I think in my lightning talk at LPW I might have skipped over the slide
about the Delirium Café where the attendees of FOSDEM meet
on Friday. The evening before FOSDEM.

They usually provide a certain amount of free beer.
See details http://www.fosdem.org/2011/beerevent

It is less than 3 weeks away.

I am preparing a postcard to be given away at the Perl booth
during FOSDEM on which I list all the European Perl events
for which I already have the date. I also list the BPW even though
they don't have date yet and as I thought I'll also add the LPW.

Besides that it might be interesting to give away some fliers
about London.pm or LPW. So if any of you is planning to attend
FOSDEM, maybe you can bring over a few fliers.

There is also a Perl track in preparation which has a few empty slots.
You might want to give a talk about something that is interesting for
people who are not hard-core Perl developers.
The draft schedule is here:


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