RE: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues

2012-08-13 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Thanks for the updated VS2010 solution files.
Lucene.Net.Core builds without a problem.
Lucene.Net.Demo encounters 12 errors and will not build.

All 12 are the same error and all are in IndexHtml.cs:
Non-invocable member 'Lucene.Net.Index.TermEnum.Term' cannot be used like a 

An example is this statement, line 139:

Term is apparently now a property, no longer a function.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Prescott Nasser [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 1:23 PM
To: Lucene Developers; Lucene Users
Subject: RE: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues

Alright -  I see Chris updated the 3.0.3 branch with the solution files and a 
quick fix for the NativeFSLockFactory. We've had some people downloading the 
pre-release packages (Lucene.Net.Contrib 11 times, Lucene.Net 23 times). Mostly 
all quiet regarding issues. Unless there are any issues outstanding, lets call 
it good, run RAT on the 3.0.3 branch to fix any issues about headers, update 
the changelog files to represent the changes in 3.0.3 from 2.9.4 ~P 
 Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 14:44:01 -0400
 Subject: Re: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues
 , the nifty new vs feature find of the day goes to Mr. Currens.
 I've been using it for tons of JavaScript style development with requireJS,
 kendo, my own set of scripts, and custom stuff for the day job. It actually
 provides intellisense for JS inheritance so life is good.
 On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 1:43 AM, Christopher Currens
  It used to be that way.  VS2012 is the first version that produces
  backwards compatible projects *and* solutions.  There's an msdn blog
  entry[1] that discusses it. It does focus more projects, but starts with
  discussing solutions and how having it all backwards compatible would ease
  transitions for most companies.  There are a few project types that aren't
  backwards compatible, but I think the solution will still open in both,
  with a notification that it can't load the project type.
  Excerpt: In other words, we now have project round-tripping capability so
  you can work with the latest features but still keep the solution
  compatible with team members using an older version of Visual Studio.
  Anyway, it's about time they did this.  Supporting multiple versions of VS
  files has been an annoying missing feature.
  On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Michael Herndon
   I think it's usually the project files that are backwards compatible not
   the solution files. So you need a solution for each vs version but should
   be able to keep the proj files the same.
   On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Prescott Nasser
Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Christopher Currens
Sent: 8/8/2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues
Oh, did you do that so we'd have a branch to do bug fixes?  I had
about that.
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Prescott Nasser
 I just created 3.0.3 last weekend - it should be incredibly up to
 Anything in trunk should be there

 Sent from my Windows Phone
 From: Christopher Currens
 Sent: 8/8/2012 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues

 Thanks for the feedback.  Let us know if you run into any more


 On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Granroth, Neal V. wrote:

  Yes I pulled from the branch not the trunk. I apparently made the
  incorrect assumption that it would be slightly more stable than the
  Thanks for the quick attention and clarifications.  Especially for
  that rely upon the binary packages.
  - Neal
  -Original Message-
  From: Christopher Currens []
  Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 3:21 PM
  Subject: Re: Lucene.NET 3.0.3 Build issues
  FYI - SVN has been updated with corrected VS2010 solutions and
  directory/solution files.
  On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Christopher Currens
   See inline comments.
   On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Granroth, Neal V. 

RE: searching on NOT_ANALYZED fields seems not working.

2012-07-19 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
The case of the first character of the stored term Forum and the search term 
forum differ.

- Neal G.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gian Maria Ricci
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 10:11 AM
Subject: searching on NOT_ANALYZED fields seems not working.

Hi to everyone,


I'm indexing a document with StandardAnalyzer and the document has this


document.Add(new Field(Id, id, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED,

document.Add(new Field(content, test, Field.Store.COMPRESS,

document.Add(new Field(channelname, Forum, Field.Store.YES,



Now I'm expecting to being able to search with this code


 Term t = new Term(channelname, forum);
var query = new TermQuery(t);
var docs = indexSearcher.Search(query, 10);


but it always returns 0 documents. Documents are returned only if I use the
Field.Index.ANALYZED enum, but I should be able to search even in
NOT_ANALYZED especially because I do not want analyzer to mess up with
content of this field, and I want it to be stored and searched without


Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.


Gian Maria



RE: [Lucene.Net] twitter account and chat room

2011-12-05 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Yes, this was discussed before.
No official discussions or decisions about the project should occur outside the 
regular newsgroup.
- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Troy Howard [] 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Lucene.Net] twitter account and chat room

Re: Twitter

Sadly not a single tweet has been sent out on our twitter account.
Really need to remedy that.

Re: IRC/realtime chat

There have been some good reasons expressed by various folks at Apache
(and in our team)  that realtime chat in channels which are not
publicly logged should generally be discouraged. This is because it's
all too easy to have a discussion in which only a few members of the
community are present, and make decisions without any opportunity for
the rest of the community to have input and without the ability to
review the reasoning or discourse later. The same holds true for user
support, as it's much better to have that public and logged in a
mailing list message so that others might find that through searches
and use as a reference.

That said, people do use IRC/IM from time to time, but we prefer to
keep most if not all of the communications public and on the Apache
mailing lists. So feel free to set up a chat room and chat with
whomever wants to join about whatever topic, but for most things at
Apache the philosophy is mailing list, or it didn't happen. :)


On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Prescott Nasser wrote:

 I just saw that there is a twitter account for!/LuceneDotNet
 is anybody using it?

 Login information is in the private repo - does anyone know how I get to 
 that, I can make an announcement

RE: [Lucene.Net] Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4

2011-12-01 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Don't forget to tag the release in SubVersion.
The latest tag is RC3, and I assume that the trunk is the in-progress work on 
version 3.0.3.
- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Prescott Nasser [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 2:26 AM
Subject: [Lucene.Net] Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4

Hey All,


I'm happy to announce that we've released Lucene.Net 2.9.4. Check out the 
download page ( to get 
links to the source or binary files



RE: [Lucene.Net] Nuget, Lucene.Net, and Your Thoughts

2011-09-22 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
 Subject: RE: [Lucene.Net] Nuget, Lucene.Net, and Your Thoughts

 Any particular reason you guys are not interested in NuGet?

 Aaron Powell
 MVP - Internet Explorer (Development) | FunnelWeb Team Member | | Skype: aaron.l.powell |
 Github | BitBucket

 -Original Message-
 From: Digy []
 Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2011 7:42 AM
 Subject: RE: [Lucene.Net] Nuget, Lucene.Net, and Your Thoughts

 Sorry, but I feel the same as Neal.


 -Original Message-
 From: Granroth, Neal V. []
 Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:08 PM
 Subject: RE: [Lucene.Net] Nuget, Lucene.Net, and Your Thoughts

 No interest in Nuget whatsoever.

 - Neal

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Herndon []
 Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:57 PM
 Subject: [Lucene.Net] Nuget, Lucene.Net, and Your Thoughts

 We're taking a quick poll over the next few days to see how people would
 like use Lucene.Net through Nuget on the developers mailing list**

 Currently version 2.9.2 is hosted on, but that package was not
 create by the project maintainers, thus nuget is not currently set up in
 source.  Going forward, we would like to continue what someone else started
 by creating nuget packages for Lucene.Net.

 Right now there are two packages: Lucene  Lucene.Contrib.  My question to
 the community is do you wish to finer grain packages, i.e. a package for
 each contrib project or continue to keep it simple.

 The granular approach will let you use only what you need. We can also
 create additional higher level packages which have dependencies on the
 ones.   Possibly a Lucene.Net-Essentials and Lucene.Net-Full.

 Or we can keep it simple and continue with only two packages.

 My concerns are that the granular approach might overwhelm people with
 choice. The simple choice might be considered bloat for importing and then
 installing assemblies that you might never use.

 Another topic to converse about is would you like to see an out-of-band
 project nuget feed for  nightly builds, branches with new or experimental
 features, or stable code snapshots for a projected release?

 ** when you post, please respond to
 was posted to both lists to make sure everyone subscribed to both lists has
 a chance to voice their use cases or concerns.

 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.1809 / Virus Database: 2085/4510 - Release Date: 09/21/11


 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.1809 / Virus Database: 2085/4510 - Release Date: 09/21/11

RE: [Lucene.Net] Is a Lucene.Net Line-by-Line Jave port needed?

2011-06-29 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Others have done a much better , more through job of explaining the issues in 
previous discussions.  It would be best to re-read those.

One way to understand it, is if Lucene.NET cannot be compared to the reference 
source code (Lucene core java Lucene) than it becomes nearly impossible to 
validate that Lucene.NET is functioning correctly, that bug fixes made in 
Lucene core have been implemented in Lucene.NET, etc.  The same goes for unit 
tests, if they cannot be compared with the ones from Lucene core line-by-line 
than there is no way to know that they perform the intended tests and run 

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt Barnett [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Lucene.Net] Is a Lucene.Net Line-by-Line Jave port needed?

Those are pretty strong words -- I'd really like to know why I
shouldn't trust anything but a line-by-line port. Can you explain a

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Granroth, Neal V. wrote:
 This is has been discussed many times.
 Lucene.NET is not valid, the code cannot be trusted, if it is not a 
 line-by-line port.  It ceases to be Lucene.

 - Neal

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Lombard []
 Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 1:58 PM
 Subject: [Lucene.Net] Is a Lucene.Net Line-by-Line Jave port needed?

 After the large community response about moving the code base from .Net 2.0
 to Net 4.0 I am trying to figure out what is the need for a line-by-line
 port.  Starting with Digy's excellent work on the conversion to generics a
 priority of the 2.9.4g release is the 2 packages would not be
 interchangeable.  So faster turnaround from a java release won't matter to
 non line-by-line users they will have to wait until the updates are made to
 the non line-by-line code base.

 My question is there really a user base for the line-by-line port?  Anyone
 have a comment?


RE: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4

2011-05-09 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
That only works if you are *allowed* to deploy a new or updated .NET framework 
on the target system, which is not always true.

But the problem is not really about deployment it is really more for those of 
us who must compile from source and who are not permitted to upgrade our 
development toolset.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Aaron Powell [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache 
Lucene.Net 2.9.4


PS: If you are supporting .NET 3.5 then you get .NET 2.0 support anyway, you 
just have to bin-deploy the .NET 3.5 dependencies (System.Core, etc) since they 
are all the same CLR

Aaron Powell
MVP - Internet Explorer (Development) | Umbraco Core Team Member | FunnelWeb 
Team Member | | Skype: aaron.l.powell | 

-Original Message-
From: Troy Howard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May 2011 6:05 AM
Subject: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache Lucene.Net 


Please cast your votes regarding the topic of .Net Framework support.

The question on the table is:

Should Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4 be the last release which supports the .Net 2.0 

Some options are:

[+1] - Yes, move forward to the latest .Net Framework version, and drop support 
for 2.0 completely. New features and performance are more important than 
backwards compatibility.
[0] - Yes, focus on the latest .Net Framework, but also include patches and/or 
preprocessor directives and conditional compilation blocks to include support 
for 2.0 when needed. New features, performance, and backwards compatibility are 
all equally important and it's worth the additional complexity and coding work 
to meet all of those goals.
[-1] No, .Net Framework 2.0 should remain our target platform. Backwards 
compatibility is more important than new features and performance.

This vote is not limited to the Apache Lucene.Net IPMC. All 
users/contributors/committers/mailing list lurkers are welcome to cast their 
votes with an equal weight. This has been cross posted to both the dev and user 
mailing lists.


RE: [Lucene.Net] release 2.9.4

2011-04-05 Thread Granroth, Neal V.

No, the URL in DIGY's email apepars correct and the SVN revision appears to be 

Question: Should there be a tag for Lucene.Net_2_9_4 as there are for previous 
release candidates?

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt Barnett [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 12:15 PM
Cc: digy digy
Subject: Re: [Lucene.Net] release 2.9.4

Thanks. For anyone watching, the corrected clickable link is

Also, just to make sure we are looking at this right, the revision we
should be using is 1089138 -- main thing is I've been in and out of
town, not caught up on anything and I'd hate to start building stuff
against the wrong version . .

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 1:10 PM, digy digy wrote:
 Sorry, no binaries. You can download the source from


 On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Wyatt Barnett wyatt.barn...@gmail.comwrote:

 Actually about to dive into a big search tweaking spike in a certain
 project here, happy to do it on 2.9.4. Got binaries?

 On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Troy Howard wrote:
  We don't have any sort of QA report on the latest build. DIGY called
  for testing, but I haven't seen anyone respond to that request
  indicating successful testing.
  So, how do we want to manage this?
  In the business world, we'd never think of making a release without
  extensive QA first. In my other open source projects, either we've
  managed QA ourselves by 'switching hats' for a couple weeks prior to
  release, or just crossed our fingers because the user base was too
  Lucene.Net is a fairly high-profile project, with a large user base. I
  think it would not be responsible to make a release without a formal
  QA process. We do have extensive unit tests, but do you think those
  are sufficient to cover our QA needs? Should we try to find community
  members with a specialty in software testing that would be willing to
  fulfill this role on our project? Should we just swap hats?
  I didn't worry about this issue with the latest 2.9.2 release because
  it was QAed by the user base for a long time before it was an
  'official release'. Maybe this is an effective tactic? Release first,
  and let the user base roll in bug reports fixing them on yet later
  minor maintenance releases? This seems to be the method a lot of
  projects use (i.e. no specific QA process, but rather an organic
  process of 'try our best then deal with bug reports later').
  What do we think about this?
  On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 11:59 PM, Prescott Nasser
  Hey all,
  I know we have a number of outstanding JIRA issues, but I think most of
 them have been handled for the 2.9.4 release? Do we have anything
 outstanding that is holding back a new release?

RE: [Lucene.Net] [VOTE] Release Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.2-incubating-RC2

2011-02-25 Thread Granroth, Neal V.

The source in the SVN tag does not build:

Lucene.Net.Core.sln(1): Solution file error MSB5014: File format version is not 
recognized.  MSBuild can only read solution files between versions 7.0 and 9.0, 

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Troy Howard [] 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 5:56 AM
Subject: [Lucene.Net] [VOTE] Release Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.2-incubating-RC2


I'm happy to announce that Lucene.Net 2.9.2-incubating-RC2 is
available and ready for your testing and voting.

Release candidate artifacts:

SVN tag revision:

The vote is open for 72 hours and passes if a majority of at least
three +1 Lucene.Net PMC votes are cast.

Please cast your votes!

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.2-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Thanks to everyone involved for the hard work and contributions which
made this release possible.


RE: Board Report Draft

2010-12-03 Thread Granroth, Neal V.

I'd recommend using the description from the web-site.


Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic 
port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing 
Microsoft .NET Framework.

Lucene.Net sticks to the APIs and classes used in the original Java 
implementation of Lucene. The API names as well as class names are preserved 
with the intention of giving Lucene.Net the look and feel of the C# language 
and the .NET Framework. For example, the method Hits.length() in the Java 
implementation now reads Hits.Length() in the C# port.

In addition to the APIs and classes port to C#, the algorithm of Java Lucene is 
ported to C# Lucene. This means an index created with Java Lucene is 
back-and-forth compatible with the C# Lucene; both at reading, writing and 
updating. In fact a Lucene index can be concurrently searched and updated using 
Java Lucene and C# Lucene processes.


Status as I see it:

- Web site update in-progress.
- New releases are currently hampered by porting tool obsolescence and Lucene's 
use of Java 1.5; evaluation of alternative tools is in-progress.
- Release of version 2.9.2 is on hold, awaiting construction of a release 
package and PMC approval.
- Concern about the goals and direction of the project has led to the creation 
of an alternative project outside ASF that intends to be a conceptual rather 
than a source code port.  More Microsoft-tool-centric at the expense of 
reliability and cross-platform compatibility.  Most of the interest in 
Lucene.Net appears to have migrated to that project.
- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Grant Ingersoll [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 2:09 PM
To: general list
Subject: Board Report Draft

Is in

Comments and additions welcome.  In particular, I need reports from PyLucene 
and Lucene.NET.


RE: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-384) QueryParsers exception on Windows 2008 Server

2010-12-01 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Unfortunately no, version 2.9.2 never completed the official release process.  
Version is last version for which an official binary release is 

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Robert Jordan (JIRA) [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 7:12 AM
Subject: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-384) QueryParsers exception on Windows 
2008 Server


Robert Jordan commented on LUCENENET-384:

Nope. There is no such thing like an official release. The latest release 
(2.9.2) is the only one you may get support for.

 QueryParsers exception on Windows 2008 Server

 Project: Lucene.Net
  Issue Type: Bug
 Environment: Lucene.Net
 OS: Windows 2008 Server / 32bit
Reporter: Rida Al-Masri
Priority: Blocker

 I have developed an application that use Lucene.Net and it works very 
 well on Widows XP and Windows 2003 Server, but when I tried to use this 
 application on Windows 2008 Server  / 32bit it raises 
 Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.ParseException for all the supplied queries,
 Your attention to this issue is highly appreciated.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

RE: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-384) QueryParsers exception on Windows 2008 Server

2010-12-01 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
Agreed, building Lucene.NET from the source in SVN is simple.
However my understanding is that being able to compile a tagged version of the 
source does not meet the ASF criteria for a release.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Hans (JIRA) [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:51 AM
Subject: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-384) QueryParsers exception on Windows 
2008 Server


Hans commented on LUCENENET-384:

You'll have to get the sources from SVN and compile yourself. I agree it would 
be nice to have a binary release of 2.9.2 but building it yourself is pretty 

 QueryParsers exception on Windows 2008 Server

 Project: Lucene.Net
  Issue Type: Bug
 Environment: Lucene.Net
 OS: Windows 2008 Server / 32bit
Reporter: Rida Al-Masri
Priority: Blocker

 I have developed an application that use Lucene.Net and it works very 
 well on Widows XP and Windows 2003 Server, but when I tried to use this 
 application on Windows 2008 Server  / 32bit it raises 
 Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.ParseException for all the supplied queries,
 Your attention to this issue is highly appreciated.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

RE: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-379) Clean up Lucene.Net website

2010-11-30 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
As I understand it, only the official Lucene.NET committers (DIGY, George 
Aroush, and Doug Sale) can commit alterations to the web site or the source.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Prescott Nasser (JIRA) [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 12:04 PM
Subject: [jira] Commented: (LUCENENET-379) Clean up Lucene.Net website


Prescott Nasser commented on LUCENENET-379:

Can anyone commit those files in the zip to the Or how can I 
get commit access to the location?

Joe is ready to set up us asf cms space, but we need those files added. Also - 
if I can't commit, is there a contact I can use to get updates posted? or do I 
need to always upload files here and then wait for someone to add them?

 Clean up Lucene.Net website

 Project: Lucene.Net
  Issue Type: Task
Reporter: George Aroush

 The existing Lucene.Net home page at is 
 still based on the incubation, out of date design.  This JIRA task is to 
 bring it up to date with other ASF project's web page.
 The existing website is here:
 See to get started.
 It would be best to start by cloning an existing ASF project's website and 
 adopting it for Lucene.Net.  Some examples, and

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

RE: Lucene.NET Community Status

2010-11-02 Thread Granroth, Neal V.

We've already been through this process once before.  Why repeat?
- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Grant Ingersoll [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:38 AM
Cc:; Lucene mailing list
Subject: Re: Lucene.NET Community Status

On Oct 30, 2010, at 11:07 PM, Michael Mitiaguin wrote:

 I've been using Lucene.Net since 2005 and know its history quite well. Just
 some comments :
 1.  What actually PMC expects ?

At this point, I think the PMC expects to see a plan and action for either 
going back to Incubation and becoming a standalone project or going to the 
Attic and then being maintained elsewhere. In either case, it is clear that it 
is in the best interest of the .NET community to have some self-determination.

Based on the messages here, I think you have enough volunteers to go back to 
the Incubator and try again.  I would suggest one of you volunteers browses 
over to and take a look at what it means to put 
together an entry proposal (basically, you need a Wiki page outlining the 
proposal) and then solicit mentors/champions on 
and then call a vote.


RE: [jira] Created: (LUCENENET-377) Upgrade solution to VS2010

2010-11-02 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
We should not make the Lucene.NET project dependent on a specific IDE (VS2008, 
VS2010, etc.) the source should builable from the tools available in the .NET 
2.0 SDK or equivalent Mono tools.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Jeffrey Cameron (JIRA) [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: [jira] Created: (LUCENENET-377) Upgrade solution to VS2010

Upgrade solution to VS2010

 Project: Lucene.Net
  Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Jeffrey Cameron

VS2005 is quite out of date now and there are many new improvements in VS2010.  
You can still leave the framework support at .NET 2.0 if you like.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

RE: Question

2010-01-07 Thread Granroth, Neal V.
IFilter is a Microsoft COM interface implemented by components that extract 
searchable content from a specific document format (Word, PDF, etc.) Lucene.NET 
does not use these components directly, they are used by whatever software you 
construct to populate the Lucene index with searchable content.

There is a lot of information on IFilter on Microsoft's site; and I think their 
optional use is beyond the scope of the Lucene.NET project.

Would it help if I put together some simple examples of using Lucene.NET from 
VB ?

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Ed Jones [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: Question

Remember that not everyone uses c#, many people use and although it's 
relatively simple to move it over to c#, moving from c# to Java is just one 
extra step where things can go wrong.

At the time (3 years ago) I offered to spend time trying to make a set of 
examples such as how to use iFilters (I think that was the term) but nobody was 
interested so my attention moved elsewhere.

-Original Message-
From: Granroth, Neal V. [] 
Sent: 07 January 2010 19:37
Subject: RE: Question

I am very surprised by this comment.
There is so much similarity between Java and C# that I found absolutely no 
difficulty with the discussion and examples in Lucene in Action and in 
directly applying the techniques to my C#/.NET projects.

Maybe it would be helpful for some of those who find the java examples 
confusing to explain specifically why they are confusing.  Then we might 
consider putting together some type of short Guide to understanding Lucene for 
C# developers or FAQ on the web site.

- Neal

-Original Message-
From: Ed Jones [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 3:57 AM
Subject: RE: Question

All I can say is that we found the lack of examples for .net problematic as 
when you are not too up to speed with Java there are a lot of basic hurdlers to 

-Original Message-
From: Olivier Spinelli [] 
Sent: 07 January 2010 09:55
Subject: RE: Question

Lucene.Net sticks to the APIs and classes used in the original Java
implementation of Lucene. The API names as well as class names are preserved
with the intention of giving Lucene.Net the look and feel of the C# language
and the .NET Framework. For example, the method Hits.length() in the Java
implementation now reads Hits.Length() in the C# port. 

In addition to the APIs and classes port to C#, the algorithm of Java Lucene
is ported to C# Lucene. This means an index created with Java Lucene is
back-and-forth compatible with the C# Lucene; both at reading, writing and
updating. In fact a Lucene index can be concurrently searched and updated
using Java Lucene and C# Lucene processes. 

It's merely all about switching from camelCase to PascalCase...



-Message d'origine-
De : Ed Jones [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 7 janvier 2010 10:27
À :
Objet : RE: Question

My problem with Lucene in Action and all the examples on the internet is
that they were all in Java and you have to understand exactly what Java
is doing to understand it all properly. It's for this very reason we had
to shun using in major projects. I wanted dearly to use it
but the learning curve was far too steep and there appears to be very
very few .net examples of code or help.

Instead we have invested a significant amount of money in buying in a
much more commercial search engine.

I am keeping an eye on the project though in-case it can be
used in other parts of our business, but again the same will apply, we
will need more non Java examples.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Chapman [] 
Sent: 07 January 2010 09:21
Subject: RE: Question

From what I can remember the book Lucene in Action has a good section on
indexing documents and PDFs


-Original Message-
From: Ben Martz []
Sent: 06 January 2010 19:51
Subject: Re: Question


I would definitely take Michael's advice to learn more about the

overall issue before you get too far.

A quick answer that may help is Windows does not ship with an iFilter

for PDF built-in. Installing Adobe Reader 8 or higher will install a

decent PDF iFilter.

I am a little surprised by your question though - I assume that you

have access to your own source code and could examine the result from

the iFilter that's being fed to the IndexWriter and compare the

behavior in the TXT case