Re: [LUAU] How long should it take to put a system together?

2008-08-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
Scott E Foulk wrote:
 I suppose I missed this part of the thread, but how does one pick a 
 motherboard?  I have a LTSP server down, and I want to replace the MB.  I see 
 all kinds of options and haven't a clue.  This server needs minimally 4 Gb of 
 ram.  A decent bus speed, which CPU, etc.  Its for Linux, obviously.  
 Is there a difference in MB's that I would choose between a Linux standalone 
 and a Windows WS?

Sorry if this is too late to be relevant (I don't check this list
much).  If you buy the wrong motherboard, you're going to have to buy a
new one, or spend a long time making it work.  I bought an Asus A7V, and
ever since, I do a ton of research before buying a motherboard.  The A7V
had ridiculously common hard-lock issues, as described at

So features are nice, but they aren't my main concern.  If I were to buy
a new motherboard, I would look at reviews.  I wouldn't buy anything
with less than 5 stars on newegg.  I would even go so far as to go to
their support forum and read about problems people have with the
motherboard.  If all the questions are How do I overclock it more, or
When I do this, and this, and that, and stand on my head, this one
function is 10% slower than I'd expect; then it's probably a good
motherboard.  If the questions are about avoiding hardlocks and how to
get it to work with all of the RAM slots, or anything about needing a
beta version of the BIOS, run.

Anyway, as far as features go, I would look for future-proof type of
technologies.  Make sure it has firewire and USB.  Make sure that if
you're going to get a quality raid card that you have enough of that
type of slot (PCI express 16, maybe?).  Usually you can get 2 Gigabit
ports on the motherboard, but if you're buying more ethernet cards or
even 1GBit/s cards or fibre channel for storage, then you'll need
whatever port those use.  The bus speed isn't as important as allowing
DDR3 RAM and a modern processor.  DDR3 isn't important in and of itself,
but it's probably the future of RAM.  If you need at least 4GB RAM, then
you obviously need a 64-bit processor, since memory-mapped I/O will max
32-bit processors at probably 3.0-3.5GB or so.

ASUS now has a complete Linux-based diagnostic boot environment entirely
contained on a PROM on most of their server motherboards.  I've never
played with it, but it sounds neat.

I think ultimately the processor socket(s) is the limiting factor in
future-proofing.  Nowadays it's hard to upgrade one component of a
machine.  They go through RAM standards and processor sockets almost
every year now.  Intel and AMD both went a little bonkers with their
number of product lines, so you'll probably need to find some good
benchmarks (is a X3 Phenom better than a high-end opteron?  How do
core2quads compare to xeon 7 series?).

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Wine 1.0 can be amazing

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Hattemer
Wine development has grown by leaps and bounds, but unfortunately, 
that's been from utter garbage to a sometimes passable API.  You'll 
almost surely need to execute some or all of the suggestions on for 
Guild Wars, including reading up on all the bugs.

Aside from Guild Wars, you may benefit from some of the modifications 
from .  I've never really gotten 
anything to work without importing a dozen or so .dll files from Windows 
XP and turning on native mode for them.  There used to be problems with 
the installer that came with wine, which caused it to skip certain 
registry keys.  So I had to take a Windows install of the program, 
export its registry keys, then import them into my wine environment.

Wine has gotten a lot better, but until they add features like working 
anti-aliasing, back-buffering, and predictable sound output, my games 
are running on Windows.  I used to run EVE on Wine at 0.5fps, whereas on 
Windows, it was close to 300fps.  I played with all sorts of options and 
dll files, read every forum entry and every workaround, and never found 
an answer besides Wine fundamentally doesn't support back-buffering, 
which is used extensively by EVE.  So I gave up.  Maybe Wine will 
finally implement all of DirectX 9 by the time all games require DirectX 

-Eric Hattemer

Jason Axelson wrote:

I haven't tried it on World of Warcraft but I've been having trouble
getting to run Guild Wars.  Which is odd because Guild Wars is on the
Platinum list so it should work without any configuration.

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Peter Besenbruch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently experimented with Wine 1.0 under Ubuntu 8.04.  I was
utterly amazed at running World of Warcraft perfectly and at a stunning
speed under an older P4 with a mediocre AGP card.  Everything works.
Even the sound is flawless.  There are quite a few other apps listed in
the Wine DB.  It's really come a long way.

I'm still waiting for it to run Word Perfect 10, or Microsoft Publisher 98. It
tends to work on graphics programs, and rather imperfectly on a Windows 3 era
dictionary. I still run the dictionary, because it's good, and I put up with
the display imperfections.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:
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Re: [LUAU] non-distro firewall recommendations?

2008-03-26 Thread Eric Hattemer
Jeff Mings wrote:
 Is there a good up-to-date firewall solution like MonMotha's?  It is 
 _really_ easy to configure, and make work.  The only thing missing is 
 the ability to deny packets from certain hosts.  The MonMotha script was 
 supposed to do this, but the office girls were still able to suck away 
 the bandwidth and their productivity at,, 
 etc.  Shorewall unequivocally blocks the crap sites.  I also need to 
 accomodate Gizmo and the SIP / RTP functionality of the Talkswitch 
 mini-PBXes.  The servers are primarily Fedora Core (8,7,6) boxes that 
 primarily serve OpenVPN, Samba, HTTP and DHCP.

I don't know if you can hook it into dynamic lists, but is my favorite.  It's a GUI program where you 
create objects like loopback interface, my subnet, ICMP, UDP Port 
1, and you drag them around and make a layout of your rules.  Once 
you're done, you can export a firewall script for a dozen different 
operating systems.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] high performance SCP/SSH

2008-02-21 Thread Eric Hattemer
So I know this is pretty off-topic and all, but has anyone ever found an 
scp client for Windows that doesn't perform like ass?  I can pick any 
two random linux/solaris/osx machines, and get 20-30MB/s transfers.  But 
between windows and linux/solaris/osx, the most I've ever gotten was 
3MB/s.  I've tried cygwin ssh, winscp, pscp, coreftp, and probably 
others, never with any decent speed.  Regular FTP on the same machine is 
30MB/s+, FTP over SSL was about the same, I think, but scp and suddenly 
the speed goes down by a factor of 10.  Using various -c and -C options 
hasn't helped.  Anyone know what it is that caps this speed?

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] help on port 25

2007-11-09 Thread Eric Hattemer
Clifton Royston wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 12:27:12AM -0800, goku ball z wrote:
 hay guys. I have a funny problem and I just can't figure out.  
   I just installed open suse 10.2 
   here is my problem on the suse box to test to see if port 25 is working i 
 did the following

   telnet localhost 25   and it worked BUT. when I did the following 

   telnet 25  I got connection refused.

   I check the services, dns and everything I can think of can someone 
 point me in the right direction?
A few more notes.  Try `iptables -L` and see if there are any iptables
rules that might specify port 25.  I still recommend a program called
fwbuilder if you're not familiar with iptables.  Or if you want to be
defenseless, on FC you can do `service iptables stop`.  I'm sure there's
something similar on suse.

Depending on how your routing works, it is possible that you are going
out to your ISP before you go back to your own IP address.  Many
intelligent home ISP's block and filter port 25 on their network to help
oppress the massive spam bots.  Unless you have a commercial server-type
agreement, it is unlikely that you will be able to have port 25 open,
deliver mail, and not have your outgoing mail marked as spam.  Often to
use another ISP's smtp server, you need to configure your mail client to
use port 465 or 587.  Many domains block all mail from dynamic or home
user IP addresses.  You might try configuring your MTA to bind only to
port 587 and only accept authenticated smtp if you want to use it as a
local SMTP server.  If you actually want to collect mail on that box,
but your ISP doesn't want you to, you're pretty much screwed.

But Clifton is probably right that if you didn't do enough configuring
on your MTA, you probably just missed the part where you open it up to
the public.  If you're using sendmail, don't.  The only reason to use
sendmail is to put it on your resume for those companies that are stuck
with it.  The configuration belongs back in the early 70's.  Even then,
they probably could have written a better configuration file, but
didn't.  Postfix is excellent and easy to setup.  I haven't looked into
qmail, but anything is better than sendmail.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] all your GPU are belong to us

2007-10-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
Dave Burns wrote:
 You're assuming that they can't get in and read /etc/shadow.

 If they can, then either you've got a broken configuration and they
 will own you in 5 minutes, or they have root already and ordinary
 user-level passwords aren't really stopping them from doing much. I
 suppose this situation deserves some contemplation, but I'd prefer to
 spend a lot more effort preventing them from getting to that point in
 the first place.
I agree.  I think my post was a little vague, but the idea is that there
used to be vulnerabilities in Windows where you could use a null session
to download the password hash anonymously.  I suppose it's possible that
you could find a network vulnerability for any OS that lets you read
files but no execute arbitrary code.  This would make cracking a
password hash like /etc/shadow worthwhile.  But I think this situation
is pretty uncommon.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] all your GPU are belong to us

2007-10-26 Thread Eric Hattemer
Vince Hoang wrote:
 On 10/25/07, Jim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If passwords weren't dead already, this (or having the botnet do it
 on the CPUs) finished them.

 In a world where bank PINs are 4 numeric digits can you suggest practical
 alternatives? Biometrics are not mature enough. Two-factor authentication
 has existed for a long time but is not cost effective for the average
The article talks about ntlm and pgp.  The answer is not passwords that
are more complicated, it is passwords that can't be anonymously
downloaded and cracked offsite.  It doesn't matter how crappy your
shadow password is if someone can only try an ssh attempt every 2
seconds or so.  NTLM passwords are freely available to any decent
cracker with a network connection to the windows machine.  If your PGP
secrets are important, and you expect someone to get at them, you'd
better have a ridiculously large key.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] headless fedora

2007-10-22 Thread Eric Hattemer
Peter Besenbruch wrote:
 Dave Burns wrote:
 Maybe I should go in the opposite order - I
 can log in over the serial connection when it is still booted runlevel
 5 and has a monitor attached, can't I?

 You can, but you can also use a remote desktop connection.

Yeah, the thing to keep in mind is that having a monitor and a graphical
desktop doesn't hinder you from doing anything.  I'll give you a chance
to configure it and make sure everything is working before disconnecting
it.  You can test ssh, look into vnc, and make sure it all works from
off your local network before disconnecting anything.

The other thing to think about is that as long as you can guarantee
something like sshd will be running, a second ethernet card with no
firewall rules might be easier than a serial console.  If you have
multiple machines that will be on most of the time, I suggest you setup
netconsole so that you can get kernel crash reports, and maybe something
like nagios so that you can get emailed if something goes down.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Re: [buug] nano help!!!!

2007-10-20 Thread Eric Hattemer
Vince Hoang wrote:
 The solution is the same in both: fix the PATH. For tcsh, the OP will want
 to add something like the following to your .tcshrc file:

 set PATH = ($PATH /usr/local/bin)

 Using a symlink will work too, but using a custom PATH will continue to work
 for other local package installations.

In my experience with tcsh, $PATH is set by setenv, and is : separated,
whereas $path is handled by set, and is space separated.  So you'd want
setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/local/bin
set path=($path /usr/local/bin)

My point that a lot of people missed was someone wrote in saying
basically I would like to use nano.  I went out of my way to install
it, because I am familiar with it and enjoy it.  Sean wrote back saying
basically, I recognize that you've probably seen vi and hate it enough
to drive you to go out of your way to install nano, but you're wrong,
and you need to use vi.  Do you ever wonder why vi was written in 1976,
but in 1984, 1999, and 2000 respectively, people had the audacity to
publicly release emacs, nano, and gedit, when vi is clearly better?

The answer is that not everybody likes vi.  Some people will never like
vi.  Some people have used it extensively, either when it was necessary,
or to give it a chance, are familiar with it, proficient, and still hate
it.  If you grabbed 100 people off the street, gave them a copy of nano
and a copy of vi, and told them go, I think you'd see my point.

The point is not which editor is the best.  The point is that if someone
says I'm having trouble with A, the answer of A sucks, use B is
usually inappropriate.

I have yet to find this hypothetical system that has vi, but doesn't
have emacs, noxemacs, nano, pico, nedit, gedit, kwrite, jed, or joe; the
ability to install one of these easier to use editors, or a file
transfer utility that would allow you to do your editing remotely. 
Maybe I'm fortunate that I work for a company whose servers are all from
the last 2 decades.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Re: [buug] nano help!!!!

2007-10-18 Thread Eric Hattemer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 808.356.2913 wrote:
 this might not sound nice but

 use 'vi' not 'nano'

 you will never feel any editor woes again

You're right, it doesn't sound nice.  It sounds elitist and stupid.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] help with iptables

2007-10-15 Thread Eric Hattemer
Whoever Whatever wrote:
 when I have a linux box with two NICs, one $EXTIF (external) and
 one $INTIF (subnet=  With ip masq turn on:
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE

 how do I block $INTIF(192.168.176/20) from accessing ports(ie: 80) on
 the linux box(, but still allow port 80 access using ip
 masq to the outside world?

 I tried the filters below, but I still can access port 80 after
 applying the rules:
 iptables -A INPUT -i $INTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP
 iptables -A FORWARD -i $INTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 80 -j 

 anyone know if it's possible?

I don't know any iptables, because I've never had to.  Maybe someone on
the list will answer your question, but in the meantime, I strongly
suggest a program called fwbuilder.  You drag your rules around, and
when you're done, you can auto-generate scripts for every major
routing/firewall language you can think of.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] help with iptables

2007-10-15 Thread Eric Hattemer
Eric Hattemer wrote:
 Whoever Whatever wrote:
 when I have a linux box with two NICs, one $EXTIF (external) and
 one $INTIF (subnet=  With ip masq turn on:
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE

 how do I block $INTIF(192.168.176/20) from accessing ports(ie: 80) on
 the linux box(, but still allow port 80 access using ip
 masq to the outside world?

 I tried the filters below, but I still can access port 80 after
 applying the rules:
 iptables -A INPUT -i $INTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP
 iptables -A FORWARD -i $INTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 80 -j 

 anyone know if it's possible?

 I don't know any iptables, because I've never had to.  Maybe someone on
 the list will answer your question, but in the meantime, I strongly
 suggest a program called fwbuilder.  You drag your rules around, and
 when you're done, you can auto-generate scripts for every major
 routing/firewall language you can think of.
But if you do have a pretty good idea of what you're doing and want to
debug it, Phil Dibowitz wrote a nice program called IPTState at that shows you what iptables is up to
in realtime.  It's of wide enough acclaim that you can probably find it
in your local package management tool.

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Top 10 Best / Worst Cities For Software Developer Pay

2007-03-20 Thread Eric Hattemer

Jim Thompson wrote:

   Where are the exports for Hawaii?

I think this is the key question.  You can't pay people with money you 
don't have.  It's not so much about how much are they paying as who 
is there that can actually pay?  I think the only way to solve this 
problem would be to get more companies with more cash-earning products 
to Hawaii.  It's not direct, but there's definitely a small correlation 
between corporate earnings and employee salaries.  How many giant 
(Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Apple, etc.) software/computer companies have 
offices in Hawaii?  The only one I can think of is IBM. 

-Eric Hattemer

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] MS to EOL Win98 and WinMe - July 11

2006-07-07 Thread Eric Hattemer
 patches, then make sure that your OS patches stay up to
date.  However, yes, it would be nice if you didn't need the
hardware/software/SP2 firewall because there weren't any open ports to
begin with.  I have read that Vista will ship with no open ports, but
considering how often they change fundamental things in between betas,
who knows whether they'll botch something simple like that or not. 

I firmly believe that if you turn on any network server-like services,
you take responsibility for understanding what they do and certify that
you have the newest, safest version of the service.  If you don't, then
you deserve what you get.  I've seen OSX machines become raging messed
up hacked open mail relays because some fool ran through the Sharing
Preferences and checked all the checkboxes without knowing what any of
them do (turns on samba, ssh, apache, sendmail and several others with
default settings). 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] MS to EOL Win98 and WinMe - July 11

2006-07-06 Thread Eric Hattemer
Jim Thompson wrote:

 I told him to not connect it to the Internet, because it would be
 rooted in minutes.

 Its ugly out there...

I haven't found a link to the original article or anything, but this
sounds largely absurd.  A statement like this requires many

First, Windows ME by some definitions can't be rooted, since it only has
one user. 

Second, any worms that might do any sort of automatic rooting almost
certainly do NOT apply to the dos-based versions of windows.  From about blaster worm:

*Systems Affected*
Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP
*Systems Not Affected*
Linux, Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me

This is true of most if not all non-self-inflicted and
non-browser-related worms.  If you can find me a worm capable of
automatically infecting a windows ME machine without user input, I will
be extremely surprised.  The best I've ever found is one that will
propagate to shared drives on the network that have manually turned on
read/write sharing on the root of the hard drive regardless of whether
they set a password on the share.  No sharing is enabled on windows ME
by default. 

If you turn on sharing to the root of your hard drive with read/write
without ever going to , then you do deserve
what you get.  Otherwise, a default install of windows ME is relatively

This article is surely very specific to a certain class of computers
that came out before 2004, computers running a a copy of Windows NT4
(any) Windows 2000 SP0-SP3 or Windows XP SP0-SP1 with no security
patches slipstreamed onto the installation media, with no software nor
hardware firewall.  I don't think Windows 2000 or NT with the latest
service pack and all recent security patches slipstreamed into the
installation CD is common, although you used to be able to order a free
CD from microsoft with all the security patches for the price of
shipping at . 

Windows NT/2000/XP all were vulnerable to several classes of network
worms because they had retarded default security settings with open
ports for running services normal people would never need.  All of these
ports are firewalled by default in XP SP2, and almost all computers that
have been built since August 2004 have SP2 built into the
installation/restoral CD.  Until a worm comes out that hacks the
firewall itself (hasn't happened yet, but isn't impossible), all of
these XP SP2 machines are safe by default, and can only be hacked via
self-inflicted security holes (running randomly obtained exe files,
turning off the firewall, etc). 

Furthermore, a windows machine of any sort that is alone behind a
hardware firewall won't have any hackable open ports either.  It seems
like almost all broadband ISPs give their customers NAT firewall
routers/modems nowadays, so this mostly just leaves dialup and static IP
users of windows NT-2000-XPSP1, who either haven't been to windowsupdate
before the viruses came out, or who managed to find an installation CD
for one of those old OSes, which is an increasingly small segment of
windows users. 

So I contend that to say that all windows machines are hackable in 12
minutes is more absurd than to say that all linux machines are hackable
in 12 minutes just because redhat 7 was ( ). 

The only people who have it right are OSX and a few linux
distributions.  OSX has no open ports by default.  Almost all Linux
distributions have ssh enabled by default, which has had a few
exploits.  I strongly believe that ALL open ports should be an opt-in
policy and not an opt-out/firewall policy. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Pics and news about the mythtv build

2006-03-16 Thread Eric Hattemer
Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
 It appears that there's a lot of interest in MythTV, which is spilling
 over to Linux.

 Does any one have any thoughts/comments re Hauppauge 250 vs 350? 
 Thanx.  Wayne

You'd do really well to ask the mythtv-users list from .  There are
hundreds of them with lots of experience with those cards. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Myth TV Thanks!

2006-02-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
Jim Thompson wrote:
 There was also talk of having a annual conference as a fundraser to 
 highlight OSS in the community - j/k

 I find your humor here derogatory in tone and tenor, and sarcastic at
 best.  Perhaps I misinterpret, and you will clarify.  Interestingly the
 record shows that you were involved with TPOSSCON 05.   Can it be true
 that you now deride same?

 You should come next build, you can ask the 'old-timers' - people over 30 
 about the good old days.

 Matt, you can choose to either help build, or help tear things apart. 

 I'll be 44 in May, what is your point?   Do you mean to insinuate that
 because Julian is under 30, that he can't hope to understand your
 politics?   That life really was better before he was born, when 1MB of
 memory cost more than any of us made in a week? 

 Because I'll back Julian in a Linux bar fight.   I'll lay $500 that he
 can out-code anyone in your company (I get to pick the language and



Whoa, let's be cool, everyone.  I don't think I read anything negative
in Matt's comments.  This was about history of the list, and I'm fairly
sure that 'old-timers' are just people that can remember what the list
was like back then.  I'm 23, but I can remember back to 99/2000.  I
remember that this is exactly why we had two LUAUs.  I wasn't there for
it, but I remember hearing rumors that the original LUAU fell apart
because everyone fought all the time.  Warren kept the name, but made a
point to say that it wouldn't be as ugly and mean-spirited as the end of
the last group.  It almost got that way anyway in the first part of this
century, because a couple of people resented Warren taking a lot of
leadership in the group (saying it wasn't democratic enough). 

Now I imagine Scott would see some liability in throwing the HOSEF name
around randomly at meetings and events that don't involve him.  You may
be able to get the HOSEF organization to agree to and sponsor whatever
events you are planning.  I'm guessing that funds are chartered more for
school projects, but you'd have to ask the HOSEF organizers. 

But since LUAU hasn't had a real meeting since Warren moved to New
Hampshire, you can use that name and make meetings, and do what you
like.  LUAU used to have meetings at Mid-Pacific Institute with pizza
and talks about kernels and virtual machines and things like that.  It
was at Mid-pac because Warren volunteered there.  He made a linux
computer lab there.  Many of the MPLUG/LUAU (same group then, basically)
got together to help build that lab.  People were bringing in computers
and stuff like that.  As time went on, MPLUG/LUAU started working on
other school labs.  This is where HOSEF basically came from.  So many of
the main/active members were working on these things, that
MPLUG/LUAU/HOSEF became somewhat synonymous.  This doesn't mean that
just because some people are working on linux labs and the newer HOSEF
school projects, that everyone has to stop holding meetings to talk
about kernel developments and building telecom servers. 

Is the space at McKinley an option?  Is Scott willing to let people work
on these things at his workshop area? 

I hope everyone can give the benefit of the doubt to what each other
say.  This message is not meant to be negative or anti-anyone.  I just
mean to try to keep the peace, and tell what I remember of LUAU.  It may
not be factually accurate, but please let me know that in a polite manner. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: Putting the UG back in LUG

2006-02-04 Thread Eric Hattemer
Matt Darnell wrote:
 Speaking of 1080p..when should I show up for the Superbowl?
Meh, I don't think it'd be worth your while to fly out to LA for it... 
That's where I live nowadays. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: mythtv install

2006-02-03 Thread Eric Hattemer
Eric Jeschke wrote:

 I can definitely recommend using Ubuntu as the base.  Just enable the
 universe and multiverse repositories and then synaptic is your
 friend-- just search for mythtv and it will install everything that
 you need.

I think just use what you're familiar with.  Almost all distros have a
binary distribution of mythtv.  Fedora has one from Axel Thimm , which has never been entered into the main tree. 
I've never tried it, but people seem to be happy with it.  I just
compiled from source, and if you follow the directions, this is a very
smooth process. 

 Oh, and streaming works great to a laptop running 802.11g wireless
 with just the front end installed; I watch/pause live tv or recorded
 shows anywhere on the property.

What platform is the laptop?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: Putting the UG back in LUG

2006-02-02 Thread Eric Hattemer
Matt Darnell wrote:
 On 2/2/06, Jim Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maddog wrote:


 Mythtv sounds like a winner too!

I'm not in Hawaii anymore, but let me know if you get stuck with this. 
I have had a mythtv box setup for over a year now.  It's not terribly
hard.  I'm using Fedora 4.  It works great.  I do have to worry about
RedHat changing my udev configuration and stopping mythtv from finding
the TV card, but I just have to remember to play with the udev settings
after any major rpm upgrade. 

You may want to join the mythtv mailing list.  It's pretty chatty,
though.  But join it for a bit, and people will have interesting
suggestions (not as important now that you have your TV cards).  I have
a bttv card, which is somewhat low quality, doesn't have onboard
processing, but does come automatically in the kernel.  The ivtv based
cards are significantly trickier to get working on the kernel level.  I
do suggest a card with an onboard mpeg2 processor, though.  That will
significantly lower your overhead and let you tape more things
simultaneously while using the computer. 

The main page is at .  Now that they've added
plenty of functionality and worked out most of the bugs, I would stick
to the point (non-svn) versions.  The svn versions work fine too, but
you feel like you have to keep upgrading.  They are as step-by-step as
possible here: . 

I have literally never seen a linux project as refined and user-friendly
as mythtv.  Once it's compiled, you never really need to touch the
command line again (except to start the frontend).  All of the setup and
customization are through the cute little menus.  It's well documented,
and remarkably easy, unless you have some non-standard hardware. 

I downloaded the dsmyth filters ,
installed mythweb, and stream my shows to my windows machine.  You can
even do live TV over your favorite Windows media player (except Windows
Media Player TM).  I hear you need something just slightly faster/more
reliable than 802.11b to stream them.  I use gigabit ethernet, but I'm
pretty sure 802.11g or 100 Mbit ethernet would do it great. 

I haven't played with any of the mythplugins, except for the mythweb. 
But it seems that they install pretty cleanly. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: Putting the UG back in LUG

2006-02-02 Thread Eric Hattemer
 just that at
the same bitrate, large frame sizes give good stills, and small frame
sizes give good motion.  If I did [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s, I'd get insane
macroblocking.  But that's not relevant for talk shows.

With any of the cards with the MPEG2 encoders builtin, you can tape to
MPEG2 directly.  This uses negligible cpu (I think someone said about
4%).  Even at max quality, the shows don't take up an unreasonable
amount of space.  You can then run the transcoder in the background at
minimum priority (in mythtv, you setup a recording profile that
automatically transcodes certain shows you pick).  I think the Haupauge
150/250/350 cards are the most common ones with builtin MPEG2 encoders.
There are cards with 720p capabilities, but since I have SD cable, I've
never looked into that.

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] new display card needed

2006-01-18 Thread Eric Hattemer

Jim Thompson wrote:

Also, are you using the drivers that come with Xorg, or the ones from 
ATi's website?

I don't have much experience with ATi, but I would try this driver:

It should have faster acceleration, and probably has access to more 
features like non-standard video modes.  The only question is 
stability.  I haven't run ATi drivers, but I don't think stability is a 

Here's a modeline I found that you can try

# 1920x1200 @ 75Hz
Modeline 1920x1200 246.590 1920 2064 2272 2624 1200 1201 1203 1253 +hsync 

Section Screen
   DefaultDepth 24

   Subsection Display
   Depth   24
   Modes   1920x1200 1024x768 800x600 640x480
   ViewPort0 0  


-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] new display card needed

2006-01-17 Thread Eric Hattemer
I wouldn't give up on the current graphics card just yet.  If you tell
Xorg to try 1920, does it give an error?  You might have to go
old-school and use a modeline, but if ATi says it works, then it's Xorg
that's being the problem.  Maybe you could send or post your xorg.conf
and Xorg.log. 

-Eric Hattemer

Jim Thompson wrote:

 My company found itself with a bit of cash at the end of the year and
 decided to buy me a Dell 2405 display.
 This has a native resolution of 1920x1200.  It works great on the Mac,
 but I'd like to also use it on the linux box.

 'lspci -v' reports:

 :01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon
 R300 ND [Radeon 9700 Pro] (prog-if 00 [VGA])
 Subsystem: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 0002
 Flags: bus master, stepping, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency
 255, IRQ 16
 Memory at e000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]
 I/O ports at 9000 [size=256]
 Memory at f500 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
 Capabilities: [58] AGP version 3.0
 Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2

 :01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R300
 [Radeon 9700 Pro] (Secondary)
 Subsystem: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 0003
 Flags: stepping, 66MHz, medium devsel
 Memory at e800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [disabled] [size=128M]
 Memory at f501 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled]
 Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2

 Relavent parts of the Xorg.log file state:
 (II) fglrx(0): Connected Display1: DFP on internal TMDS
 (II) fglrx(0): Display1 EDID data ---
 (II) fglrx(0): Manufacturer: DEL  Model: a010  Serial#: 810826067
 (II) fglrx(0): Year: 2005  Week: 41
 (II) fglrx(0): EDID Version: 1.3
 (II) fglrx(0): Digital Display Input
 (II) fglrx(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 52  vert.: 33
 (II) fglrx(0): Gamma: 2.20
 (II) fglrx(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy Suspend Off; RGB/Color Display
 (II) fglrx(0): Default color space is primary color space
 (II) fglrx(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
 (II) fglrx(0): redX: 0.640 redY: 0.330   greenX: 0.300 greenY: 0.607
 (II) fglrx(0): blueX: 0.149 blueY: 0.060   whiteX: 0.312 whiteY: 0.328
 (II) fglrx(0): Supported VESA Video Modes:
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (II) fglrx(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
 (II) fglrx(0): Supported Future Video Modes:
 (II) fglrx(0): #0: hsize: 1280  vsize 1024  refresh: 60  vid: 32897
 (II) fglrx(0): #1: hsize: 1600  vsize 1200  refresh: 60  vid: 16553
 (II) fglrx(0): #2: hsize: 1152  vsize 864  refresh: 75  vid: 20337
 (II) fglrx(0): #3: hsize: 1680  vsize 1050  refresh: 60  vid: 179
 (II) fglrx(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
 (II) fglrx(0): clock: 154.0 MHz   Image Size:  519 x 324 mm
 (II) fglrx(0): h_active: 1920  h_sync: 1968  h_sync_end 2000
 h_blank_end 2080 h_border: 0
 (II) fglrx(0): v_active: 1200  v_sync: 1203  v_sync_end 1209
 v_blanking: 1235 v_border: 0
 (II) fglrx(0): Serial No: T61335A40T9S
 (II) fglrx(0): Monitor name: DELL 2405FPW
 (II) fglrx(0): Ranges: V min: 56  V max: 76 Hz, H min: 30  H max: 81
 kHz, PixClock max 170 MHz
 (II) fglrx(0): End of Display1 EDID data says
 that it should run 1920x1200 @ 75Hz.  For some reason doesn't
 see it that way.

 So I guess I'm looking for a new 'graphics' card.

 I don't care (much) about 3D, but I do like my text to draw fast. I
 prefer DVI ports to VGA ports. I run Ubuntu (but will soon reload with
 kbuntu) on this machine.  (3GHz P4, 1GB ram, 2x200GB SATA drives, all
 in a Shuttle SFF case.)

 I've had this card in various machines since early 2001 (my days at

 Anyone got recommendations?

 ___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] new display card needed

2006-01-17 Thread Eric Hattemer

Eric Hattemer wrote:

I wouldn't give up on the current graphics card just yet.  If you tell
Xorg to try 1920, does it give an error?  You might have to go
old-school and use a modeline, but if ATi says it works, then it's Xorg
that's being the problem.  Maybe you could send or post your xorg.conf
and Xorg.log. 

Also, are you using the drivers that come with Xorg, or the ones from 
ATi's website?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: UH Manoa

2006-01-03 Thread Eric Hattemer

 I was disappointed that the UH web site student login
 pages only provided help instructions to Windows
 IE/Netscape and Mac Safari users...

 Write to the webmaster to update the documentation.

It's probably more appropriate to write the webmaster (or department)
WITH the updated documentation.  It's unlikely that anyone there is
prejudiced against any particular platform or browser, but more likely
that they haven't allocated the time and funding to produce
documentation for every web platform on the planet. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] How do you delete over 500,000 files in a directory

2005-11-03 Thread Eric Hattemer

Jim Thompson wrote:

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

for i in m*; do rm m*; done

still requires bash to glob all 500,000 files.   Fails for the same 

Ok, I wonder if I'm the only one who immediately read this as what I 
thought it should have been, then didn't get the criticism.  The typo 
should have read

for i in m*; do rm $i; done;

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] on-topic, finally!

2005-09-19 Thread Eric Hattemer
Jim Thompson wrote:

 The Land Cruiser (which will eventually be a hybrid) has a mini-itx 
 computer mounted in it.  Its the box on the right in this (warning: 
 quite large) photo

Two questions:  First, do you mean you are buying a new hybrid to
replace this car, or you're actually hybridizing the car yourself? 
Second, what is the computer currently used for in the car?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] goofy RAM question

2005-07-29 Thread Eric Hattemer

Tim Newsham wrote:

But it does look like 4GB minus about 680M.  The machine is probably
not capable of PAE or the kernel being used is not built for PAE

Does the CentOS have /proc/config.gz or /boot/config-`uname -r` ?  If 
so, grep for MEM in there.  If HIGHMEM4G is already set, you could try 
setting HIGHMEM64G instead.  It looks like 64G sets the PAE parameter.  
Don't know if it will slow things down.  You can also try booting with 
kernel parameter mem= and then something like 4G or more likely 
mem=4096M.  It looks like you need a kernel with HIGHMEM64G. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] goofy RAM question

2005-07-29 Thread Eric Hattemer

Eric Hattemer wrote:

  If HIGHMEM4G is already set, you could try setting HIGHMEM64G instead.  

Oops, if this isn't clear, I mean grab a new kernel source, and 
configure it with this option, then install the new kernel.  Editing a 
/boot/config-* or /proc/config.gz doesn't do anything. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Intel Doubles Down on Linux

2005-07-26 Thread Eric Hattemer

Jim Thompson wrote:

This was why I asserted that your complaints were against X  

and not X in general, or more specifically the X protocol.  Though  I do
recognize that the X protocol isn't perfect.  My point was, when  people
say 'X sucks', they usually mean 'X applications' suck or the 'X  server
configuration' sucks.

These things do suck, but they can be (some would say 'are being')  

What I'd say sucks more than applications, more than vague issues with 
low level protocol stuff and how XYZ is missing, is that X11 seems 
slow.  Really slow.  On Windows, you don't need a fancy graphics card 
with hardcore graphics acceleration to drag windows across the screen.  
On mac, drivers aren't really an issue.  On Linux, just dragging a local 
window around can feel laggy and jerky.  You need to super accelerated 
proprietary graphics driver to make it feel better.  Things are better 
more recently with the newer versions of Xorg and all that. 

What is worse, though, is when you actually try to use X over the 
network.  It feels very synchronous.  I use vnc, RDP, and X11 remotely.  
Let's say you click a fancy fade-in menu in each protocol.  X11 wants to 
show you all 50 frames of the fade-in menu, and will not let you click 
on anything or do anything until you've seen them all.  On a distant 
network, this might mean tens or seconds of waiting around doing 
nothing.  In vnc or RDP, they will show you the first frame, the last 
frame, and don't appologize for not showing you the frames in the 
middle.  This makes them seem so much more responsive. 

When I sit in front of my mythTV machine (mythTV runs QT), it has all of 
these really fancy qt buttons, and shading, and everything cute like 
that.  If I sit in front of a vnc copy from my other machine, it looks 
almost identical.  Yet the remote machine running vncviewer over the 
network actually responds MUCH faster than the local machine with X11.  
This is baffling.  I believe this is because of the synchronous nature 
of X11, and the fact that VNC just tells the program that its drawn the 
18 stages of button press, and whatnot, and gets on with it.  That 
machine has a Geforce2 with NVIDIA drivers, DRI, GLX, etc., so I don't 
think its an issue that the video hardware can't handle the picture. 

So maybe its just mythTV, but I feel like you know your protocol has 
problems when a VNC emulation of it over the network seems to respond 
10X faster than the protocol running natively on all local hardware. 

On the plus side, openGL games, such as America's Army actually run much 
faster on Linux than their direct3d counterparts on Windows.  So its 
clear that X11 can be fast when it needs to be. 

Has anyone else noticed the 50 frames of button pushing and menu drawing 
in X11?  I don't know anything about how the protocol works, but it just 
doesn't feel right.  Maybe its the QT toolkit that's bugged, maybe its 
something that can be fixed with lots of spaghetti patches on top of the 
old code, or maybe it helps to show somehow that X11 is fatally flawed 
in terms of speed. 

Most modern desktop systems set X11 at a nice of negative 10.  X11 tends 
to take up 25%+ of the processor when doing things like moving windows, 
even when you have accelerated drivers.  Now maybe Microsoft is hiding 
something from us, but I've never seen Explorer.exe take up more than 1% 
of the processor when dragging windows around like mad.  And I know that 
an amazing amount of desktop things you'd never expect are handled 
within the video card on OSX. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: Fedora mythtv cpu load

2005-06-16 Thread Eric Hattemer

Whoever Whatever wrote:

I will nice things at different level next time to see how they
changes. I just tried to watch tv at 2200, I can see blocks, I can
tell the most when switching to a channel with some noise/snow, so
putting it back to 4500 made me happy.


Oops, I should have been more specific.  I do 2200 with 400x300.  At the 
same bitrate, a smaller picture will give you better motion, and a 
larger picture will give you better stills.  You can see if lowering the 
bitrate and the picture size still looks ok for you.  But if you have 
the space and the power, may as well go for whatever looks best for you. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Fedora mythtv cpu load

2005-06-14 Thread Eric Hattemer

Whoever Whatever wrote:

Any thing else which I am over looking? I am recompiling the kernel
today to see if that make a different.  I did some search on google,
there are alot of complain on fedora running slower compair to some
other dist, I want to nail down the cause first else I will be
switching to debian.


Someone mentioned about KDE; I think what may be more likely is the 
threads priority.  If you check in top for instance, X in one of the 
systems was set to nice 0, and one was set to nice -10.  I don't 
remember which of redhat/mandrake used which.  Try changing the nice 
values for


And who knows what to change them to?  I don't.  If the stuttering 
happens inside the video file itself if you recorded it durring 
compiling, then you should start mythbackend with nice (-10,-17).  If it 
happens durring live TV, then you should start mythbackend with (-5,-10) 
and mythfrontend (-10,-17).  I always do my compilations with nice of 
19.  You might want to see if you can get one of the newer kernels with 
the ionice patch working. 

Make sure that selinux is set to the one that does nothing, not to the 
one that generates warnings. 

You could try a new kernel, even if you don't use ionice on it. 

My mythtv on fedora works fine on my system, which is comparable to 
yours.  I use a bttv card, which is very processor intensive.  I try not 
to run big processes while recording/watching, though.  You should start 
those processe with nice -19, though.  ionice would be really really 
cool if you had it working, but I never got around to it. 

Did you try compiling mythtv yourself, or are you using the atrpms 
version still?  I've never touched that version.  Try the CVS version, 
and make sure you set all the optimal configuration options. 

What bitrate are your recordings?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Re: Fedora mythtv cpu load

2005-06-14 Thread Eric Hattemer

Whoever Whatever wrote:

No, it wasn't KDE, I recompiled the kernel with athlon, then ended up
recompling ivtv, lirc and other needed modules, reinstalled nvidia
driver, system came up fast but with no sound.  It was pretty good
with very low load average, video not jerky while compiling. I have to
recompile alsa 1.09 to get the sound working again on via82xx, looks
like kernel/OSS driver not good for my board.  I was back to that
heavy load average with sound working again, I guess I nailed down the
cause, most likely the sound modules, I will try the bleeding version
later see if it's better.


It sounds like it has a lot to do with the kernel and ivtv versions 
then.  The alsa that comes with will probably work, but may 
require a little bit of .asoundrc configuration (ie. black magic). 

I already have frontend running nice -15, do you mean options nice
-15 or nice level of -15 ?

let's call it nice -n -15 to be perfectly clear.  But honestly, I 
don't know which one is best.  Its kind of a question of whether X, 
mythfrontend, or mythbackend has too high of a priority, the others 
might lag and skip.  If you record, then watch later, certainly the 
mythbackend should have a very important priority.  If you watch in 
realtime, the mythbackend might need a bad priority and the frontend and 
X an important priority.  The should probably all have a negative nice 
value so that default processes don't mess them up. 

Do I need to bleed for ionice? I remember back in years ago, I was
chasing kernel release on 1.3.x tree to get ip masq working on my
33.6k dial up, stop doing that since the lap over of glib, remember
new lib on kernel 2.x.x ?


Like I said, I never got around to ionice, but it looks like a great 
(and well overdue) concept.  It looked like had an option for 
ionice, and I compiled it in, but I don't see it now, so maybe not.  I 
don't have an ionice binary, so I assume that this version is built into 
the nice syscall.  Maybe I just forgot what I saw.  It might be related 
to cfq.  Anyway, look at .  You 
might consider changing the io scheduler . 

I was compiling since .11 running on the good old Mandrake, I am just
tired of compiling and try to find a easy way out, well.. there's
another reason, .18 starting to use qt3.3 on some plugins, so I am too
lazy to upgrade from qt3.1 to qt3.3.  I will recompile it again to
compare with the atrpms, but I will try to solve the high load average
cause by sound modules first.


Should be able to upgrade qt using yum, right?  Should only take a few 
minutes, I'd figure.  Then you can configure the mythtv sound the way 
you want it and feel comfortable that nothing has to do with some weird 
way that the atrpms stuff was compiled. 

What bitrate are your recordings?


720x480 bitrate 4.5k max 6k, I did try 3k.. same problem, but
shouldn't matter much to the cpu on hardware encoder right?


That's pretty hardcore.  You're right that it won't matter on the cpu, 
but it will matter on the disk.  All my normal recordings are 2200, and 
my cartoons and talk shows are 800 or so.  If you check top, or gkrellm, 
is your cpu usage iowait or user?  You might just be overloading the 
hard drive.  The main problem I always had with the compiling was that 
even at nice -19, it still brutalizes the hard drive, and things start 
to skip.  That's why I was always excited about ionice.  However, he 
specifically says that its a proof of concept, so I suspect its not 
production ready yet. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Fedora mythtv cpu load

2005-06-13 Thread Eric Hattemer

Whoever Whatever wrote:

  I was running Mandrake 9.2 for mythtv up to .18.1 on a shuttle
sk41g using PVR350 for about 2 years, nvidia tv-out, no problem

The PVR350 is hardware accelerated via ivtv, so that's unlikely to use 
more than 5% cpu. 

HD is enabled with DMA,  using KDE as WM, the only difference would
be xorg server on fedora, xwindow on Mandrake.  Thanks for the help.

I would blame the HD stuff.  Make sure that it is running in ATA 
whatever mode.  I have in my /etc/sysconfig/harddisks


You might need to use a different udma level for your needs.  Also, if 
the nvidia TV out is in use regularly, make sure that you're using the driver. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Become a CACert Assurer and Create valid SSL Certificates for free

2005-06-01 Thread Eric Hattemer

Michael Bishop wrote:

HOSEF is sponsoring a cert party. For more information about this free
service, visit and click on the About Us link at
the bottom.

Are these certs in the common root cert directories, or do they give 
those This SSL certificate is not from a trusted source warnings?  USC 
gives out free valid certs, but you have to click to get the SSL 
warning to go away.  Not very professional.  They pay for the certs that 
they use on their own websites. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] MythTV on Fedora

2005-05-31 Thread Eric Hattemer

Michael Matsuzaki wrote:

Hello all, I've been out of the house this memorial day weekend.  It 
is wonderful to watch tv programs you when you want to watch them.  
I've been running mythtv for 14 months without a glitch.  I'm using FC 
1 because I've figured, if it ain't broke... don't fix it.

One more thing I should mention about mythTV.  Its by far the most 
pollished linux software I've ever used.  They have the type of 
attention to detail that linux software never has.  The frontend looks 
just like a Tivo or whatever, it typically installs without trouble, 
doesn't crash, and has tons and tons of features and addons.  More linux 
programs need to work more like this.  Firefox is probably the only one 
that comes anywhere close.  When I first saw it, I said Wow, it runs 
under linux?  Then why didn't I have fo fix or debug anything, or spend 
days looking at documentation and mailing lists to try to fix some weird 
dependency problem? 

Without networking it to other machines, its comparable to Tivo or any 
other mainstream DVR, but maybe more expensive.  If you network it with 
other machines, you get a lot more flexibility.  If you needed that 
machine anyway to do other jobs (mythtv won't use 100% or a good 
desktop's resources by any means), then its not expensive at all. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] MythTV on Fedora

2005-05-30 Thread Eric Hattemer

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

Anyway, I am only interested in the most rudimentary part of MythTV 
(or any other similar package) that will allow me to, as a first step, 
watch TV or rental DVD movies via a coaxial-to-USB converter, from a 
Linux machine.  Wayne

Watching TV is much easier through tvtime or xawtv, which are easier to 
get up and running than MythTV.  MythTV gives full PVR functionality, 
which is much better.  There's really no need to install MythTV via 
rpms.  It'll install onto just about any linux platform (or OSX); just 
follow .  I installed 
several different versions over the years and its really not too hard.  
I'm not in Hawaii anymore, though.  Its not testing by any means.  Its 
very stable and works fine.  You can use one of the point versions, or 
you can use the CVS version.  Both work well.  The CVS is not unstable, 
but it does develop rapidly. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Relative Newbie Questions

2005-03-30 Thread Eric Hattemer

Jacques L. Yerby wrote:

Aloha Y'all,

Years ago I installed a Slackware by hand on a PC so I thought I knew
what I was doing.  That was back when X-Windows was relatively new and I
was pretty much running command line only.

Is this the same old computer?  How old is it?  Possibly KDE is just too 
intense for it. 

Q1: What utility can I use to find out where the bulk of my files are?
I'm running out of room and have created some bigger ext2 partitions and
want to map the larger stuff over there.

Tim is right on, but be careful not to include ...  For that you would 
probably want to du -sk * .[^.]*|sort -n usage or something like that. 

Q3: I'm having some startup problems with KDE.  It's a real slow
startup.  I don't have this problem with Gnome.  (I have multiple
windowing systems installed.)

You might try starting with no WM, then typing startkde.  See whether 
its hanging somewhere and timing out eventually.  You may also want to 
upgrade to a newer version of KDE if the system can handle it. 

Q4: Is an NTFS partition WRITEABLE from Linux?  All of my Win partitions
are automatically mounted as RO.  I don't want to screw around with this
until I know more.  (I'd like the capability of copying back  forth.)

There are at least three NTFS modules for Linux.  You need the module to 
be compiled with rw support, then you need to edit the fstab to mount 
the partition without the -ro.  People say that it is always dangerous 
no matter what.  The two open source modules come with kernel 
2.something and 2.6.  Neither of the two open source modules will write 
to a winXP NTFS drive, but both should write to 2000 NTFS.  Supposedly 
the 2.6 version was rewritten or something and won't allow you to create 
new files, or significantly change the size of an existing file.  The 
two open source modules have a possibility to write to the FS 
incorrectly and completely ruin the FS to the point where windows can't 
read it and scandisk can't fix it.  The third module is called 
CaptiveNTFS, and it uses the windows ntfs.sys file to do its job.  This 
makes some people angry, so they refuse to use it, but supposedly it can 
read and write to NTFS perfectly. 

That being said, it may be safer to go the other way around: .

Safest is fat32/vfat, which is supported in just about all windows and 
linux with no scary You may ruin your computer if you use this 

P.S. Once again, at the mercy of my landlord I have to move.  I'd prefer
to stay out here on the N. Shore but if anybody sees anything nice
$1000 I'd appreciate knowing about it.  I'm a retiree and can't really
afford much more than that.

I hear its getting a lot harder to rent on Oahu.  One of the biggest 
house rental landlords is liquidating.  Maybe look for appartments on 
the West coast. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] a different open source issue, from Maui

2005-03-21 Thread Eric Hattemer

Tim Newsham wrote:

The latest in this sad saga:

There seem to be a lot more than that one page:
If you follow the links in any of these pages, you can find more and 
more.  Some of this may not be proven in a legal sense, but I think its 
unlikely that there's no code shared between the two. 
I suppose some of these may be libraries automatically added by 
compilers for all I know, but some of it looks pretty bad. 

-Eric Hattemer

I'm not saying that he is wrong, but I dont find his current
argument or his methods very convincing.  If he (and others)
are wrong, I would hate to be the one facing an overly rabid
open source mob.

Tim N.
___ mailing list

[LUAU] VNC extensions for X

2004-12-05 Thread Eric Hattemer

I didn't know this existed.  I think someone on this list asked about
this.  Basically the question is Can I get vnc in linux/unix to act the
way it does in windows (ie. connecting the current desktop to a vnc
session, rather than creating a new desktop)?  The answer seems to be
yes, if you use this X11 extension.  I don't have a monitor attached to
my linux machine anymore, so I can't really test this, but it does seem
to work.  At least, I can see the gdm screen and such.  These extensions
are precompiled in Xorg for FC3.  I hear it kind of sucks to compile
XFree86/Xorg from scratch.

-Eric Hattemer

[LUAU] [Fwd: Fedora depmod -a Segmentation Fault]

2004-07-19 Thread Eric Hattemer
Thanks.  It wasn't me specifically who had the problem, but hopefully 
this will help those who did. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] EMail Server Limits

2004-05-30 Thread Eric Hattemer

Maddog wrote:

My Exchange Server has a 16 GB limit and it was reached today and crashed the server. I have been trying to get these guys to buy me a server I can run Debian + Exim + Squirrelmail on without any luck. Will that combination crap out when the DB swells? 


I don't know about exim, but squirrelmail tends to depend on cyrus for 
sieve filtering, which uses individual files for each email, at least if 
they are delivered via postfix.  So as long as your filesystem doesn't 
have a maximum number of files/inodes, you can have as much mail as you 
want.  Straight postfix or sendmail uses one big file for the mail, but 
that's per account.  If exchange is using one db for the entire system, 
even postfix/sendmail would lighten the load a lot.  I just set up my 
mail server a week ago, so let me know if you have some questions on 
it.  I don't have a lot of professional experience, but I know off the 
top of my head the answers to the types of questions someone new to 
linux email would ask.  Unfortunately, you need several programs in a 
mail system, and every combination has a different setup.  I use 
postfix, cyrus, spamassassin, and squirrelmail.  Squirrelmail has a 
builtin filter interface based off a sieve server that cyrus provides. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] The file that would not die...

2004-05-23 Thread Eric Hattemer
You don't need to own or have write permission on the file, but you do 
need to have write permission to the directory its in.  Make sure the 
directory that has it is at least drwx--.  If that's not your 
problem, try running fsck on the (unounted) partition. 

-Eric Hattemer

kilauea wrote:

Aloha to all from Kauai

I have a problem deleting a file. I play quake3 online and I think
someone has found an exploit in networked quake3. The first time this
happened, my game configuration file was deleted. Then today, the
configuration file was somehow modified to make it inaccessible even to
root! The game binary was also modified in this fashion. When I try to
do a chown, chgrp, ls, or rm, I get something like  rm: cannot remove
`pak0.pa3':  Permission denied . I can move the directories but can't
delete the files. I have a reiser fs on Slackware. I also have RedHat on
another partition so I booted RedHat and mounted the Slackware
partition  but this produced the same result. I moved the inaccessible
files and restored the game files with no problems.  I would like to
just delete these files. Has anyone experience with this sort of problem?


___ mailing list

[LUAU] qt problems

2004-05-23 Thread Eric Hattemer

I have mandrake 10-cooker, libqt3-devel 3.3.2, gcc 2.96, 3.3.2, 3.4.0,
binutils - and previously 2.15..., and I cannot compile
a very basic qt program.  If you have updated cooker in the last week,
or an otherwise up to date system, please download and compile and let me know what happens.
You need to
qmake -o Makefile  gmake

I get

: undefined reference to `QApplication::QApplication(int , char **)'
qapp.o(.text+0x20): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `QApplication::~QApplication(void)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake: *** [qapp] Error 1

I have no idea why.  It worked a month ago.  Someone elsewhere mentioned
I may need gcc 3.2.  Is that sensible?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Windows shortcut equivalent in Linux

2004-05-19 Thread Eric Hattemer

Vikram Khurana wrote:

/Parse/Linux/Linux executable
/Parse/Windows/Windows executable

Now the user could save this anywhere they want. Now in Win I can tell
people to create a shortcut to /some directory/Parse/Windows/Windows
executable  place it in any folder they want. The 123.dat file is read
relative to the executables.

How do I do the same in Linux?

Probably the best way would be to make sure its in your path and make 
use of which and dirname.

execdir=$(dirname `which linuxParse`)

This will only work well if you put it in your path and don't just call 
it directly without it in your path.  A softlink might cause a problem 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] How Does this Work?

2004-04-30 Thread Eric Hattemer
From a more technical explaination, you can refer to rfc1738 among 
others, if that kind of thing excites you: .  I can't explain that particular 
URL.  The URL RFC explains that there are several special characters 
including @, :,  that aren't considered normal text.  Also, %HEXHEX 
represents the character of that numerical value. 

@ is a simple, yet somewhat obvious method.  When a site asks for a 
password, you can either wait for it to ask, or you can type 
http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can leave the password out if you 
want.  If the site doesn't actually require a user/password, it will 
ignore it.  So you can use anything you want in the username.  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will take you to google, and microsoft 
has no effect. 

Domain names don't have to be used. will take you 
to just as well.  However, even non-technical people know 
what an IP is, so that's too obvious in some cases.  IP's can be written 
in other forms with hex or octal and in some cases the .'s can be omitted. 

The  sign depends on the browser.  Old versions of IE and other 
browsers used to read an  as ignore everything before this, so wouldn't get 
you to microsoft.  The  is much less obvious than the @, but doesn't 
seem to work anymore, or at least not on mozilla. 

http usernames and passwords don't really work with '/' marks.  So[EMAIL PROTECTED] would fail or get you to an error 
page within microsoft. 

%HEXHEX makes any charater, printable or not.  %00 is NULL or \0.  NULL 
is used to terminate a string in most programming languages.  If you 
fill char[40] with abc\0def and leave the other 33 chars as the 
default, the 'string' in that array is abc.  If you print[EMAIL PROTECTED] shows up as in some cases.  Otherwise you can print entire 
URL's in %xx%yy%zz format. 

You can easily abuse javascript for some purposes.  A lot of URL's are 
of the form athis link/a but some are of the form  Although the second is the same as the first, and 
that text could be anything, people are convinced that if the link 
contains a url, it must point to that url.  Javascript pseudo code 
something like: onMouseOver: statusBar.print(url)
will print the url in the status bar when you point the mouse at it.  
This emulates the normal behavior when you point to a link in most web 

There are other tricks, but I don't know all of them offhand. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [LUAU] Mainline (generic) 2.6 kernel with FC2

2004-04-26 Thread Eric Hattemer
1.  The nv driver that ships with the OS does the same software 
rendering other open source drivers do. 
2.  The ati open source driver is not made by ati, and has very little 
hardware rendering functionality.
3.  The only thing on the nforce boards that require drivers is the 
network card, and I'm not even sure that's true anymore. 
4.  There is an nvidia installer option that allows installation of 
multiple modules.  I believe its -k, but check NVIDIA*.sh -A; for the 
advanced options. 
5.  With this in mind, I don't think there is  reason to not buy NVIDIA 
stuff.  There aren't really any reasonable alternatives besides ATi. 

But on the plus side, the upper range of ATi Radeon cards do seem to 
outperform (outbenchmark) the upper range of NVidia cards. 

-Eric Hattemer

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

I installed the mainline 2.6.5 kernel over the weekend on both FC1 and 
FC2T1/2.  Have not seem to have any problem (except the following 

The biggest annoyance (to put it politely) is that, for systems 
which have either the nForce chipset or the GeForce video cards, the 
drivers must be recompiled for a specific kernel.  Big bad pain in the 
rear.  This also means that you are practically prevented from 
dual-booting from two kernel versions which share the same root 

Thus, unless nVidia becomes more open-sourcely correct (if ever), stay 
away from their products.  Use VIA chipsets and ATI cards.

Other than that, the mainline kernels appear to work seamlessly with 
Fedora Core.  For desktop users, you will love the new pre-emptive 
feature of the 2.6 kernels.  (FC2 has 2.6.5 kernel, but I don't think 
this feature is turned on by default).  wayne

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] apt RPM

2004-04-22 Thread Eric Hattemer

Vince Hoang wrote:

Apt is just less annoying to me. FC2's yum has --download-only
now, so my #1 issue is gone. Now if yum would stop downloading
individual headers for _every_ package...

In a sense this behavior is better.  apt does seem to keep its header 
database relatively small, but it stil has to download the whole 
database every time.  urpmi does not do this as well and as a result, is 20MB.  yum headers are each tiny, and yum only needs to 
download ones that were changed or haven't already been downloaded.  So 
I think in theory yum has the best approach.  In practice, setting up a 
separate http/ftp connection for each file may add some time, plus other 
overhead dealing with multiple files.  But yum could download multiple 
headers in parallel.  The main concern is the total size of all headers 
for each.  I think urpmi loses by far, but apt and yum are pretty 
similar, and yum has the advantage of not needing to download the whole 
database if one package changes. 

Having said all that, I have only used yum twice and almost exclusively 
use apt.  Make sure that with apt-get you only use 'upgrade', and not 
'dist-upgrade' unless you know what you are doing and are prepared to 
fix some problems.  That's the main problem people have with apt is that 
everyone tells them to dist-upgrade, then it deletes kde or something.  
I haven't read the docs for it, but the format of the yum sources 
configuration file is ugly and strange.  apt just uses a URL, which is 
pretty straightforward to change.  The mirror-select function in apt is 
great and does all that work for you, though.  RedHat does not seem to 
be committed to using and supporting apt, though.  At least not yet. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Fedora depmod -a Segmentation Fault

2004-03-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
I spent a long time trying to get ndiswrapper working on my friend's 
laptop.  It required a 2.6.1-1.43 kernel rpm.  I can't quite remember 
what else we had to do, but I remember on that particular machine it was 
a lot of work.  It may be simple if you use the 2.6.1-1.43.  But it took 
us a while to figure out that it doesn't work well in 2.4.22.  You need 
to compile the ndiswrapper package (gmake install).  We got a lot of 
errors and hardlocks in 2.4.  That one is no longer readily available in 
rpm form, though.  the 2.6.3 and .4 weren't so good either.  So the main 
point I'm making is that we tried several different kernels and got one 
to work.  So you may need to compile a new kernel or try the 2.6.4 or 
2.6.3 from 
.  And when I say I really mean the equiv directory on 
the local mirror, ie. 

-Eric Hattemer

Kevin English wrote:

I'm running Fedora with kernel version 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl. I'm trying to
install the newest verison of ndiswrapper (0.6) so I can get my linksys
WMP54G card working again. For some reason when i do a depmod -a, I get a
Segmentation Fault.I posted to the Fedora-list too but since so many local
folks use fedora, I thought I'd give this a shot too.
Here's what i get when i do 'depmod -av'

xftw_readdir /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/unsupported/net/wanrouter
user function /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/unsupported/net/wanrouter
user function
xftw starting at /lib/modules/2.4 lstat on /lib/modules/2.4 failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/updates lstat on /lib/modules/updates failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/kernel lstat on /lib/modules/kernel failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/fs lstat on /lib/modules/fs failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/net lstat on /lib/modules/net failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/scsi lstat on /lib/modules/scsi failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/block lstat on /lib/modules/block failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/cdrom lstat on /lib/modules/cdrom failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/ipv4 lstat on /lib/modules/ipv4 failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/ipv6 lstat on /lib/modules/ipv6 failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/sound lstat on /lib/modules/sound failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/fc4 lstat on /lib/modules/fc4 failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/video lstat on /lib/modules/video failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/misc lstat on /lib/modules/misc failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/pcmcia lstat on /lib/modules/pcmcia failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/atm lstat on /lib/modules/atm failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/usb lstat on /lib/modules/usb failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/ide lstat on /lib/modules/ide failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/ieee1394 lstat on /lib/modules/ieee1394 failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/mtd lstat on /lib/modules/mtd failed
xftw starting at /lib/modules/unsupported lstat on
/lib/modules/unsupported failed
Segmentation fault

uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl #1 Wed Oct 29 15:31:21 EST
2003 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

Kevin W. English
Software Developer, X5Software
808.689.8161 (h)
808.271.5125 (c)
LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Newbie Query - Browser Plugin?

2004-03-11 Thread Eric Hattemer

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa wrote:

Great answers, everyone.  Thanks!

So!  I tried urpmi, and used easyurpmi linked at, but although the
man entry for urpmi is present on my Mandrake 9.2 install, the
utility/executable itself couldn't be found (bash: urpmi.addmedia: command
not found).

You may need to install/reinstall urpmi. 

I decided to go the RPM route, and found both the firefox version linked
here (cooker/beta) and the Macromedia Flash RPM at UCSC.  Unfortunately, I
got stuck there, too.  Attempting to run rpm on both of them reported
Warning: filename V3 DSA Signature: nokey yada yada yada error: failed
dependencies: is needed by filename

Ah, those pesky dependencies.  Where to from here?  g


One place to go is (which has been swamped lately).  A 
search on leads to XFree86-libs, which I would have 
figured you would need to run X11 in general.  But anyway, go to one of 
those http/ftp rpm directories and find XFree86-libs*.rpm and install 
that one first.  Urpmi will automatically handle dependencies.  addmedia 
may have been dropped in favor of the gui stuff.  Check in the mandrake 
control center for an rpm tool.  It may be called something like 
mandrake-control-packages or something.  Otherwise grab urpmi*.rpm

Try installing those rpms.  Unfortunately I don't have a mandrake 
machine anymore, so that's why this stuff is all slightly vague.  I may 
move back to mandrake, though, since I'm not so far impressed by Fedora. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Newbie Query - Browser Plugin?

2004-03-11 Thread Eric Hattemer

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa wrote:

So!  I tried urpmi, and used easyurpmi linked at, but although the
man entry for urpmi is present on my Mandrake 9.2 install, the
utility/executable itself couldn't be found (bash: urpmi.addmedia: command
not found).

One more thing...  If you have urpmi installed, it probably comes with 
one source pre-configured.  It may be a slow one in france or something, 
but you could probably start using it immediately.  Try urpmi.update -a 
and see if that works, then just run urpmi rpmdrake, or something like 
that.  To get the firefox and all that, you'd need to add a cooker 
source, though.  There is a file to manually edit.  You can manually 
edit /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg  with a new source.  I believe you just add 
the lines from urpmi.addmedia directly into there, such as
with ../base/

with ../base/
with ../base/

and so on.  With USCcooker_2, you can just do urpmi.update -a ; urpmi 
firefox, and it should handle all the dependencies and everything.  
However, you may want to comment out all cooker sources after you have 
firefox installed.  In my opinion, Mandrake cooker is extremely well 
built, and 5 times more stable than redhat rawhide.  I updated from 
cooker daily for a year and never had any serious problems.  But, 
especially for servers, try only to use the 9.2 stuff.  If it doesn't 
take that urpmi.cfg format, try this one:


with_hdlist:  ../base/

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Newbie Query - Browser Plugin?

2004-03-10 Thread Eric Hattemer

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa wrote:

I'd love to use urpmi and RPM... if you can bear with me and explain exactly
what that is!  Is it automated versioning or whatever like CVS?


I take it maybe you're used to some unixy system?  RPMs are similar to 
windows installers.  Somebody takes the sourcecode, compiles it for a 
given linux distro, zips it up, then puts it into an rpm.  It is like a 
zip file with some extra scripting to handle upgrades and stuff.  An rpm 
will not work on a system drastically different from the one it was 
compiled for.  So you would look for mandrake 9 rpms (redhat 6.2 rpms 
probably won't work, as they rely on older libraries etc.). 

To deal with rpms, you must first find one.  Writers of certain programs 
make their own rpms, and mandrake keeps a big database of their own.  A 
mirror here at USC is 
.  Out there, doesn't seem to mirror mandrake 
anymore. has the 
flash rpm.  just grab the download for mandrake.  Warren was talking 
about a thunderbird rpm from mandrake, but I can't find a firefox one.  
You can get firefox from Mandrake cooker (beta) at 
.  So go ahead and download the mozilla-firefox*.rpm and the flash 
plugin rpm. 

Then you need to install those.  To do that, just open a terminal and type
rpm -Uvh mozilla-firefox*.rpm
rpm -Uvh flash*.rpm

And that's it in a nutshell.  For more information on rpm, type 'man 
rpm' or 'rpm --help'. 

As for urpmi, it automatically finds, downloads, and installs rpms for 
you.  Refer to for information.  Use their easyurpmi 
tool to add mirrors in your urpmi configuration.  You may want to add 
plf, since it has all the cool stuff with questionable licenses, such as 
gameboy emulators, windows media player codecs, cable descramblers, etci. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Newbie Query - Browser Plugin?

2004-03-04 Thread Eric Hattemer

Ryan Kawailani Ozawa wrote:

The thing is, clearly I've forgotten much of the basic concepts of Linux,
and specifically, I just can't get the Macromedia Flash plugin to work in
either Firefox or Konqueror.  The installer plops it in /home/user/.mozilla,
and neither browser sees it.  I tried manually moving the files from
.mozilla to /firefox/plugins, but that doesn't do the trick.  Any ideas?

One thing I think I did wrong was installing Firefox under a user directory
(/home/user/firefox) rather than in a... main directory.  Could that be the
problem?  If so, though, I'd think at least the default Konqueror install
would see the plugin files...

Please explain a little more about where you got both.  It sounds like 
you got the zip file for firefox from  And the macromedia 
plugin, where did that come from?  You may want to see if there is an 
rpm for each of those available from urpmi.  Let  us know if you need 
help with urpmi. 

Firefox should check two places for its plugins.  One is the directory 
its installed to (usually /usr/lib/firefox, but in your case something 
like ~/firefox).  Installing the plugins to ~/firefox/pluginsshould 
usually fix that, I would think.  The other place it looks is 
~/.phoenix/plugins.   That was the original original name.  See if 
copying the files or making symlinks to there fixes the problem.  I 
expect it would, but I'm not in front of a linux machine to see how 
redhat did it for their fedora rpms. 

Many thanks in advance for your patience and insights!  And if this Mickey
Mouse stuff is inappropriate for this list, let me know... and point me at a
local Linux for Dummies group instead (if there is one!).

This stuff is absolutely appropriate for this list.  You happened upon 
the list in a couple of weeks when the discussion was all fiber channel 
and such, but usually there are plenty of questions like this one.  Some 
linux groups are nasty about this kind of stuff (I'm not naming names, 
though), but LUAU has always been supportive.  Generally all advanced 
linux types do appreciate it if you show that you've done some work or 
research beforehand.  But this list especially understands that knowing 
where to do research may be the trickiest part for someone new to this 
stuff.  If I find a good doc on I'll post that in a sec. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Newbie Query - Browser Plugin?

2004-03-04 Thread Eric Hattemer

So it is wherever you installed it/plugins, and ~/.phoenix/plugins,  
like I said.  Make sure you have both the .so and the .xpt. 
You may need whatever the mandrake version of compat-glibc is (it may 
very well have the same name).  It may have a menu item, like Help/About 
Plugins, which will tell you what plugins it detects. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] 64-bit Computing

2004-03-04 Thread Eric Hattemer
You might want to talk to Warren about it, but I think with the Fedora, 
you'd do better just to install the 64, and use 32-bit rpms when 
necessary.  There shouldn't be reason to need to install both cores. 

-Eric Hattemer

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

I am expecting to receive an HP Athlon64 notebook in about a week.  I 
plan to do a triple-boot install, XP/Fedora32/Fedora64.  Anyone who 
has good info (or bad), comments, etc., please let me know.  Thanx a 
whole bunch.  wayne

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Linux + NTFS re-partitioning (was Linux)

2004-01-21 Thread Eric Hattemer
From all the direct and list replies it seems that no one has had the 
same problems I had long ago.  I guess I can stop discouraging parition 
resizing to friends who ask about it.  Personally I don't know if I'd 
ever feel right about doing it myself, though, since windows needs to be 
reinstalled every year or so anyway to keep it running properly.  Thanks 
to everyone for all of the good success stories. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Linux + NTFS re-partitioning (was Linux)

2004-01-21 Thread Eric Hattemer
I spoke too soon.  One very discouraging experience similar to mine.  I 
think the link is that both my experience and the one in question is 
that it was pre-2000.  Perhaps the software has become much more 
reliable lately.  Maybe I will always worry about resizing, but I'm glad 
it works for the rest of you. 

-Eric Hattemer

Eric Hattemer wrote:

From all the direct and list replies it seems that no one has had the 
same problems I had long ago.  I guess I can stop discouraging 
parition resizing to friends who ask about it.  Personally I don't 
know if I'd ever feel right about doing it myself, though, since 
windows needs to be reinstalled every year or so anyway to keep it 
running properly.  Thanks to everyone for all of the good success 

-Eric Hattemer

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Linux

2004-01-20 Thread Eric Hattemer

To partition your hard drive you will need a separate program. I have used
PartitionMagic and recommend it, but it is commercial and the status is a
bit unclear now that they have been purchased by Symantec
( Other possibilities here:


I've always wanted to take a poll.  How many of you have used a 
partition resizing tool such as partition magic and seen massive 
filesystem corruption immediately or up to a month later?  That's why I 
shopped using or recommending those products, and was wondering if its 
at all common.  If you want to keep from flooding the list you can send 
It worked great for me responses directly to me, but mainly I'm just 
looking to see if there are any negative responses. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Trying to upgrade from RedHat8 to Fedora

2003-12-08 Thread Eric Hattemer
I haven't taken a look at the actual installer for fedora, but see if 
there is info in the (ctrl)-alt-F1, F2, F3, F4 terminals.  You may be 
surposed if its something like downloading fedora, FTP: too many users 
or your class or something like that.  It may also tell you where its 
trying to save the data.  Do you have a complex mount point/partition 
system, or just a /boot and a /?  Although some would recommend against 
it, you can probably update the whole system using apt-get/yum.  It 
works for 9.x for me without any real concerns. 

-Eric Hattemer

Brian Chee wrote:

Hi folks:
We're getting an error while trying to upgrade (sidegrade?) and the system
is giving us a message of something like: ...uploading install image to
hard disk, error, possibly out of hard drive there a way to
tell Fedora to use a particular partition for the upgrade stuff? /boot has
38mb free, but the other partitions got gobs of space to play with.

Any wisdom?

/brian chee

University of Hawaii ICS Dept
Advanced Network Computing Lab
1680 East West Road, POST rm 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
808-956-5797 voice, 877-284-1934 fax

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Which Distribution To Go With

2003-11-04 Thread Eric Hattemer
I firmlly believe that no one should comment on distributions they 
haven't tried and know little about.  I've alternated between Mandrake 
and redhat every year for the last several years.  I use Mandrake 
because its better, and Redhat every time Warren claims its better 
because of some kernel improvement or fedora, etc.  I firmly believe 
average people would like Mandrake a lot better.  But then again, it 
depends a ton on what you're using it for.  If you want a very unixy 
system reminiscent of 1965, there are better solutions (ie. solaris, 
openBSD (and yes, I've used both of these)),  But if you want a home 
user system with movie programs, tv programs, and office programs that 
actually work together, you might want to look at Mandrake.  It had 
urpmi way before redhat had apt-rpm.  The installer has always been 
better.  It decides what changes you make to packages will effect 
dependencies for other packages in realtime.  It detects your video card 
properly and will use vesafb if its unsupported.  Redhat8 will hardlock 
in the installer on certain geForce cards (mobile and nforce). 

Mandrake is nearly 100% compatible with redhat rpms.  In the worst case, 
you may need to find a .src.rpm and rebuild it.  Because of this, it has 
plenty of programs available.  Probably not as many as debian, but if 
you can think of something its missing, let me know. 

Now if you're upset about the webadmin system of administration, that's 
one of many optional packages to do system administration.  I'm doubtful 
that many people use it.  Linuxconf is available, along with the gnome 
and kde control panels.  All of these get their settings from files in 
/etc and dont' really cache these settings, so you can seemlessly use 
both these and edit /etc files.  I don't know what someone might want 
from an administration tool, but the mandrake control center is top 
notch.  It has gui menus for so much that redhat does not.  The printer 
control panel detects your printer, then automatically can install rpms 
for relevant things like cups or lpr.  Then it updates programs like 
mozilla to use that new printer.  I was amazed that I still haven't 
found a graphical default runlevel editor for redhat (although I do know 
how to do it manually). 

Once you get used to single boot diskette based network installs for 
redhat, mandrake, and debian, its hard to go back to downloading 
gigabytes of CDs unless you already own the CDs or are installing many 

-Eric Hattemer

Tom_Gordon/RISE/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mandrake is just a shittier version of Red Hat.  I've not used the 
drake-fly distro because of it's insistence that web-based GUI are 
acceptable means for system administration.  Did you know Mandrake was 
once just a modified version of Red Hat Linux?

Re: [luau] Num Lock

2003-10-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
BIOS is an option on any computer, as long as its an actual computer.  
The problem is, linux resets that setting once it boots, so it doesn't 
matter.  Mandrake has a service called numlock that will turn on the 
numlock.  Redhat does not have such a service.  You could try installing 
the mandrake rpm...  
I make no guarantees, though.  Try rpmbuild --rebuild *.src.rpm on the 
src.rpm version.  It'll appear in /usr/src/RedHat/RPMS/*.  do a find 
/usr/src/RedHat -name *.rpm to find it.  Redhat is missing so many of 
these cute things that make Mandrake so much more useable as a regular 
home user.  As much as Warren tells me how cool redhat will be when he's 
done with it and how great their kernel is, I always get depressed 
sitting here on the RH machine when I remember how well things worked in 
mandrake.  But try rebuliding that rpm and we'll see how it turns out. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Counterpoint: Linux vs. Windows Viruses

2003-10-13 Thread Eric Hattemer
There are two important parts that the OS vendors play in this, though. 
First is making sure that unneeded services are trimmed down.  In my 
mind, RedHat is bad at this.  Just because I have sendmail installed 
doesn't mean I'd like it to start up the first time I boot.  Services 
that should start on first boot should be the few that are needed for 
the computer to function and allow advanced users to turn on the extra 
services.  SSH could be an exception, since it allows secure remote 
access, but with the latest SSH exploits, maybe not even that.  However, 
at least linux has their services modularized.  RPC in windows is the 
biggest security hole there is, and it can't be turned off.  Kernel 
level exploits in linux are rare if ever, and usually require iptables 
or something.  

The second part they play is making updates obvious.  They cannot 
overstate these.  I deal with virus/worm calls at work, and they seem to 
be all I do anymore.  We ask people if they click install on the windows 
updates that automatically pop up in windows XP and they say something 
like I didn't know what it was so I canceled it.  OS vendors need to 
either have security updates automatically install themselves unless an 
advanced user turns off that feature.  The other alternative is to make 
the popups so frightening that no one could refuse.  That would be 
something like Install this update or your computer will likely be 
hacked into and your data erased.  Most linux distributions don't make 
security updates too apparent to a novice user.  

But then again, I've become convinced over the last two months that only 
10% of the American population should be allowed to use a computer at 
all.  And really that's 10% of the college educated population.

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Slashdot: Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity

2003-10-10 Thread Eric Hattemer
Xinerama allows that?  I thought that was required to have the 0.0/0.1 
setup.  I guess I'll look into that.  Thanks.  

-Eric Hattemer

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

I was talking about a different dual monitor setup, Eric.  The one 
operated with the Xinerama option turned on (fully functional under 
KDE, but only partially implemented under GNOME 2.4).  This option 
allows your window screen to become double-wide, very useful for 
working on large spreadsheet or databases.  Of course, if you don't 
need the other monitor, you can always turn if off.

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Slashdot: Multiple Monitors Increase Productivity

2003-10-09 Thread Eric Hattemer
I have to say I don't agree.  Depending on where you get them (outside 
of Hawaii) you can easily get a 17-19 CRT for under $100.  The obvious 
problem with desktop switching, or alt-tab switching is that you can 
only view one document at a time.  There are so many applications for 
which there are two related document windows.  For instance, a webpage 
and a text editor for doing web development.  I like to play UO on one 
monitor and have the other monitor show the map.  In windows, windows 
can be spread across multiple desktops, which allows you to save on that 
35 monitor.  Any sort of switching is a pain, and its very nice for me 
to be able to modify an entire electronic circuit without needing to 
zoom around.  I'm glad I have two monitors at home.  At work I always 
work on a sun and a pc at the same time.  I seriously doubt I'd be more 
productive if you gave me a $100 raise over 5 years.  But in those 5 
years I'd get a lot more done if I could see all my programs at the same 
time.  Unfortunately the savage driver doesn't work properly with my 
cheapo graphics card, so I only get one and a half monitors in linux. 
Its great in windows, though.  I agree with you that flat panels/LCDs 
are uttlerly silly and useless, though.  

-Eric Hattemer


Or you can cut your chances of getting cancer in half by sticking to your 
trusty desktop switcher :)  The only employers I know that bust the bling 
for dual display are game developers and graphics artists.  I always have 
less monitors than I do computers because extra monitors are wasteful and 
expensive.  It's like buying an SUV; my old crt will always look better 
than your new dual flat-panel.

Besides, I bet the employee satisfaction from having two monitors alone 
probably attributes to the the 10%, yes, only 10% increased productivity. 
I can get more productivity by increasing wages, benefits or attending to 
cultural and social agendas and needs!  I don't need a study to tell me 
that either, although i'm sure they've been done many times.

Usually studies that show such a small variation in performance and have 
commercial contributors [NEC] are found to be false.



Re: [luau] Single User Mode (was: ultra ata 100 okay?)

2003-10-03 Thread Eric Hattemer
Plus in init s you can get more accurate results with hdparm -tT 
/dev/hdx.  So you know whether your changes actually matter.  

-Eric Hattemer

Tom_Gordon/RISE/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i was reffering to making changes with hdparm.  if you set something that 
may cause corruption you don't want all those other processes/levels 
making reads/writes in the background so you boot to single-user mode 


Re: [luau] ultra ata 100 okay?

2003-10-03 Thread Eric Hattemer
If you do need help with lilo and booting, just ask.  I finally figured 
out how to boot the promise card properly, and therefore feel qualified 
to answer questions.  I ran into a problem where the kernel picks drive 
letters according to where they are located on the motherboard, wheras 
lilo can't match those letters to the actual numbers the bios assigns. 
But I fixed it.  More explanation if necessary.

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] ultra ata 100 okay?

2003-10-02 Thread Eric Hattemer
I bought a WD 250GB (230Gib) drive last week and it works fine in RH9. 
It comes with a promise card.  Windows cannot read the drive on the 
nvidia controller, so I had to use the promise card.  The only issue is 
unless your bios is pretty hardcore, it will boot as hde or higher.  I 
don't remember why, but my lilo is on my onboard controller hda.  I 
think it was just easier that way.  I know the installer told me my 
system wouldn't boot, I ignored it, then I had to repair it :).  So the 
lilo part might be tricky.  Windows is twice as bitchy, though.  I now 
realize the steps I need to take to get windows onto hde, but it 
shouldn't be as hard as it will be.  As for hdparm, you want to make 
sure you have it installed, then edit /etc/sysconfig/harddisks.  Set 
USE_DMA=1 and at the bottom where it says extra_parms or something, set 
-X 69.  I like to set -S 0 -M254, but that's just me.  USE_DMA is 
necessary if you don't want HD reads to lock up the whole computer.  -X 
69 sets the drive to udma5 instead of dma33.  -S 0 keeps it from going 
to sleep, and -M 254 means to run as fast and loudly as possible (which 
may shorten the life of the drive, so beware).  And make sure you put 
the extra_parms line in quotes (ie. EXTRA_PARMS=-X 69 -S 0).  But like 
I said, with other controlers and drives on that computer, lilo may be 
hard, and grub may be impossible.  Windows may involve disabling the 
other dma channels (or unplugging the other HD's) during instalation, 
then getting lilo to boot the WD drive, then installing windows with the 
F6 driver disk.

-Eric Hattemer


knowing the make  model of your current controller will be plenty enough 
to answer that question.  that can be found out by knowing the make  
model of the motherboard, if it is integrated.  and that can be found out 
by writing down the numbers on the boot init /mem test screen and googling 

you also won't be getting the same kind of performance as you would in 
windows becuase RH9 uses concervative settings (compared to windows) so 
tweaking hdparms in single-user mode is a must.  google is your friend 
there too.

i hope this helps


Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[luau] ultra ata 100 okay?

I'm trying to figure out if this western digital 175GB
7200rpm ultra ata/100 hard drive will work in my linux

I went to redhat and looked for their HCLs, since I am
running RH9, but I don't find anything about western
digital when I search. This is a bit suspicious that
none of their drives would be listed.

Anyhow, it has a special pci controller card  warns
all the windows people to load the drivers.

What should I do to find out?
LUAU mailing list

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] I need help

2003-09-13 Thread Eric Hattemer
Something got mixed up in your directions, I think.  Here's what you 
should do.  Boot into windows, figure out what drive letter your fat32 
is.  (This isn't necessary, but will help you keep track of some 
things).  Then boot into linux and create a similarly named directory. 
You can call it fat32, or you can call it D or E, but just don't put a 
: in there.  You can put that in / or in /mnt.  So you will type a 
command like:

su -;
mkdir /mnt/D;

The next step is to mount the drive.  Make sure it is /dev/hda5.  You 
can verify this with the fdisk command.  
fdisk /dev/hda;


It will print the partition table.  Then for the mounting (which you 
will need to do every reboot unless you want to put it in your fstab or 
mount -t auto /dev/hda5 /mnt/D;

Then if that goes through without error, you should have your files in 
/mnt/D.  Like I said, you can substitute any name you want for this dir, 
but carry that substitution through all of these commands.  You can 
check for that pdf by typing

ls /mnt/D/

Or look though there in some file browser.  

-Eric Hattemer

Felipe Vegan wrote:

OK He's the deal..
I'm a new linux user, and I'm trying to share files between Windows 
and Linux, So that's why I did a extra partion FAT32.
In Windows I put some files PDF in the FAT32 partition so I could see 
them on Linux. So thanks to the emails the some of you people send me 
 (Wish I appreciated very much :-) ). I put on Linux Terminal the 
commands mount -t vfat/dev/hda5/mnt/fat32.. I put /dev/hda5 
because I saw in the hardware browser that was the direction of the 
FAT32 partion..But now what I have to do to see on Linuxs the files 
PDF that I put in the FAT32 partition when I was in windows?? Some 
friend told me that I could see the PDF files in /mnt but I only can 
see the floppy and the cd folders when I'm there.. So what I need to do??

Re: [luau] nForce2, KM266 Business Linux Desktops

2003-09-10 Thread Eric Hattemer
I have the nforce 1, and its not particularly tricky on linux.  The 
graphics chip boots RH7.2+, I believe.  If you want to use the onboard 
pci devices, I would suggest the .src.rpm.  rpm -ivh *.src.rpm, then go 
into the directory it dumps it to.  I think that's 
/usr/src/RedHat/SOURCES.  Go into the Nvidia directory in there, and 
read the file in there called something like README.  It says something 
like to do a ./configure then a gmake; gmake install.  You'll need to 
redo this after every kernel upgrade. 

-Eric Hattemer

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

Both nVidia's nForce2 and VIA's KM266 provide excellent platforms for 
use as business Linux desktops--they are very powerful, flexible, 
stable and cheap (especially the KM266 based systems).  The nForce2 
also has a duel-monitor option, which can be very neat for certain 
types of applications (e.g., CPAs, financial planners, estate planning 

Both systems, as far as I know, still require some tweaking.  
RH9/MDK9.x won't even install on KM266.  Some Debian based systems 
(e.g., Libranet) will install on KM266, but it installs the generic 
VESA driver, and not the more powerful Savage driver.

nVidia's instructions on installing nForce driver are so full of 
errors, it took me a while to figure out what's going on (particularly 
in trying to install the NIC driver).

Would appreciate if someone would also share their experience.

LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Linux in Hawaiian Industry

2003-08-25 Thread Eric Hattemer
Welcome and so forth.  I'm not currently in Hawaii, and am probably not 
comming back (at least not very often), so I may be kind of biased.  But 
if you can change your move to Oahu rather than Maui, you'd probably do 
a lot better.  Maui and commercial industry don't seem compatible in 
my mind.  Anyway, even Oahu isn't for me...  But it does have an IBM, 
and IBM is pretty into linux nowadays.  I doubt they're hiring, though.  
There's a lot of people on this list who do something with linux, 
although not all in a professional capacity.  Wayne does some linux work 
in law (along with law work), Ho'ala does his own business with 
contracting and such, Warren has some projects and works with 
mic-pacific institute (high-school) sometimes.  Mainly I hear about 
volunteer projects like Hosef and the McKinley sessions. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Powering Off a Linux Machine

2003-07-12 Thread Eric Hattemer
I can't remember a time when you couldn't shut down linux with a 
button.  Maybe there was a time...  But I used redhat since 6.2 or 5.0 
or something, and I could swear that KDE/gnome always had a way to turn 
it off.  But then again, now that I think about it, it may have been a 
recent release of kdm/gdm that put shutdown on the dm menu, and it seems 
kde/gnome can only shut down when their own dm is running...  I don't 
think showing people that they can put a shortcut to shutdown on their 
desktop is going to impress anyone.  Win=2K has a shutdown command, 
same format as unix.  You could make a shortcut to that.  If linux 
didn't used to have a built-in shutdown button, then that really doesn't 
show how great it is now, it just shows how long it took it to catch up 
to windows and mac.  I know we all like to think linux is great for 
everyone and that everyone who doesn't love command prompts is probably 
stupid or something, but seriously, the lack of a shutdown button in the 
past just shows how far behind linux was in the eyes of a regular user.  
Really its these little details that really matter.  Most of linux 
catching up to windows (besides program/industry deveolper support) are 
these little things.  Things that you could program in python in like 5 
minutes if you stopped and thought about what was really missing.  Its 
kind of too bad a lot of linux developers are hardcore hackers and not 
average shmoes. 

Regarding traffic, have you ever tried to drive I-465 North on the 
west side in the airport expressway, I-70, 10th st. area?  It's been 
really bad recently since 65 and 70 are closed downtown right now! :)


I'm glad LA, much like NY tends to do all its road construction between 
11PM and 5AM.  People complain about LA traffic, but in the areas I 
travel, the traffic is so much better than Hawaii.  I cruise at 75 miles 
per hour every morning on my way to work without any wories of tickets. 

-Eric Hattemer

[luau] Electronics design program for linux

2003-06-21 Thread Eric Hattemer
Anyone know of a good electronics design program for linux?  Preferably 
free and preferably able to netlist and export to an FPGA?  Berkeley had 
a thing called ptolemy, but I'm not sure what it is and can't compile it...

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] ls order changed?

2003-06-14 Thread Eric Hattemer
That sure did fix it, thanks.  

Vince Hoang wrote:

export LANG=C


Phil Wrote:

Its your LANG and LC_* env settings. I think setting LANG=C fixes 
it... but I don't remember. A google search will  answer the question. 

[luau] ls order changed?

2003-06-13 Thread Eric Hattemer
RedHat and Mandrake recently changed the order in which they sort the 
file list in the 'ls' command.  It used to be ASCII alphabetical (A-z), 
but now seems to be case and special character ignoring.  I heard ls 
doesn't sort anything on its own by default, but uses the filesystem. 
There don't seem to be any alphabetic sorting options in 'ls', and none 
in tune2fs.  Its different from what I'm used to, so I am bothered by 
it.  Right now, it lists things in such a way like:


Anyone know how to get it back to the old behavior?

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Scrounging for parts

2003-05-20 Thread Eric Hattemer
I once installed openBSD on a cd-less sun from my linux machine.  I was 
working on debian, but my ram seems to be too broken to do it (my sun 
sucks and is broken in many ways).  The install process is a bit of a 
pain, and takes a long time to master the approximately 6 different 
components you need to have running simultaneously on the server side, 
but it can be done, and you feel cool for doing it.  Here is some info 
regarding the process:   
(refer to sections 4 and 5)

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Administrivia: Reply-To header removed

2003-04-13 Thread Eric Hattemer
I think the second article makes much more sense.  There's only a few 
mail programs in the world that support reply to group functionality.  
I was looking at the archive on the internet and was impressed by how 
threaded it was.  This will not continue if people have to go out of 
their way to make new messages that go just to luau.  And reply to all 
(which is what most people are going to start using) is going to bug 
anyone that posted and doesn't want to go through the trouble to make 
some fancy duplicate mail filter.  And yes, Warren, you are getting two 
copies of this mail in protest.  The first message was written by 
someone who strangely assumed the whole world uses mail programs 
designed for mailing-lists, or would like to receive two copies of every 
message.  I'm sure there's reply-to-group in elm and mutt and whatever, 
but there is no such function in OE, outlook, netscape, eudora, and I'm 
assuming AOL, which probably make up for 99% of American mail clients.  
I'm using mozilla right now, which has no such function.  But if you do 
decide to change it, please tell someone.  I'm sure a lot of people were 
thrown off that the reply button they had always hit no longer functions 
the way they expect. 

-Eric Hattemer

Warren Togami wrote:
I have changed the setting as part of a test based upon the rationale
within this page.
This is some counter rationale as to why reply-to-list is good.

I'll leave it this way for a few weeks and see how it goes.  Basically
if you want to reply to the list, use Reply All rather than Reply in
your mailer.

Warren Togami

Re: [Fwd: Re: [luau] Group Policies for Linux]

2003-04-12 Thread Eric Hattemer
And don't forget about FACLs, recently introduced into linux.  You just 
do something like

setfacl -rm user:eric:rwx /mp3;
and user eric gets full access to /mp3 regardless of the user-group-all 
permissions.  You'll need a new distro with a modern kernel, and maybe  
a package about facls to get setfacl and getfacl. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [Fwd: Re: [luau] Group Policies for Linux]

2003-04-12 Thread Eric Hattemer
You are correct.  It was added to the 2.5 kernels, and possibly the late 
2.4.20 or so kernels.  I've seen it here and there.  I can't comment on 
where.  It might be a patch redhat put in there, or a 2.5 thing, but 
facls were added to linux kernel in the last 6 months.  You might be 
able to find utilities for them somewhere. 

-Eric Hattemer

MonMotha wrote:

Must have been REALLY recently, either that or I didn't hear about it...

I know SGI XFS has POSIX ACL support, and grsecurity has something 
similar, but I never heard of FACLs...


Re: [luau] Hard drive clean up questions

2003-04-07 Thread Eric Hattemer
Firstly, as far as I know, these only really matter for compiling kernel 
dependent sources.  So you could so just as well to remove them all if 
you don't compile anything.  But to be safe, its always nice to have 
some kernel headers.  So go ahead and get rid of 2.2, then link linux to 
linux-2.4.  Its becomes a crazy chain link, but it makes it easier if 
say you upgrade to 2.4.30 or something in the future.  Of course, the 
most sensible way to do it is to move linux-2.2 somewhere weird like 
/root, then use the computer for a week and make sure nothing goes 
wrong.  Then get rid of it entirely.  Also, you can probably cd into 
both of those dirs and do a gmake clean;.  That'll get rid of a lot of 
.o files that you probably don't need.  You should be able to torch any 
files (not directories) under readhat.  There are no libraries in the 
linux kernel directories, only header files.  So once something is 
compiled and runable, it should theoretically not have any dependence on 
those anymore.  But just to be safe, move 2.2, wait a while, then delete 

-Eric Hattemer

Ben Beeson wrote:


	I need to free up some space on my hard drive and I thought /usr/src might 
be a good place to start as it appears I have several versions of old kernel 
sources stored there.   I need some advice on what is safe to delete without 
screwing up the system references to libraries etc. 

Re: [luau] Best Linux Server?

2003-03-30 Thread Eric Hattemer
This post kind of got lost and neglected.  But in any case, I assume 
when you say raid-0 (striping), you really mean raid-1 (mirroring).  I 
don't know much about servers, but I figure redhat would be a good bet.  
I like Mandrake much better for desktops, but redhat is concentrated on 
their server markets.  Plus Warren is working on things for redhat right 
now that could make it a bunch better.  As far as raid cards go, a lot 
of people like the 3-ware cards.  I have no idea about their 
availability right now.  Otherwise 2 hard drive channels on the 
motherboard and linux kernel raid does just fine.  Make sure you set all 
the good parameters in /etc/sysconfig/harddisks, such as use DMA and 
maybe something like -X 68 (man hdparm).  And you'll get good 
performance and reliability.  But like has been said before, you won't 
get any protection from hacks or similar things, since raid backs up 
simultaneously, so you'll probably want something like a CD burner or if 
you want to go old-school, a tape drive. 

-Eric Hattemer
message untrimmed because it seems to have been ignored earlier:

Dustin Cross wrote:


What is the best distro choice for a simple web/webmail server.  My SuSE
7.3 Sparc Ultra II server has been great for over two years, but I am
starting to worry that I don't have any routine back-ups or disk
mirroring.  If anything happened to this server Sandi would be very unhappy.

I am thinking of building an inexpensive x86 with cheap IDE raid 0
controller and two drives.  Is there a solid distro that is easy to keep up
to date, (i.e. automated)?  I use SuSE's Online Update all the time now and
it works okay.  Do any of the other distros have anything better?  What
about Gentoo and its emerge?

I don't have much time to spend keeping this system up-to-date and
secure.Sadly my best security defense has been using sparc hardware, NO ONE
writes exploits for Linux on Sparc hardware.  If I switch to an inexpensive
x86 systems this won't be the case anymore.

So what does everyone reccomend?

My currect systems is:

SuSE 7.3, Apache, Postfix, Imap, Squirrel Mail, PHPGroupware, Spam
Assassin, and Procmail

What I am looking for is reccomendation on distro (SuSE, Redhat, Mandrake,
Gentoo, etc) and recomendation for inexpensive IDE Raid 0 card that works
with linux.

Or maybe I should just buy a second 36GB SCA SCSI drive, rebuild my Sparc
and use software raid to mirror the drives.  What does everyone think about
Gentoo for this?

Is there any benefit to the inexpensive IDE raid cards over software raid?


P.S. I would use my beloved OpenBSD for this but then I waste the second
CPU in my Ultra II and I didn't see any inexpensive IDE raid cards
supported under OpenBSD.

LUAU mailing list


Re: [luau] Personal Touch (was anyone know of a good computer repair place?)

2003-03-19 Thread Eric Hattemer
You might also check to see that the cpu is attached to whatever heat 
sinking device its supposed to be.  Laptop fans are often attached to a 
thermal probe so that they only spin when the system is getting too 
hot.  So its possible that your cpu has become dislodged from its sink 
and is heating rapidly.  Either that or there may be something wrong 
with the probe.  Of course, considering that if the fan is louder than 
it used to be either implies it was never this hot, or that the fan is 
damaged.  Personally, I've never taken apart a laptop.  I'm not sure 
that you want to.  But theoretically your machine should function 
without even having a hard drive attached.  See if you can get into the 
bios, or if you can pull the hard drive out and boot off a CD.  You 
still might want to get it professionally repaired, but I'm less liekly 
to think its a hard drive issue as a fan issue. 

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Linux Email Host-Off topic maybe

2003-03-06 Thread Eric Hattemer
Perhaps your group should investigate other modes of file transfers such 
as scp, sftp, and centralized data servers. 

-Eric Hattemer


Hello people,

Can you recommend a reliable Email Hosting services that provides 90-100 email 
accounts with basic HTML web hosting?

My current host Interland has a limit on the size of emails per account, which 
takes a lot of energy to maintain. So looking for something that allows 
unlimited sized attachments as long as I don't break my total size limit for 
the account...



Re: [luau] what'd i miss?

2003-03-03 Thread Eric Hattemer

Ho'ala Greevy wrote:

Ocean's Night Club is a good place for these types of things,
they have attractive profit-sharing for fundraiser activities.

I think you're going to have to go into greater detail about this.  I 
guess if its covered at the board meeting, that's one thing, but 
otherwise, holding a fundraiser at a nightclub seems like quite a 
strange idea to me. 

-Eric Hattemer

[luau] If you thought MSFT had a bad reputation, you're wrong

2003-01-28 Thread Eric Hattemer

Yep, it turns out, the reputation institute ranks Microsoft as having
the best corporate reputation in America.  How this makes sense, I'm not
sure, especially if you look at their criteria...  

Each company is scored based on how many positive and negative
reputation --driving attributes are found within each story. These
attributes are classified into the six dimensions of the Harris-Fombrun
Reputation Quotient: emotional appeal, products and services, vision and
leadership, workplace environment, social responsibility and financial

I think they can only qualify for financial performance, and perhaps
workplace environment (although I've never been in their office, so I
can't say about that one).  They are doing well financially, as we all
know, though.  Yearly earnings per share of 1.74, price per earnings of
28.06, and of course their market cap or a mere $261 Billion.  That's a
thousand million for you kooky Britts.  

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] I crashed SUSE 6.2 playing Shishensho :)

2003-01-21 Thread Eric Hattemer
Well, unfortunately linux does crash from time to time.  Its always been
designed and focused on the business-unix-server types of markets. 
Linux will run on a big server with SCSI drives, 3com ethernet cards,
and VESA VGA video under heavy load for hundreds of days without a crash
or reboot.  But all the newer kernel modules to support the latest in
desktop home user peripherals aren't always tested so well.  All the
fancy new graphics drivers and openGL support and whatnot are a somewhat
new advance, and they are still working on those.   Nvidia cards are
notorious for having problems with either the builtin drivers or the
nvidia site drivers.  I've had good experiences with them, but other
people like to complain about them.  It could just be faulty hardware on
your computer, though.  

-Eric Hattemer

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 15:01, Karen Lofstrom wrote:
 Yesterday I dwaddled over my discrete math homework and played a game I
 found on my KDE desktop obsessively between intervals of math.
 I was extremely *surprised* when the computer started responding slowly,
 screen flickering, redraw faltering, and then finally crashed.
 I should have saved a copy of the error screen, I really should. Instead I
 just rebooted and it seems to have been working fine since. Probably
 something to do with the video card driver, which I didn't install, my
 brother did.
 I am bemused. I thought Linux didn't do that :)
 No big problem, unless it starts happening frequently.

Re: [luau] Newbie on Redhat 5.2

2003-01-20 Thread Eric Hattemer
That's usually not true, and if it were, just leave it on overnight.  I
remember in the dorms at USC, I once downloaded 2 linux CDs
simultaneously in 10 minutes total.  Of course, that was at a good
1.3MB/s.  To Warren's local sites, you can probably get nearly 300K/s,
which is probably enough to download all 3 CDs (usually you only really
need the first two) in under 2 hours.  More likely 1 hour or less if
you're not in peak time.  But then I'm out of state, so I couldn't speed
test.  I remember getting 800K/s from a roadrunner site once, though.   

-Eric Hattemer

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 13:43, demon_jr808 wrote:
 Thanks for the links Warren!
 I was looking to download Redhat 8, but even with RoadRunner it would take
 around 5 hours + per disk.
 Thanks again.
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Re: [luau] dhcp-146-41

2002-12-24 Thread Eric Hattemer
I concur 100%.  There's an IP standard of sorts that says that all IP
addresses should have a hostname attached.  There are many services that do
forward and reverse DNS lookups on your IP/hostname to make sure they match.
One such service is some ssh servers.  If you didn't have a hostname (and
some ISP's are broken enough not to assign them), then certain servers won't
allow you connections into them.

Now maybe you're worried that your IP doesn't change too much.  Now to most
people, this is wonderful.  People pay lots and lots of money for static IP
addresses.  With any of the dynamic dns services available, you can get your
own DNS name, and it will be correct over 99% of the time.  You could even
buy a real domain name, and just update it every time it changes.  That
takes a day or two, but since it only changes every couple of months, you
could probably actually make a webserver on there and everything (Oceanic
wouldn't be too thrilled if they found out, though).

Now apparently you consider it a security risk.  However, if someone were to
randomly pick your IP to attack, it wouldn't really matter whether it never
changed or changed everyday.  They'd have an equal chance of randomly
picking your address.  Of course its possible that people could track you
and whatnot, but considering that theoretically Oceanic is the only one who
has any idea of your real identity, this should not be an issue.  However,
if you really want to change your IP address, you could probably do so by
unplugging your cable modem for long periods of time.  Hopefully it will
eventually grab another IP because someone took yours.  That's the way it
works on many other networks, anyway.

Otherwise, the oly other input I have is to make sure that your domain and
your default dns suffixes search order are set to, and that
might help fix your problems.

-Eric Hattemer

- Original Message -
From: Dustin Cross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [luau] dhcp-146-41


 You do not have a permenant hostname.  The IP address has a permenant
 hostname in DNS.  You have a temporary IP address that is almost never

 Would you please go read about IP addresses, dhcp, and DNS so that you can
 speak inteligbly on the subject and stop trying to make something into

 Here is a place for you to start:


  I believe many cable modem users will not be thrilled when they realize
   that their computers, instead of having a changing ip, are actually
  assigned a permanent hostname.  Of course, our local dhcp experts are
  telling me that having a permanent hostname don't make no difference,
  and are implicitly accusing me of spreading FUD. You make your own

 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Help deciphering portscan entries in /var/log/messages

2002-12-12 Thread Eric Hattemer
ethereal is really good at filtering tcpdump.  Try that if you decide to
look into the matter.

-Eric Hattemer

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 11:05, Vince Hoang wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 10:44:30PM -1000, Ben Beeson wrote:
  I'm curious why the log shows two IP addresses that aren't
  mine. Is that because snort is seeing the traffic pass my
  external interface, or is something else up?
 Your external interface is probably sharing the same collision or
 broadcast domain. If listen with tcpdump and filter out your IP,
 you will probably see more foreign packets.
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Help deciphering portscan entries in /var/log/messages

2002-12-12 Thread Eric Hattemer
Honestly, I know next to nothing about networking and try hard not to
learn any more than I absolutely need in life.  So I hope someone else
answers this question properly.  I think it could be possible that its
trying to use your system as a router to get to the 12.x device.  Either
that or its some tricky stealth scan that routes to you, but says its
routing to another address in order to trick you.  But yeah, I hope
someone else answers this with some expertise.  

-Eric Hattemer

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 21:37, Ben Beeson wrote:
 Eric and Vince,
   So essentially, snort is seeing a lot of other traffic on my external 
 interface that is not necessarily destined for my box.  Is that right???
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] M$ thinking tux??

2002-12-10 Thread Eric Hattemer
Microsoft faced a similar situation a decade ago when its nascent
server software was competing head-to-head with market leader Sun
Microsystems Inc. , but Microsoft did not choose at the time to write
software for Sun's proprietary version of Unix.

Anyone else ever used internet explorer and windows media player in
solaris, or is it just me?

-Eric Hattemer

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 14:12, Beeson Benjamin Lt Col 715 AMOG/DO wrote:
 I saw this today on CNN. I'm not sure it's good news yet
 Ben Beeson

Re: [luau] Sparc 20 upgrade time

2002-12-04 Thread Eric Hattemer
This all can be quite painful.  After sucessfully doing this once, it
took me several hours a few months later to get it set up again.  Then
NFS ate my filesystem.  But if you need help with this, I can get back
to you over the weekend or so.  I have way too much homework to explain
this all.  But look at the netbsd howto for this even if you're not
using netBSD.  Its quite helpful.  

-Eric Hattemer
On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 14:19, Bob wrote:
 server RARP
 boot image on server
 boot net
 It's been years, but I muddled through this at one time
 If you can't find a CDROM locally, let me know.
 I may have one in the edebris pile...
 please reply my [EMAIL PROTECTED] address for best response
 -tongaloa aka Bob
 Ben Beeson wrote:
  install?   What is the best course short of buying a drive or two?
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] ALSA Nvidia Drivers on Red Hat 8.0

2002-12-03 Thread Eric Hattemer
On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 09:13, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
 Has anyone ever installed ALSA  Nvidia Drivers in Red Hat 8.0?

Probably.  I know I have both on mandrake.  Do you have a specific
problem?  I'm a bit tired of explaining Nvidia drivers, there's about 10
messages from me about it.  Look back a bit, or in the archive assuming
we have one.  As for ALSA, Warren wrote a little how-to deal about it.  


Re: [luau] Lower temperatures for Athlon in Linux

2002-11-30 Thread Eric Hattemer
Has anyone every run into an nforce compatible version?

-Eric Hattemer

On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 17:03, Warren Togami wrote:
 This program will reduce temperatures of your Athlon processor on most VIA
 chipsets.  Read the documentation to learn how it works.


Re: [luau] Videl FTP

2002-11-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
Well, OpenBSD is usually the most solid of web servers.  But its a bit
archaic looking.  I really do love mandrake, though.  For packaging, the
first thing you do is set up your urpmi database.  First, find a
webserver that has a mandrake mirror.  Then, find its rpms.  An example
is .  
Then find its file, the file that contains the listing and info for 
the rpm files.  Its almost always ../base/  On some servers, you'll 
have a Mandrake/RPMS2, which should be connected to ../base/  Videl 
seems to be set up a little non-standard about this.  CD 2 is and so 
the relative path to is ../../i586/Mandrake/base/ , which 
is kind of a hassle.  But basically, if you want to add videl to your list, do 

urpmi.addmedia Videl1 \\
with ../base/

urpmi.addmedia Videl2 \\
with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/

Now you have Videl1 as an official mandrake package source, and Videl2
as a contrib package source.  Every now and then (every day for cooker
sources), do an urpmi.update --auto, and that'll redownload the
lists.  If you want to upgrade every package, do urpmi --auto-select. 
Otherwise just do urpmi package-name.  It doesn't care whether you put
the version, etc, unless you want a specific version.  If you use zsh
(and you should), then you get tab completion with urpmi.  If you type
urpmi XFtab, it gives you a list of all the XFree86 stuff along with
XFDrake (Or something like that).  If you accidentally add a slow
mirror, you can either comment it out of the file (something like
/etc/urpmi/sources.list), or go into the software sources manager and
uncheck it.  No need to delete it entirely, it might be useful someday. 
-Eric Hattemer

On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 19:51, eXt wrote:
 1- Is Suse 8.1 or the latest Slackware in the Videl server?
 2- If not, can someone tell me a good d/l mirror? ( i tried 5 last
 night but the dl speed was 5-10 K)
 3- Anyone knows if mandrake 9 installs iptables by default? if not,
 what do i need to do to get them and install them?
 4- What is the best distro for a Commercial web-server (i know
 mandrake is newbie friendly...but i'm having more headaches trying to
 install stuff on it because of this)
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Re: [luau] Chinese Mandrake 9.1

2002-11-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
I'm not sure if there is some confusion about this, but the official
American version number for cooker is in fact 9.1.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # rpm -qi mandrake-release
Name: mandrake-release Relocations: (not
Version : 9.1   Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release : 0.1mdkBuild Date: Tue 08 Oct 2002
09:47:17 AM PDT
Install date: Thu 10 Oct 2002 11:14:48 PM PDT  Build Host:
Group   : System/Configuration/OtherSource RPM:
Size: 45   License: GPL
Packager: Warly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Summary : Mandrake Linux release file
Description :
Mandrake Linux release file.

-Eric Hattemer

On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 20:47, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
 During my recent trip to Taipei and Osaka, I noticed that most if not 
 all of the home-grown distributions have mysteriously disappeared. 
  The only distributions I can find are localized versions of Red Hat and 
 Mandrake.  Of course, there are always players in the Debian camp.
 China seems to be following the same trend.  No one seems to be 
 interested in their own Red Flag Linux no more.  Some Chinese 
 developers even poked into Cooker and put together a Mandrake 9.1.
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] New linux supercomputer

2002-11-25 Thread Eric Hattemer
Kind of reminds me of my friend,
They haven't updated the info page, in a while, and I don't think
they've benchmarked it lately, but its a pretty cool cluster (well, it
runs about 20-30F hotter than the room its in).  But the coolest thing
about this cluster is that the nodes are connected by a thing called
myrinet, which is an extraordinarily cool and probably expensive type of
switch that has 1GBit bandwidth between each node to any other node
through any path.  Unfortunately, they make use of it pretty well, and
wouldn't let me mess around with it.  Stuff like computational
chemistry, biology, geology (earthquakes).

-Eric Hattemer

On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 01:03, Brandon Jasper wrote:
 I saw an article on this and thought it was cool enough to post on the
 group. It is a 294 processor cluster built
 with Shuttle computers.  They have a pic on the site, pretty cool... I want
 LUAU mailing list

Re: [luau] Dual Booting with WinXP Pro

2002-11-07 Thread Eric Hattemer
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 23:13, Brandon Jasper wrote:

 Windows will generally try to install its own bootloader NTLDR in the MBR,
 NT and 2k does so I expect XP would do so as well.

Yeah, winxp almost certainly will rewrite the MBR.  

On 11/7/02 7:05 PM, W. Wayne Liauh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks.  I think you just answered the first part of my question, in
 that I should be able to install WinXP Pro in any of the three primary
 partitions.  If this is not correct, please let me know.
 (It should be noted that although textbooks say that there are four
 primary partitions, since the fourth one will be used to create
 partitions, there are only three primary partitions in which to
 a bootable partition.  Also, since Win98 does not use MBR, I am pretty
 sure that you must install Win98 in the first primary partition,
 you install a multiple booting tool first, such as Norton something.)

I'm not sure I agree with you here...  See, first, a lot of the time you
don't need extended partitions.  I try to avoid them at all costs.  I
have two hard drives, so that helps a bit, but you could easily organize
it as:

Linux Swap

And have two OS on 4 partitions.  Now if you want a third OS, you can
replace the boot partition.  

As far as overwriting the MBR goes, what you can do is put LILO onto the
the linux/boot partition instead of the MBR.  This sets the MBR to chain
load lilo.  Then when XP writes over the MBR, it doesn't write over
lilo.  All you need to do now is go into NT fdisk (control
pannel/administrative tools/computer management), and set the linux/boot
partition as the only active partition.  This will restore the situation
with no need for a boot disk.  

But yes, probably the best method would be to think long and hard about
how you want the partitions to be.  Then, even though the NT and linux
partitioning programs have similar functionallity, I prefer to use the
linux one.  So boot a linux CD, run fdisk, set up the partitions the way
you like them.  Save that and reboot with the win CD.  You probably will
want at this point to remove and put back the windows partition just so
that windows formats it properly.  Windows NT+ does not need to be
installed to the first partition.  Then once that's finished and happy,
install the linux to the leftover partitions.  

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] Ghost for Linux and Pattition Image

2002-11-05 Thread Eric Hattemer
Yeah, we're similar at my workplace in a lot of ways.  We only have
about 6 windows, 6 macs, and 4 U10's.  But we get administrative rights
to the windows machines.  This is basically in case we need to install
something temporarily to help someone with it.  Since we all have keys
to the building, and we're all students, sometimes due to the
irresponsibility of some people, the machines end up with a bunch of
junk like kazaa on them.  But rather than taking away administrative
rights or anything like that, Andrew, who is in charge of the computers
keeps a clean ghost image, and just wipes the machines back to their
previous states pretty much every week.  Then he does have some script
where you need to enter in the computer name or something.  The
multicasting seems to help when he needs to download 3 or more of them
at a time, but I have no idea of how much effort it took for him to set
that up.  But yeah, since we're open for walk-ins from 9-5, but open for
calls until 7, 5-7 is usually game night, and 7:00 is time to download
the machine again.  Its a much cleaner solution than trying to uninstall
the program.  Our systems work great all the time.  (If they ever start
to act funny, we can always download them again, and they should be
fine).  Andrew often argues with the userlab staff because he really
likes his ghosts, and they really like their odd distributed .msi

-Eric Hattemer

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 08:52, Jeff Zidek wrote:
 I don't dispute what you said about Norton Ghost except one thing.  The
 max of eight workstations.  I have used Ghost to multicast 64
 workstations at once over a weekend.  We started them on Friday and left
 and came back to 64 new workstaions on Monday.  This was on Windows 2000
 systems though.  To deal with the fact that it makes them (ununique
 systems) I run sysprep before I make the image shutdown without letting
 it reboot and reboot onto ghost multicast bootdisk. If anyone is
 interested I have a trick so that when the 2000 systems boot all you
 have to do is enter a new computer name click next then next again and
 your done.  To do this just use the XP setup manager to make your
 sysprep text file and run it under 2000 sysprep.  Seem it's just that
 the setup manager in 2000 doesn't have all the available features in the
 XP version.  Don't use the sysprep program from XP just the setup
 manager.  Works like a dream.  Won't even have to click that pesky EULA
 or enter a Product Activation Number.
 Jeff Zidek

Re: [luau] MDK 9 NVIDIA driver installation woes

2002-10-29 Thread Eric Hattemer
You can try other video modes like 0317, but I had another idea that you
could try the riva module in the kernel.  In mandrake its a module, and
not built into the kernel.  You can try it with modprobe rivafb. 
Otherwise, you can try building it into a kernel and start it with
video=riva:mode:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or something like that.  Personally, I
can't get this to work.  If someone knows about that, it'd help me out a
lot.  But you can experiment with it.  

-Eric Hattemer

Re: [luau] MDK 9 NVIDIA driver installation woes

2002-10-27 Thread Eric Hattemer
When you say no luck, does it still lock up?  I don't know anything
about the GF4, but I've never had serious problems installing these
drivers.  The default X drivers will hardlock any of the newer GF cards,
but the nvidia drivers shouldn't.  Was it working properly in the
framebuffer mode after the install?  I'll send you my XF86Config-4
file.  Make sure that the -4 file and the XF86Config file are linked
together.  This shouldn't be a big problem on mandrake, but since redhat
is really broken in this way, just check it anyway.  ie:

ll /etc/X11/X*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   27 Oct 12 16:12 /etc/X11/X -
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2743 Oct 12 16:13
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2743 Oct 12 16:12
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2739 Oct 12 16:11
-rw-r--r--1 root root  955 Sep 25 12:40
-rw-r--r--1 root root13766 Oct 21 23:51
-rw-r--r--1 root root  275 Sep 10 00:15 /etc/X11/Xmodmap
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 2008 Sep 10 00:15
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 4800 Sep 10 00:15

In my case, I don't have an XF86Config file at all.  You shouldn't need
one.  But if you have one, back it up, and then delete it.  All you need
is the XF86Config-4 file.  Also, be aware that the kernel module won't
always show up in lsmod because its autocleaned every now and then.  But
right when you boot, do an lsmod and look for NVDriver.

-Eric Hattemer

On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 13:08, Rodney Kanno wrote:
  Rodney, IIRC, you must also edit you XF86Config-4 to specify the new
  NVdriver, instead of the default nv one. Should be in the Graphics
  device section, under section Device. Hope it works, and would be
  interested if it does, since I may attempt the same thing soon. 
 I tried changing that as well, but no luck yet
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