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Call for Papers for the
XVII Brazilian Logic Conference
(EBL 2014)

7-11 April 2014
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - Petrópolis (RJ)


Extended deadline for submission of papers:

              *** January 7, 2014 ***

The Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL) is a traditional event on the
agenda of several prominent researchers in Brazil and Latin America in
the areas of Logic, Foundations and Philosophy of Science, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Informatics, and Artificial Intelligence.

Previous editions of the EBL have been a great success, attracting
researchers from all over Latin America and elsewhere. The EBL has
become an important meeting point and discussion forum for students
and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic.

In 2014, the EBL will be held at the National Laboratory for
Scientific Computing (LNCC), at Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro.

The goal of the EBL is to encourage the dissemination and discussion
of research papers in the area of Logic and their interconnections
with the areas of Foundations and Philosophy of Science, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Informatics, and Artificial Intelligence.

Topics include:

Philosophical and Mathematical Logic, and Applications;
History and Philosophy of Logic;
Non-classical Logic and Applications;
Philosophy of Formal Sciences;
Foundations of Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics,

among others.

Keynote Speakers

Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes)
José Luiz Fiadeiro (University of Leicester)
Nick Galatos (University of Denver)
Delia Kesner (Université Paris Diderot)
Tor Sandqvist (Royal Institute of Technology)
Wagner de Campos Sanz (UFG)
Jairo José da Silva (UNESP)
Gem Stapleton (University of Brighton)
Göran Sundhom (Universiteit Leiden)

The previous editions of this conference were held in Campinas (1977),
Campinas (1978), Recife (1979), Campinas (1980), Campinas (1981),
São José dos Campos (1983), Rio de Janeiro (1984), São José dos Campos
(1986), São Paulo (1988), Itatiaia (1993), Salvador (1996), Itatiaia
(1999), Campinas (2003), Itatiaia (2006), Paraty (2008) and Petrópolis (2011).

Logic School

Starting with EBL 2008, the conference includes a Logic School aimed at
undergraduate and graduate students with interest in Logic and related
fields, but also open to all interested parties. The Logic School will
happen on 5-6 April 2014, at the Instituto de Matemática e Estatística of
the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), at Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.

For more information on courses and registration, please check the
Logic School website at:


Program committee of the Logic School

Renata de Freitas (UFF)
Petrucio Viana (UFF)

Call for Papers

We invite submissions on the general topics of Logic. Submissions
should be in Portuguese, Spanish or English, from 2 (two) to a maximum
of 10 (ten) pages including a short abstract (maximum 20 lines) and
references. The author(s) should send a .pdf file by email to
ebl2...@vm.uff.br until January 07, 2014.

Papers may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English, within a
time interval of 20 (exposition) + 10 (questions) minutes.

The Scientific Committee will consider the following items when
selecting the accepted papers:

1. Relevance and importance of the topic.
2. Originality.
3. Quality of work.
4. Academic relevance of the author.

The list of accepted papers will be released on January 15, 2014.
At least one author of each accepted paper must present the paper at
the meeting.

Scientific Committee

Ofelia Alas (USP)
Carlos Areces (Córdoba, Argentina)
Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (UnB)
Jean-Yves Béziau (UFRJ)
Carlos Caleiro (TU Lisbon, Portugal)
Walter Carnielli (UNICAMP)
Marcelo Coniglio (UNICAMP)
Newton da Costa (UFSC)
Richard L. Epstein (Advanced Reasoning Forum, USA)
Marcelo Finger (USP)
Rodrigo Freire (UNICAMP)
Lou Goble (Willamette University, USA)
Lew Gordeev (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
Edward Hermann Haeusler (PUC-Rio) - co-chair
Jose Iovino (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, France)
Lucia Junqueira (USP)
Décio Krause (UFSC)
João Marcos (UFRN)
Maria da Paz Nunes de Medeiros (UFRN)
Francisco Miraglia (USP)
Valéria de Paiva (Nuance Communications, USA)
Elaine Pimentel (UFMG)
Carlos Di Prisco (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas,
Petrucio Viana (UFF) - co-chair
Andrés Villaveces (UNAL, Colombia)
Renata Wassermann (USP)

****** Important Dates ******

Submission of papers: January 07, 2014 *** extended ***
Notification: January 15, 2014
Registration of authors of accepted papers: February 10, 2014
Conference: April 07-11, 2014




SBL - Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica (Brazilian Logic Society)
CLE - Centro de Lógica, Filosofia e História da Ciência, UNICAMP
Departamento de Filosofia, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, UFF

Organizing Committee

Mario Benevides (UFRJ)
Fabio Bertato (UNICAMP)
Walter Carnielli (UNICAMP)
Oswaldo Chateaubriand Filho (PUC-Rio) - co-chair
Marcelo Correa (UFF)
Hércules Feitosa (UNESP)
Renata de Freitas (UFF)
Hugo Mariano (USP)
Ítala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano (UNICAMP) - co-chair
Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC-Rio, UFRJ) - co-chair
Frank Sautter (UFSM)
Samuel G. da Silva (UFBA)
Sheila Veloso (UERJ)
Maria Inés Corbalán (Aluna de doutorado, UNICAMP)
Maria Priscilla Coelho (Aluna de doutorado, PUC-Rio)
Bruno Lopes (Aluno de doutorado, PUC-Rio)
Leandro Suguitani (Aluno de doutorado, UNICAMP)


Universidade Federal da Bahia - http://www.portal.ufba.br

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