Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Richard Foley
On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 02:17:40PM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
 And besides, I don't think I'd really want to work with a programmer
 who didn't know what the Fibonacci sequence is :-)

I'd rather work with a good programmer who can't answer your question slickly
in the heat of an interview, (whatever clever question you think up during your
coffee break while chatting with a group of people about how to think up the
best interview question), than a bad programmer who impresses you with a
predictable memory trick during an interview, (aren't we so cool because we
know the same things as each other?)


Richard Foley

Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Jason Clifford
On Wed, 2012-09-05 at 09:01 +0200, Richard Foley wrote:
  And besides, I don't think I'd really want to work with a programmer
  who didn't know what the Fibonacci sequence is :-)
 I'd rather work with a good programmer who can't answer your question slickly
 in the heat of an interview, (whatever clever question you think up during 
 coffee break while chatting with a group of people about how to think up the
 best interview question), than a bad programmer who impresses you with a
 predictable memory trick during an interview, (aren't we so cool because we
 know the same things as each other?)

That's fair generally however the question isn't particularly clever and
doesn't require you to know any memory trick at all. It's just a very
simple test to see if you can take a simple specification and turn it
into some kind of code with the added bonus of seeing whether the
candidate spots potentials issues with it.

As for not knowing what the Fibonacci sequence is I agree that it's not
a particularly good test but if it is specified as either of the two
questions that were suggested then it's irrelevant whether you recognise
and name the equation so long as you can do as asked surely.


Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Smylers
David Hodgkinson writes:

 On 4 Sep 2012, at 16:07, Smylers wrote:
  Piers Cawley writes:
   Tower of Hanoi is always a better example for solving with
   recursion than the fibobloodynacci sequence. If nothing else, the
   recursive solution isn't quite so immediately obvious from the
   problem, the terminating condition is obvious and an iterative
   solution isn't quite so hogwhimperingly more efficient.
  Yes, that's much better.
 When was the last time you recursed in day to day web type code?

The point I was trying to make in the part of my message you snipped is
that different teams value different skills.

If you don't feel that adeptness with recursion is what marks out the
really useful people in your team, then ask about something else

That a particular question is only relevant to some teams doesn't make
it a poor question in the abstract.

New series of TV puzzle show 'Only Connect' (some questions by me)
Mondays at 20:30 on BBC4, or iPlayer:

Re: Brainbench perl test

2012-09-05 Thread Chris Jack

One other point I wanted to make on this debate was:

No matter how strongly each of us feels about what is or is not a legitimate or 
worthwhile interview question: part of the benefit of having this discussion is 
finding out what other people think is important in an interview. Even if we 
sway the opinions of people in this forum about what interview questions to 
ask, at the end of the day interviewing is a game and being able to give more 
complete answers to less worthwhile questions is part of the process.

Hence these are the sorts of things we need to swot up on.

My general aim in an interview is to present the interviewer with a number of 
things they didn't know. Hopefully of which a few are of broad practical use. I 
might argue that memo-ization is a minor, occasionally useful feature of perl, 
but knowing about memo-ization shows I have studied perl in more depth than the 
people who don't know about it.

I also think it is good to be upfront in interviews about things you haven't 
done and somewhat humble in assessing your skill level. For the latter, the 
interviewer is unlikely to take your assessment at face value and over delivery 
in the interview is not a bad habit to get into. Perl is a huge subject and 
things like Moose start to challenge what the language is. Many modules are 
more like language extensions than perl per se.

I start to doubt that anyone is a master of all areas of perl any more. At 
which point I could go off and have a little rant about a number of people who 
have written about DBI who are obviously somewhat clueless about a few things 
about databases (but I won't).


Re: Brainbench perl test - girl friday?

2012-09-05 Thread Richard Foley
I concur.

Slightly OT: My daughter is looking for a job in London, but does NOT know
anything about the Fibonacci sequence. Girl-friday/actress type of thing?


Richard Foley

On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 09:11:06AM +0100, Jason Clifford wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-09-05 at 09:01 +0200, Richard Foley wrote:
   And besides, I don't think I'd really want to work with a programmer
   who didn't know what the Fibonacci sequence is :-)
  I'd rather work with a good programmer who can't answer your question 
  in the heat of an interview, (whatever clever question you think up during 
  coffee break while chatting with a group of people about how to think up the
  best interview question), than a bad programmer who impresses you with a
  predictable memory trick during an interview, (aren't we so cool because we
  know the same things as each other?)
 That's fair generally however the question isn't particularly clever and
 doesn't require you to know any memory trick at all. It's just a very
 simple test to see if you can take a simple specification and turn it
 into some kind of code with the added bonus of seeing whether the
 candidate spots potentials issues with it.
 As for not knowing what the Fibonacci sequence is I agree that it's not
 a particularly good test but if it is specified as either of the two
 questions that were suggested then it's irrelevant whether you recognise
 and name the equation so long as you can do as asked surely.

Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Abigail
On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 12:25:57PM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
 On 09/04/2012 08:03 AM, Mr I wrote:

 I've literally had people who were Senior programmers (whatever that
 means) who, when given the instructions Given that fib(n) is equal to
 fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) write a fib function in any language didn't even
 get to the

sub fib {
  my $n = shift;
  return fib($n-1)+fib($n-2);

 IMHO this is a typical example of an awful question!

 It requires additional knowledge of the problem domain NOT asked by the
 interviewer.Your assumption is that the candidiate knows:

 a) the fibonacci sequence
 b) mathematically how to calculate (included recurrence)

 why do they need to know it? they are given the formula!!

 and they can do a linear version if they don't know recursion.

 and knowing recursion is a good coding test to filter out the wannabes  
 from the serious coders.

No. Well, it filters out the wannabees. It doesn't recognize the serious
coder. If, given the Fibonacci sequence, or a similar recursive formula,
and your first instinct is to solve it with recursion or iteration, you
aren't serious.

Your first instinct should be Is there a generating function I can use?.


Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Paul Makepeace
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Abigail wrote:
 Your first instinct should be Is there a generating function I can use?.

Try not to blow your cache pipeline with all that silly branching,

sub fib {
  my $n = shift;
  int(0.5 + (0.5+0.5*sqrt 5) ** $n / sqrt 5);

High five! :-)


Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Peter Sergeant
On Wednesday, September 5, 2012, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Abigail javascript:;
  Your first instinct should be Is there a generating function I can

 Try not to blow your cache pipeline with all that silly branching,

 sub fib {
   my $n = shift;
   int(0.5 + (0.5+0.5*sqrt 5) ** $n / sqrt 5);

 High five! :-)

My favourite, especially given that:

Given that fib(n) is equal to fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

... in its current form arguably simplifies to fib(n) = ⊥

Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 The spec for fib() was given; the spec for ved() was not. That is the

No, neither were spec'd enough to code from.  (As is true for every
spec I've ever seen.)

Either should lead to questions before a single character of coding.
And the questions I'd ideally like to see from the fib problem aren't
just what is the value of the element at position 0 and 1, (which
assumes the sequence starts at 0, something not in the problem statement)
but about what the expected range of input is, what to do with invalid
input, even the relative importance of startup time cost vs per call
cost (a lookup table may be a better choice than memoization) and the
memory resources available.

And if you are looking for how and what questions someone asks and how
the resulting conversation goes, fib() provides a trap where someone
familiar with the sequence may assume instead of asking, which IMO is
a reasonable response given the name of the function.  So ved() wins
in my book.

Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 01:03:22PM +0100, Mr I said:
 IMHO this is a typical example of an awful question!
 It requires additional knowledge of the problem domain NOT asked by the
 interviewer.Your assumption is that the candidiate knows:
 a) the fibonacci sequence
 b) mathematically how to calculate (included recurrence)

Except for the part where I don't assume that and I tell them exactly 
how to do it. The fact that it happens to be the fibonacci sequence is 
almost incidental.

What I'm looking for is 

- for them to spot that there's going to be base cases
- that they notice they'll be doing duplicate work 
- how they think about how to prevent doing duplicate work
- potential other solutions (i.e iteration)

In my defense I'm not a monster in interviews, lounging archly in the 
corner and occasionally sneering Oh, you can't even do THAT? Where do 
you learn to program? Clown School? and then spraying them with water.

I just want to see how people solve problems - if they get stuck I'll 
gently ask questions that point in the right direction. 

Just as an aside: one of my other favourite interview questions is I 
got to a web page in a browser, what happens? which is basically a 
Rorschach test.


Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread Gordon Banner

On 05/09/2012 17:35, Abigail wrote:
No. Well, it filters out the wannabees. It doesn't recognize the 
serious coder. If, given the Fibonacci sequence, or a similar 
recursive formula, and your first instinct is to solve it with 
recursion or iteration, you aren't serious. Your first instinct should 
be Is there a generating function I can use?. Abigail 

I used to do a lot of interviews with brand new graduates, and quite 
often asked the CompSci ones to write me a factorial function (though 
Fibonacci would have done just as well).  I don't recall any cases where 
knowledge of the maths was a problem; and the simple implementation was 
not intended as a filter, it just got them into the programming mindset.

Of course, almost all of them would use recursion, and my real interest 
was in the follow-on discussion why did you do it that way?, and how 
long it took them to twig that while factorials are a good illustration 
of recursion, recursion isn't necessarily a good implementation of 

However, if interviewing, say, an engineer or physicist with self-taught 
practical knowledge of programming, you usually wouldn't get the same 
reflex response, and I'd probably not bother with that question...


Interview Questions (was: Brainbench)

2012-09-05 Thread Daniel Perrett
Given that fib(n) is equal to fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) write a fib
function in any language

The fib(n) task as stated tests three things of the candidate:

- Are you confident enough to consider that the interviewer might be
presenting a problem as complete which in fact requires some more
info? (And to risk asking?)
- Can you spot the trick in the question?
- Can you perform the fully specified programming tasks, once you've
spotted the trick?

While I wouldn't say those are invalid, the question for you, the
interviewer, is do they tell you what you need to know?; the answer
may depend a lot on whether you're after someone you are expecting to
train up or someone you expect to be refactoring your legacy code in
their first week. I'm going to assume something closer to the former.

The confidence issue is a big question and I'd argue you need to
mitigate it. It's going to depend on all sorts of factors including
how stressed they are (if it's their ideal job, the answer is *very*),
how many people you've interviewed (i.e. how impatient you seem), and
whether it's before or after lunch. Whatever problem you set, you
should do make it clear you expect people to ask questions (even dumb
ones). Sure, hubris is a Programmers' Virtue and a good employee will
be confidently asking tricky questions and poking holes in the spec,
but compared to the interview room that's a very different social
relationship. Confidence (natural, socialised, or situational) gives
you an advantage in interviews anyway, and I think it's important to
avoid increasing that advantage.

Spot the trick can be a useful skill, in fact, you can argue it's
similar to the skills we use for debugging, but it's impossible to
gauge reliably based on one problem (especially when the problem is
equivalent to a well-known one which people might know by chance
rather than because they figured out you need the additional info).
And because the problem is mathematical, people with academic
mathematics-like backgrounds will see that quicker, and I suspect
that's going to end up selecting for a less diverse range of
experiences/ideas/approaches/demographics than you'd like (but hey,
maybe you feel strongly linguists will mess up your Perl code, I
dunno). If you want to do Spot the trick, avoid known sequences. But
because you don't want people to focus on trying to guess if it's ok
to question the question in an interview, I would simply recommend
saying 'Here is a function to do X, it doesn't work: why not/what does
it do instead?'.

Performing defined programming tasks is something you might want to
test, but you could do a selection of simple and clear tasks in a
pre-interview question without the trick, It's a filtering question.
If you're doing this, I would recommend something which people can
picture rather than just numbers, e.g. triangle numbers, as this
minimises the chances that you're explaining things less than clearly
or in a way inaccessible to the candidate, or in a way which makes
them pore over the wording looking for tricks. (I know I just said
avoid defined sequences but that was if you were testing something
else; I am suggesting you choose one or the other).

Things it doesn't necessarily test for, but which you might be interested in:

- Is the candidate able to grasp and apply the principles of
recursion, even if they've not used it before in a language?
- Can the candidate turn an iterative function into a recursive one?
- Does the candidate know (or can they meaningfully discuss) when it
is best to use recursion?

I'm writing this not because I think it's heresy to use this task, but
to use it as an example to think through why we do tasks in
recruitment. We need to think hard about and talk a lot about these
questions, because we are Perl devs and not HR experts.

So I guess as a positive recommendation: rather than a simple is
problem X good or bad?, the question we should be asking ourselves is
I want someone who is capable of doing A/B/C, and I am also
interested about what they know about X/Y/Z. How do I design and
present my problems so that as far as possible they identify all those
and only those who can do A/B/C and give them the opportunity to
demonstrate their knowledge of X/Y/Z?


Re: Interview Questions (was: Brainbench)

2012-09-05 Thread Joel Bernstein
On 5 September 2012 23:15, Daniel Perrett wrote:
 The fib(n) task as stated tests three things of the candidate

You're missing a key point of interviewing. The task is used to test
how the candidate thinks, how they ask questions, how they explore a
problem space etc. It has to be discussed and interpreted - simply
marking an emailed submission of code to solve fib(n) would be

As an interviewer your job is to measure their abilities/deficits with
regard to understanding and exploring new subjects, at least as they
relate to the kind of work you'll be asking them to do. It's not even
just about assuring yourself that they're capable of doing the job,
you need to be sure it's a job that will satisfy and interest them.
I've never set anybody the fib() test but I find it very enlightening
to work through a programming task with a prospective candidate.

Really I find interviews are less about individual questions or tasks,
and more about where the conversation goes based on them, and the
interviewer's abilities to steer the conversation and to assess the
candidate based on those discussions. Which is one reason why
pre-interview screening tests for developers only go so far. It is
arguable of course that my methods may select for more articulate
programmers but I do try to ensure that the interviews are relaxed and
friendly. If a capable engineer can't communicate in those
circumstances there's always a doubt about how much they will be able
to offer in a team anyway.


Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-09-05 Thread David Cantrell
On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 09:51:27PM +0100, Gordon Banner wrote:

 Of course, almost all of them would use recursion, and my real interest 
 was in the follow-on discussion why did you do it that way?, and how 
 long it took them to twig that while factorials are a good illustration 
 of recursion, recursion isn't necessarily a good implementation of 

Nor's a naive iterative method though - it takes no time at all before
you overflow your ints and then (assuming that you're aware of this and use
bigints, instead of just doing a fandango on core^Wvariable) every
single operation after that is on bigints, and so is like trying to suck
molasses through a straw.

I've been working on-and-off on a way to reduce the number of bigint
operations, but I keep running into other expensive functions.  The best
I've come up with so far:
  * requires a function to return the nth prime
  * requires a function to return the number of primes less than n
  these are required to get a list of the factorial's factors. You
  could use a lookup table - but then, why not just have a table of
  * is NP-complete if you want to really minimise bigint ops
  the knapsack problem, breaking that list into sub-lists whose
  products are all just under 2^32 (or 2^64, or ...).

And being NP-complete is the least of my problems, because the previous
two functions *don't exist yet* and very clever people have been failing
to find them for, oh, at least 150 years.

Oh, and it's wrong anyway, because it misses some repeated prime factors :-)

But hey, it's something to keep me out of trouble.

David Cantrell | Hero of the Information Age

Do not be afraid of cooking, as your ingredients will know and misbehave
   -- Fergus Henderson

Re: Interview Questions (was: Brainbench)

2012-09-05 Thread Avishalom Shalit
ok now that the subject line has changed to reflect the interview process,
here is what i think the ideal interview is (experienced this both as
interviewee and as hiring manager.)

it should be a very short internship,
i.e. here is a masked part of a problem we are working on, lets discuss
this for a bit, then i'll let you work on this 2 hours and we'll meet again
to discuss.

when I interviewed (for another company some time ago) the entire algo team
showed up for the post work review, and this happened twice, it was a 7
hour day. (~3.5 hours per problem)

when i interviewed , i started with a homework question and then discussed
it in the interview. (and asked followups)
nothing like seeing someone do actual work, while looking over his shoulder
on an actual computer.
here, this is the entry
point, have a look.
-- vish

On 5 September 2012 23:12, Joel Bernstein wrote:

 On 5 September 2012 23:15, Daniel Perrett
  The fib(n) task as stated tests three things of the candidate

 You're missing a key point of interviewing. The task is used to test
 how the candidate thinks, how they ask questions, how they explore a
 problem space etc. It has to be discussed and interpreted - simply
 marking an emailed submission of code to solve fib(n) would be

 As an interviewer your job is to measure their abilities/deficits with
 regard to understanding and exploring new subjects, at least as they
 relate to the kind of work you'll be asking them to do. It's not even
 just about assuring yourself that they're capable of doing the job,
 you need to be sure it's a job that will satisfy and interest them.
 I've never set anybody the fib() test but I find it very enlightening
 to work through a programming task with a prospective candidate.

 Really I find interviews are less about individual questions or tasks,
 and more about where the conversation goes based on them, and the
 interviewer's abilities to steer the conversation and to assess the
 candidate based on those discussions. Which is one reason why
 pre-interview screening tests for developers only go so far. It is
 arguable of course that my methods may select for more articulate
 programmers but I do try to ensure that the interviews are relaxed and
 friendly. If a capable engineer can't communicate in those
 circumstances there's always a doubt about how much they will be able
 to offer in a team anyway.


Re: Interview Questions (was: Brainbench)

2012-09-05 Thread Simon Wistow
On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 12:12:16AM +0200, Joel Bernstein said:
 Really I find interviews are less about individual questions or tasks, 
 and more about where the conversation goes based on them and the 
 interviewer's abilities to steer the conversation and to assess the 
 candidate based on those discussions

Yes. Yes. Thrice yes.

Re: Interview Questions

2012-09-05 Thread Uri Guttman

On 09/05/2012 06:34 PM, Simon Wistow wrote:

On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 12:12:16AM +0200, Joel Bernstein said:

Really I find interviews are less about individual questions or tasks,
and more about where the conversation goes based on them and the
interviewer's abilities to steer the conversation and to assess the
candidate based on those discussions

Yes. Yes. Thrice yes.

and i have said that here a few times already. it is also the core tip i 
give to my candidates when they are interviewing. it is not an 
interrogation but a conversation. you should ask questions and tell 
stories about your projects. this is closer to a real work situation 
where you are discussing how to solve a project.
