Re: [luau] Help with Spamassassin in RH9

2003-10-27 Thread Warren Togami

Ben Beeson wrote:


I'm up on RH9 now and I was wondering if anyone has had any success
with spamassassin and Ximian Evolution?  I read the fine RH manual and
it says to make a 'procmailrc' file with a few rules in it to get the
spamassassin to work.  So far, no luck 

I believe those directions are only for configuring spamassassin and 
procmailrc for delivery into local mailboxes.  That works only if you 
are running as a SMTP server, or using fetchmail to download mail from 
POP3 accounts elsewhere into your local mailboxes.

It seemed easier to implement in Kmail via filters (on RH7.2 --
although it was a kludge there) which can run other programs.  So far I
have not been able to get spamassassin to run with Ximian. (It may not
be a fault of Ximian at all, it may be operator error...) Anyway, if
anyone has any good ideas, I'm willing to try them.

kmail indeed has the capability of using spamassassin as a client.  I 
haven't seen that capability in Evolution... but  I haven't really 
looked.  I personally have used the above method of fetchmail -> 
procmail -> spamassassin -> mbox for several years, then I moved to a 
dedicated server for greater speed and accessibility.

I really need to write a HOWTO for the fetchmail to spamassassin combo.
Please remind me around mid-November.
Try my newer spamassassin package shipped in "patches" 
repository for RH9.  It is considerably more accurate than the older 
spamassassin-2.55 shipped in RH9, while fixing a few nasty bugs.

Warren Togami

[luau] Help with Spamassassin in RH9

2003-10-27 Thread Ben Beeson

I'm up on RH9 now and I was wondering if anyone has had any success
with spamassassin and Ximian Evolution?  I read the fine RH manual and
it says to make a 'procmailrc' file with a few rules in it to get the
spamassassin to work.  So far, no luck 

It seemed easier to implement in Kmail via filters (on RH7.2 --
although it was a kludge there) which can run other programs.  So far I
have not been able to get spamassassin to run with Ximian. (It may not
be a fault of Ximian at all, it may be operator error...) Anyway, if
anyone has any good ideas, I'm willing to try them.

Mahalos in advance,
