Re: [LUAU] Mirror may get shutdown

2018-08-22 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 17:52:34 +
Brian Chee  wrote:

> If UH is ordered to shutdown, my plan is to shutdown the Linux mirror site to
> avoid damage from power issues.
> Brian Chee

Hang in there, Brian, and everyone else.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Best HawnTel DSL modem?

2014-05-05 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Mon, 05 May 2014 08:56:24 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
>  I was hoping to tap the list's wisdom about DSL modems available 
> through Hawaiian Tel.  I had liked the way the Pace DSL modems worked 
> (for the most part)  but I have had several that decided to become 
> unreliable, requiring resets every few days.

I have a basic Westell E90 series, and it's been rock steady for several years.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Ubuntu and updates

2012-09-05 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> Jeff Mings wrote:
> > Ubuntu/HP?  You mean an HP product with Ubuntu?  Which Ubuntu version 
> > number and desktop would that be?
> > 

> Aloha Jeff.
> It is Ubunto 8.10 with the Synaptic manager.

That indeed is an old version. I suspect that Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex will not 
update cleanly, or otherwise to any other supported version of Ubuntu. You 
would need to upgrade to Jaunty Jackalope, then Lucid Lynx, and Precise 
Pangolin. Ubuntu supports upgrades to the next version only. If running an 
LTS (long term support) version of Ubuntu, you can upgrade to the next LTS 
version. This assumes you haven't made any significant changes to your 
Ubuntu install.

> It works fine for everything but Flash and the menu features that 
> vanished (back button for example on the inet screen). The desktop is 
> just HP with small windows you click on to enlarge them. I never use the 

> photos, music and stuff on the screen.Its used for picking up email when 

> I travel and searching the net. And airline schedules, checking in for 
> flights etc.

I recommend you copy the data files off, reformat, and reinstall. If you 
don't like the look or feel of Unity, you might want to try Lubuntu, or 
Xubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). At least you would get support for the 
life of the machine.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] A reflection on the state of the Linux desktop

2012-08-31 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> When KDE made the jump from 3 to 4 it annoyed me because I used
> Konsole (which was awesome) as my primary terminal which was then
> replaced by a crappy bare bones KDE 4 Konsole...  I eventually
> switched to just running Gnome terminal.

Konsole was wonderful. I agree.

> The problem is that larger open source projects such as Gnome and KDE
> don't have the resources to put out a new major release of their
> desktop early on.  So they need to just release it and improve it over
> time.  In the meanwhile users suffer and the whole usage is different.

I'm a strong proponent of gradualism. I seem to remember OSX having it's
troubles in the first four versions, or so. XFCE has evolved gradually, and it
shows in exceptional stability.

> ... Except I know I'm not alone but my primary laptop is now a MacBook
> Air 13".  The main problem is that Linux laptops suck with
> suspend/resume/hibernate and battery life.  In the end it just feels
> so much better to throw the lid of the laptop down and lift it up
> without hoping things don't go bad.  And in the end, I'm still just
> using the terminal mostly and Linux has won the server battle.

Which is what I do with mine, and it works, always. Yes, you have to know what
works and what doesn't with Linux, but there's a lot that does, including
Macbook Air, if I read correctly. Failing that, there is always ZaReason, and
companies like that.

btw. I just ordered this:

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Re: [LUAU] XFCE is fairly cool

2012-08-31 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 16:19:25 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

> Thanks, Peter
>  It's interesting to hear about everyone's desktop preferences. I 
> really like XFCE too.  I experimented with XFCE and LXDE and concluded 
> that XFCE was more robust and mature than LXDE. 

Yes, it's a neat trick, a relatively feature full desktop and more stable. LXDE
uses one component I like, and that's PCmanFM, otherwise its XFCE all the way
at this point.

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Re: [LUAU] A reflection on the state of the Linux desktop

2012-08-31 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:17:03 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

> Gnome 3 is not really ready for prime time.
> If you're using Ubuntu 12.04 and don't like Unity, go straight to Mate
> Desktop and don't waste your time playing with the others.

Thanks for your impressions of Unity and Gnome. I fear Gnome 3 will make Gnome
a mere shadow of its former self. The Gnome team's lack of responsiveness
reminds me of the XFree86 crew, and Oracle. Here's hoping Mate stays viable.

My own path over the years has been different. I was always partial to KDE. I
was smart enough to avoid the earliest versions of KDE 4, making the jump to
4.3. I noticed several things: There was less functionality than 3.5 (mostly
rectified now). The memory footprint was larger. You could run KDE with 256
meg. of RAM. Now you really need 512. There was lots of stuff running in the
background, and things got worse if you ran KDE-PIM.

Eventuallly, I found substitutes for the KDE apps I ran. I use the version 3.5
version of KDEaddressbook from Trinity. I switched from Kmail to Claws. I do my
calendar stuff with an on-line app that comes with the domain I use, instead of

With most of the KDE apps gone, KDE went too. Eventually I settled on XFCE 4.8.
I use it on Ubuntu Lucid and Debian Squeeze. With Squeeze, it uses less than 90
meg. on a fresh boot to desktop. It's very flexible, and above all, stable.

I also use Remmina to connect to a Vino server, both running under XFCE. Hey,
they work.

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Re: [LUAU] Anyone got suggestions on low latency to the mainland ISP's

2012-08-03 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> I vaguely remember that Tony Q. and the folks at LavaNET used to do this,
> but is that gone now that the lavanet folks are gone? Is there any ISP's
> left that actually optimize their networks? UH can get to SF within 50ms,
> does anyone get those kinds of numbers on an ISP?

It's about double that with Hawaiiantel. Lavanet is still around and claim a
latency of 40-80 ms on their DSL service. They appear to piggyback on both
Hawaiiantel and Oceanic.

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Re: [LUAU] Unity follows the bad idea of one UI for all devices

2012-03-20 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:56:33 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

>  Interesting comments.
>  I noticed an irritating anomaly in XFCE behavior under Ubuntu 
> 10.04.  I was unable to copy something from the desktop and then paste 
> it into a sub folder using Thunar, the default file manager.  When I 
> opened the desktop in Thunar and copied from there, the operation 
> worked.  I haven't had the time to look into this problem, but it's on a 
> machine serving as a sort-of-remote-desktop machine for a few users to 
> run Thunderbird from whatever location they're at.  I like the small 
> memory / cpu footprint of XFCE.  Any idea of a suitable resolution?

Thunar got better in version 4.8, but I still don't use it. I use PCmanFM. 

With both XFCE 4.6 and 4.8 I could not duplicate the problem. I created a
folder in Thunar off of the desktop. Dragging some other file to the desktop
folder within Thunar worked. Dragging the file directly from the desktop into
the new folder I created in Thunar worked.

I then did the same using a VNC connection to another machine (which also ran
XFCE). It ran as expected.

Ubuntu uses version XFCE 4.6 by default. The distributions running 4.6 were
Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Lucid. If XFCE acts flakey, what some people do is
delete the content of the ~/.cache/sessions directory. That helped me in one

If you want to try 4.8, you can add this to your sources.list file:

deb lucid main

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Re: [LUAU] Unity follows the bad idea of one UI for all devices

2012-03-20 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 08:45:43 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

>  Getting back the gnome-2-ish look for Ubuntu 12.04 is really easy:
> $ sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

I have one computer running Ubuntu with XFCE (from a PPA) installed. I use it a
lot. It was a netbook from System 76. It came with the Netbook Interface (aka
pre-Unity). As I use it basically as a desktop machine (with external monitor,
keyboard, and mouse), I removed all of the netbook interface, and much of Gnome.

My son used Netbook Interface on his netbook for a while, but as he mostly uses
an external monitor, it proved clunky. When he got a 20", 1600x1200 monitor, he
switched to XFCE.

>  My laptop and desktop run Lucid Lynx (Ubuntu 10.04) and Gnome 2 
> allows me to be very productive.  However, I wanted to see if another 
> box, that will primarily be running Zoneminder, would be tolerable with 
> Unity.  With the addition of ClassicMenu Indicator, Unity UI is usable.

I passed your previous message on to a friend of mine, whose wife uses Unity on
her netbook. She has been fighting the interface since Natty. The good news, is
that when he finally updated his wife's machine to Oneiric, he noticed smoother
operation, and fewer bugs. I think he will update once more to Precise, and
then leave well enough alone.

> Unity has driven many people to Mint Linux or CentOS.  If Ubuntu offered
> another official derivative
> ( ) using Gnome 2, I
> would expect it to eclipse all of the other versions.  Gnome 3 is absolutely
> beautiful, but is a regression from a productivity standpoint.

It will be interesting to see how the Gnome extensions work out. I have never
been a fan of Gnome 2's default layout. Even on a 4:3 ratio screen, I found
that the two bars tended to take up too much space. Mint consolidated
everything to a single, bottom bar, and that was pretty good. Now Mint is
offering Mate, straight Gnome 3, Gnome 3 with extensions, and the even more
ambitious Cinnamon. We'll see how this all shakes out.

As for me. I use netbooks, because they are cheap and pretty versatile. In my
search for KDE 3 alternatives, I have settled on XFCE, because it does what I
need, is rock stable, and boots to desktop using as little as 90 megabytes.
Netbooks fly under such an arrangement.

XFCE 4.8 from PPA has several advantages over version 4.6 available in Debian:
The panel moves to the side of the screen more gracefully. The launcher
interface has improved. It does a better job with transparency. In short, XFCE
is first rate. Let's hope it stays that way.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Precise Pangolin is looking good

2012-03-20 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 03:15:31 -0700 (PDT)
Julian Yap  wrote:

> I've been a long time desktop Linux user but the recent Gnome3 and Unity has
> soured my hopes of the future.

I encountered my Linux desktop crisis with the transition to KDE4. Running
Debian Lenny helped put it off for a while. With Squeeze the issue was the use
of the not quite ready for prime time KDE4.4 and the ruination of the KDEPIM
packages. Thus began a transition to Ubuntu Lucid or Mint Isadora with XFCE.

A similarly equipped Debian runs faster and requires less RAM than either
Ubuntu or Mint, though.

> I still run Fedora 16 on of my work PCs but I switched it to Gnome 3 fallback
> mode (kind of like Gnome 2 but crappy).

Have you checked into any of Mint's alternatives. I agree with your assessment
of Gnome 3 Fallback.

> The argument with Linux is 'just install x desktop' but the problem is if you
> don't have sane and usable defaults from the outset you're already off to bad
> start with users.

True. However I don't think Fedora has enough Linux market share to influence
things. Ubuntu does, and that is why this crazy shift to Unity is causing such
pain. The issues with Gnome may improve through the use of extensions. A
properly done Gnome 3 distro will be evaluated in part on its use of them.
Again, Mint has garnered early praise on this front.

As for myself, I don't like things that are quite so bleeding edge as Fedora.
When I purchase a new machine, it tends to get Debian installed, given that I
value stability over the latest and greatest. Since I know what is coming with
Wheezy, I have stayed with XFCE instead of Gnome.

A number of Fedora respins have also stayed with Gnome 2: Blag, Fuduntu, and
Fusion are three that have done so.

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Re: [LUAU] Favorite Linux backup programs?

2012-03-16 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 11:43:00 -1000
Jason Axelson  wrote:

> I've been looking into backup programs for home and work and right now
> I am thinking of using tarsnap personally and experimenting with bup
> So what are your favorite (preferably command-line only) backup
> programs for Linux?

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I use TAR. I keep using it, because I can
restore reliably.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] my list presence restoration....?

2011-11-05 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 12:31:56 -1000
Ben Timmerman  wrote:

> I'm not expecting this to get posted/disseminated to the list...except 
> to the movers and shakers who decide who can and cannot be a list member.

Well, it did. If you get this, it means you are still signed up.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Need help with internet wiring

2011-11-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 12:40:46 -1000
Karen Lofstrom  wrote:

> Since this list is a bit active today ...

Supergeeks does jobs like that, at least, they did with me.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Need a time server in Hawaii

2011-11-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 11:58:43 -1000
> Al Plant  wrote:
> > Anybody on the list have the name of a local time server I can use to 
> > set a FreeBSD machine that tends to drift.

On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 12:14:23 -1000
Peter Besenbruch  wrote:


Of course, that depends on the kind of server you have. This isn't really an
open, or strata one server.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] Need a time server in Hawaii

2011-11-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 11:58:43 -1000
Al Plant  wrote:

> Anybody on the list have the name of a local time server I can use to 
> set a FreeBSD machine that tends to drift.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] WiFi NIC that plays nice with Linux?

2011-05-24 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 24 May 2011 11:38:47 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

>  This laptop has a built-in 10/100 ethernet NIC, and I was wondering 
> if anyone has a strong recommendation for one of the USB WiFi NICs for a 
> modern Linux.  I.e., there are several listed on NewEgg that _should_ 
> work, but I'm interested in real-world experience.  Also, there are 
> several very tiny USB "stubby" NICs that are so small that they can be 
> left in.  These would seem to have very limited antenna strength.  
> Anyone tried one of those and tested coverage and signal strength?

If you don't need "N," the Zonet 2500P is a good one that is both cheap, and
that works with weak signals. It's basically plug and play.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] TurboPrint - pretty freaking cool

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 11:55:52 -0800
David Kiwerski  wrote:

> Has anyone tried the Kodak printers with Linux?

Turboprint doesn't support them. Kodak has a pretty bad reputation in the Linux

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] TurboPrint - pretty freaking cool

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 20:34:15 -1000
Jeff Mings  wrote:

> Hello All!
>  I just discovered a commercial Linux package called TurboPrint.  I 
> have to share my experience.

I have been using Turboprint for years. It was the only driver available for my
Canon Printers. In the last few years I have switched to a networked, color
laser printer that uses Postscript. With 3rd party toner, it is cheap to run.
Xerox makes it, and they provide a Linux driver. I understand that Epson
provides Linux drivers as well through a third party outfit.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] IP address on Cable

2011-03-03 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> I am trying to help a guy with a Windows 7 box.  He has netflix on this 
> cable too so it may have a fixed IP.

If not fixed, then the same for extended periods.

> He gets attacked a lot with viruses and other weirdness even with Norton 
> on the box.

I always am suspicious of anti-virus software. I don't think it works well. 

The main difference between cable and ADSL is that the cable folks share a
quasi-local network with a number of other households. If Windows networking
isn't blocked on Windows' firewall, or the router, in theory other people on
that network can browse the files on a user's machine. Likewise, malware with
that capability can have better luck spreading on cable.

> Any suggestions appreciated.

Install Linux. ;) Failing that, you need to check into the guy's browsing and
e-mail habits.

___ mailing list

Re: [LUAU] RR SMTP should resolve with OpenDNS

2010-12-03 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 17:56:25 -0800 (PST)
Julian Yap  wrote:

> I use Google Public DNS at home:
> The DNS servers are really bad and don't honor TTL's.
> They just have very long caching and it varies depending on the DNS
> server you hit.

Aside from Lavanet's DNS servers, I keep the Verizon DNS IP addresses
handy. They start at I almost always prepend the Verizon
server when a computer uses Hawaiiantel as its ISP, as their DNS servers
are frequently slow, or lack information and stall out (like when
trying to reach
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Re: [LUAU] problems with RoadRunner?

2010-12-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 21:45:22 -1000
"Dwight Victor (Gmail)"  wrote:

> Even with OpenDNS' servers I can't resolve
> is royally screwed.

Give it time; it will come back eventually. If it's down more than 12
hours, I would demand a credit.

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Re: [LUAU] problems with RoadRunner?

2010-12-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 19:57:32 -1000
"Dwight Victor (Gmail)"  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Seems like RoadRunner is having some issues; anybody know what's up?  
> Can't resolve any of their hostnames; even using Google or
> RoadRunner's own DNS servers.  Their customer service line is busy
> and their web chat thing showed a queue of over 200 users.  Still got
> connectivity, just no RoadRunner hosted services (i.e., mail, DNS,
> etc.).

It was constant problems with Road Runner that send me over to Lavanet.
At least most Linux users know how to point to different DNS servers.

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Re: [LUAU] Answer from Ceton on new quad tuner card

2010-09-21 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 11:11:30 -1000
Brian Chee  wrote:

> So promising if you ask work with the MythTV folks...


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Re: [LUAU] Myth TV

2010-09-21 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:13:20 -1000
Brian Chee  wrote:

> I got the word from Oceanic Tech support, which means the Ceton card
> is mainstream enough that it¹s made it into their tech support
> scripts...wheee.

So, I take it that the card on offer is supported by Linux? If so,
which kernel version?

I've been running a Roku box the past few months.

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Re: [LUAU] Quiet case?

2008-08-21 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> Replace the case fans? If that doesn't work, replace the case? (I
> don't think the problem is the power supply or the CPU, but it's hard
> to tell.) If I replace the case, should I order something fancy from
> Acoustic PC, or  get something from a local seller? If local seller,
> any recommendations for a quiet case (ATX, tower)?

I've never had a CPU fan hum, except when it was working hard, but it never 
caused the case to hum. There's just too much material between it and the 
case itself. As for the power supply, I have found that the power supplies 
bundled with most cases are cheap. Spending money on a good power supply is 
generally worth it in terms of increased reliability and energy savings.

I recommend the following troubleshooting steps:

Open the side of the case. Turn on the computer. Does it hum? If not, then pad 
the side panel.

If the case hums with the panel off, then unplug each case fan until the 
humming stops. The last fan you unplug will be the culprit.

If the case still hums when you have unplugged the case fans, listen closely 
to the power supply. Other sources of noise are the hard drives and the CDROM 

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Re: [LUAU] How long should it take to put a system together?

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wednesday 13 August 2008 20:07:31 Karen Lofstrom wrote:
> How long would
> it take an experienced assembler to put a system unit together from
> scratch, using parts that he/she hadn't previously used? (Part of my
> time was spent reading manuals.)  45 minutes? An hour?

I'd say 2 hours, 2.5 with OS installation for Linux, 3 for Windows.

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Re: [LUAU] Something Linux Related

2008-07-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> So not with KDE4 they've 'cleaned it up' so a lot of the reasons I used it
> in the first place are gone.  They've taken out all the 'Advanced'
> features.  I may as well be using Gnome-Terminal.

KDE4 has gotten a little more "Gnomish," and that's not a good thing. I'm 
hoping much of that configurability comes back.

> Anyone know if I can easily run KDE3's Konsole on a KDE4 based distro?

You should be able to run KDE3 and 4 on the same machine. One of the reasons 
Suse's version of KDE4 is so good is that it incorporates elements of KDE3.

I read in the Debian newsletter that Lenny, the upcoming release will not 
include KDE4. I think that's a good thing. In preparation for the changeover, 
I have been changing my APT sources to reference Lenny, rather than Testing. 
KDE 3.5.9 is a really good desktop environment, and I think I want to stick 
with it for a while yet.

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Re: [LUAU] Wine 1.0 can be amazing

2008-07-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> I recently experimented with Wine 1.0 under Ubuntu 8.04.  I was
> utterly amazed at running World of Warcraft perfectly and at a stunning
> speed under an older P4 with a mediocre AGP card.  Everything works.
> Even the sound is flawless.  There are quite a few other apps listed in
> the Wine DB.  It's really come a long way.

I'm still waiting for it to run Word Perfect 10, or Microsoft Publisher 98. It 
tends to work on graphics programs, and rather imperfectly on a Windows 3 era 
dictionary. I still run the dictionary, because it's good, and I put up with 
the display imperfections.

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[LUAU] Something Linux Related

2008-07-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch
I thought I would put in something Linux related. I installed OpenSuse on a 
Virtualbox machine. It was a network install. It took hours. Part of the 
problem was that Suse's servers have the bad habit of dying. At least it was 
easy to recover.

I installed KDE4. I was pleasantly surprised; this was the first KDE4 from a 
distro that I found usable. It was vastly better that Fedora's aborted 
monstrosity. Another benefit over Fedora, is that Suse's X server actually 
played well with Virtualbox.

I am also playing with a Qemu image of KDE4daily. These are regularly updated 
versions of KDE4 on Ubuntu (almost daily). I am watching the updates come 
down as I write. I have seen KDE4.1 go from a painfully slow, crash prone 
desktop to something improved. It's picked up speed (yes, even on Qemu), and 
it doesn't crash as much. Sometimes, a new feature will creep in, but I'm 
still waiting for a decent bookmark tool for Konqueror.
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Re: [LUAU] boring test, do not read

2008-07-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Friday 04 July 2008 09:07:23 Dave Burns wrote:
> I just got messages that I got kicked off the list, so I am testing to
> see if this bounces. There is probably a more apropriate way to find
> out, but I am being lazy. Sorry, but it's not like this list gets much
> traffic any more, but I don't want to lose it.
> Dave

I got the same message, that I was booted from the old list. I think everyone 
got it. It's so much trouble; I had to adjust an entire e-mail filter. ;)

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Re: [LUAU] System Build

2008-05-14 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wednesday 14 May 2008 19:06:38 kahrytan wrote:
>  Does any one know where one can get nice  and elegant computer cases on
> Oahu? But not those over priced stuff like the Antec cases.

I'm not sure what the big box stores like Circuit City and Best Buy offer, but 
I tend to buy locally at Personal Touch, located across the street from where 
CompUSA used to be.

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Re: [LUAU] Fwd: Bad Random Number Generator

2008-05-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Tuesday 13 May 2008 13:07:47 David Kiwerski wrote:
> Interesting - I just upgraded my Mepis on this machine with an ssh/ssl
> update.   Is the update no good?

Debian usually announces the updates several days after actually posting them. 
If you use Synaptic, it's easy to check the changelog of the package.
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Re: [LUAU] yes...was Re: Is this list still alive...

2008-05-11 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Sunday 11 May 2008 12:51:27 Jim Roby wrote:
> Great,so Grub is located in the MBR but refers to it's menu list inside
> the default partition.?
> Ubuantu is listed as the default,but it also list two other iterations
> of the same OS,one seems like a diagnostic and the other a memory check 
> shell.Then comes the line Other OS and below that Win2K.I was able to access 
> the Grub shell but it would'nt accept changes,probably since I wasn't root 
> and logged in. Thanks Jason. 

If your Windows 2000 partition is hosed, and you don't want to repair, 
reinstall, or otherwise fix it, you might want to get rid of the partition 
that it sits on, and expand the one Ubuntu sits on. This is a bit more 
involved, in that you need to know which partition is which, and you may need 
to edit, not only menu.lst, but also your /etc/fstab file. The advantage you 
get is extra disk space for Linux.

The tool I use for editing partitions is the Gparted disk:

I second the recommendation for Hardy Heron.
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Re: [LUAU] Linux distros as anime characters

2008-04-17 Thread Peter Besenbruch
> Which led to some wallpapers:

I sent this to my daughter, who is the only kid running Linux at Maryknoll.
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Re: [LUAU] list "moderation"

2008-03-29 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Saturday 29 March 2008 16:43:04 Vince Hoang wrote:
> I want HOSEF
> content back on hosef-managers, but it is the personal attacks that
> triggered my [extreme] reaction.

I'm glad you did what you did. It was getting very ugly.

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Re: [LUAU] Hello - My Name is Scott

2008-03-26 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Wednesday 26 March 2008 18:57:07 Dave Burns wrote:
> This answer is pretty vague. Vince and I have both asked similar
> questions on the list, which were also dismissed.

Such questions get answered when an organization wants to work together. The 
level of conflict I have seen here means there will be no concrete movement 
as long as the players are in place and fighting.

I have been to a couple of meetings with Scott, and he was clearly the leader 
of the meeting. No-one else from the board was there.

In the long run, no organization will survive when the most active member 
fights the board. Legally, the board calls the shots, and it may be a good 
thing for Scott to form a separate organization of like minded people, rather 
than get into an escalating conflict. Whether there will be anything left of 
HOSEF, if Scott leaves is another issue.

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Re: [LUAU] CD's Anyone?

2008-02-15 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Thursday 14 February 2008 15:54:54 Matt Darnell wrote:
> I was looking through some of them and the oldest one I saw was an AOL
> 5.0CD.

Does it run under Wine?

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Re: [LUAU] Notes on the Asus eee PC

2008-01-19 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Saturday 19 January 2008 15:51:18 Ron Fox wrote:
> RE: the ASUS Eee PC, I've been thinking about buying one to use as a PDA,
> somewhat larger than my recently deceased Zaurus SL-5000D but a lot more
> functional.

I have one, as well, and find it a wonderful machine. It does a wonderfull job 
browsing the Web at Coffee Talk in Kaimuki. I added an 8 GB SD card to it for 
data. I also use it to run Windows 98 under Qemu, and do a little writing 
with OpenOffice.

I currently run eeeXubuntu on it. 

This little puppy travels anywhere.

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Re: [LUAU] Recommended FOSS network backup tool

2007-11-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Thursday 01 November 2007 21:20:11 Julian Yap wrote:
> Normally I use command line tools to do network backups.  eg.
> rsync, mysqldump
> It works but it's time for a dedicated tool to remove the
> thought cycles.  Also tools can have pretty graphs.
> Does anyone have any FOSS network backup tools that they swear
> by?

Sorry, I still swear by (at) TAR.

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Re: [LUAU] A Rhyme for Friday

2007-10-26 Thread Peter Besenbruch
On Friday 26 October 2007 12:27:41 R. Scott Belford wrote:
> The Boys and Girls Club
> In Ewa Beach.  2-5

Hi Scott,

I'm not sure what help you need, but I would like to come.

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Re: [LUAU] headless fedora

2007-10-22 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Dave Burns wrote:

Maybe I should go in the opposite order - I
can log in over the serial connection when it is still booted runlevel
5 and has a monitor attached, can't I?

You can, but you can also use a remote desktop connection.

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Re: [LUAU] Any use for a Motherboard

2007-10-16 Thread Peter Besenbruch

R. Scott Belford wrote:

Peter Besenbruch wrote:
I have a spare Asus ATX motherboard, with an Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 and 
2 gig of RAM. Could Luau, or Hosef use this?

It should be known that the current HOSEF demonstration and imaging box 
is using this motherboard donated by Peter.  The case is some big steel 
case donated to us a few years back by somebody.  The power supply came 
from a box fried by the earthquake.  The hard drive came from Sandy and 
Dusty before they moved on to another city.  Combined with some sweat, 
software, and ethernet, this ewaste became somebody's future.  This is 
how HOSEF rolls.

It sounds lovely and undoubtedly looks fashionable.

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Re: [LUAU] Re: [buug] nano help!!!!

2007-10-16 Thread Peter Besenbruch

goku ball z wrote:

Hi all,
I have this problem.  I am running suse linux 10.0 Enterprise. I was 
able to install nano-2.0.6 and as root I am able to use it.
This is where my problem starts. When I exit root and try to use nano, 
I get this error message.

nano: Command not found.
but when I type /usr/local/bin/./nano  I am able to use it.
and since I am using tcsh shell I made a file called .cshrc and added 
the following:
setenv EDITOR/usr/local/bin/./nano  ( which didn't work )

then I tried this also
setenv EDITOR/usr/local/bin/nano  (which also didn't work)
can someone out there help this hawaii newbie?!
thanks and aloha from hawaii

What about putting a link in /usr/bin to your Nano executable? I don't 
run Suse, but that's what Debian does. It's odd that they would put Nano 
in /usr/local/bin, as that usually isn't in the path. Try "man ln". 
Frankly, I find it easier to do links with Midnight Commander, sometimes 
called "mc."

NetOpsCenter wrote:


I run FreeBSD here in Hawaii,  but I added the LUAU list to this email. 
Plenty local Linux users on it could maybe help you.

Whatever works.
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Re: [LUAU] Re: dangers to (Software) Freedom

2007-08-27 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

Man, I'm giggling now.  The people in the coffee shop must think I'm

Not to change the subject, or anything, but what coffee shop do you like 
on Oahu? Which has good Internet access and good coffee? I rather like a 
coffee shop in Kaimuki, next to 1st Hawaiian Bank, but I would love to 
know about others.

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Re: [LUAU] so much for OpenBSD

2007-08-06 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

SELinux is enabled by default (targeted policy) in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux and Fedora.

And it's amazing how much better Fedora runs when  you turn them off. :)
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Re: [LUAU] Any use for a Motherboard

2007-08-01 Thread Peter Besenbruch

R. Scott Belford wrote:

Peter Besenbruch wrote:

R. Scott Belford wrote:

Peter Besenbruch wrote:
I have a spare Asus ATX motherboard, with an Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 
and 2 gig of RAM. Could Luau, or Hosef use this?

I'll repost this, as I have not had any follow-through with this. 
Scott did answer, I answered to his e-mail address, but never heard 
from him.

Ummm, okay, sorry about that.  We left it at clarifying what island you 
are on.  Is this something you can bring to Ewa?  HOSEF can put it to 
use if you would like the tax deduction, etc..

I live on Oahu in Mililani. Yes I can bring it to Ewa. I had replied to 
your hosef address. What is a good e-mail so we can take this off list?

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Re: [LUAU] Any use for a Motherboard

2007-07-31 Thread Peter Besenbruch

R. Scott Belford wrote:

Peter Besenbruch wrote:
I have a spare Asus ATX motherboard, with an Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 and 
2 gig of RAM. Could Luau, or Hosef use this?

I'll repost this, as I have not had any follow-through with this. Scott 
did answer, I answered to his e-mail address, but never heard from him.

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[LUAU] Any use for a Motherboard

2007-07-17 Thread Peter Besenbruch
I have a spare Asus ATX motherboard, with an Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 and 2 
gig of RAM. Could Luau, or Hosef use this?

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Re: [LUAU] Dealing with the Bleeding Edge

2007-07-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 22:22 -1000, Peter Besenbruch wrote:
Unfortunately, they don't seem to emphasize it. Does APT even work with 
the official repositories?

Julian Yap wrote:

apt == yum
deb == rpm

$ sudo yum install apt
Installed: apt.i386 0:0.5.15lorg3.2-10.fc7
$ sudo apt-get update

I will give it a whirl tomorrow.

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Re: [LUAU] Dealing with the Bleeding Edge

2007-07-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 16:38 -1000, Peter Besenbruch wrote:
Fedora's desktop is a lot prettier, though. If 
they would only use APT for RPM, I would be quite satisfied. ;)

Would this work? :P

$ yum info apt

Unfortunately, they don't seem to emphasize it. Does APT even work with 
the official repositories?

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[LUAU] Dealing with the Bleeding Edge

2007-07-12 Thread Peter Besenbruch
I made a mistake the other day by purchasing a motherboard with a brand 
new chipset (released in June). It is a Biostar TForce TF7025-M2. It is 
a socket AM2 board with an Nvidia 630a chipset, and integrated Nvidia 
7025 graphics. It cames with Realtek NIC and some generic, built in sound.

I like it for its support for 4 SATA devices, lots of USB ports, along 
with PS2 keyboard and mouse ports. It also accepts 4 gig. of RAM in 4 slots.

I already had Debian installed, running a 2.6.21 kernel and Nvidia 
graphics, and decided to let it handle things. It didn't. It could only 
see one hard drive. The nv graphics driver wouldn't work, either. 
Networking worked, but streaming from the machine was erratic - lots of 
dropouts, regardless of the machine connecting to it. Grabbing a 2.6.22 
kernel from brought the second hard drive back, but network 
performance remained bad.

For fun, I tried booting other distros. Ubuntu Feisty and PCLOS 2007 
would boot, but failed to mount the very conventional, PATA DVD burner. 
Both dropped into a busybox shell within seconds of booting. Fedora 7's 
installer actually saw all the drives, so I decided, "what the heck," 
and tried it.

Everything worked, except the networking. It still had the same trouble. 
LSPCI has more occurrences of the word "unknown" than I would like (but 
that was true of Debian, as well). Eventually, I stuck in a Linksys NIC, 
and my problems went away.

The last Fedora I had dealt with was version 5. 7 looks a lot prettier. 
Debian works better with a Sidux kernel than Fedora; Samba appears to 
work with fewer issues. Fedora's desktop is a lot prettier, though. If 
they would only use APT for RPM, I would be quite satisfied. ;)

I suspect that six months from now Linux support will be a lot better.

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Re: [LUAU] Price of freedom is a $50 saving

2007-05-25 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Peter Besenbruch wrote:
The base Dell laptop comes with 512 meg. of RAM, good to go for 
Ubuntu, that's for sure. My daughter's school laptop has been going 
strong for two years. 

Jim Thompson wrote:

512MB may be enough, but 256MB is not.

I just loaded xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 2600 for my father (it had 
belonged to my step mother.)  It has 256MB and a 1GHz p3.  Neither 
Ubuntu or kubuntu would successfully install on it.

Debian installs fine with 256 meg. KDE runs as well, once installed. Is 
it the extra overhead of the live CD?

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Re: [LUAU] Price of freedom is a $50 saving

2007-05-25 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

Ars Technica reports that the Windows tax is approximately $50:

Greater than $50, when you factor in the cost of something more than 
Vista Home Basic. So, not bad.

+ you get the added benefit of an office suite and no
pre-installed 'crap ware'.  I imagine some may buy these
machines to re-install Windows XP.

The "no crapware" feature is worth a considerable time savings, at 
least, but OpenOffice has a perfectly decent Windows version. Can we 
talk Dell into including it on their Windows models?

I know many people don't buy bare bones systems because the
manufactures have charged them more than with Windows included
(on consumer machines).

The base Dell laptop comes with 512 meg. of RAM, good to go for Ubuntu, 
that's for sure. My daughter's school laptop has been going strong for 
two years. It also came with 512 meg. of RAM installed. It runs KDE 
3.5.7 now. Applications like OpenOffice (it started as 1.0 on my 
daughter's machine) and Firefox have gotten a lot faster. It's nice 
having machines that speed up over time.

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Re: [LUAU] Dell releasing pre-installed consumer Linux machines today

2007-05-25 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Are you questioning whether people would actually buy Linux
pre-installed?  Or whether people would actually buy a Dell
laptop which is hardware support for Linux by Dell?

No, I'm asking whether anyone here is actually planning to buy one.

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Re: [LUAU] Dell releasing pre-installed consumer Linux machines today

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

Here's the blog report:

There's a video with interviews with the Dell Linux team but it
comes down really slow.  I've mirrored it here:

So, is anyone actually going to buy one?

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Re: [LUAU] Vista: thin edge of the wedge

2007-03-20 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

Do you not like Microsoft, or something? ;) Seriously, you probably are 
preaching to the choir here.

I bailed from Windows when XP started keying their copy protection to 
the specific machine it was installed on. Sure, there were cracks, but I 
didn't want to go there. It was copy protection that got me searching 
for a Windows replacement, back in the Fall of 2002. Had Microsoft not 
implemented that, I would still be using Windows.

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Re: [LUAU] Top 10 Best / Worst Cities For Software Developer Pay

2007-03-20 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

Well, if thats true, then I apologize.

It is. It was clear Stan wasn't happy with the situation either.

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Re: [LUAU] Watch out, linux...

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

FreeBSD is preparing to eat the LAMP stack and belch out the 'L'.

Good for them. They should have done this several years ago.

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Re: [LUAU] Linspire damage control (on the subject of ESR 'leaving' Fedora)

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch
hey man, I run debian too, but I don't make claims that its the "one 
true" distro.   Its right for me, and yes, I agree that its easy to 
install and maintain, but I've also had apt fsck my system to the point 
of not booting while upgrading 'testing'.

I think I could screw up pretty much anything out there. :)

I was able to repair same though.

And when that doesn't work, there are backups. I really like the Etch 
installer when all else fails. It gives a very fine grained control if 
you want it.

Well, thats the difference.

Linus said, "gnome sucks rocks, here's a patch".

ESR said, "fedora sucks, I quit".

I agree. I may not always agree with Linus' methodology (though I do 
agree with him about KDE vs. Gnome), but he is a guy I ultimately 
respect. He may shoot his mouth off, but the is a fair bit of substance 
behind the guy. When he shoots off his mouth about SCO, he can actually 
be quite funny.

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Re: [LUAU] Linspire damage control (on the subject of ESR 'leaving' Fedora)

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote: 

Eric Raymond's boot to Red Hat's head

TalkBack 7 of 11:
Linspire CEO Kevin Carmony Responds

ESR obviously has no idea of what he is talking about. There is only one 
true Linux distribution, and that's Debian (translation: I can usually 
get it installed and keep it maintained).

Fedora is hardly my favorite distro, but Eric really ought to practice 
some discretion, like Linus when talking to the Gnome guys.

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Re: [LUAU] local help with X11

2007-02-23 Thread Peter Besenbruch

The clue was here:

That sounds almost painless. Glad you fixed it.

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Re: [LUAU] local help with X11

2007-02-23 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

I've got a well-used (but new to me) Dell Optiplex SX280 here.
I've loaded Kubuntu 6.10 on it,  and run apt-get ... to upgrade the 
packages to 'as good as it gets'.
I can't get X11 to run any bigger than 1600x1200, though I have a 
Dell 2405FPW attached via DVI.

If anyone wants to look, the requisite files are here:

On Feb 23, 2007, at 7:24 AM, Peter Besenbruch wrote:

Do you have the 915resolution package installed? I also read that 
others have had problems going from Dapper to Edgy using the i810 driver.

Jim Thompson wrote:

I looked for one (with apt-cache search) but it didn't show up.

I'm not too familiar with Ubuntu. It's a Debian package that makes using 
the i810 Xorg driver easier with numerous Intel chip sets (I never have 
to mess with modelines).

It may be a problem with the updated Xorg driver, or Ubuntu's 
implementation. Some comments suggest using Intel's driver: []

Oh boy.. perhaps I'll have to go that way.

Good luck. I'm sure you have all the time in the world, but it might be 
interesting to run Dapper, or the latest Debian on that box. If Dapper 
works and Debian doesn't, it's an Xorg issue. If Debian works, it's an 
Ubuntu configuration issue with Edgy.

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Re: [LUAU] local help with X11

2007-02-23 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

I've got a well-used (but new to me) Dell Optiplex SX280 here.

I've loaded Kubuntu 6.10 on it,  and run apt-get ... to upgrade the 
packages to 'as good as it gets'.

I can't get X11 to run any bigger than 1600x1200, though I have a Dell 
2405FPW attached via DVI.

If anyone wants to look, the requisite files are here:

Do you have the 915resolution package installed? I also read that others 
have had problems going from Dapper to Edgy using the i810 driver. It 
may be a problem with the updated Xorg driver, or Ubuntu's 
implementation. Some comments suggest using Intel's driver: []

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[LUAU] From the Star Bulletin

2007-02-01 Thread Peter Besenbruch

I thought I would pass on this little snippet from today's paper:

Ewa Beach basks in free Wi-Fi

Ewa Beach District Park users can now get free wireless Internet access, 
thanks to a group of volunteers dedicated to free and open-source 
software. The city set up the Wi-Fi hot spot in a partnership with the 
Hawaii Open Source Educational Foundation and local entrepreneur Jim 
Thompson. The hot spot covers the whole park, HOSEF Executive Director 
Scott Belford said. The group also maintains a computer lab with eight 
refurbished computers at the park and classes for kids.

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Re: [LUAU] Microsoft: winning the battle, loosing the war

2006-12-31 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:
Microsoft's recent OEM licensing changes are making for new linux 

OK, but I've had my share of trouble on Linux installs, too. That said, 
I have never purchased a copy of XP, and those computers that came with 
it, soon lost it. The reason? Product activation. It sounded like a 
pain, so I never went past Windows 2000.

Nevermind the brain damage that is Vista:

As bad as XP was, Vista sounds worse. I'll toss in this link, where 
Robert Cringely comments on the link Jim provided:

The short summary: Microsoft isn't committing suicide, but they may lose 
out in the multimedia department.

The good news is that circa 2007 hardware is going to fly with GPL 
drivers that don't have to do any of that crap.

Heck, Debian moves right along with an Athlon XP 1800+. My fastest 
machine is an Athlon 64 3000 (running a 32 bit install). I haven't gone 
for any of the multi-core stuff yet. What I like is that Linux runs 
faster on the 1800+ now than it did back in 2003, when I made the 
permanent switch.

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Re: [LUAU] s/

2006-12-14 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

I think we only have Suse and Debian update repositories from what I can
tell.  Vince, correct me if I'm wrong.

The Suse updates are here:

What distribution do you use?

I use Debian. Is the Debian repository the full distribution?

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Re: [LUAU] Sun releases Java under the GPL

2006-11-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

I think it's great that Sun chose the GPL.  Really impressive.

Oh, my!

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Re: [LUAU] My experience with using Fedora Core 6 on a Dell Inspiron 6000 notebook

2006-11-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

On Sun, 2006-11-12 at 19:43 -1000, Peter Besenbruch wrote:

I went to the site and did a search for Fedora. I got a laptop from 
rCubed with Fedora 5 installed. All buttons work, and so does 
hibernation. Networking is nicely automated. I understand they did a lot 
of kernel patching to get things to work. Using a standard Fedora kernel 
breaks a lot of stuff.

Julian Yap wrote:

Does using the standard kernel break stuff?  Or do things (such as
wireless cards) not work it because it doesn't include non-free or
binary only drivers? 

I never got to try wireless networking on the standard Fedora kernel, 
because access to the buttons that turned it on or off broke. 
Hibernation also broke, so did some aspects of ACPI.

The laptop from rCubed was made by Asus. In general, I like it, because 
rCubed got everything to work (under Gnome, not so much with KDE). You 
simply turn it on, create a user, and change the standard root password. 
There was noting to install or troubleshoot.

My other machines, including laptops use Kanotix. Debian's apt is so 
much faster than Yum, it isn't funny.

Yum in FC6 is noticeably faster.  For FC <=5 Yum was totally written in
Python, so for FC6, some functions were re-written in C.

That would help some. Still, does it have to spend so much time grabbing 

Yum at times can give the impression that it's slower as it randomly
picks an official mirror to download from.  Sometimes you get a slow
mirror...  But you can change that for instance by installing

I'll look into that.

Mostly Yum and Apt give the same result.  They just have different
approaches...  So I doubt Yum will reach the 'speed' of Apt because of
how Yum and RPM headers are implemented.

Like I was saying.

The biggest issue I've heard about Apt is that it can't handle
multi-architecture packages as well as Yum but I'm not too sure:

Ironic, as Debian is known for its multiple architecture support, and 
Fedora isn't.

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Re: [LUAU] My experience with using Fedora Core 6 on a Dell Inspiron 6000 notebook

2006-11-12 Thread Peter Besenbruch

The link doesn't work.

Try this one instead:

I went to the site and did a search for Fedora. I got a laptop from 
rCubed with Fedora 5 installed. All buttons work, and so does 
hibernation. Networking is nicely automated. I understand they did a lot 
of kernel patching to get things to work. Using a standard Fedora kernel 
breaks a lot of stuff.

My other machines, including laptops use Kanotix. Debian's apt is so 
much faster than Yum, it isn't funny.

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Re: [LUAU] My experience with using Fedora Core 6 on a Dell Inspiron 6000 notebook

2006-11-12 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Julian Yap wrote:

Hi all,

A quick search found few notebook write ups about FC6 so I though I'd
post my review.


The link doesn't work.

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Re: [LUAU] short RHAT?

2006-10-26 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Peter Besenbruch wrote:

On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 02:05 -1000, Jim Thompson wrote:
Question:  You're a Fortune 1000 company... you want to deploy some  
linux, but you require rock-solid support from a company

with real assets and a real reputation.   Your choices are:

Red Hat, Canonical (Ubuntu), Sun (Ubuntu), Novel or Oracle.

Who do you choose?

Julian Yap wrote:

I wouldn't say that Oracle has proven anything with their Linux support.

I might take that a step further. I have yet to see a company manage 
security updates more slowly, or more sloppily than Oracle. If that in 
any way predicts what their Linux support will be like, then they should 
be chosen for mission critical systems.

There should be a "not" in there, as in "...they should NOT be chosen..."

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Re: [LUAU] short RHAT?

2006-10-26 Thread Peter Besenbruch

On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 02:05 -1000, Jim Thompson wrote:
Question:  You're a Fortune 1000 company... you want to deploy some  
linux, but you require rock-solid support from a company

with real assets and a real reputation.   Your choices are:

Red Hat, Canonical (Ubuntu), Sun (Ubuntu), Novel or Oracle.

Who do you choose?

Julian Yap wrote:

I wouldn't say that Oracle has proven anything with their Linux support.

I might take that a step further. I have yet to see a company manage 
security updates more slowly, or more sloppily than Oracle. If that in 
any way predicts what their Linux support will be like, then they should 
be chosen for mission critical systems.

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Re: [LUAU] Its time to simply ban Windoze machines from the Internet

2006-10-18 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Tim Newsham wrote:
Ok, this is just silly.  If you ban windows machines from the internet 
you'd just get a bunch of linux and osx botnets...  Botnets run on 
windows because they are the majority population, not because they are 
inherently easier to write botnets for.

Linux has some advantages when it comes to serving in a botnet, such as 
increased stability and more reliable networking. Perhaps Solaris would 
be even better.

On a more serious note, it's refreshing to do my weekly updates, and 
know that all my vulnerable software is getting updated. No anti-virus, 
and no anti-spyware, it's nice.

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Re: [LUAU] should be have a "Hawaii team"?

2006-07-11 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

Or is the landscape already salted with Fedora-fans?

No, I'm not a Fedora fan. I tend to use Debian.

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Re: [LUAU] MS to EOL Win98 and WinMe - July 11

2006-07-06 Thread Peter Besenbruch

First, Windows ME by some definitions can't be rooted, since it only has
one user. 

Think of it as a feature, not a bug. ;)

Second, any worms that might do any sort of automatic "rooting" almost
certainly do NOT apply to the dos-based versions of windows.  From about blaster worm:

I've noticed this a lot. It's as if Windows XP with the release of SP2 
had finally caught up with the high security of Windows 98.

The only people who have it right are OSX and a few linux
distributions.  OSX has no open ports by default.  Almost all Linux
distributions have ssh enabled by default, which has had a few
exploits.  I strongly believe that ALL open ports should be an opt-in
policy and not an opt-out/firewall policy. 

I use Kanotix, which installs ssh-server, but doesn't run it by default. 
Indeed, it doesn't run networking by default, which makes it one of the 
most secure OSes I know of. ;) Still, I tend to go through and uninstall 
a lot of stuff I, or the user won't need.

As for Windows 98, I still use it, as does my daughter. I use it for 
reference works that aren't available on Linux. My daughter uses it for 
running software that her school mandates that won't run on Linux, and 
which has trouble running on Wine. It runs under Qemu. It's slow, but 
not too bad. I run it with the "-net none" option. It's quite "secure" 
that way.

btw. Windows 98 almost never crashes when running under Linux.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Ubuntu... Legalities

2006-06-06 Thread Peter Besenbruch
You've just proved the validity of his analogy.  Now compute the cost of 
installing your own codec versus buying a package with the codec 
installed.  Be sure to include the value of your time.  You

definitely have to "drive" a lot further when you do it yourself.

apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2

The analogy breaks down with Linux, because you get better efficiency 
with increased knowledge. As someone said, time is money, but in my 
case, if I know how to add the Marillat repository and issue the 
command, the time is minimal. With each computer I work with, the "cost" 
of increased time decreases. Ubuntu tries to achieve this efficiency 
with the Easy-Ubuntu script. The only way the car analogy works would be 
to claim that with knowledge, the distance to cheaper gas drops with 
each tank full.

Now consider the Windows side of the issue. Many new computers (but not 
all) come with some form of DVD playing software, along with the ability 
to play Windows media files. They still need to get Quicktime, and they 
need to learn to avoid Web sites that insist you download and install a 
special codec to play a requested file (spyware in disguise).

Then there is the Windows user that buys a DVD drive. He, or she, still 
needs to install the software, but with my knowledge I can do it faster 
in Linux.

Then there is the case of the person who took his laptop in for repair, 
got his drive re-imaged, and lost the ability to play DVDs. After going 
round and round  with CompUSA for months, he began looking for "free" 
players. He didn't want to spend $50 for a full version of commercial 
software. Fortunately, I warned him about spyware bundling. In the end, 
since money was tight, he elected to stop playing DVDs on his laptop.

Now before you ask where his restore disks were, he had them. All he had 
to do was copy his data to a CD-R, restore the system, re-install his 
other software (he managed to keep MOST of the relevant CDs), and 
restore his data. Unfortunately, he lost the ability to burn CDs when 
CompUSA did the re-imaging.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Slow internet response with different nameservers

2006-06-01 Thread Peter Besenbruch

David Imai wrote:

On Ubuntu and Mepis systems I was getting slow internet response
using Roadrunner. The name resolution seemed to take nearly a minute.
I tried changing the default nameservers and that made a difference.
It was faster with the, and
nameservers, and slower with and nameservers. Why is

Verizon had that problem, too, and it affected Windows machines. One 
person mentioned location; I suspect that, like Verizon, the name 
servers are not up to the traffic. You pay a lot for Lavanet, but it is 
always fast.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] KnoppMyth

2006-05-27 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
I have been playing with MythTV on SuSE, on and off, for a couple of 
months, with limited success.  It may be easier to install MythTV on 
Fedora, but I am in the process of avoiding Fedora as much as possible.  
There is even a one-CD Fedora-based distro pre-configured for MythTV 
("MythDora").  I've also heard sucecss stories of installing MythTV in 
Gentoo and Ubuntu.  However, there is only so much time each of us can 
have.  That's why sharing and aggregating our experience is so 
critical.  Wayne

I was checking the Debian repositories, and MythTV is available on the 
Christian Marillat's external repository. You mentioned it was complex? 
Here is what you get when you use apt to install it:

The following extra packages will be installed:
  libdbd-mysql-perl libdvdnav4 libiec61883-0 libmysqlclient15off 
libmyth-0.19 libqt3-mt-mysql libraw1394-8
  mysql-client mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server 
mysql-server-5.0 mythtv-backend mythtv-common

  mythtv-database mythtv-frontend pwgen
Suggested packages:
  mythtv-debug mythweb mythmusic mythweather mythgallery mythdvd 
mythvideo mythgame

Recommended packages:
  mailx mythtv-doc mythtv-themes xmltv-util
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libdbd-mysql-perl libdvdnav4 libiec61883-0 libmysqlclient15off 
libmyth-0.19 libqt3-mt-mysql libraw1394-8
  mysql-client mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server 
mysql-server-5.0 mythtv mythtv-backend

  mythtv-common mythtv-database mythtv-frontend pwgen

A brief glance shows that MythTV also installs a pretty complete MySQL 
database system. That has its own dependencies. I would not want to try 
to resolve them without a good package management system.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] hawaiian tel internet and e-mail

2006-05-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

On Saturday 13 May 2006 08:02 am, Peter Besenbruch wrote:

Sounds like they are demanding a referer (sic). If everyone viewing your
pictures would use Firefox with the RefControl extension, and set it to
spoof the referer to, you would have no problems ;). You
might want to complain about that. If enough do, they might relax that

Wayne Maeda wrote:

I complained to them about it (not specifically about the referer) twice 
but they claimed that there was nothing wrong with their system and 
everything was working fine. 

Well, technically, that's true; there is "nothing wrong with their 
system." They deliberately chose to make it that way.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] hawaiian tel internet and e-mail

2006-05-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Wayne Maeda wrote:

On Friday 12 May 2006 09:16 pm, David Imai wrote:

I forgot to mention that the connection works fine out of the box. The
setup is only to get an e-mail account and space on the web server.

Can't use their web space to store your ebay pictures though. Something's 
wrong that's preventing the pictures from being seen from a 
non-hawaiiantel website. This never used to happen when verizon was 
running it.

Sounds like they are demanding a referer (sic). If everyone viewing your 
pictures would use Firefox with the RefControl extension, and set it to 
spoof the referer to, you would have no problems ;). You 
might want to complain about that. If enough do, they might relax that 

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] hawaiian tel internet and e-mail

2006-05-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

David Imai wrote:

I forgot to mention that the connection works fine out of the box.
The setup is only to get an e-mail account and space on the web

I suspect a call to tech support would do the same thing. Given the 
record of such software in the past, I would hesitate to use anything 
like that to set up an account.

Good ol' Lavanet, they send you a sheet of paper with the info printed 
on it. Paper, now there's a new and exciting concept.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] hawaiiantel internet and e-mail

2006-05-11 Thread Peter Besenbruch

David Imai wrote:

I recently signed up for DSL service and found that the setup CD only
works under Windows. The solution is to visit and
sign up for an account there. It works with any operating system.
This should also work for anyone who had a verizon account and can't
access their webspace.

Under Verizon, I always threw out the setup CD and connected via a 
router. Verizon's software contained borderline spyware, and robbed 
about 10% of your bandwidth. I suspect something similar is happening 
with its successor.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Implicit Association Test - MSFT versus Open Source

2006-05-02 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Jim Thompson wrote:

I took the test for laughs and showed up as having a "strong automatic 
preference for Open Source compared to Microsoft."

They just told me that I had "no session." ;)

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Blighted Sun

2006-04-18 Thread Peter Besenbruch

R. Scott Belford wrote:

Welcome to the Sun Secure Global Desktop demonstration server

"... well, it was the demonstration server until it got mentioned on 
Slashdot - now it's only demonstrating how we didn't size it with this 
sort of load in mind.

Yes, Slashdot had a field day with this story. If and when they go live 
with the real thing, they had better have a great deal more redundancy 
built in to the system. Sun just gave an inadvertent demonstration of 
the advantages of running software on your own computer. It's too bad, 
though. Had they anticipated Slashdot and Digg getting ahold of the 
story, they could have produced a very different PR outcome.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Microsoft's Open Source web site

2006-04-07 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Matt Darnell wrote:

It looks legit.

Here is an example post:

Dear Microsoft:

Are you saying that the poster thinks Microsoft has a credibility 
problem? ;)

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] OR ... why every city council needs at least one geek

2006-03-27 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Clifton Royston wrote:

On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 11:15:31PM -1000, Julian Yap wrote:

Slashdotted and offline at the moment.

It's back up now. CentOS is right; you can't make this stuff up.
Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:

Re: [LUAU] Windows Vista will be an improvement in security and stability...

2006-03-01 Thread Peter Besenbruch

The consumer market is trained to demand something brand new and flashy.
See also the 'disappointment' to Apple's recent announcement.  The
Windows market demands new features and therefore new code and therefore
the accompanying new security holes/risks.

Linux on the other hand follows a largely iterative process to software

The running joke with my kids every weekly update from Debian (mostly 
Etch) involves my announcing that I have made massive changes to their 
system. They respond, "And we won't notice any difference." True, they 
won't. That's a good thing.

My daughter's machine is the oldest in the house, and has gone through 
the most changes. If she went from the Linux she had when it was first 
installed (almost 4 years ago) directly to today's, she would notice 
right away.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas: