Seeking UML tips or alternatives

2008-10-12 Thread bloke
Hey Guys (n gals),

I'm working on a Perl project that's got pretty large. I've been putting 
together a detailed project plan for the management and also some of the 
investors. They want it to include clear diagrams and I've been recommended 
UML, the problem is I haven't used UML before and it's looking pretty daunting.

This didn't seem totally Perl related so rather than ask the Perl monks I 
thought maybe this list would be kind enough to give some pointers?

Is there a preferred alternative to UML that's a bit more Perlish?
Is there a Perlish way of using UML?

I've really no idea on how to get started with this and all my *google-fu* is 
only filling my head with more questions.

Any input much appreciated.


Re: Dim sum Thursday 1pm: New World

2008-10-30 Thread bloke
>On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:43:02PM +0100, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I'm not a list admin, so I can't remove you from the list. But hopefully
>> > there's enough information here to let you remove yourself, assuming that
>> > you've not already done so.
>> What a killjoy.
>May I add that you are lucky I am not a list admin, as you are near falling
>foul of the rule(s) of the list.
>I do not have time for poo flinging simians, nor do they do our image any
>Nicholas Clark

I have to say I side with Nicholas on this one.

If you find joy in tormenting people who make simple requests, maybe you should 
be looking at


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it's PerlBloke!

Pub for tomorrow?

2008-11-27 Thread bloke
  I'm assuming others are travelling down to London the night before as I am. 
Is there a pub people are planning to meet at tomorrow night?


RE: * facelift

2008-12-07 Thread bloke
>I put a few ideas together for a * facelift.
>At the moment it's just a stick in the ground.  It's probably the
>wrong kind of stick and not in the right place, but it's a start.
>Pass it on.

This looks brilliant. A lot of Perl sites certainly could do with a face lift. 
I think it'd go a long way towards making Perl look more alive :)


Perl is Alive!

2008-12-07 Thread bloke
and kicking!

Perl 5 doesn't need to be hip and new (like some people seem to think python 
and ruby are), Perl 6 will fix that

Perl 5 is itself growing and evolving, bridging the gap to Perl 6

Parrot v1 is soon to hit the shelves

Rakudo should be soon to follow

The dusty old conservatives of the Perl community will slowly accept Perl 6 
because it is a better *Perl*

LPM seems to be slowly becoming more friendly to new comers (even Matt Trout 
was talking at LPW about new people getting involved and getting friendly 
support from the community)

Newer groups like Italy, B&BPM, etc, seem to be going from strength to strength

A lot of new (and old) ideas are coming up... Some people will make attempts to 
take them forward... After all once it's started, you never know who'll help or 
finish it...

Perl itself doesn't need to make changes to attract new programmers. Perl is 
great, that's why we are all here :) All we need is to make new people try 
coding Perl. Perl does the rest. Looking to hard at other languages and trying 
to pull programmers from them is futile (unless you are talking about ones like 
VB). The future is with the youth, and the solution is simple, as Tony said 
"Education, Education, Education!".


Re: Perl is Alive!

2008-12-09 Thread bloke
Nige wrote:-

>p.s. maybe we could have an auction item - let's buy back

This sounds like a good idea. 

>Tom has been licensing to ORA for the last 8 years for personal
>profit. He's done well out of it - he's also amenable to assigning it to >the 
>Perl Foundation - what's the problem? 

That he would be considerably out of pocket.

Maybe a figure could be negotiated with Tom for the domain, and fund raising 
could be made to get it for TPF?


Easy install Perl (was Perl is ...)

2008-12-09 Thread bloke
I was a bit late to weigh in on this point before the original thread was 

>Hi Stefano!
>> Ok for Perl as a language, but the point gains sense if Perl is considered
>> as a technology. For example, I think PHP gained momentum for the
>> simplicity of the installing procedures of products based on it.
>I think this simplicity of those installations derives from the fact that
>providers are easily able to build a php/mod_php which includes the most used
>things (mail functions, database access, image processing) directly into the
>php binary. PHP programmers only need to upload their .php files via FTP and
>they just work. No modules to install, it's all already there.

Now PHP has grown a lot of scripts need different PHP extensions installed. But 
due to the popularity of PHP hosts are generally more than willing to do this.

>Should we go as far as creating a "mod_lightperl" alike to mod_php, which
>makes the interpreter stay resident and and bundles the commonly used 

I don't think this is the way forward. But having a way of getting Perl to be 
like this with an established technology like FastCGI would be very useful. 
That way standard CGI scripts would be able to take advantage of already having 
the interpreter loaded without having to code specifically for FastCGI. 
Something like mod_lightperl would keep things tied in with apache, whereas 
FastCGI works with Apache, IIS, LigHTTPD and a lot of others.

>> Like embperl?
>Yes, exactly like this, plus the smoothing of some of the edges. Along
>with the bundles you were talking about (CPAN-Standard, ...) this could
>provide the fast way to setup an Apache-based environment where user can
>just "upload they're pages with some Perl within and go" (like they do
>with PHP).

A project for bundles has already been started. although things are on pause at 
the moment while the wiki gets sorted and a project path outlined. I know they 
are still open for new people to get involved.

I was lucky enough to be at one of the B&BPM meets where one of the members 
spoke about a new project called PerlSI (Perl Scriptable Installer). The aim of 
this was to address the issues of getting Perl applications installed on 
machines quickly and easily. Such as installing and configuring Apache if 
needed, installing all the deps, etc. Including installing XS modules in a 
shared hosting environment. Giving the user a friendly GUI or command line 
interface and the developer an easy framework to adapt to their needs. They 
said after spending weeks looking into things and all the options, Perl 
actually has the potential for apps to be easier to install that PHP ones in a 
variety of hosting environments including IIS and Apache. I'm sure there will 
be a notification of this project on this list once some headway has been made.


I'm afraid I'm leaving already :(

2008-12-14 Thread bloke
Hey People,
  I'm afraid I leaving this group. I was going to post this 3 days ago, but I 
thought best to let it sit over the weekend to make sure I felt the same way.

There seems to be an air of fear for all the people who lurk on this list. 
For those that are brave enough to post, they soon get shot down and 
discouraged from posting. 
This can be for making simple mistakes, or having an opinion an outspoken Cabal 
member does not agree with.

My second post here was:-
>I have to say I side with Nicholas on this one.
>If you find joy in tormenting people who make simple requests, maybe you 
>should be looking at

(my first post was only in desperation as management was breathing down my neck 
and I didn't know where to turn about Perl an UML)

I posted that and started to make and effort to contribute to this group as I 
saw a well known and respected member of this group stand up and say 
"I do not have time for poo flinging simians, nor do they do our image any 

I was wholly impressed by this, and felt a mood of change, so I decided it was 
time to start posting.

All my posts since were aimed to encourage Perl and the community to do good 
things and help Perl grow and evolve.
The Perl is Dead post hurt so much I just had to start a Perl is Alive thread.

The majority of this group, as I read it, are good. They want good things for 

The main problem member for me recently is Jonathan Stowe. Some newer posters 
were trying to put out a good message for this group, reminding people that 
Perl was intended to be for everyone and expressing things about Perl that were 
important to them. It seems that Jonathan has acted quickly to put them in 
'their place' as he appears to see it.

Some recent replies from Jonathan Stowe:-

>>If there is anyone out there who still doubts that is a
>>place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of
>>our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of
>>our democracy...
>Nothing in the above should be taken as meaning that is infact
>a democracy of course ...

Our leader makes a nice inspiring speech, Jonathan is quick to discourage 

>Strange how you seem to be towing exactly the same line as the *thrice*
>banned Lyle Hopkins

I posted a link to a group that is trying to achieve exactly what the previous 
posters were suggesting. It doesn't matter who has taken the time to start the 
group, it was wholly relevant.

>I'll put your attempt to get us to participate in copyright theft down
>to naivete, stupidity or youthful enthusiasm but please do not do this

This was completely unnecessary, he made a mistake, we are all human. It 
clearly wasn't "an attempt to get us to participate in copyright theft" nor 
were your comments needed.

>> Let's just be nice, mm'kay?
>"Nice" doesn't cut it: politeness - that is to say adhering to a set
>of basic community norms and, if one doesn't understand those norms,
>not making up a standard for yourself that is at conflict with them
>and then getting the arse when called on it is the key.  Most of the
>crap that we get in this list is completely down to people not being

Pot and kettle... The person was clearly being polite, and asking you nicely to 
do the same. New people aren't going to understand the 'basic community norms' 
as you put it. Much the way a child will not be born knowing everything that 
you expect of it. What it takes it patience and taking a little time now and 
then to tell people what they've done/are doing wrong in a friendly and 
considerate way.

>>> And I said no arguing
>> (cartoon portraying one rule for me, another for 
>> you)
>Damn right!

This is a really bad attitude and very damaging to the group.

>So you appear to have some kind of bee in your bonnet about
>You are wrong, no-one has a right to be here by default.
>Oh get the man a violin and a tear jar.

This is not an acceptable way to talk to someone on or off-line. Seriously "Oh 
get the man a violin and a tear jar", please grow up.

>Whining fuckers, I should ban the lot of you...

So if we don't adhere to exactly what you want then we'll get booted? Certainly 
seems that way.

If I was you Jonathan, I'd probably say something horrid like "ohh look, Davros 
is picking on someone else", but I won't. Because I'm not you. Instead I'll say 
'please don't drag this list down'.

Seems that many people here have the intention of turning this list into the 
friendly supportive place it should be. Please don't stamp on their efforts. 
Really you should be looking at yourself and why you are acting in this way.

To the 'Cabal' you seem to be quite divided on whether this list should be a 
friendly democratic place. Or whether it should be a Cabal led dictatorship, 
where you can do/say/act in whatever way you want, but everyone else must 
conform or keep quiet. May