Re: Mason

2012-02-29 Thread Jones, Christopher
On 29 Feb 2012, at 16:10, Dave Cross wrote:

 I'm betting that the later date on the kindle edition is just the date that 
 the kindle version of the original edition was published. For example, the 
 kindle edition of the TT book is dated 7 Jun 2011, but I know that's the same 
 as the 2003 edition).

That makes sense - thanks for pointing that out!


Re: Mason

2012-02-29 Thread Jones, Christopher
On 29 Feb 2012, at 17:11, Leo Lapworth wrote:

 Quoting Christopher Jones
 I'm looking for a decent book to help get me up to speed with Mason but
 could only find Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason on Amazon - a paper
 edition from 2002 and a more recent 2010 edition on Kindle only.
 Mason 2 was released:  Feb 16, 2011 - I'm guessing (but don't know)
 that it changed quite a bit.
 Personally I use Plack + Template toolkit + Catalyst mostly.
 But not sure _why_ you want to learn Mason, if it's for an existing site then
 the book may be of use.

New job, old tricks new to old dog

Have to confess, I didn't realise Mason (1) was quite *that* old


Re: Should I work in the US or the UK? - which pays best?

2011-12-13 Thread Jones, Christopher
On 13 Dec 2011, at 21:01, Simon Wistow wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:25:58AM -0500, Uri Guttman said:
 and that is only the tip of the iceberg. there are visa issues, where to 
 live, where to send your optional kids to school, cultural differences, 
 moving expenses (one client of mine does help with that), etc.
 So, I'll bite. This is based on my last 4 years working in SF. YMMV, 
 IANAL etc etc.
 For what it's worth. I still live out here, don't have any plans to come 
 back to London any time soon, if ever. Make of that what you will.
 Also, this is not exhaustive, not universal, completely subjective and 
 probably inaccurate.

Interestingly (at least to me) - my list of things I love and hate about the 
U.K. would be a different list, but of a similar length.

And I'm English born and bred - lived, schooled and worked here all my life…… 


Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Jones, Christopher
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Steve Mynott wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 10:13:49PM -0500, Rudolf Lippan typed:
 About six weeks ago, I was contacted by a recruiter and asked if I was
 interested in a team lead position in New Jersey, and so begins my story.
 I've no particular reason to defend NAP or doubt your story but publically
 publishing complaints about recruitment doesn't strike me as professional.
 Shit happens.  Deal with it.  We have all been messed around.
 Save the venting for the pub or IRC.

Why shouldn't we publicly discuss recruitment issues like this? NAP can (and 
hopefully will) respond to explain themselves - its very rare for any 
discussion on this forum be one-sided and I doubt this will be one of them. 

Regardless of who is to blame for this situation, its good for people like 
myself (who within a few months will be looking for a job) to know the kinds of 
issues they might face. Discussions like this wouldn't put me off applying for 
a job, but might help me to be careful about how I deal with the potential 
employer in the process.   

And anyway if NAP don't like this being made public, they should get their shit 
together and call the disgruntled parties to explain themselves. Alternatively, 
they equally have to accept that Shit happens. Deal with it.


Re: Perl Skills Test

2011-09-27 Thread Jones, Christopher
On 27 Sep 2011, at 14:14, Victoria Conlan wrote:

 At an interview with Auntie a few years ago, they gave me a Perl script
 and asked me to highlight all the problems/errors in it. Not sure if they
 were flattering me, but I found quite a few they didn't seem to be aware
 I've been on the other side of that interview. I was astonished by how bad
 the script was.
 There are a couple of Perl tests at the beeb, but Dave will have been
 subjected to the Numpty-filtering-test that was on our team.  Last set of
 interviews I took, the person who wanted more money than we could offer was
 the one who scored lowest.   Strangely, he didn't even seem to have good
 Blagging skills.

That's a coincidence - I wanted far more money that they could offer me, I had 
rubbish blagging skills, and I'm guessing I didn't get the highest score either!

But it was 3 or 4 years ago, so maybe you're talking about someone else ;-)


PS I've since improved my blagging skills, would be happy with less money, and 
might spot a few more problems with the script than I did 4 years ago. Just in 
case Auntie is still hiring.

Re: Perl Skills Test

2011-09-22 Thread Jones, Christopher
On 22 September 2011 14:14, Dave Cross wrote:

 Interesting question from a training client:
 Do you know of a general Perl skills test (on-line or paper) that we could
 give to our Perl developers before you turn up.

At an interview with Auntie a few years ago, they gave me a Perl script and 
asked me to highlight all the problems/errors in it. Not sure if they were 
flattering me, but I found quite a few they didn't seem to be aware of.. 
