Re: Toshiba Laptop Repair in London

2011-09-28 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 28/09/2011 21:06, Tom Hukins wrote:

Hi, Mongers.

A friend has a year old Toshiba laptop with a broken DC input jack.
Toshiba have decided this consists of reasonable wear and tear and so
want to charge £80 just to look at it.  They refuse to estimate or
guess how much a repair might cost.

So, how should I go about getting this laptop fixed?  Do you know of
anywhere in or around London (the nearer Sutton the better) that would
do a good job?

Small claims court against the supplier (shop) - not manuf.
A laptop should last for more than 12 months...


Re: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-08-15 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 14/08/2011 17:32, Andrew Smith B.Sc(Hons),MBA wrote:

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

Machine generated from his email contacts either on desktop or
silently via grabbing his phones contacts database.

Usefull but privacy-lethal is how I describe LI.

Re: website maintenance gig available

2011-08-03 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 03/08/2011 11:33, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

On 2011-08-01 19:11, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

please let me know off list

Did you also mean that all who don't will not be considered?

Dont reply or reply on-list and risk the notorious l-pm satire?

I assumed it was a test - with on-list===fail :-)

Re: CFT?

2011-07-30 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 29/07/2011 23:37, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

If anyone else is interested in doing interesting things (to me at least!)
with images on the internet, put up your hand. There are learning experiences
for all :)

What sort of images what sort of manip?

I am doing $work with GPU's at the mo and looking at using the same tech to
provide existing linux image/video manip software with a GPU go faster stripe
without reinventing the wheel :-)


Re: Part-time Perl Developer Position based Reading, UK

2011-05-23 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 23/05/2011 10:03, Denny wrote:

On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 08:46 +0100, Arife Vural wrote:

For a part-time job, I would expect the advert to say how many
hours/days per week are involved.

When hours/days are not mentioned I assume they want a small number of
odd hours and some on-call stuff - without having to pay a FT staffer
an on-call bonus :-/

Also; salary ranges are really very useful to everyone involved in the
recruitment process.  Not specifying even a vague/wide one is incredibly
frustrating and occasionally off-putting to potential applicants.  If
your company is generous (as both the advert and Arife's email suggest),
then it'd be to your advantage to include some numbers here.

+1 Reading is an *expensive* place - the salary would determine whether
you are going to get local script kiddies or a professional applying.

Also no mention of out of hours arrangements but lots of inferred OOH work.
I assume the part time bit is to avoid having to pay OH 'on-call' bonus
normally paid to full time staff doing on-call work.

Given the workload, I would have thought they would have been better off
hiring support specialists like wessex networks - or my employer :-)
That way they get access to a team. Handing over the keys to your business
critical systems to a just hired part timer sounds risky at best.

PS: Also also, that advert is _badly_ in need of proof-reading:

It could be intentional. :-)

Re: Someone needs to take jwz aside...

2011-04-20 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 20/04/2011 13:29, Paul Makepeace wrote:

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 12:22, Bill  wrote:

If (as recently happened) you discover a dependency chain that leads
to CPAN complaining that you need a newer perl because it's a core
module ... it gets extra annoying.


cpan[1]  install Term::ReadLine

The most recent version 1.07 of the module Term::ReadLine
is part of the perl-5.13.11 distribution. To install that, you need to run
   force install Term::ReadLine   --or--
   install F/FL/FLORA/perl-5.13.11.tar.gz

Awesome. A development version of perl.
Let's see if I can pull in a recent stable perl:

jokeNah, you vape your install and start from scratch - same as PHP!joke

Its the only way to ensure an older perl is upgraded cleanly. :-(

It gets worse if you want an esoteric build such as thread support etc.
Some deps end up unbuildable with say thread support.

Messy just does not do it justice.


p.s. how about listing the depcount for a module.
That way we can tell what is truly lite and what is a can-o-worms.

Re: Webcasting the tech meets?

2011-03-11 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 11/03/2011 11:09, Michael Lush wrote:

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Nicholas Clark wrote:

A  B: You want it live? No worries, you don't need to attend.

At which point, what's the incentive for attending?

Speaking personally the incentive to attend any meeting is facetime with people 
I know and networking with people I don't.

The reason I don't attend is because its quite timeconsuming and expensive for 
me to get to London (and I have to leave at 9pm or I miss the last connection 

I have had to leave before 8:30 and only just caught the last train :-/
I personally like the idea of edited highlights as well as the gory details 

Also post editing means you can have a synced slide feed attached.


Re: IT Crowd Reynholm Industries website referencing Perl

2011-01-10 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

On 10/01/2011 11:54, Kaoru wrote:


Reynolm Industries has announced they are hiring!

The website is pretty funny if you know the show well and catch all
the in-jokes. If you get deep enough you might find this...

Which contains PERL Win32 Quick Reference and Util.pdf which is the
POD of Apache::Util :) Yay Perl.

Didi anyone log onto the intranet with details provided by Moss.
There is a brill ID card generator on there!


Re: Leadership Election

2010-10-13 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

James Laver wrote:

If elected, she will stand down immediately and nominate as her replacement our 
former glorious leader, Leon Brocard.

Ah our glorious (orange) leader. A political camel with common sense :-)

Re: Leadership Election

2010-10-13 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Dave Cross wrote:

Any questions?

To the list in general, Can I sell my vote for charity? Yes, I *am* serious.
Note that I do not want to cause a flame war so

 1) dont stand up for me if someone disagrees with the idea because
I agree that it is a stupid idea but if it helps balou get his op this 
 2) if anyone disagrees on moral or legal grounds, then take it as read that I 
withdraw the idea.

This puppy really really needs this operation...

Assuming it is OK to do this (by this I assume l-pm does not really take voting 
*too* seriously)
would anyone else volunteer thier votes for this charity?

Jacqui Caren

More details on louis/Balou appeal (I know, I know the appeal site looks 
phishy) available at

Finally if anyone does want to contribute directly feel free to contact Sharon 
- a grand should
get your (company) name in flashing lights! Cheap at twice the price!

Re: Manifesto for election

2010-10-04 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

James Laver wrote:

On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 04:27:56PM +0100, Leo Lapworth wrote:
I was going to say 'may the best person win' - but that's not really 
appropriate :)


He's had it pretty much foisted upon him and he's not complaining. I 
know where my vote is going.

yes but no one has asked the IMPORTANT question - what (other than orange)
is your fave colour :-)

Re: leader election

2010-09-24 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Denny wrote:

On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 21:17 +1000, Kieren Diment wrote:

Can we vote for the stuffed Camel?

You have to nominate it first.

I second.

Thirded - a stuffed toy as chaircamel makes weird sense.

Re: Advice on HTML editting

2010-04-29 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Roger Burton West wrote:

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:14:40AM +0100, Victoria Conlan wrote:

My first thought was a simple RE, then I decided that was silly and started
looking at modules.  HTML::Parser and HTML::TreeBuilder are what I've looked
at so far.

What I tend to do in this sort of situation is use HTML::TokeParser
(which is just an alternative interface to HTML::Parser that matches
better with the way I work) and re-emit everything except the tokens
that I want to fiddle with. Not claiming this is the best way to go, but
most of what I do is parsing HTML rather than modifying it, and I
already use HTML::TokeParser a lot.

Assuming these are common images -

another idea is to migrate the images into css if possible?

Makes rebranding/printing/etc a lot simpler.


Re: Lovefilm, yes or no?

2010-04-16 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Smylers wrote:

Seems a little harsh to reject people for that.

Some people forget an interview goes two ways - they measure you and vice 

I remember having an interview in the south of france for a MPP provider and
after a lot of trick questions and technical/business glitz I asked...
Given market conditions, what do you consider is your competitive advantage?
I never did get an answer and ended up paying my own travel costs :-(

Though on t'other hand I can't remember ever having needed to know _any_
digits of pi for work purposes, so perhaps it's fair ...

When I worked at Cray we had a Y-MP (M90) available for dev work.
Just after one of the big customers had used spare cycles to calc the biggest
prime number yet calc'ed - BTD and a couple of sysadmins then left the M90
running overnight (a six hour block) to generate the next TWO numbers!
I had a copy of the printouts (132 column fanfold in a box) for a good few 

I also remember anotehr co-worked at Cray having the phone system tweaked so 
he could dial out on a vast range of unused numbers. This was when captial radio
would only accept competition caller whose number ended in certain digits. 
a 4 digit MSN block was seriously handy for that compo!


Re: Perl and OWASP

2010-03-28 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

James Laver wrote:
What is actually required is to systematically audit each library for 
potential pitfalls and see what the system as a larger entity 
potentially opens up in them. And all that could take some time.

Code reviews are seriously hard work but well worth it.

We used to run code review sessions when I worked at Cray (a LONG time ago)
and it changed how we developed and tested code. I remember the IBM team
reviewing 100 lines of assember and find over 100 issues that needed resolution
- they were actually happy and bought us cakes :-)

The nice bit was it was seen as a way to improve things and for people
to learn from others. Other parts of the company liked the idea they
copied it and it started being used in both software and hardware reviews.

The side effect that programmers taught each other about pitfalls (and 
was an unforseen advantage.

We were lucky in that we a team of some of the best professional testers
working with our dev team. They drove the code review and ensured it worked.

I no longer have the documentation but the rules were pretty simple.
small team - each member looks for specific issues. Constructive
cirticism. Limited code to review. Limited time and very very short
review meetings. No redesigns etc.

I just wish I had the free time to do this again.

Re: [Fwd: Betonmarkets CTO position]

2010-02-12 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Peter Edwards wrote:

I do hope anyone considering the online gambling gig has read:

That was one reason I originally asked - I was wondering if they lost the last 
to a US stopover?


[Fwd: Betonmarkets CTO position]

2010-02-11 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

The market must be picking up - I am getting head hunted again :-)
Ok, I *know* its a trawl and a not very targetted one but the fact that
the RA's are bothering to do trawls must mean things are picking up again.

I dont really fancy moving abroad - quite happy where I am - but I am
curious about this company - anybody know why they are hunting for a
new CTO?


 Original Message 
Subject: Betonmarkets CTO position
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 22:18:49 +0800
From: Jean-Yves Sireau
Organisation: Regent Markets Group

Dear Jacqui,, the leading financial betting company, is looking to
recruit a CTO.  As a Perl expert, I was wondering whether you may be
interested in the position?

The Betonmarkets website and underlying systems are developed entirely
in Perl and typically conduct 20,000 transactions per day. We are
looking for a CTO who is expert and enthusiastic about Perl, as well as
experienced in management and team leadership, and able to assume the
role of CTO of a successful e-commerce company.

We are located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, which offers a high quality as
well as low cost of living.  We are a multi-national company, with
staff from 14 countries (including the US, Europe, and Asia).  Our
company, and its location in Cyberjaya, offer a unique living and
working experience for expatriates.

If you would be interested to know more about this position, kindly
email me your CV.  Please feel free to forward this email to any person
in the Perl community who may be interested in the opportunity.

Best regards,
Jean-Yves Sireau

Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO
Regent Markets Group Ltd.
Genseq Ltd.

Re: On-topic: HTML/JS help please

2010-02-05 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

David Cantrell wrote:

I want to add a Thingy to CPANdeps to let users collapse/expand portions
of the dependency tree.  How would one go about this?

Naively wrapping trs in divs and toggling their style.display
doesn't work, presumably because div isn't kosher in a table.

Jquery tree thingy is data driven and works well.


Re: Brazilian PM looking for a job in London area

2010-01-11 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Paul Makepeace wrote:

I'd be curious to hear of any language where grammar/idiom errors
suddenly render it incomprehensible.

reverse polish?

Re: Tree Algorithm

2009-12-31 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

ian wrote:
I remember it being easy to use this in a database since it makes it 
possible to get (for example) all descendents or all children in a 
single query, something not always possible with other algorithms. I 

Does this help?

Re: Production databases on SSDs?

2009-11-10 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Ovid wrote:

I only meant minimal cost in relation to setting up a bunch of master/slave 
mysql servers, configuring them, getting replication going, etc.

OpenMosix or one of its successors?

Re: Looking for a secondhand Datahand Pro II

2009-10-21 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

James Laver wrote:

On 21 Oct 2009, at 01:24, Paul Makepeace wrote:

PS for the real layout nerds, is a better choice
than Dvorak if you're going to start from scratch is worth a mention too. I got 
myself up to about one-quarter-speed on that last time I tried.

OK I'll bite which is best for perl? :-)

Or perhaps what would be the ideal tag layout for perl on a standard UK/US
keyboard layout?


FYI: I always fancied having a perl keyboard - just for the pure nerdyness
of it - I already have the pink rubber rollup keyboard which oddly enough is
better than you would think given its wibbly wobblyness :-)

Re: keyboards/RSI/switching costs (was Looking for a secondhand Datahand Pro II)

2009-10-21 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Chris Jack wrote:

I had been seeing an osteopath who pointed out

My interest in this thread is two fold.

1) I write or edit a lot of code. Why should I spend my days typing
   many repetitive words over and over. Does anyone here remember
   spectrums or ZX81's? :-)

2) My sister has a damaged nerve in her arm and I have sent her various
   keyboards, trackballs, graphics tablets etc. As she plans upon doing
   an IT degree and unless she can find soemthign she can work with
   work in IT is a no-no. And this would be a big loss tothe industry -
   she is *very* smart!


Re: keyboards/RSI/switching costs (was Looking for a secondhand Datahand Pro II)

2009-10-21 Thread Jacqui Caren-home

Smylers wrote:

You shouldn't; you should use an editor which has completion on words
which are used in your project.

I use a few with completions - with no one being best for the various languages 
I use.

Which brings up what perl editors do people use and why?


Currently writing a js SOAPLite driver so have Perl,PHP and Javascript
in various editors switching between them for cross referencing/testing.

Initially a tad confusing when in the same editor :-)