Re: [LUAU] FC2T3

2004-05-06 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute
Apologize for not being very diligent in following up on this thread.  I 
must say that this is no doubt the most impressive desktop OS that I 
have ever played with (I have Windows XP Pro on one of my machines).  
Even though this is only a beta, the performance (and aesthetics) of 
Fedora Core 2 is absolutely stunning.  Absolutely stunning.

Michael Bishop (of HOSEF and DOE) and I are talking about setting up a 
Fedora Core 2 demo at McKinley.  To entice students' interests, this 
will be on a fairly decent system (Athlon XP 2000 with 512 MB DDR RAM 
and a 17" LCD monitor).  While the eventual goal of this demo, As far as 
I am concerned, is to try to seed Linux interests in our local 
Chinese/Japanese communities, I encourage everyone in our Linux 
community to get involved.  Once it is set up, I will list a number of 
projects that are of great interests to SOHO users and which I hope some 
of us can become experts at.

Unfortunately, when I was moving this machine from its current location 
to my car at Ala Moana Mall parking lot, I seem to have the transformer 
(i.e., AC/DC converter).  While we are still trying to find it, if 
anyone has a spare 12V, 3.5A transformer (w/ cable), or knows whether I 
can find a used one, I will greatly appreciate it.  Mahalo.  wayne

Re: [LUAU] FC2T3

2004-04-30 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute

It appears that Fedora Core uses 4K stacks (instead of 8K stacks), and nVidia 
has not created drivers
that work with 4K stacks yet.  (FC2T1 was based on the 2.6.3 kernel; it did not 
have this problem.)

Of course there are ways to patch up around this problem.  But it appears that 
vNidia is getting the message.  wayne

Re: [LUAU] FC2T3

2004-04-28 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute
You would think not very many people would be interested in a "test" 
distro, right?  Wrong!  Even at this wee/late hour, all the mirrors are 
still maxed out.  I don't care about what the polls say, but if anyone 
doubts about the popularity of Linux, s/he needs to be re-educated.

I am anxious to get a hand on the Test 3.  With Test 1/2 and the 
mainline 2.6.5 kernel, the nVidia driver causes the system to freeze 
SOLID.  I had to log in under init 1 to change the X config file back to 
the nv driver.  (As I mentioned in a separate thread, it is a pain to 
use the nv driver on the nVidia cards, as the screen got shifted to the 
right which needs to be manually adjusted.)

I will see whether it's worth the while to set up a FC2 test system at 
the Travel University in the Alama Moana Tower (most likely a FC1/FC2 
dual boot--Warren is doing some major changes on FC1 and I'll wait until 
they become final).  It feels good that I can be so critical about Linux 
and yet I am not concerned that somebody will call me a troll, because 
this system has really become matured.  wayne


2004-04-26 Thread Hawaii Linux Institute
Fedora Core 2 Test 3 is supposed to be coming out tomorrow.  Any brave 