Re: XP-Replacement for Parents

2014-03-27 Thread Avleen Vig
+1 to this.
As technically inclined people we want others to use Linux and have it be a
viable desktop. Maybe in some cases it is.

But OSX is a much better one, is very well supported, and also just works
in every way that matters.

She'll still have libreoffice available as well as a large assortment of
other apps with shiny polished interfaces and buttons.

Obviously it costs a bit more, but frankly she's going to need newer
hardware sooner or later. That laptop won't last forever and even Ubuntu
will perform poorly really.
On Mar 27, 2014 7:59 AM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 Bite the bullet and get a Mac.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:37 PM, James Laver

  On 27 Mar 2014, at 12:07, Alex Balhatchet wrote:
   On another topic if you want something that looks like Windows XP but
   acts like Ubuntu I've read good things about Lubuntu[2].
  In this vein, many Linuxes ship LXDE now. My old favourite foresight
  but there aren't as many packages for it as there used to be, sadly.

Re: Perl publishing and attracting new developers

2013-09-19 Thread Avleen Vig
Trolling aside, I've come to an understanding about this recently which can
best be described thus:

Peel has entered the Erlang stage of its life cycle. It is a very capable
language, which became popular at a time when there was a great need for
the things it provided.

Since then it has seen less and less use in the areas of industry which
have had the most rapid growth (mostly web development and operations).

Ruby and php pretty much dominate that sphere. Python has a decent foothold
in parts of academia.

Also a lot of this comes down to money. Guido, Rasmus, Matz all push the
developments in their languages as part of their day jobs. They work at
some pretty high profile places too.
Larry? I honestly don't know what Larry does. And surprisingly I could find
out quickly either.

Yes, a lot of banks and other places use Perl, and Perl is not dying as so
many like to proclaim. But it needsa lot of push from the top, a lot of
evangelism, and more, faster development. Otherwise people just kinda lose
interest, you know?

Perl is fine. I don't think there will be some great Perl revival but it's
not going away either.
On Sep 18, 2013 8:24 AM, gvim wrote:

 I don't mean to troll. In fact, to quote Stevan Little, I totally asshat
 Perl :) but when I saw this today:

 ... I couldn't help thinking Perl is getting left behind.

 A contributing factor seems to be the narrow range of Perl books published
 in recent years despite the Modern Perl renaissance. If you look at the
 number of Ruby/Rails/Sinatra and Python books published in the last 5 years
 compared with Perl the contrast is stark. There are stacks of Ruby and
 Rails books covering very specialised applications. Perl books, by
 contrast, tend to be just general tomes - Perl Best Practices, Programming
 Perl, Modern Perl, Pro Perl etc. We have one decent web framework book on
 Catalyst by Apress, if you discount the first effort by Packt, compared
 with stacks of Rails and Sinatra books.

 Take a look at these new, vibrant publishing companies:

 Not a single Perl title. Surely Moose, Mojolicious or Dancer would have
 been a candidate?

 Something's gone wrong. Is it that publishers are not interested in
 publishing Perl books or that Perl authors aren't writing about interesting
 and specific applications of Perl?


Re: Perl publishing and attracting new developers

2013-09-19 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sep 19, 2013 2:39 PM, Peter Corlett wrote:

 On 18 Sep 2013, at 21:03, gvim wrote:
  On 18/09/2013 18:48, Peter Corlett wrote:
  Dancer and Mojolicious are lightweight, DBIx::Class only slightly less
so, and are not separately enough material for a full-sized book. At best,
you're talking a 100 page print-on-demand labour of love.
  I've come across no less than 3 Sinatra books so why should a Dancer
book be considered lightweight?

 Sinatra is a library used for constructing web frameworks. Oh, and look,
I see Lincoln Stein's book right there on my shelf. Sure, it's an
awful book, but I bet at least two of those Sinatra books are as well.

  Mojolicious and Moose *have* such a book, and although I can't find
the ISBN for the Moose book, Mojolicious's is
  I don't think a book published purely in German is that relevant.

 People who speak Mandarin, Hindi or Spanish no doubt have much the same
opinion of books published purely in English.

  The and Perl makes all the difference. If I'm a new developer
choosing a language and I see RESTful APIs with Python/PHP/Ruby and
nothing from Perl it may influence my choice of language even if there is a
chapter tucked away in a Catalyst book somewhere. Whether it's marketing or
not, Ruby and Python are taking the initiative, as I see it, by producing
plenty of books which combine the language with another technology. You may
not like it but it seems to interest developers.

 I didn't ask which books you would like to exist to sit unsold in
bookshops on the off-chance they might influence other people's opinion. I
asked which books you would buy with your own money.

 As it happens, I own a copy of REST in Practice. I fished it out of my
to read pile and given it a quick skim. The handful of examples within
are in C# and Java, but it's not called RESTful APIs with C#/Java for a
reason: this is a book about REST itself and some of the common RESTful
protocols, not a programming textbook.

 That you apparently desire this book to also include a tutorial on the
various Perl APIs so as to spoon-feed the exact answers says more about you
and/or your opinion of other developers than the state of the Perl
publishing market.

Well hold on just a minute there. One of the primary reasons Perl got to be
hugely popular is exactly because books like Programming Perl and Learning
Perl spoonfed the answers to new users. If the science of learning has
taught us anything, it's that spoonfeeding answers in a constructive
learning environment works very well.

It isn't for seasoned programmers who are comfortable with just reading api
docs, but my understanding of this thread is that we're talking about more
junior programmers who would benefit from learning in a more spoonfed way.
There's nothing wrong with that.

Re: Using grep on undefined array

2013-08-13 Thread Avleen Vig
On Aug 13, 2013 7:35 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Andrew Beverley wrote:

  my $select_fields = $fields ? join(',', map { 'users.' . $_ }
  : '*';

 my $select_fields = @fields ? join(',', map { 'users.' . $_ } @fields)
 : '*';


 Maybe a lesson in variable naming there ;-)


Also in case readability.
Breaking that into many discrete statements would show it a lot easier too

Re: You! Yes, you! Are you ready for exciting world of global networking?

2013-08-05 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Simon Wistow wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 06:07:22PM -0400, Chris Devers said:
  So by “you, yes you”, you meant “well… not actually YOU…” ?

 Especially not YOU, Devers

 *narrows eyes*

Speaking of shifty things, Fastly CDN's for Pypi but not CPAN? H!!

That aside: amazing company.

Re: Alternative sources of Perl programmers

2013-05-13 Thread Avleen Vig
You're not alone in facing this, and as a rule it isn't a
perl-specific issue. Perl's just at the leading edge of this.

1. There are fewer perl programmers than PHP programmers. There are
many reasons for this, they really don't matter that much. In the end,
perl doesn't get as much exposure and it becomes a vicious circle
where fewer and fewer people learn perl.

2. There are fewer programmers than there is demand. This is only
going to get worse. If you think it's bad now, wait 5 years.

3. The telecommute issue, which has already been brought up. The
biggest blockers to this are general fear of the unknown, and a poor
understanding of how to manage remote employees. It's really very
different to managing local ones.

Have you considered hiring existing programmers and teaching them, or
giving them time to learn perl? You should.
Or you'll have to massively up the price you're willing to pay for
someone (either an existing perl dev, or someone who will be able to
learn enough perl quickly and well). Simple supply and demand. Again,
it'll only get worse.

I'd encourage every company to hire more junior people and give them a
lot of training.
Go ask your HR / recruiting departments how much it costs to hire
someone. Don't be shocked when they come back and tell you the number
is over £20,000 *just to find someone*.
Spend that time and money on training instead - you'll help yourself
and everyone around you.

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Duncan Garland wrote:

 We're advertising for a Perl programmer again, and once again we are
 struggling. It's a shame because we've got quite a lot of development work
 in the offing, mostly using Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Moose and the like.

 I spoke to the agent today and asked why so few people are coming forward.
 His view was that there aren't many Perl vacancies about at the moment, and
 even fewer people are interested in them.

 What are other companies doing about this?

 We've got several PHP projects on the go as well. It's easier to get local
 PHP programmers and when we can't, there seems to be a constant supply of
 good Eastern European programmers. Why isn't there the same stream of
 Eastern European Perl programmers?

 A second possibility is to cross-train experienced programmers from other
 languages into Perl. However, Perl has got itself such a reputation for
 being difficult to learn that the CTO winces whenever I suggest the idea.
 How have other companies got on when they've said that they will take
 experience in Python/Django or Ruby/Rails or whatever in lieu of experience
 in Perl/Catalyst? Was anybody interested and did they succeed?

 The third possibility is just to move some of the projects ear-marked for
 Perl into the PHP camp. I don't really believe that they can't be done in
 PHP, but it's a pity because they sit nicely with similar successful
 projects we've done in Perl. (A Catalyst-based system of ours won an
 industry-wide prize for Best Digital Initiative a couple of months ago.)

 All the best.


Re: Raising Perl awareness on Tiobe + Wikipedia, etc.

2013-03-20 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Dave Cross wrote:
 Quoting Richard Foley

 I understand what you mean here, but there is room to wriggle.

 I don't want room to wriggle here. I don't want the Perl community resorting
 to borderline underhand SEO tactics. I want us to follow the spirit of the
 Wikipedia rules, not just the letter.

But... but... there's more than one way to do this!
*ducks and covers*

Re: Offtopic(ish) ops question

2013-01-19 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 New VM, installing CPAN deps (cpanm obvs).

 I know all the apps are going to be the same level of stuff
 as they'll all be latest Cat/DBIC and so on, and for laziness
 reasons, that's how it is on my dev VM.

 It's perl 5.10.1 and I don't knowingly do anything post BBC 5.8.8.

 Just install CPANM modules into the main perl?

 No reason to brew a new perl?

It depends on your approach to systems management.
You can either try and keep app your things separate from the system
stuff, or you can allow them all to get jumbled up.

With the first, you can install modules from your package manager of
choice (apt, yum, whatever), and get somewhat far along. It's also
nicer if you're going to take modules that aren't in apt/yum and
package them up into .deb or .rpm - you know they'll work for you and
others if you distribute them. The down side is that if you fuck it
up, you might hose the system perl and any system bits that depend on
them (I have this issue with python regularly, where I want a newer
python but can't easily upgrade on old systems because it breaks yum
and rpm).
You might want to see if your OS package manager has the perl version
in it that you want.

With the second, it's easier to screw around with perl, upgrade as you
want, and generally be way more flexible. The downside may be the time
it takes to manage that, you'll have to install all your modules, etc.
If you're happy doing that, it works :)

Re: Perl outreach

2012-11-27 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Kieren Diment wrote:
 On the technical side, perl supports a number of different programming styles 
 - procedural, functional, oo, and others.  Python and Ruby are much more tied 
 into OO.  So it's less likely that a good perl person will need to reach for 
 other languages to demonstrate their competence with a diversity of styles, 
 so their CV may look thinner than those of others'.

I would highly recommend that anyone who wants to really promote perl
actually go talk to some CTOs (the ones who used to be software
engineers) at highly successful companies small to mid sized companies
which haven't used perl. Actually *ask* them why they haven't.

We're asking why people don't use perl for big projects and instead go
to python, ruby, php, without involving the people who make those
decisions, or who have previously successfully made the decision not
to use perl.

Re: Perl outreach

2012-11-26 Thread Avleen Vig
There are a number of issues here:

1. Things like mod_php and php-fpm make it really easy and lightweight
to deploy PHP to existing systems. There are packages for every *nix
OS that contain these and they're trivial to install. I believe the
barrier to entry with perl is higher, which makes it less appealing.
Likewise, RoR is fairly easy to get going, easier than Perl I would say.

2. While perl *is* used for web stuff, it's not a language made *for*
web stuff. It's a swiss army knife. People don't see this as a
positive. I think it's partly why Python/Django haven't really taken
off. They have their place, but they won't ever made a dent in PHP or

3. TMTOWTDI has a huge downside: consistency. Having spoken to
counts 5 CTOs at big (500 employees) companies in the last few
years about this very thing, the answer is always the same:
Perl's just too messy. We don't want TMTOWTDI, we just want one way to do it.
FWIW, these were all web companies and not my current employer.

4. It's easier to find PHP/Ruby developers than Perl developers.
Lowest common denominator approach.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 What with having Copious Free Time recently, I've been attending
 a fair few start-up and online tech meetups. They all have one thing
 in common: people turn their noses up at perl. Last week at Hacker
 News Network, among a turnout of 500 people, I saw one other known
 perlmonger. At AngelHack a few weeks ago, among a similar turnout,
 I suspect I was the only person knocking up a prototype in perl.

 And we wonder in a sea of PHP and Rails why no-one registers perl
 as a good solution.

 We may have the best tools in the business but that's no help if we
 don't get out there and demonstrate our technologies.

 Yes, LPW was great, but where, outside our fishbowl, is perl showing
 what it can do and how easily it can do it?

 Does no-one else get the urge to get out there and see what mad
 problems need solving?

Re: [ADMIN] Testing the Silence

2012-09-24 Thread Avleen Vig
Maybe everyone switched to Python?

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Simon Wistow wrote:

 List has been unusually quiet for the last 3 days ... just seeing if
 anything's broken.

Re: How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project

2012-09-01 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sep 1, 2012 2:47 PM, Adrian Howard wrote:

 On 1 Sep 2012, at 20:22, Jones, Chris wrote:

  Its an old article - but interesting. But one bit I really don't like
is Lincoln's comment;
  Because Perl is quick and dirty…..
  That's just silly.

 But Perl can be quick and dirty... it's just not *all* it can be :)

Right. It's just a reasonably valid stereotype. :)

Re: Odd problem with SSL under OSX

2012-08-27 Thread Avleen Vig
No route to host means the IP it was resolved to isn't routable (duh, you
knew this ;)

I'm wondering if something is trying to resolve, and
the resolvers you're using are returning an IP you can't route to?

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Simon Wistow wrote:

 If I try and install LWP::Protocol::https under OSX (10.6.8) I get a
 failure in its test saying

 Can't connect to (No route to host)

 This is not an Apache only problem - I've tried changing the host.

 Installing it on Linux (including a VMWare Ubuntu instance on my
 laptop) and FreeBSD works fine.

 So what could be up with it on the host OSX? Curl works fine. Nobody
 else seems to have reported the bug. I'm somewhat stumped.

 Any ideas?

Re: OT? Another question - IRC channels for Android app dev.

2012-07-17 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Guinevere Nell wrote:
 Hi again all my friends,

 I know I just asked for all your help for my husband to choose a web
 hosting company - he is divided at present between Mythic Beasts and
 another called Clook - but if you all are feeling very generous, he has
 another question...

 He is writing Android and iPhone apps for his company and frequently runs
 into rather esoteric issues that he seeks advice on. He was using bulletin
 boards and proprietary advice services mainly until I pushed him into
 trying IRC, as I always liked perl IRC boards, ever since attending YAPC
 19100, back in the day. Only problem - I am not current on the best IRC
 channels and servers these days, nor do I know the Android/iPhone world.

 Any suggestions?

#android-dev on freenode is *the* place to be.
There's an iOS channel on freenode too, I forget what it is. ios-dev
or something probably. I used to go there.
Both places have been pretty helpful. The android community is, IMO,
orders of magnitude smarter and more helpful than the iOS community.
The wealth of knowledge on for android vs the
trickle for iOS shows the clearly.

I'm almost at the point where I don't think I'll bother making any
more iOS apps. Yeah, it's a rich platform, but I'm not in the mood to
pay Apple $100/year and have to maintain two code bases. The Android
user base is big enough now.

Re: The proper way to open()

2012-01-31 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 I'd make a material bet Avleen was joking.

You'd win that bet :-)

 Not to mention, pretty much every modern language exhibits plurality
 in implementation possibilities (PIMP? :).


Re: The proper way to open()

2012-01-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:03 AM, James Laver wrote:

 On 30 Jan 2012, at 16:56, Dominic Thoreau wrote:

 open IN, '', $cfg || handle_that_error_sub;

 No, explicitly not. The || operator is far too high precedence binding. Use 
 'or' to remove your bug.

This is the problem with TMTOWTDI.
There should just be one way to do it. Then we wouldn't have this problem.

Re: Should I work in the US or the UK? - which pays best?

2011-12-14 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:41 AM, David H. Adler wrote:
  Also, pubs. Bars just aren't the same. Love your local pub, Londoners.
  Be cosy in it. Enjoy meat pies and warm beer.

 This is also a good point. I have no problem with bars here in the US,
 but they are definitely not the same thing as pubs.

I've found the selection of scotch available in bars in the US is
almost always MUCH better than pubs in the UK.

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-10 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Steve Mynott wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 09:11:14AM -0500, Avleen Vig typed:

  US salaries (use payroll expense) is much higher than in the UK.
  Where in London I would pay a programmer or sysadmin about £45k - £55k,
  New York I would pay at least $125k - $150k (about £78k - £93k).
  This sounds really great!
  Until you realise that it's pretty much a wash.

 What does the final line mean?

It means that in the end being paid more in the US or less in the UK
doesn't make a huge difference.

Which isn't *entirely* true, but generally it is.
If you're the kind of person who doesn't go out much, cooks at home a lot
and is otherwise a low-spender, it can make a HUGE difference.
But if you're young, single/a couple with no kids, like to buy big shiny
things for you nice downtime residence, then it's about the same in both

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Uri Guttman wrote:

 On 12/09/2011 02:58 AM, Rudolf Lippan wrote:

  On Friday, December 09, 2011 at 02:23:22 AM, Avleen Vig wrote:

   My understanding is that NAP had a very hard time finding people in the
  US---I know I passed their posts by before. I had serious concerns after
  talking to them, and the recruiter kept me from jumping 3 or 4 times
  during the process explaining, They don't understand the US market.

  I estimate that commission for my position alone would have probably
  be around 54K, but I think it was probably worth it from what I saw of
  NAP recruitment.

 where did you get that figure? given the standard rate of 20% (and i
 know since i recruit) or even less, that would mean a salary of over
 250k which is ridiculous but for a handful of perl hackers i know about

Not hardly. Google regularly pays around this number for good programmers
(read: good, not exceptional) in New York.
This does include things like stock options etc, not just base pay.

And I don't know if merlyn is on this list (hi randal! long time no
speak!), but he's out in Portland last I heard, and wages there are a lot
lot lower than new york - but quality of life is arguably much, much higher
too :-)

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Richard Foley wrote:

 UK programmers are half the cost of US programmer?  Wow, and I thought all
 IT jobs were moving to India!

 Maybe it's time to move back to the UK, where the beer is warm and the

The true answer, of course, depends on your definition of half.

US salaries (use payroll expense) is much higher than in the UK.
Where in London I would pay a programmer or sysadmin about £45k - £55k, in
New York I would pay at least $125k - $150k (about £78k - £93k).
This sounds really great!
Until you realise that it's pretty much a wash.

You'll pay far less for some things in the UK than in the US (eg, food
seems to generally be a lot cheaper in the UK), and vice versa (petrol in
the US is cheaper than pissing in your own toilet). Having grown up in
London (and lived there recently) and lived in quite a few ma

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Richard Foley wrote:

 UK programmers are half the cost of US programmer?  Wow, and I thought all
 IT jobs were moving to India!

 Maybe it's time to move back to the UK, where the beer is warm and the

The true answer, of course, depends on your definition of half.

US salaries (use payroll expense) is much higher than in the UK.
Where in London I would pay a programmer or sysadmin about £45k - £55k, in
New York I would pay at least $125k - $150k (about £78k - £93k).
This sounds really great!
Until you realise that it's pretty much a wash.

You'll pay far less for some things in the UK than in the US (eg, food
seems to generally be a lot cheaper in the UK), and vice versa (petrol in
the US is cheaper than pissing in your own toilet). Having grown up in
London (and lived there recently) and lived in quite a few major metro
areas in the US, I can quite confidently say that both pay levels result in
similar quality of life. No-one is getting rich.

Then there are taxes that both you and the employer have to pay (generally
UK employers pay less than US employers or a similar amount I believe,
whereas UK employees pay much more).

US employers have to pay large healthcare costs for their employees, and
other benefits like commuter benefits where they get you cheaper travel
on public transport, etc. There are many more things too.

So yes, the UK does cost less but in the end it doesn't for anyone.

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Avleen Vig
On Dec 9, 2011 8:22 AM, David Cantrell wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 01:57:56PM +0100, Richard Foley wrote:

  Seriously, if some of these managers could get their heads around
  the power of telecommuting project teams, they'd not have to worry too
  about the respective costs of having a team in any one country.

 This idea that with the right magic pixie dust teleworking can be made
 to work regardless of the company, the colleagues, and the employee is a
 nice idea, but I have seen no evidence whatsoever that it is true.

 Teleworking erects barriers to communication both between customer
 (internal or external doesn't matter) and geek, and indeed between you
 and the rest of the people you're working with.  And communication is
 *important*.  WAY more important than most geeks seem to think.

Not entirely true. Telecommuting doesnt erect barriers, it results in
different barriers which need ti be handled differently.

I worked for a distributed company for almost to years. Since then I've
worked from home for almost 18 months. It's not more barriers, it's
different ones.

Eg in the office I sometimes hated having to find people, figure out where
they are, maybe having to deal with them face to face when they're having a
bad day. These things get better with telecommuting ime :)

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-08 Thread Avleen Vig
Hi Rudolf,

There a couple of NaP people on this list. I don't know if they can comment
That said, I agree with Kieren.
The simplest answer is usually correct. I know it doesn't make a difference
to you as you feel jerked around, but NaP likely spent a lot of time and
money interviewing people, working out logistics, planning. This wouldn't
have been free for them to do.

It feels pretty crappy to be in your position - believe me I've been there
more than once.
I quickly learned that if you're unemployed, the right thing to do is take
the first offer you get (or, the first good one if you can get a few in
around the same time). Deal with the consequences of that later - at least
you'll be eating and sleeping soundly.

That said, if you're looking for work in the US, and you know PHP (sorry
perl guys :) ), we're hiring at Etsy.
Drop me a mail off-list if you're interested. And we're definitely up front
about things!

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Rudolf Lippan rlip...@remotelinux.comwrote:

 Good morning, Perl Mongers,

 This is a followup to my post to the Perl jobs-discuss mailing list.
  Terrence picked it up here: and
 the original can be found here:

 About six weeks ago, I was contacted by a recruiter and asked if I was
 interested in a team lead position in New Jersey, and so begins my story.

 I was wanting to get back into the community after a limiting contract,
 but this wasn't really the sort of splash I hoped to make.  I've never been
 moved to do something like this in the 10+ years I've been programming
 professionally.  I've experienced some less than honest recruiting
 techniques and companies that had no issue jerking people around, but I was
 made aware this morning that there were at least two other Perl programmers
 affected, including junior candidates that probably had more hanging on
 this than I did.

 I sent the following list of events to both NET-A-PORTER and the
 recruiting agency 7 Dec.  Earlier today (8 Dec.), the recruiter called me
 and confirmed this, point by point.  NET-A-PORTER has, as of yet, not

 1) That NET-A-PORTER was fully aware of the contract rate during the

 2) That NET-A-PORTER selected me to lead their US team and I was asked to
   for final sign off.

 3) That NET-A-PORTER was aware that I let another opportunity go based on
   understanding that my employment was pending a 'final signature'.

 4) That as a condition of final sign off NET-A-PORTER asked that, at the
   of the 6 month contract period, I would be willing to accept $30K less
   the original budgeted salary with the proviso that the salary would be
   to renegotiation based on the market conditions at that time.
   that I agreed to this.

 5) That NET-A-PORTER decided to withdraw the position at this point and no
   longer build out a US-based Perl development team. The reason given is
   it would cost 1/2 as much to build out a team in the UK.

 For a company that espouses their programming culture and community
 support, I can't understand how they could think this was even remotely
 acceptable.  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  The recruiter gave permission to share contact information with any
 interested parties regarding this situation.

 I know I'm not in the UK but, short of trying for slashdot, I thought this
 was the most appropriate venue for informing those who should be most aware
 of their actions.


Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-08 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Aaron Trevena aaron.trev...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 9 December 2011 06:54, Rudolf Lippan wrote:
  On Thursday, December 08, 2011 at 11:23:35 PM, Kieren Diment wrote:
  I suspect this is a symptom of the GFC rather than anything more
 sinister. I'm sorry you and your not-to-be colleagues appear to be friendly
 fire in this circumstance.
  I don't know if I buy that:
  6 December 2011:
  ...Net-a-porte[sic] has decided not to build a team here
  in the US. Apparently it's half the cost for them to build a team in the
  UK vs. here in the US...
  7 December 2011:
  Posted: December 7, 2011
  Company name:   Net-a-porter
  Internal ID:Junior Perl Developer - New Jersey
  Location:   New York, NY, USA

 Your recruitment agent could well be telling porky pies NaP, are a
 pretty reputable outfit - anything you didnt hear directly from them
 I'd take with a pinch of salt, and I'd never turn down another offer
 without a written offer or signed contract, certainly not on the word
 of a recruiter.

 Could be worth re-applying directly to that ad, if you haven't just
 marked your own card by your posts about them to perl lists

Indeed. My impression of NaP was also that they're very good. Given that I
know people there and have only heard good things (you know a company is
good when people don't want to leave).
So if you're a) good, and b) lucky and c) NaP understands the recruiter
might have screwed you both, talk to them directly.

At least here in the US, bypassing recruiters is the much preferred method.
I don't know why they're still so heavily relied on in the UK.

Re: Toshiba Laptop Repair in London

2011-09-28 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

+1, I know several people who've done this successfully.

Re: amusing command sequence of the day

2011-09-27 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Interesting - my reflexive response to the first would be

 apt-get install sudo

You mean:  sudo apt-get install sudo   ?

Re: Cool/useful short examples of Perl?

2011-05-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Jason Clifford wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 16:27 +0100, Denny wrote:
      if (! Email::Valid-address($email_address) ) {

 Something wrong with 'unless'?

 No but lots of people appear to find if to be more readable

 If you're not worried about readability then why bother with either the
 if or unless. Just do:

 use Email::Valid;
 Email::Valid-address($email_address) || print Not valid;

When you're trying to teach someone a new language, you have to relate
it to things they'll understand.
Almost every other language has if/then/else, and doing that here
would definitely be the right thing.
The perl-specific things should be left as an exercise for the reader,
after they're comfortable with the basics and not frightened away.

Re: Cool/useful short examples of Perl?

2011-05-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:
 D == Denny writes:
 you need to challenge them a bit with new stuff instead of
 handing them simple code anyone can do.

It depends entirely.
If we're teaching things to people who already know some perl, then
sure you're right.
But I will bet that people who know some perl almost definitely won't
visit no matter how challenging or interesting you make
The people who will visit it are people who want to *learn* perl when
they don't know (much of it) at all, or people who want a reference.

Keep the clever challenging stuff as examples in the reference.
Keep the really simple stuff on the front page to draw people in who
think perl isn't for them / too difficult / too strange because they
don't understand the complicated challenging things.

I also hope you don't mean that perl should be challenging for
everyone. That is absolutely the worst and most wrong approach ever.
If I ever find a task challenging, there is a very good chance I'm
doing it wrong.
Simple, easy, not complicated or challenging. This is the way good
things are written.

Re: Cool/useful short examples of Perl?

2011-05-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:
 if you think that is line noise, then your perl skills need
 improving. seriously i have taught the slurp line to total beginners and
 they get it afterwards. this is for, not golf.

  my %conf = read_file( $file_name ) =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)$/mg ;

 that is an assigment to hash, scalar context call on read_file and a
 regex getting out key=val lines. all stuff newbies need to know and must
 learn. it happens to use them all in one basic line. it is all a very
 teachable thing to anyone who knows what a hash, sub call and regex
 are. i don't expect newbies to know how to read that line but i do
 expect them to able to learn from it. that is what proper training is
 about. not feeding pablum to kiddies.

I mostly idle on this list since I moved back to the US, but this is
something that really irks me.
This is exactly why other languages are getting promoted more than perl:
because people insist on promoting the things about perl that make it
unmaintainable and harder to read, rather than the strengths about how
expandable it is, the massive collection of modules, backwards
compatibility between versions (mostly), and speed.

Re: Cool/useful short examples of Perl?

2011-05-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
 I'll happily concede that this example isn't nearly as impressive as
 some of the others in this thread, but its real-world, useful,
 conveniently incremental, requires no modules, and ably
 demonstrates the value of many core features of Perl.

^^^ THIS
This is why perl is great, and this is what should be evangelised about perl.
Not that you can do it in 1 line with strange and obscure syntax.
This is what people learn the most from. Not perl golf.

Re: Someone needs to take jwz aside...

2011-04-28 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Simon Cozens si...@simon-cozens.orgwrote:

 On 27/04/2011 17:19, Avleen Vig wrote:
  That's right. If you want OO, you can always use a real programming

 Well, you're either using Smalltalk, or faking it.

LISP, or go home.

Re: Someone needs to take jwz aside...

2011-04-27 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:05 AM, Simon Cozens si...@simon-cozens.orgwrote:

 On 20/04/2011 09:40, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
  Or does he have a point?

 He completely has a point. CPAN developers right now seem to have a strong
 predilection for throwing the kitchen sink into modules that really don't
 it. (You want to parse dates, you use DateTime. Um, no, not necessarily.)
 And certainly Moose is not the only way to do object orientation.

That's right. If you want OO, you can always use a real programming

Re: Bulk domain registrar recommendations

2011-02-10 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Pedro Figueiredo wrote:
 I've been a customer for nearly 10 years, and can't recommend them 
 enough: good prices, excellent DNS service backed with simple but 
 comprehensive management tools, and I assume good support as well :)

Except that if you want to transfer a domain to them, you have to
*fax* paperwork to them.

fax? really??

Re: Bulk domain registrar recommendations

2011-02-09 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 I know'ers have some skillz here... I've been a bulkregister (now
 enom) customer for years but they charge a $99/yr fee and at
 $10.50/.com/yr aren't that cheap. They do have some effective (albeit
 slow) domain management facilities, including bulk changes.

 I'm having a surreal conversation with one of BR's sales guys who's
 disputing GoDaddy (as a semi-random example of cheaper vendor) is
 actually cheaper, rather than doing the decent thing of offering a
 competitive price. So time to go...

 Which registrars have a decent features/price for someone with a few
 dozen domains?

I've recently started moving all my domains over to
These guys seem very smart. Their interface is decent, and fast (I too
am/was a bulkregister user since before the $99/yr fee.. ~1999 I
Dynadot charge $9.75/yr per domain for .com, and $8.99/yr for
It Just Works.

Re: Any Kernel wizards out there?

2010-12-16 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Stefan Scheytt wrote:
 Hello there monglers and mongelettes,

 There are some oddball machines here running on HP
 server hardware with openSUSE 2.6.22 kernels that like
 crashing randomly. My feeble attempts to switch them
 over to a different, freshly built kernel with kexec/kdump
 slappen on it have so far been in vain.. mainly because
 the storage doesn't want to play ball.

Just curious - are you using XFS?
If so, there were some bugs fixed after 2.6.18 which expose problems /
corruption that was caused in 2.6.18 and before. This exposure results
in kernel panics regularly. If you have this, your only option is to
back up, wipe, reinstall.

Re: Any of the sysadmins here fancy a bit of freelance work?

2010-12-15 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 5:27 PM, David Cantrell wrote:
 I have a hideously out-of-date Debian 3.1 machine that needs upgrading
 to latest-stable.  Any of you lovely people fancy doing it in exchange
 for copious beer tokens and my eternal love?

That's not *terribly* far behind (2 major revisions), but it's far
enough that you probably want to consider wiping and re-installing it.
What're your options for that? I'd be happy to give you a hand in
exchange for beer!

Re: Looking for work...

2010-08-17 Thread Avleen Vig
2010/8/17 Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
 There were a surprising (to me, at least) number of companies saying
 they were hiring at YAPC::EU including a couple of UK ones.

 One of them was Net-a-Porter:

iirc, one or more people from N-a-P are on this list, too!

Generally speaking, the market seems to be picking up (not sure how
much it's offsetting the shrink, but I've been getting calls for a few
months can and it's increased to almost 3 or 4 a week).
Get yourself on the usual job sites, you should get a few calls at
least, and you can go from there.

Re: Broadband (probably again...)

2010-04-03 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Dirk Koopman wrote:
 The solution to this is to use another DNS service - google's free works for me.

 It works for google's information systems too...

The disinformation tends to get old after a while :-)

Re: Broadband (probably again...)

2010-04-03 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Dirk Koopman wrote: don't correlate
 combine your information from the temporary or permanent logs with any
 data that Google might have about your use of other services, such as data
 from Web Search and data from advertising on the Google content network. 

 And then I read the rest of it.

 As someone who has run a DNS server of one kind or another for getting on
 for 15 years now (yes, I am that old), I struggle to see the justification
 for keeping that sort of information (paraphrasing slightly) for debugging
 and abuse analysis - permanently.

 Notwithstanding any paranoia that people might suffer from (it takes one to
 know one), I do wonder whether Google realises that, just lately, it has
 been shooting itself in the foot rather a lot. Maybe I am getting old and
 particularly cranky, but that privacy page gives me no warm feeling at

Disclaimer: I used to work for Google. My opinions are my own, but I
do so like to play Devil's Advocate.

I don't see where in the privacy statement they say what data is in
the permanent logs. You're assuming it's query data. Maybe they
collect data on which ISPs people come from, so they can arrange for
peering agreements with those companies to reduce their costs and
improve performance for you.

Or maybe they store the number of queries made for particular domains,
and the different parts of the world those queries come from.

There's a ton of very legitimate reasons for them to keep permanent
logs, aside from wanting to follow Dirk Koopman around the internet so
that Scotland Yard can see exactly which Perl website he read today.

There's a point of absurdity and I think that we collectively are
close to passing it, if we haven't already.

Re: Founding a Perlmongers group

2010-02-16 Thread Avleen Vig
Duh, he already said:

He's not going to London.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Guido Barosio wrote:
 Where are you moving?


 On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Matt Sergeant

 James Laver wrote:

 As I shall shortly be leaving london for somewhere with no PM group, I
 thought it might be nice to create one.

 How do I go about it?

 This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
 For more information please visit

Re: xmas xword

2010-01-01 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Aaron Trevena wrote:
 Python is cryptic enough.

If by that you mean we're used to doing some weird crazy things, and
real OO is too cryptic now, then I agree ;-)

Re: xmas xword

2009-12-30 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Aaron Trevena wrote:
 Still no answers in my inbox. Most complete will win if nobody
 completes it. Maybe I should have posted to a java or python group -
 they would have finished it by now.

Can you do a python one for s's and g's?
I'd give that a crack :)

Re: Perl Christmas Quiz 2009

2009-11-30 Thread Avleen Vig

On Nov 30, 2009, at 14:43, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

On 30 Nov 2009, at 18:24, Chris Jack wrote:

Seeing as last year's quiz was mildly popular,

Bonus question:

How many people will be mildly irritated by starting a new thread
with a Reply-to: to an existing one?

Answer: none. We stopped being petty in 1997 and grew up :p

Re: Credit Cards

2009-10-14 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Abigail wrote:
 The problem is the protocol between the retailer and the banks. There
 are differences in different countries. So you cannot use your
 ATM card for retail payment outside of your country. But this
 is going to change by the end of next year. See for instance

Almost, yes.
There is good interchange between North America and the UK at least.

 So I applied for a credit card (and got it, with a credit limit 4
 times higher than I actually wanted) - and lo, six months later the
 bank re-issued my Maestro as a Visa Debit

 There are a lot of places in .nl where I can pay with an ATM card, but
 I cannot use a credit card. The costs for a retailer when the customer
 pays with an ATM card is only a few cents - far less than a credit card
 payment. Furthermore, if I pay with an ATM card, money is transferred

Indeed. This is why some retailers offer incentives for people to pay
by ATM (Ikea offers some % off in the US), and the banks offer things
like cash back for paying by credit :)

Re: Credit Cards

2009-10-14 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Robert Shiels wrote:
 further to recent discussions, I think there are people here who might be
 able to give me and  answer to a question I have that I can't fine through

 I tried to buy something through last week, and they want my credit
 card details. Along with the usual dates and numbers, they are also
 insisting on a date of birth, and a landline telephone number? For security

 I dislike giving online retailers any more information than I have to - do
 they really need this? Will other companies be following suit and so
 refusing is just me playing Canute? Will the CC company verify these details
 (not sure if I've even given them my phone number.) - I'm of the opinion
 that are just data mining.

For what it's worth, I think yes other companies are going to start doing this.

Here in the US, when you place a credit card order online, you almost
always have to give the phone number associated with the credit card
account, and that is definitely verified by the CC company / bank.
I see no problem with this really.

Re: Anyone hiring at the moment?

2009-09-23 Thread Avleen Vig
I was in Amsterdam a couple of times last year and ate and drank  
around a bit. It was distinctly mediocre and quite expensive. The  
highlight was probably the Scotch place with over 1,000 whiskies,  
but at typically EUR10/20ml, was a rather inefficient way to get  

Good scotch is not for getting pissed on, but for savouring and  
enjoying :)

Re: Anyone hiring at the moment?

2009-09-23 Thread Avleen Vig

On Sep 23, 2009, at 5:38, Ovid wrote:

- Original Message 

From: Avleen Vig

Good scotch is not for getting pissed on, but for savouring and  
enjoying :)

Could you explain that to my niece? I visited the US recently and  
brought over a bottle of Green Spot. She took one sip, said it was  
great, and then shot the rest. I could have cried. Next time, I'll  
buy her whiskey which comes in a soft plastic bottle.

There's a definite culture of doing that kind of thing here (I'm in  
the US too now) with the younger generation. Get blatted as fast as  
possible. Never mad sense to me :)

Re: Anyone hiring at the moment?

2009-09-23 Thread Avleen Vig

On Sep 23, 2009, at 1:51, Dave Cross wrote:

On 23/09/2009 09:41, Avleen Vig wrote:

I was in Amsterdam a couple of times last year and ate and drank
around a bit. It was distinctly mediocre and quite expensive. The
highlight was probably the Scotch place with over 1,000 whiskies,
but at typically EUR10/20ml, was a rather inefficient way to get

Good scotch is not for getting pissed on, but for savouring and
enjoying :)

You're not from round here, are you :-)

I used to be!!

Re: Skype

2009-09-17 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Dirk Koopman wrote:
 Another objection that one might have (and the Indian Government certainly
 have) is that all the traffic is routed through two sets of servers, one
 located in the US and one in the UK.

 It means that we can eavesdrop on them, but they can't reciprocate.

Actually, my understanding is that this is not the case (although it
could be made like this is Skype wanted).
The *authentication* happens over two servers, but the traffic is
almost all P2P.

Re: Hardware Reliability

2009-06-05 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Ask Bjørn wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2009, at 13:49, wrote:

 Can somebody please point me in the direction of some authorative
 reliability statistics for server hardware, preferably including add-ons
 such as disc arrays?

 Google has a paper on that stuff for individual disks.  In my experience
 failure rates for everything else is much lower (but each failure of course
 is more hassle):

All is not what it seems.
Take this with a spoon of salt.

Re: Hardware Reliability

2009-06-05 Thread Avleen Vig
I don't have any written analysis for you, just 15+ years of experience.

Most server hardware (cheap or expensive) will run 5 years without
many issues, 10 years with some issues.
By issues I mean the occasional bad disk, etc.

IMO most drives which are going to die, do so within the first 12
months. After that they often last 3+ years, and 5+ years isn't
unheard of.
The biggest killer of old drives, is power cycling them. It requires
bearings which have been in constant motion for years to suddenly stop
abd then be exposed to sheer forces when starting up.

If you are happy running older, slower, less efficient hardware, you
can probably keep it longer than 3 years without a problem.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:49 PM, wrote:

 Can somebody please point me in the direction of some authorative reliability 
 statistics for server hardware, preferably including add-ons such as disc 

 I case to put together a case for the number of failures we can expect if we 
 replace our hardware every three years.

 Everybody has an opinion but I can't find any proper published data.



Re: Hardware Reliability

2009-06-05 Thread Avleen Vig
On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:41 AM, Ask Bjørn wrote:
 All is not what it seems.
 Take this with a spoon of salt.

 That is so unfair; you must tell more.  :-)

Not on your life.
And certainly not on mine :-)

Re: [OT] New Buffy movie

2009-05-27 Thread Avleen Vig
I have to say, that is simply awesome.

I can't wait.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:17 PM, breno wrote:

 A new incarnation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer could be coming to the
 big screen.

 Buffy creator Joss Whedon isn't involved and it's not set up at a
 studio, but Roy Lee and Doug Davison of Vertigo Entertainment are
 working with original movie director Fran Rubel Kuzui and her husband,
 Kaz Kuzui, on what is being labeled a remake or relaunch, but not a
 sequel or prequel.

 While Whedon is the person most associated with Buffy, Kuzui and her
 Kuzui Enterprises have held onto the rights since the beginning, when
 she discovered the Buffy script from then-unknown Whedon. She
 developed the script while her husband put together the financing to
 make the 1992 movie, which was released by Fox.

 Kuzui later teamed with Gail Berman, then president of Sandollar
 Television, bringing back Whedon to make the TV series, which was
 produced by Fox TV and launched on the WB in 1997. Kuzui and Sandollar
 received executive producer credits on Buffy and its spinoff,

 The new Buffy film, however, would have no connection to the TV
 series, nor would it use popular supporting characters like Angel,
 Willow, Xander or Spike. Vertigo and Kuzui are looking to restart the
 story line without trampling on the beloved existing universe created
 by Whedon, putting the parties in a similar situation faced by
 Paramount, J.J. Abrams and his crew when relaunching Star Trek.

 One of the underlying ideas of Buffy allows Vertigo and Kuzui to do
 just that: that each generation has its own vampire slayer to protect
 it. The goal would be to make a darker, event-sized movie that would,
 of course, have franchise potential.

 The parties are meeting with writers and hearing takes, and later will
 look for a home for the project. The producers do not rule out
 Whedon's involvement but have not yet reached out to him.Speaking from
 Tokyo, Fran Kuzui said the company is constantly approached not only
 about sequels but theater, video games and foreign remakes for
 Buffy. When Vertigo's Lee contacted them, they were intrigued.

 It was Roy's interest in taking Buffy into a new place that grabbed
 us, she said, noting that original exec producer Sandy Gallin also
 was consulted. It was based on our respect for what he does, and his
 particular sensitivity to Asian filmmakers, that we wanted to work
 with him.

 Kuzui, who is prepping do direct a movie in Japan in the fall, added:
 Everything has its moment. Every movie takes on a life at some point,
 and this seems like the moment to do this.

Re: How we see CVs

2009-04-02 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
 2009/4/1 Paul Makepeace
 This is great,

 I thought we had banned jokes on the list on the grounds that it
 discriminated against those without a sense of humour ...

That's not funny.

Re: Check out my newest videos...

2009-03-27 Thread Avleen Vig

Guys, I sincerely apologise for this.

I fat-fingered a test and spammed my address book :(
Not good form.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Avleen wrote:

 Check out my newest videos!

 Do you want to watch them?
 If YES - click here:
 If NO - click here:

 See you there!

 - Avleen

 click here to block or manage emails from WooMe, 3832 Hemmingway, CA 92606, 

 or, send a single blank email with BLOCK in the subject line to:

 #wmeid: 24437194

Re: Recession rates

2009-03-10 Thread Avleen Vig

On Mar 10, 2009, at 17:07, Dirk Koopman wrote:

Jonathan Stowe wrote:

It's the recruiter doing it - the poor sap candidates are probably
getting 300 or less and will have been told that is the most that the
client is going to pay. The recruiter doesn't care, they might start
introducing a differential depending on whether they can drive the
candidates down any more if the client starts to hedge.  They want to
keep their figure in straight up monetary terms - they don't want to
take the same percent of a smaller rate.

£300? Don't be daft. A lot of recruiters wouldn't get out of bed for 
 ~25%, they will be looking for at least %50 (and in the bad old day 
s 100%). I would not be surprised if the saps are being offered £200 
 in these difficult times.

Or have we all forgotten how much we hate these people?

I don't know what the contract market is like, but on the permis side  
recruiters used to get up to 50% in the bad old days.

Now i've seen them beaten down to 10% 4 times. Once down to 7.5% each  
when two people were hired together.

I spoke to a friend who is a recruiter a few mins ago, and they're in  
quite a panic. Not because there isn't work (there's quite a bit  
around apparently). Just that there are so few good candidates on the  

I don't mean to slight anyone on this list who can't work right now.  
You're a diamond in a lot of rough.

Re: [OT] Perl woes

2009-01-28 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Kimmitt wrote:
The next time I use == instead of eq to compare two strings, I
 will know to expect it will always
evaluate to true. What other language does this (apart from C,
 which would invariably return false)

Objective C (which is almost C, but different enough), == is used to
compare if two objects are equal. And by equal, we mean pointers to
the same address space.

As a result, classes like NSString override == and 'isEqual' to
actually do things like string comparisons. So you can use == on
string objects just fine :-)

Re: [OT] Perl woes

2009-01-28 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Peter Corlett wrote:
 $ python
 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug  6 2008, 09:17:29)
 [GCC 4.3.1] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 '1' + '2'
 1 + 2
 1 + '2'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Ruby is the same:
[avl...@avleen-mb] ~ $ irb
 1 + 2
= 3
 '1' + '2'
= 12
 1 + '2'
TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum
from (irb):3:in `+'
from (irb):3

 (My complaints about Python are in other annoying corners of the language.)

Just curious, what else annoys you?
Feel free to reply off list, but I think there's merit to discussing
(constructively, in a non-flame way!) other languages and what we do
and don't like about them.

Re: Dim sum Thursday 1pm: Leong's Legend Continues

2009-01-15 Thread Avleen Vig

On Jan 15, 2009, at 7:53, Léon Brocard wrote:

2009/1/13 Léon Brocard dim sum is a social event where we meet up every Thursday  

1pm at a different Chinese restaurant, spend about an hour (and about
£10 cash) eating tasty dim sum (steamed and fried dumplings), then 

our separate ways.

Thursday 1pm
Leong's Legend Continues
Lisle Street
London WC2H
Leicester Square Station Tube Station,WC2H

This is today! Who's coming? Léon

Just stepped out to work. The weather looks crappy here in hounslow.  
Hopefully zone 1 is better. I'm a maybe. Actually I'll probably be  
there unless it starts raining.

H8 rain. Innit.

Re: Dim sum Thursday 1pm: Leong's Legend Continues

2009-01-13 Thread Avleen Vig

I'm in! Now that I work 10 mins from here, dim sum is easy!

On Jan 13, 2009, at 8:33, Léon Brocard wrote:

We tried to go to this one at Christmas but it was closed. Let's try
again. Back to Chinatown to a new sister restaurant of my favourite
dim sum restaurant which is almost named after me. It has a few new
dishes on the menu. Note that this one is on Lisle Street, not
Macclesfield Street. dim sum is a social event where we meet up every Thursday at
1pm at a different Chinese restaurant, spend about an hour (and about
£10 cash) eating tasty dim sum (steamed and fried dumplings), then go
our separate ways.

Thursday 1pm
Leong's Legend Continues
Lisle Street
London WC2H
Leicester Square Station Tube Station,WC2H

See you there!

Léon, Dim Sum Mandarin

Re: My New Job (Was: Social Thurs 8 Jan 2009)

2009-01-05 Thread Avleen Vig

On Jan 5, 2009, at 9:30, David Dorward wrote:

Nicholas Clark wrote:

So we will all have to ask you what it's like...

Is it a company on this list?

No, its a, um, er, Django shop.

What a strange coincedence. I start at a Django shop on Monday, also!

Yours isn't up around Soho is it? 

Re: It Shines! It Shines!

2008-12-19 Thread Avleen Vig
On Dec 19, 2008, at 17:36, Tony Kennick 

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 12:39:30PM +,
the following was promulgated by Andy Wardley:


Now it has rounded corners, is it time for other web_2.0_ness?
Slideshows of appropriately tagged pictures on flicker?
The aggregated twitterings of the faithful?
Bookmarks pulled in from delicious and reddit?

Only half joking...

I'm not joking at all when I say I think that's a good idea. I'll try  
to think up the best way to integrate such thing into content that  
people will wantto look at.

Just hving a London.pmers page would be silly, no-one would look at  

Re: Dim sum Thursday 1pm: HK Diner

2008-12-18 Thread Avleen Vig

On Dec 18, 2008, at 8:10, Léon Brocard wrote:

2008/12/16 Léon Brocard

We've been out a bit west recently, so it's time to head back into
Chinatown and try a restaurant I've been meaning to visit.

As I failed to point out earlier, today is also the 21st Birthday of  

$ perldoc perlhist | grep 1.000 | head -1
   Larry   1.000  1987-Dec-18

So we shall be having a celebratory dim sum. Why not come and
celebrate the cold winter days and the many years of hacking Perl we
have done in the past and we hope to do in the future? Party hats
optional. dim sum is a social event where we meet up every Thursday  

1pm at a different Chinese restaurant, spend about an hour (and about
£10 cash) eating tasty dim sum (steamed and fried dumplings), then 

our separate ways.

HK Diner
22 Wardour Street
London W1D 6QQ
Leicester Square Tube Station

Who's coming? Léon, Dim Sum Mandarin

Little bit of a trip from bank but I may be there :)

Re: Dim sum Thursday 1pm: HK Diner

2008-12-17 Thread Avleen Vig

On Dec 17, 2008, at 22:56, Nicholas Clark wrote:

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:31:56PM +, the hatter wrote:

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Christopher Jones wrote:

Well, it is a special occasion after all

Could Dim sum be turned into a 21st Birthday Party?

Depends - are you bringing cake and jelly+ice cream ?  Otherwise  
it's not

a real birthday party.

Will stripy jelly* for desert do?

[Not available at every Dim Sum restaurant, so may not actually be  
at HK Diner.

But nearly everywhere has ice cream. And Kake often comes]

Nicholas Clark

* Gosh. I typed that first with a g. I blame a certain IRC nickname.

I'll come for strip gelly.

Re: Perl Christmas Quiz

2008-12-16 Thread Avleen Vig
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Yes, but can Python do it in one line?

 [(i,) * min(l1.count(i), l2.count(i)) for i in set(l1).intersection(set(l2))]

 That produces an array of tuples of the repeated elements,

 [('q',), ('p', 'p'), ('n',)]

 A truly flat list is left as exercise (I battle with a reduce+lambda
 hack but didn't quite win.)

I'm probably misunderstanding 'truly flat' but like this?
[''.join(i) * min(l1.count(i), l2.count(i)) for i in

Re: I'm afraid I'm leaving already :(

2008-12-15 Thread Avleen Vig

On Dec 15, 2008, at 5:21, Kake L Pugh wrote:

On Mon 15 Dec 2008, wrote:

I'm afraid I leaving this group.

Goodbye, Lyle.  Hopefully the whining quotient of the list will go
down a bit now.  If it doesn't, I'm sending you all to a Harvester for
the next social.

I will not eat a combine harvester. I simply refuse!
The last one was difficult enough.

Re: Perl Christmas Quiz

2008-12-15 Thread Avleen Vig

On Dec 15, 2008, at 10:04, James Laver wrote:

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Avleen Vig wrote:
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Chris Jack  
3) Write a Perl function that takes two references to arrays and  
returns the intersect of them. If an entry appears n times in  
array 1 and m times in array 2, the output should list that entry  
min(n,m) times. Bonus mark for one line solutions.

In the spirit of sharing, I offer this solution, from your neighbours
in the Python community:

a = ['m', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'p', 'p', 'q']
b = ['n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'r', 's']

def FindSetMatches(list1, list2):
for i in set(list1).intersection(set(list2)):
  print '%s min(%s, %s)' % (i, list1.count(i), list2.count(i))


Using other languages is really cheating.

Well duh. There were alreay multiple Perl solution out there. And I  
didn't know a better one.

Plus I just wanted to be a snob with my four-line solution.

Re: Perl Christmas Quiz

2008-12-14 Thread Avleen Vig
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Chris Jack wrote:
 3) Write a Perl function that takes two references to arrays and returns the 
 intersect of them. If an entry appears n times in array 1 and m times in 
 array 2, the output should list that entry min(n,m) times. Bonus mark for one 
 line solutions.

In the spirit of sharing, I offer this solution, from your neighbours
in the Python community:

a = ['m', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'p', 'p', 'q']
b = ['n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'r', 's']

def FindSetMatches(list1, list2):
  for i in set(list1).intersection(set(list2)):
print '%s min(%s, %s)' % (i, list1.count(i), list2.count(i))


Re: Is Perl alive ?

2008-12-11 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 7:23 PM, Ian Malpass wrote:
 Then *everyone* would be happy.


 We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty.

Until you look at each page, perl is both dead and alive at the same time!

Zombie Perl!

Re: Is Perl alive ?

2008-12-11 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Jonathan Stowe wrote:

 Whining fuckers, I should ban the lot of you

Here you go.

Re: # and believe me, Perl is still alive... still alive!...

2008-12-10 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Zbigniew Lukasiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I concur very strongly on all your points.  One thing to add to this
 is that at the time of the Perl boom - people still believed in
 TIMTOWTDI and it was officially allowed to write Perl baby talk - this
 is from Programming Perl

While I understand why you did it, I would kindly like to request that
we don't promote sites which host stolen copies of ORA books.
It's not fair to ORA, who give the perl community a great deal of support.

Re: Perl is dead

2008-12-04 Thread Avleen Vig
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Robin Berjon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 4, 2008, at 13:33 , Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:

 How do we reach people outside the community after having spent so much
 time talking to ourselves?

 This is something that I don't have the technical know-how to accomplish,
 but a way of using Perl from within PHP, I'm guessing as a library
 extension, would provide a strong deployment vector into a large and
 talkative community that is often blissfully ignorant that there even is
 anything else. It would be a neat way to show cool tricks, and the power of
 CPAN. Doug MacEachern had suggested he was working on something like that
 ages ago, but I don't know if it went anywhere.

We could just ask people what the don't like about perl, or what
they'd like to see change / improve.

They'll probably rattle off a list of things which they like about
other languages which they don't like in perl, but that's not
necessarily a bad thing. It might show us the strengths in other
languages that we lack?

Re: Perl is dead

2008-12-03 Thread Avleen Vig

On Dec 3, 2008, at 18:37, Dave Hodgkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3 Dec 2008, at 18:13, Jesse Vincent wrote:

On Wed  3.Dec'08 at 17:55:55 +, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

In response to Ovid's post on use.perl:

Is there really no Ruby or Python on that list?

There weren't on the original list. Fixed.

Perl at least kicks the ass of the upstarts.

For now. I do see that changing though.
The other languages have their problems, but they have strengths that  
shouldn't be ignored.

I had a really long example here, comparing python, perl and ruby, but  
I decided to hold there delete key on my iPhone for 5 mins to delete  
it. It's irrelevent.

Even by your numbers, python an ruby combined are sneaking up on perl.  
WHY are they popular? They're not new. Python's been around for a long  
time, and I believe ruby has too.

They've solidified their community, which doesn't just stick to the  
old way of doing things.

(I can't believe I'm saying this next bit..)
Javascript, Ajax, animated gifs, flash, embedded java applets.
These are all GOOD things. The rest of the world likes them. Geeks  
might not, but ours is not the opinion which matters.

Ovid's right. We should be taking a long hard look at ourselves and  
asking questions.

Are we evolving?
If not, why not?
If we wanted to, what could we change?

I do t think we really know what to change or how to change it.

Re: Perl is dead

2008-12-03 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Steve Mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 06:42:14PM +, James Laver typed:

 At risk of being somewhat london-centric, how many jobs have you seen
 advertised for python down here recently?

 In the past year or so I've seen about 5 python jobs advertised (at least
 that I've noticed). Alongside this there have been a large number of perl
 jobs, a handful of ruby jobs and a surprisingly large amount of PHP jobs.

 Python seems more popular in the USA than UK from speaking with people at
 conferences.  There have been a small number of test framework-type python
 roles here but not many.

 I suspect Django may increase the number of python roles but Rails
 has been popular (as has Catalyst).  I like Python and I wish it
 were more widely used.

It's a singular datapoint, but to answer the how many python jobs..,
I would ask how many engineers has Google hired in London in the last
few years?
It's *one* job application with lots of hires, many of whom will have
to use python at some point.
Other companies have probably done the same.

But I don't believe the same is true with Perl.
Perl is fairly well entrenched. It's available everywhere. But Python
is still growing and has a lot of headroom.
Most people have tried Perl. The number trying Python and Ruby instead
is growing. Fast.

I like Python too and wish the same.
I like that is enforces structure. I'd donate a kidney if perl could
be made to do that.

Re: Perl is dead

2008-12-03 Thread Avleen Vig
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:16 PM, James Laver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like Python too and wish the same.
 I like that is enforces structure. I'd donate a kidney if perl could
 be made to do that.

 It's not the place of a language to do that, it's a case of Don't be an
 idiot when writing code.

 I've seen crappy python and other code often enough, you can't fix it inside
 the language, you have to fix the programmer.

I completely agree.
But by the same token, make it easier for the programmer.
The reason we code in perl instead of assembler, is because perl makes
it easier.
I don't think that any harm is done in this particular case (enforcing style).
Does it breed lazy programmers? I don't think so. The less I have to
worry about small but important things like
style/readability/documentation, the more I can focus on writing good