RE: Grammar (was: Re: Online Chat)

2001-04-04 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: Grammar (was: Re: Online Chat)

Dave said:


Wrong. There was a concerted effort by the loony left to destroy
decent education in favour of whatever trendy piffle that was the
order of the day.

I had to unlearn the reading I knew before I went to school in favour
of some stupid phonetic system (anyone remember ITA?) in 1970, finally
culminating in a personal battle with Shirley Williams in 1975 to get
me into one of the last remaining decent schools in Hemel. Eventually
I was packed off to a prep school instead of a hellhole comprehensive
and actually being stretched (I had to catch up two years _in_ two

As a child of '72 I too suffered from the phonetic system. Sadly I moved schools in that time and could already read just fine. I still think about the 'ae' joined thingy and shudder.

On the other hand not using decent grammar because it wasn't taught seems a bit lazy. Admittedly I'm not the best at written words in emails but I figure most intelligent people will rise above their background as the situation dictates.

An example (although slightly irrelevant to most of you it is still appropriate) I come from Luton. Most people who live there say Lu'on (or something). Many people have asked me over the years where I come from and don't believe me when I answer. This is a case of using 'Standard English' instead of the quasi-cockney patois the Lutonians espouse!

Of course - I don't talk like some toff!


Darren Clarke
Perl Padawan

I use Perl for knowledge and defence


2001-04-04 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: Test

Sorry all - this is a test... :¬P

Bloomin' Outlook  HTML ... *grumble*

Newbie Loser


2001-04-04 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: 

It appears I have been remiss with the HTML/text thing - I can only blame Outlook for this since I have set it to text but didn't check the 'format switch' on each mail.

Sincere apologies to all :¬P


RE: Jedi

2001-04-03 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: Jedi

Dave used his mastery of the dark side and suggested:

I was listening to 5 live in the car today and a caller pointed out
that in the census, it takes 20,000 people to make a religion official
and rather than use his usual agnostic box, he was going to put down

This is a Good Thing :-)

Spread the word.

I can get my whole household signed up to that!

Darren Clarke

RE: Crazy Idea

2001-04-03 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: Crazy Idea

Greg came up with the excellent suggestion:

How would people in like a one night camp out, subject
to the FM issue going away. The plan would be - we bundle into
vehicles on a given afternoon (probably saturday), go to a farm
shop and get lots of cider, and then spend the night around a
camp fire, drinking and talking.

Is the cider compulsory or can other fermented fruit|vegetable|grain products be imbibed?

Either way I would be up for it!

I shall have to brush up on my ghost stories :¬)

Darren Clarke
Padawan (which is what I meant earlier when I wrote padouin...)

That book

2001-03-22 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: That book

What was that book that Dave criticised on Amazon about 2 months ago?

The one where the author emailed a reply which was passed around at the February social meeting?


Darren Clarke


RE: That book

2001-03-22 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: That book

At Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:38:48 -, Clarke, Darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What was that book that Dave criticised on Amazon about 2 months ago?
 The one where the author emailed a reply which was passed around at 
 the February social meeting?

Dave Cross replied:
It was Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual Quickstart Guide) 
by Elizabeth Castro

I've just rememebered that I put my review on your site as well.

Having exchanged emails with the author and studied the book far more
closely, I've come to the conclusion that it's nowehere near as bad as
I thought. I've asked Amazon to remove the review and should probably 
get Waterstones to do the same.

Don't get me wrong - it's not a good book by any means, it's just not
_as_ bad as I originally said.

Fair enough - I just fancied reading your review :¬)


RE: That book

2001-03-22 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: RE: That book

Dave wrote:
Well, it's still on the Waterstones site atm, but I'd appreciate it if
you could lose it.

It's part of a kind of deal that we struck. She agreed to listen to my
suggestions if I stopped slagging her off in public :)

My current target is Open Source Linux Web Programming by
Christopher Jones and Crew Batchelor. You can see my review of _that_
at I've been
exchanging emails with one of the authors, who has already admitted
that they don't really get Perl and were far more interested in the
Java chapters later on.

Your review has now been removed from Waterstones. I just wish the Waterstone's recommended list was as easy to manipulate :¬P

Nice review by the way...when I write my life story I think I shall have to get you to check it first - it may be scarily inaccurate!

Darren Clarke


'Dave told me to do it'

An enquiry

2001-03-15 Thread Clarke, Darren
Title: An enquiry

If this is anappropriate for this list the please accept my apologies.

Is anyone looking for an experienced web designer who is looking to pick up Perl and run with it?


Darren Clarke