Re: Alternative sources of Perl programmers

2013-05-14 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Duncan Garland wrote:

 We've got several PHP projects on the go as well. It's easier to get local
 PHP programmers and when we can't, there seems to be a constant supply of
 good Eastern European programmers. Why isn't there the same stream of
 Eastern European Perl programmers?

There is a Polish Perl Workshop next week :)
I am sure the organizers would not mind if you sponsored a beer round
to advertise your vacancies.


Re: cpan you have to see

2012-12-12 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Anthony Lucas wrote:

 Hahaha. Flexible::Output::Printer version 0.4.5 is a masterpiece.

 I think I've found the new does this person know Perl instant test. Take a 
 look at this module...

This is mean.

 --Original Message--
 From: Uri Guttman
 ReplyTo: Perl M\[ou\]ngers
 Subject: cpan you have to see
 Sent: 12 Dec 2012 07:29

 i can't say much about this but you have to look at the code here.

 in particular the boolean stuff is amazing and the print stuff isn't far


Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: Perl syntax highlighting

2012-10-26 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:43 AM, William Blunn wrote:
 Hello London Perl Mongers,

 What do people reckon to use when wanting to do Perl syntax highlighting
 (Perl ? HTML), such as one might want to use in one's source code repository

 There is an existing repository browser installation at $employer which does
 Perl syntax highlighting, but I've found the existing highlighter to be a
 bit mediocre in as much as it doesn't handle some rather common cases. The
 people who look after the repository browser have been working on improving
 the syntax highlighter, and have so far managed to fix:

 * a single quote in POD apparently being interpreted as the start of a
 string literal

 * a single quote in a comment apparently being interpreted as the start of a
 string literal

 but I am still suffering from

 * a single quote in q{...} string apparently being interpreted as the start
 of a string literal

 So I was wondering if there was a known good Perl syntax highligher. All
 suggestions gratefully received; suggestions of the form FooHighLight
 version = 2.71828 score bonus points.

For I use - it has the nice feature
that the code remains text, but I never tested it too exhaustively.

Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: Email attachments with Perl

2012-10-02 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Mark Fowler wrote:
 So my wireless scanner/printer doohicky can send its scans to an email 
 address as a PDF attachment.  These are currently piling up in a custom 
 google mail account I have for this purpose.

 I want to automatically download the PDFs to my mac with a Perl script that 
 I'll trigger periodically from launchd.

 What are the cool kids using do to this now?  Net::*?  Email::*?  Courriel?  
 Something else?

 To be clear, my requirements are approximately:

 - Talk IMAP
 - Download mail
 - Extract the attachment
 - Delete the mail

 (I don't care about the text part of the email, nor the subject, just the 

Courriel is pretty good at email parsing - but if you need just the
attachment and it is always encoded in the same way - then the
versatility of Courriel is not a bit advantage.

As far as I remember Courriel does not do any of the other tasks.


Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: Brainbench perl test?

2012-08-28 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 Anyone done this lately? Still as useful as it used to be?

I did it I think 10 years ago, so not really recently, but I am
disappointed that I cannot find my certificate at their website now (I
still have the paper one).

By the way there is also that does Perl tests - but it is
kind of different niche.

Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: CRUDdy DBIC question

2012-01-23 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Bob MacCallum wrote:
 Sorry about the Perl question.

 We have a database model where the master copy of the data is file based.

 Is there some DBIx::Class magic which does some kind of nested
 update_or_create_or_delete?  For example, an object might initially be
 written to the db along with its three children, but then someone
 edits the file and removes one child, adds another, and edits an
 existing child.

 I've seen
 and - if we convert our files into Stag format
 temporarily, maybe this could work.  Are there any other options I've

There is:
- but I hate it.


Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Steve Mynott wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 10:13:49PM -0500, Rudolf Lippan typed:

 About six weeks ago, I was contacted by a recruiter and asked if I was
 interested in a team lead position in New Jersey, and so begins my story.

 I've no particular reason to defend NAP or doubt your story but publically
 publishing complaints about recruitment doesn't strike me as professional.

 Shit happens.  Deal with it.  We have all been messed around.

 Save the venting for the pub or IRC.

He is providing a useful service for us all at his own expense (by
risking being marked by other potential employers) - why complain?


Re: Telecommuting

2011-12-09 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
Recently I was surprised by the following (from a talk by Greg Wilson):

Physical distance doesn’t affect post-release fault rates but Distance
in the organisational chart does.

Nagappan et all (2007) and Bird et al (2009)

Based on all the data from building Windows Vista. An enormous volume of data.

Searched for indicators of post release defect.

This goes against claims for the need for co-location.

Different managers with different goals has more impact than different

copied from a transcript:

Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: Perl Skills Test

2011-11-05 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Dave Cross wrote:
 Interesting question from a training client:

 Do you know of a general Perl skills test (on-line or paper) that we could
 give to our Perl developers before you turn up.

 The idea is that the output could feed into the training you are doing for

 I don't[1]. Does anyone else have any ideas? I suppose I could write
 something. But I don't really have time.

 I don't want to get into the whole certification issue. That's not what this
 is about at all.

I guess it might be too late - but has among others also
Perl tests.  These are on-line, automated tests where you write a
short script and they run it against some precompiled input data and
test for correctness and that they finish in some reasonable time.
The tests are not meant to find the best candidate in the crowd - but
only to filter out those that cannot code at all and I believe they
are pretty efficient in that.

For a full disclosure - I know the founder personally and I envy his
business idea.


Re: [ [ [pm_groups] Potential group project: The Perl Cookbook]]

2011-10-07 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
Isn't StackOverflow the cookbook we all use?

For example:[perl]+read+directories+recursively


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 12:36 PM, David Cantrell wrote:
 Seen on a lesser perl mongers group's mailing list, may be of interest

 (I can get away with being rude about, cos DHA is away from his
 email at the moment. No-one tell him in the pub on Sunday)

 David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

 Do not be afraid of cooking, as your ingredients will know and misbehave
   -- Fergus Henderson

Zbigniew Lukasiak

Where are the Perl Wordpresses, the Drupals, the Joomlas? (was Perl e-commerce?)

2011-09-16 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
It's worth noting that Wordpress was at least initially perceived to
be a 'free' answer to, then dominating, Perl based MovableType.
MovableType is now GPL
( - so
why it did not gain back at least some of Wordpress popularity?
Shared hosting is probably the main reason - but surely not the only

I have my own hypothesis that maybe Perl applications would be more
popular, at least among Perl programmers, if they were more like perl
modules.  If you could just 'cpanm My::App' and then 'run_in_plack
My::App' to check it out.  The problem here is with packaging all the
non-code stuff into the distribution to make the application fully
encapsulated.  There is File::ShareDir for this - but it is not very
popular and what follows it has still some rough edges (like using it
when running the tests), and there are multiple other problems that
wait for good solutions.   I am working on this in my own blog engine:

You can run Nblog with Lplackup from a following simple app.psgi file,
it will use the default config with a in-memory database:

use Nblog;

my $app = Nblog-new_with_config();


Zbigniew Lukasiak

Re: Writing About Perl

2011-08-23 Thread Zbigniew Łukasiak
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Simon Cozens si...@simon-cozens.orgwrote:

 On 23/08/2011 19:39, Dave Cross wrote:
  If a popular Linux magazine had given you the opportunity to write a 3000
  article giving a practical project-based demonstration of how Perl had
  on in the last ten years, what would you do? What would you write about?

 What's changed in the past ten years? I don't think this is going to be a
 popular answer, but: not much. At least, not much that's user-facing. Sure,
 there have been some minor adjustments to the language, but nothing so
 exciting that it's worth sharing with people who aren't true believers

 Ten years ago, design and implementation of Perl 6 had begun in earnest.

 Ten years ago, CPAN was considerably smaller than it is today, but looking
 back over my code from 10 years ago, at the time we *were* using CPAN
 for the majority of heavy-lifting in our applications. That hasn't changed.

 The Moose/Modern Perl/whatever doctrinaire style is new; 10 years ago,
 TMTOWTDI still meant something. You could try rewriting an old piece of
 in Moose and showing how different it is.

 Lightweight web frameworks are new, and are probably the only thing worth
 screaming about to the world at large.

 In all honestly, I don't think there are, unfortunately, too many areas
 Perl has been the driver of technological change over that time; we're
 generally pretty good at providing interfaces to other interesting things
 are going on, and maybe that is Perl's role and we should rejoice in it. It
 doesn't make great marketing copy though.

 There. That should be enough for the simian terpsichory to begin, out of
 might come some better suggestions.

CPAN still is a driver of techno-social change.  Other repositories are
maybe catching up - but CPAN is still on the frontier and it is the one that
is being copied.  Open Source has the chronic malaise of fragmentation, of
disagreement, of debating all decisions and forking.  The Perl community is
not exception - and it is even worse in the lack of leader-library like
Rails that would align the development.  It also might seem that TIMTOWDI
only leads to further fragmentation - but it also forces us to reject our
assumptions and thus leads us to discover what is arbitrary and what is
objective.  One of these discoveries is the reliance on tests,

Zbigniew Lukasiak