Re: [LUAU] Re: Linux networking

2004-12-28 Thread Tom Gordon


Hi William,

You can get on the LUAU list from HOSEF website and ask any Linux 
questions directly to the whole list. There are folks worldwide on our 
list who are very adept at helping with questions.

Al Plant

Capt. Al,
 I was on the internet looking at some local linux pages (HOSEF, 
MPLUG, etc...) and I came across your site.I just retired from 
the Navy, and worked at Kunia up 

until August.  They use SUN workstations running Solaris and one 
thing we used to do was display a running program from one computer 
on a second computer.  This is what I've done thus far.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] anime]$ xhost + ActLinux
ActLinux being added to access control list
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Last login: Mon Dec 27 21:58:30 2004 from thinklinux.laptop
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ setenv DISPLAY ThinkLinux:0.0
-bash: setenv: command not found

This question is for the Fedora gurus.  I used the aliases for the IP 
addresses as they are in /etc/hosts, but the 'setenv' command doesn't 
exist on my system.  Is that command missing intentionally  from 
Fedora?  I installed from the DVD ISO image, but could have missed 
it.  Of course, the procedure  above worked on a Solaris box, but 
Fedora could be different.  Could  someone point me in the right 
direction?  Also, is there any way to map an ssh connection?  In 
other words, is there a way to provide an icon for the connection in 
the Nautilus file manager that, when clicked on, would prompt the 
user for the password, after which the contents would be displayed?  
I'm going to try to find the answers on the Net, but any pointers 
would be appreciated.

Mahalo in advance,

William Jones

To set the DISPLAY (variable), in bash, you can "DISPLAY=bla xcommand" 
to set the the display for an instance or "export DISPLAY=bla" to set 
DISPLAY for the terminal session.

You can make a launcher (icon) for just about any command or script you 
can type in the terminal.

Tom Gordon

Re: [LUAU] Re: Linux networking

2004-12-28 Thread Tom Gordon
> William H. Jones II wrote:

> >  I can access the internet using either OS, but am having problems
> > understand how to implement networking under Linux.  It should pretty
> > much be the same across most LInux distros, although BSD is most likely
> > different.  My question is this: do I simply need to add a route to the
> > other computer running Linux (the router assigns static IPs to both
> > computers via DCHP)?  In other words, can I simply do the following:?
> >
> > route add -host  wlan0
> >
> > or would I have to do something else?  I guess I could just go ahead and
> > try it, but wanted to ask someone in advance, in case I screwed anything
> > up.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your reply,
> >
> > William Jones
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (they only teach Windows) :(
> > US Navy, Retired (22 years)

Wireless routers usually assign a _dynamic_ IP which provides all the needed 
for the dhcp client and if scripts to set the default route, subnet, dns, 
etc.  Just like in Windows.

In FC3, I believe system-config-network is the GUI for this stuff.  When 
without GUI (like on linux access points), I edit 
the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0.

"rpm -qd initscripts" shows the location of sysconfig.txt which describes most 
of the stuff in /etc/sysconfig.

Since you have DHCP and I assume your wireless node is entirely OPEN, the 
settings are simple, bootproto, onboot...

Or you can skip all the sysconfig stuff.  I skip sysconfig/profiles for 
roaming linux because if the module for the wlan0 is loaded and fine, you can 
simply "ifconfig wlan0 up" and "dhclient wlan0".  (dhcpcd on gentoo)

If you're wireless router is secured, you may need to add wireless extension 
parameters in sysconfig or by hand, however you preffer.

I hope this helps.


Re: [LUAU] Re: Linux networking

2004-12-27 Thread Jim Thompson
seems to me that the 'right thing' (tm) is to have the "router" plugged 
into the cable modem (on the uplink port),
and then plug the media center PeeCee into the other Ethernet port(s) 
on the router, then use 802.11/WiFi/wireless for

the other computers (including the linux one.)

However, the Belkin f5d7000 is a Broadcom chipset based card, so you 
will need driverloader or ndiswrapper (free (as in beer and speech))
(or similar), since no native x86 linux driver has been released for 
the Broadcom chipset.



see also:

Presuming that you've done this (or the Belkin software has done it for 
you), then the dhcp client should have added the requisite routes,
either directly, or potentially as a result of configuring an IP 
address on the interface.  You should have a route to the 'local' 
network.  If you don't you can try to add one with something like:

route add -net netmask dev wlan0

or similar.

In truth, FC3 should have something like this:
# Wireless NDIS Wrapper Config

in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0

from Costa Mesa, CA, but on my way back to Kailua in the morning, and 
incidentally 'sharing' the "broadband" in the room off my PowerBook 

my wife's XP notebook.  No linux, but still... Heh heh.

On Dec 27, 2004, at 7:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gurus on the LUAU List..

Could somebody please assist with this request since I am not an XP 
person and Fedora guys on this list know a lot more Linux than I do 
since I am a FreeBSD user.

Thanks,  Al Plant...
William H. Jones II wrote:

Capt. Al,
 I was on the internet looking at some local linux pages (HOSEF, 
MPLUG, etc...) and I came across your site.  Noticing that you are a 
webmaster, I thought you may be able to answer a networking question 
of mine.  I've tried to look at the documentation, but it's still 
very confusing for me.  I am currently emloying a wired-wireless 
network.  In windows (XP Pro and Media Center), everything works fine 
and all computers can "see" each other.  However, in Linux, it's a 
different story.  We are currently sharing a cable internet 
connection.  Basically, my brother-in-law has the computer with MS 
Media Center.  His computer is connected to the cable modem and the 
D-Link DI-624 wireless router.  My desktop computer, running both 
Windows XP Pro and Fedora Core 3, has a Belkin F5D7000 wireless 
adapter with the Hawkings Technology HST-1 range extender.  My 
laptop, also running Windows XP Pro and Fedora Core 3, has a D-Link 
 I can access the internet using either OS, but am having problems 
understand how to implement networking under Linux.  It should pretty 
much be the same across most LInux distros, although BSD is most 
likely different.  My question is this: do I simply need to add a 
route to the other computer running Linux (the router assigns static 
IPs to both computers via DCHP)?  In other words, can I simply do the 

route add -host  wlan0
or would I have to do something else?  I guess I could just go ahead 
and try it, but wanted to ask someone in advance, in case I screwed 
anything up.

Thanks in advance for your reply,
William Jones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (they only teach Windows) :(
US Navy, Retired (22 years)

Al Plant -Webmaster
Supporting Open Source in computing with FreeBSD 4.9
"Failure only happens when you stop trying." - Omar Periu

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