Open Call for Papers
                         Proceedings of ThEdu'22
             Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software
                         to be published by EPTCS,
            Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science


   The workshop ThEdu'22 happened on Aug 11, 2022, as a satellite of
   FLoC 2022, as a very lively meeting.  The programme was comprised of
   two invited talks, by Yoni Zohar, from Bar Ilan University, and by
   Thierry Dana-Picard, from the Jerusalem College of Technology, as
   well as four regular contributions (with one remote presentation),
   whose abstracts, presentations and videos may be found in the
   workshop's webpage.

   Now the proceedings are being planned, intending to collect full
   versions of the contributed papers, as well as new contributions.
   The contributions' range of topics is diverse, according to ThEdu's
   scope, and this is a call for papers, open to everyone, also those
   who did not participate in the workshop.  All papers will undergo
   reviewing according to the EPTCS standards.

ThEdu'22 Scope:

   Computer Theorem Proving is becoming a paradigm as well as a
   technological base for a new generation of educational software in
   science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This volume of
   EPTCS intends to bring together experts in automated deduction with
   experts in education in order to further clarify the shape of the
   new software generation and to discuss existing systems.

Topics of interest include:

  * methods of automated deduction applied to checking students' input;
  * methods of automated deduction applied to prove post-conditions
    for particular problem solutions;
  * combinations of deduction and computation enabling systems to
    propose next steps;
  * automated provers specific for dynamic geometry systems;
  * proof and proving in mathematics education.

Important Dates

  * Submission (Full Papers): 7 November 2022
  * Notification of acceptance: 12 December 2022
  * Revised papers due: 9 January 2023


   We welcome submission of full papers (12--20 pages) presenting
   original unpublished work which is not being submitted for
   publication elsewhere.

   All contributions will be reviewed (at least three blind reviews) to
   meet the high standards of EPTCS.

   The authors should comply with the "instructions for authors", LaTeX
   style files and accept the "Non-exclusive license to distribute" of
   EPTCS: Instructions for authors (, LaTeX style
   file and formatting instructions ( as well as

   Papers should be submitted via EasyChair,

Program Committee

   Francisco Botana, University of Vigo at Pontevedra, Spain
   David Cerna, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
   João Marcos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (editor)
   Filip Maric, University of Belgrade, Serbia
   Adolfo Neto, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil
   Walther Neuper, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (editor)
   Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra, Portugal (editor)
   Giselle Reis, Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, Qatar
   Vanda Santos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
   Anders Schlichtkrull, Aalborg University, Denmark
   Wolfgang Schreiner, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
   M. Pilar Vélez, Nebrija University, Spain
   Jørgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

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