[luau] disk space

2003-01-29 Thread Albert S. Kim

Dear LUAU 

I have a RH 7.2 box.  

When I install the OS, I used auto-partition that the
installer recommended.  

Now I am in the lack of the directory /.

This is what I got after I type and enter df h

Filesystem    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/hdc5  1011M  920M     40M  96% /

/dev/hdc1      45M   30M     13M  70%

/dev/hdc7      80G   11G     65G  14%

none   251M    0    250M   0%

/dev/hdc2  7.9G  2.0G    5.5G  27% /usr

/dev/hdc6     494M   99M    369M  22% /var

As you can see I used 96% of 1011 M /,
so that I can not install any program into the system even if I have a plenty
of space in /home.

I think this is why rhn_register was not possible.

How do I solve this problem?

Do I have to reinstall everything?

Or can I move everything in / of 1011M
to other places and make symbolic links?

Is this possible?




Albert S. Kim, Assistant Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Hawaii at Manoa

2540 Dole St. Holmes 383

Honolulu, HI 96822

Office: POST 205G

Tel: 808-956-3718

Fax: 808-956-5014


URL: www.eng.hawaii.edu/~albert


[luau] slapper worm

2002-09-26 Thread Albert S. Kim

Dear All

Recently, my redhat linux 7.3web server has 
been infected by slapper worm so that I need to upgrade openssl and modssl. 

Anybody did this job?

RPM form redhat is not very helpful, and I can not 
figure out which executable file and directory should be upgraded for openssl 
and modssl.

You help will be truly appreciated. 


[luau] Beowulf Linux Cluster on Sale

2002-07-31 Thread Albert S. Kim

Dear All the Linuxers here.

My name is Albert S. Kim.
I really don't know whether I can postan 
advertisement in this e-mail list.
A few years ago, I built a small Beowulf Linux 
cluster for parallel computing.
Since I have a better system now, the cluster 
system is on SALE.

The cluster is composed of 4 PCs, and each computer 
 Intel Pentium 450MHz CPU 

 128 MB memory. (One of them has 
192MB memory).
 CD rom
 network card (netgear FX310), 
hard drive (a few 

A private subnetwork is already set up for local 
communication with Red Hat 6.2 OS.

Anybody interested in buying this, please contact 
I haven't decide the price yet, so that it is still 


==Albert Sechurl 
KimDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Hawaii 
at Manoa2540 Dole Street, Holmes 383Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USAPhone: 
(808) 956-3718 Fax: (808) 956-5014email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]===