns novamente, Evelyn!

achei aqui um cartoon feito pela sua irmã retratando a banca no dia da sua 
defesa de doutorado. :-) 

On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 5:05 PM Evelyn Erickson > wrote:

Agradeço novamente a todos pelas congratulações e pelo apoio durante a
produção do trabalho! :)

Em dom., 16 de out. de 2022 11:36, Daniel Durante>> escreveu:

Sim, muitos Parabéns para Evelyn!!

Sua tese levou o prêmio CAPES em agosto, e agora o prêmio ANPOF!! E ela
merece mais!!

Parabéns também para a Filosofia da UFRN que fez barba e cabelo nesta
edição do prêmio ANPOF. Ganhamos também a melhor dissertação de
mestrado, com Roberta Cunha Rodrigues (Feminismo e capitalismo: um
rompimento necessário), orientada pela Profa. Maria Cristina Longo
Cardoso Dias. A curiosidade é que Maria Cristina fez doutorado sanduíche
na Escócia e, quando esteve lá, foi colega de Ole Hjortland, o
coorientador de Evelyn, que fazia doutorado por lá na mesma época.

Parabéns também para as filósofas mulheres nordestinas que ganharam os
dois prêmios principais da ANPOF!!

Trabalhar, persistir, resistir e superar!!!

Departamento de Filosofia - (UFRN) 

 > On 15 Oct 2022, at 19:21, Gisele Secco>> wrote:
 > Júbilo! Esperança!
 > Vivas a todas e todos, e um abraço apertado pra Evelyn,
 > G.
 > On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 10:36 AM Joao Marcos>> wrote:
 > Agora também com o prêmio de melhor tese na ANPOF!  Evelyn está de
muitos parabéns.
 > JM
 > On Fri, Aug 12, 2022, 13:34 Daniel Durante>> wrote:
 > Viva!!
 > Obrigado colegas e Muitos parabéns para a Evelyn Que escreveu uma
tese belíssima e fez uma defesa impecável, das mais elogiadas pela banca
que eu já vi. Evelyn merece muito este prêmio, e muito mais. Nós que
participamos do caminho, Eu, que terminei sua orientação, João Marcos,
que iniciou, e Ole, que a co-orientou, certamente também ficamos muito
 > O PPGFIL-UFRN também se orgulha. Em 2020 ganhamos uma menção honrosa
com a tese de João Edson, em filosofia da ciência, e agora o prêmio
principal, com a tese de Evelyn em filosofia da lógica!! E olha que não
foi fácil pré-selecionar a tese de Evelyn por aqui. Havia outras teses
tão boas quanto a dela, como, por exemplo, a de Sanderson Molick,
orientada pelo João Marcos!
 > É isso aí. Uma injeção de ânimo para continuarmos trabalhando e
persistindo. Vamos superar estes tempos tão difíceis!!
 > Saudações,
 > Daniel.
 > Em sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2022 às 11:41:45 UTC-3, Thiago
Nascimento da Silva escreveu:
 > Fico muito feliz por tal conquista. Meus parabéns para Evelyn e para
os Professores Ole e Daniel.
 > Em sex., 12 de ago. de 2022 às 10:04, C. Mortari>> escreveu:
 > Parabéns à Evelyn, Daniel e Ole!
 > Cezar
 > Em 2022-08-12 08:53, Joao Marcos escreveu:
 > >

 > >
 > > O prêmio de tese em Filosofia deste ano veio para a nossa Evelyn
 > > Erickson, orientada por Daniel Durante (e co-orientada por Ole
 > > Hjortland).
 > >
 > > A tese pode ser encontrada aqui:
 > > Rational theory revision in logic: beyond abductivism
 > >

 > >
 > > Parabéns aos envolvidos!
 > > Joao Marcos
 > >
 > > --
 > >

 > --
 > Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
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[Logica-l] XX EBL - Deadline extended

2022-06-04 Por tôpico 'Ciro Russo UFBA' via LOGICA-L


O prazo para submissão para o XX Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica foi estendido.
Por gentileza, compartilhem o arquivo em anexo.



Ciro Russo

Associate Professor
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Campus de Ondina, Av. Milton Santos, Ondina
40170-110 - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google.

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XX EBL - Brazilian Logic Conference

September 12-16, 2022
Salvador - Bahia, Brazil

The Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL) is a traditional event organized by the 
Brazilian Logic Society (SBL) since 1979. It gathers logicians from all 
research areas - Foundations and Philosophy of Science, Analytic Philosophy, 
Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence - and at 
different stages of their careers, from undergraduate students to senior 

Previous editions of the EBL have attracted researchers from all over Latin 
America and elsewhere. In 2022, the EBL will be held at Salvador, the beautiful 
and bewitching capital of the state of Bahia, founded in 1549 in the Bahia de 
Todos os Santos, on the northeastern coast of Brazil.
The XX EBL will be preceeded by the Logic School, which will be held on 
September 10 and 11.

The goal of the EBL meeting is to encourage the dissemination and discussion of 
research papers in Logic in a broad sense. It is expected to have among the 
participants several invited speakers from different continents.

XX EBL - XX Brazilian Logic Conference
Location: Salvador, BA - Brazil
September 12-16, 2022

Call for Contributions - Extended deadline

We cordially invite submissions of contributed talks, in the form of an 
extended abstract, on the general topics of Logic, including, but not limited 
- Philosophical Logic,
- History and Philosophy of Logic,
- Philosophy of Formal Sciences,
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Classical and Non-classical Logics
- Model Theory, 
- Set Theory,
- Algebraic Logic,
- Proof Theory,
- Foundations of Computer Science,
- Computability Theory,
- Artificial Intelligence.

Abstracts should be submitted via the EasyChair system at the following link: Abstracts must be written in 
Portuguese, Spanish or English, and have a length of maximum 3 pages including 
title, name, keywords, affiliation and the essential bibliography, using the 
LaTeX template downloadable here:

The XX EBL will also host poster sessions, especially suitable for ongoing or 
early-stage works. Abstracts for posters can be submitted using the same link 
for oral presentation submissions, and then choosing the "Poster" option when 

Proposals for round tables and small workshops are welcome too. We encourage 
the proponents to get in touch with any of the co-chairs of the Scientific 
Committee (Hermann Haeusler, Ciro Russo, and Gisele Secco) for more detailed 
information on the submission process for such kind of proposals. 

The deadline for all kinds of submission has been extended to June 19, 2022.

Talks may be given in Portuguese, Spanish or English, and each contributed 
speaker will have 20 minutes for the exposition plus 10 minutes for questions 
and discussion.

The Scientific Committee will consider the following criteria in order to 
select the contributions:
- relevance and importance of the topic,
- originality,
- quality of work.

The list of accepted contributions will be released on July 17, 2022. 
At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for presenting the 
work at the meeting. Each given participant may coauthor more than one paper, 
but will only be allowed to present a single talk.

A call for papers for the proceedings of the XX EBL shall be launched after the 

Registration to conference is now open:

More information about the Meeting and the venue can be found on the event's 
web page:

We apologize for multiple copies.

Hermann Haeusler, Ciro Russo, and Gisele Secco (co-chairs)

hermann AT
ciro.russo AT
gisele.secco AT

[Logica-l] XX EBL - Second Call for Contributions

2022-05-04 Por tôpico 'Ciro Russo UFBA' via LOGICA-L

XX EBL - Brazilian Logic Conference

September 12-16, 2022
Salvador - Bahia, Brazil

The Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL) is a traditional event organized by the 
Brazilian Logic Society (SBL) since 1979. It gathers logicians from all research 
areas - Foundations and Philosophy of Science, Analytic Philosophy, Mathematics, 
Computer Science, Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence - and at different 
stages of their careers, from undergraduate students to senior researchers.

Previous editions of the EBL have attracted researchers from all over Latin 
America and elsewhere. In 2022, the EBL will be held at Salvador, the beautiful 
and bewitching capital of the state of Bahia, founded in 1549 in the Bahia de 
Todos os Santos, on the northeastern coast of Brazil.
The XX EBL will be preceeded by the Logic School, which will be held on 
September 10 and 11.

The goal of the EBL meeting is to encourage the dissemination and discussion of 
research papers in Logic in a broad sense. It is expected to have among the 
participants several invited speakers from different continents.

XX EBL - XX Brazilian Logic Conference
Location: Salvador, BA - Brazil
September 12-16, 2022

Second Call for Contributions

We cordially invite submissions of contributed talks, in the form of an extended 
abstract, on the general topics of Logic, including, but not limited to:

- Philosophical Logic,
- History and Philosophy of Logic,
- Philosophy of Formal Sciences,
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Classical and Non-classical Logics
- Model Theory,
- Set Theory,
- Algebraic Logic,
- Proof Theory,
- Foundations of Computer Science,
- Computability Theory,
- Artificial Intelligence.

Abstracts should be submitted via the EasyChair system at the following link: Abstracts must be written in 
Portuguese, Spanish or English, and have a length of maximum 3 pages including 
title, name, keywords, affiliation and the essential bibliography, using the 
LaTeX template downloadable here:

The XX EBL will also host poster sessions, especially suitable for ongoing or 
early-stage works. Abstracts for posters can be submitted using the same link 
for oral presentation submissions, and then choosing the "Poster" option when 

Proposals for round tables and small workshops are welcome too. We encourage the 
proponents to get in touch with any of the co-chairs of the Scientific Committee 
(Hermann Haeusler, Ciro Russo, and Gisele Secco) for more detailed information 
on the submission process for such kind of proposals.

The deadline for all kinds of submission is June 5, 2022.

Talks may be given in Portuguese, Spanish or English, and each contributed 
speaker will have 20 minutes for the exposition plus 10 minutes for questions 
and discussion.

The Scientific Committee will consider the following criteria in order to select 
the contributions:

- relevance and importance of the topic,
- originality,
- quality of work.

The list of accepted contributions will be released on July 9, 2022.
At least one author of each accepted abstract must register for presenting the 
work at the meeting. Each given participant may coauthor more than one paper, 
but will only be allowed to present a single talk.

A call for papers for the proceedings of the XX EBL shall be launched after the 

Registration to conference is now open:

More information about the Meeting and the venue can be found on the event's web 

We apologize for multiple copies.

Hermann Haeusler, Ciro Russo, and Gisele Secco (co-chairs)

hermann AT
ciro.russo AT
gisele.secco AT

Ciro Russo

Associate Professor
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Campus de Ondina, Av. Milton Santos, Ondina
40170-110 - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google.

Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse