[luau] the end user price for lousy copy protection schemes

2003-05-29 Thread Luis aka Rigpa
I have seen numbers thrown around of how much buggy software costs end 
users.  But one number I have never seen is how much copyright protection 
schemes costs end users?  For example, you legally buy some commercial 
software package and the key number is ether lost, stolen, or is burned on a 
fire.  Or the key number has problems, or a bug requires you to re-enter the 
key number every time you use the package, or the 'original disk' is in 
5.24" floppies, or the lisense management sheme is difficult to set up.

How much does it costs the end user to have to deal with with all the crap 
associated with copy protection?  I bet that's an good selling point for 
OpenSource, because if there is one thing that pisses me off is not being 
able to run a software I paid for because of some chessy copy protection 


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Re: [luau] the end user price for lousy copy protection schemes

2003-05-29 Thread Matthew John Darnell
> I have seen numbers thrown around of how much buggy software costs end
> users.  But one number I have never seen is how much copyright protection
> schemes costs end users?  For example, you legally buy some commercial
> software package and the key number is ether lost, stolen, or is burned on
> fire.  Or the key number has problems, or a bug requires you to re-enter
> key number every time you use the package, or the 'original disk' is in
> 5.24" floppies, or the lisense management sheme is difficult to set up.

Same thing with music.  I don't know how many copies of Back in Black I have
bought since I was 13.  Two cassette tapes, 3 LP's and I'm on my second CD.
I know why the music industry fat cats are so scared of peer to peer.  I'm
never buying another copy, I already own it, I'll be burning copies for my
next 60 years.

I have not bought a main stream CD in over 3 years, that was when I saw my
first VH1 "Behind the Music".  Why should I support that?  They all have the
same story:

1-Hungry young band trying hard to make it
2-They make it big, lots of drugs, lots of women, lots of excess
2a-The record label execs are making a fortune for doing nothing
3-Someone dies in the band
4-They sober up and most of the money is gone


Re: [luau] the end user price for lousy copy protection schemes

2003-05-29 Thread MonMotha

Luis aka Rigpa wrote:

I have seen numbers thrown around of how much buggy software costs end 
users.  But one number I have never seen is how much copyright 
protection schemes costs end users?  For example, you legally buy some 
commercial software package and the key number is ether lost, stolen, or 
is burned on a fire.  Or the key number has problems, or a bug requires 
you to re-enter the key number every time you use the package, or the 
'original disk' is in 5.24" floppies, or the lisense management sheme is 
difficult to set up.

How much does it costs the end user to have to deal with with all the 
crap associated with copy protection?  I bet that's an good selling 
point for OpenSource, because if there is one thing that pisses me off 
is not being able to run a software I paid for because of some chessy 
copy protection scheme.


I can personally say that I've lost a CD-ROM drive to the copy protection on 
SimCity 4 (Safedisc II?).  A gear was physically stripped as the drive was 
obviously asked to do something it couldn't actually do (the drive should ahve 
refused, but needless to say obviously a spec was being violated).

In terms of being required to use original disks...I've had a couple disks 
become unusable after being scratched.  The problem is twofold: 1) Copy 
protection generally reduces the scratch tolerances of a disk by doing ugly 
things with CRCs, and 2) If I had been able to make and use a copy, I would ahve 
done so, saving the original and allowing me to make another copy.
