Re: twitter questions

2012-08-20 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
I've also found the question on SO, I'll give it a shot later today.

On Aug 20, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Michael Herndon 

 I went to update the twitter feed and saw these questions in case
 anyone wants to answer these:
 @LuceneDotNet - is anyone already working on a NIOFSDirectory port?
 Unless I misunderstand, it would be a huge boost to our SSD
 would love it if some #lucene or @LuceneDotNet gurus took a look at my
 SO question…

RE: Lucene.Net 3.0.3 and medium trust

2012-08-18 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

All you have to do is create a new AppDomain properly and marshal the 
call into that app domain.

You'll need a wrapper that derives from MarshalByRefObject so the call 
is marshaled; it's in the marshaled call that you do your test work and then 
marshal the results for comparison (or just a Boolean value, it's in the return 
value you can serialize things and send them across the app domain boundary by 

See here for greater detail on how to do this:

- Nick

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Currens [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: Lucene.Net 3.0.3 and medium trust

We should probably try and have unit tests that will spin up medium trust app 
domains and run some basic tests in them, so we don't accidentally ship with 
something big like this.  That is what I initially tried to do to reproduce 
this bug on my end, but the code that I would which should have created a 
medium trust app domain wasn't working.  I had to create an ASP.NET project and 
give it medium trust to repro.  I'm sure there's a way to do it, though.


On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Christopher Currens 
 Inheriting from WeakReference was the problem.  I'm just going to 
 remove the wrapper entirely, it doesn't give us any real benefit.  The 
 code has already been pushed.


 On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Prescott Nasser 
 It'd be nice to understand where this issue is coming from as it 
 wasn't in 2.9.4 rather than jumping to a quick fix imo. I'll dig a 
 bit myself ~P

 Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 17:32:29 +0200
 Subject: Re: Lucene.Net 3.0.3 and medium trust


 It got worse. Building a custom AttributeFactory can only handle a 
 few cases, I needed to subclass _every_ TokenStream/TokenFilter to 
 override all attribute-handling methods (AddAttribute, GetAttribute, 
 etc), and all analyzers to use these streams, to use a dictionary 
 with strong references just for medium trust... I gave up before 
 doing that. ;)

 Is there any use cases where we need to garbage collect attributes 
 before the stream/attribute source is closed? Changing to a normal 
 dictionary seems like a quick fix.

 // Simon

 On 2012-08-14 17:21, Christopher Currens wrote:
  It must be something we've missed, as we want to target medium 
  trust locations in the future.  I can't think of anything off the 
  top of my head that would require medium trust, though, let alone 
  unmanaged code.  I'll dive into this.
  On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Simon Svensson wrote:
  I'm having trouble upgrading a web application running under 
  medium trust from 2.9.4 to 3.0.3. Code that previously worked now 
  throws a SecurityException.
  [SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 
  'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, 
  Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' 
  Lucene.Net.Support.WeakKey`1..ctor(T key) +0
  Lucene.Net.Support.WeakDictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) +113
  Lucene.Net.Util.DefaultAttributeFactory.GetClassForInterface() +178
  Lucene.Net.Util.DefaultAttributeFactory.CreateAttributeInstance() +95
  Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.AddAttribute() +375
  Lucene.Net.Analysis.CharTokenizer..ctor(TextReader input) +126
  Lucene.Net.Analysis.WhitespaceTokenizer..ctor(TextReader in) 
  The DefaultAttributeFactory, via WeakReference, requires 
  SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode which is not present under 
  medium trust. There's an 
  AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY which I could to 
  replace the DefaultAttributeFactory, but it's readonly. I'm 
  rewriting my code to call the constructor overload (on 
  tokenizers) accepting an AttributeFactory, but this means that I cannot 
  use any existing Analyzer since they don't provide an extension points 
  to change the AttributeFactory.
  Is medium trust [using default classes] dropped in 3.0.3, or is 
  this something we've missed?
  // Simon

Re: [Lucene.Net] 2.9.4

2011-09-22 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C MVP#]

You really don't need to do that; reads and writes of reference fields are 
guaranteed to be atomic as per section 5.5 of the C# Language Specufication 
(Atomicity of variable references)

If you were doing other operations beyond the read and write that you wanted to 
be atomic, then the lock statement is appropriate, but in this case it's not.

The volatile keyword in this case (assuming no lock) would absolutely be needed 
to guarantee that the variable has the most up-to-date value at the time of 
access; using lock does this for you and makes volatile unnecessary.

- Nick 

On Sep 22, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Prescott Nasser wrote:

 Before I go replacing all the volatile fields I wanted to run this past the 
 private System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream;
 private object o = new object();
 private System.IO.StreamWriter _infoStream;
 private System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream
lock (o)
return _infoStream;
lock (o)
_infoStream = value;
 Sorry, I don't normally deal with locks..
 Thanks for any guidance
 Can the volatile fields be wrapped in a lock statement and code that access
 those fields with replaced with call to a property /method that wraps access
 to that field?
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Troy Howard wrote:
 I thought it was:
 2.9.2 and before are 2.0 compatible
 2.9.4 and before are 3.5 compatible
 After 2.9.4 are 4.0 compatible
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Michael Herndon wrote:
 if thats the case, then well need conditional statements for including
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Prescott Nasser
 I thought this was after 2.9.4
 Sent from my Windows Phone
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Herndon
 Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 8:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [Lucene.Net] 2.9.4
 I believe the overwhelming consensus on the mailing list vote was to
 .NET 4.0 and drop support for previous versions.
 I'll take care of build scripts issue while they being refactored into
 smaller chunks this week.
 @Troy, Agreed.
 On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Robert Jordan wrote:
 On 20.09.2011 23:48, Prescott Nasser wrote:
 Hey all seems like we are set with 2.9.4? Feedback has been positive
 its been quiet. Do we feel ready to vote for a new release?
 I don't know if the build infrastructure is part of the
 release. If yes, then there is an open issue:
 Contrib doesn't build right now because there
 are some assembly name mismatches between certain *.csproj
 files and build/scripts/contrib.targets.
 The following patches should fix the issue:****
 Also, the fix for [LUCENENET-358] is basically making
 Lucene.Net.dll a .NET 4.0-only assembly:****
 Did we agree about abandoning .NET = 3.5?

[Lucene.Net] OT: Wyatt's expression was - RE: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4

2011-05-10 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
I've cast my vote already, but +1 to Wyatt's expression

-Original Message-
From: Wyatt Barnett [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache
Lucene.Net 2.9.4

+1, burn the ships.

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Christopher Currens wrote:
 +1, but I'm partial to 0 if the demand is there for it.  I don't mind
 keeping up support for 2.0, in a separate branch, for a set amount of

 On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Moray McConnachie wrote:

 PS: If you are supporting .NET 3.5 then you get .NET 2.0 support
 anyway, you just have to bin-deploy the .NET 3.5 dependencies
 (System.Core, etc) since they are all the same CLR

 Aaron Powell

 Aaron, I think the move to 4.0 is actually to stop supporting 3.5 as
 well judging by later emails...

 Moray McConnachie
 Director of IT    +44 1865 261 600
 Oxford Analytica


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RE: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4

2011-05-09 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

-Original Message-
From: Troy Howard [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: [Lucene.Net] VOTE: .NET 2.0 Framework Support After Apache Lucene.Net 


Please cast your votes regarding the topic of .Net Framework support.

The question on the table is:

Should Apache Lucene.Net 2.9.4 be the last release which supports the
.Net 2.0 Framework?

Some options are:

[+1] - Yes, move forward to the latest .Net Framework version, and drop
support for 2.0 completely. New features and performance are more important
than backwards compatibility.
[0] - Yes, focus on the latest .Net Framework, but also include patches
and/or preprocessor directives and conditional compilation blocks to include
support for 2.0 when needed. New features, performance, and backwards
compatibility are all equally important and it's worth the additional
complexity and coding work to meet all of those goals.
[-1] No, .Net Framework 2.0 should remain our target platform. Backwards
compatibility is more important than new features and performance.

This vote is not limited to the Apache Lucene.Net IPMC. All
users/contributors/committers/mailing list lurkers are welcome to cast their
votes with an equal weight. This has been cross posted to both the dev and
user mailing lists.


RE: [Lucene.Net] Medium trust security issue

2011-05-01 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

This is because the call to FileSupport.Sync ultimately calls
SupportClass.Sync(FileStream) which ends up calling the FlushFileBuffers API
function through the P/Invoke layer, which is disallowed in medium trust

However, this should be mitigated by the fact that you have set the
assembly to allow partially trusted callers (are you doing this as a check
in to the tree?  If so, have you done a full security analysis?  Setting
this attribute on an assembly as big as Lucene.NET has major security

It would seem to me that you might not have given Lucene.NET a
strong name; this is required for AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers to take

This issue was seen by Simone Chiaretta and was discussed in the
group a while ago:

However, at the time, Lucene.NET was built on .NET 2.0 (IIRC) and
didn't have access to the overload of the Flush method which was used to
guarantee everything was flushed to disk:

Since you are now working in .NET 4.0, you should be able to replace
the following code in SupportClass.cs

public static void Sync(System.IO.FileStream fileStream)
if (fileStream == null)
throw new


if (OS.IsWindows)
if (!FlushFileBuffers(fileStream.Handle))
throw new System.IO.IOException();
else if (OS.IsUnix)
if (fsync(fileStream.Handle) != IntPtr.Zero)
throw new System.IO.IOException();
throw new NotImplementedException();

With this:

public static void Sync(System.IO.FileStream fileStream)
if (fileStream == null)
throw new


One could make the argument that this should be taken out of SupportClass
and moved into FSDirectory, but that might break some of your line-for-line
port code, so best to keep it in SupportClass.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

-Original Message-
From: Richard Wilde [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 6:01 AM
Subject: [Lucene.Net] Medium trust security issue


I am running into problems using Lucence 2.9.2 in a medium trust
environment, namely Rackspace cloud. I have added the following line to

[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()]

However the following code produces the error below

  FSDirectory directory = FSDirectory.Open(new

  Analyzer analyzer = new


  var writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true,






The directory LuceneIndex is being created, does anyone have a fix for

Security Exception

Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed
by the security policy.  To grant this application the required permission
please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust
level in the configuration file. 

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed.

Source Error: 

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web
request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can
be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: 


[SecurityException: Request failed.]

   FileSupport.Sync(FileStream fileStream) +0

   Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.Sync(String name) +157

   Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.FinishCommit(Directory dir) +184

   Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, Boolean
create, Boolean closeDir, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, Boolean
autoCommit, Int32 maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit
commit) +293

   Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter..ctor(Directory d, Analyzer a, Boolean
create, MaxFieldLength mfl) +413

   Mvc.Cms.Controllers.LuceneController.Index() +1066


RE: Stefan's Newbie Questions (was Re: Proposal Status, Initial Committors List, Contributors List)

2011-01-26 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
As a consumer (and I think that most consumers would agree), I'd have to
disagree STRONGLY on trading off performance for ease of conversion.

Lucene and Lucene.NET is predicated on performance, compromising that, IMO,
runs contrary to the core principals of Lucene.

- Nick

-Original Message-
From: Hans Merkl [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Stefan's Newbie Questions (was Re: Proposal Status, Initial
Committors List, Contributors List)

Personally I am willing to trade some performance for always being up to
date with the latest Java releases and also being able to use other Java
code. Although as far as I have seen most people say it's at the same speed
or even slightly faster than the .NET version.

I personally would be more likely to contribute to IKVM if there are any
issues since it would also benefit other Java code I use like TIKA. I wonder
if anybody has ever tried Lucene with IKVM in a heavy load production
environment. I use it in a one thread per index desktop app and wouldn't
notice if there were any issues under heavy load.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 14:01, Troy Howard wrote:

 I'm on the fence about IKVM.

 It has some significant benefits and some significant drawbacks:

 - Allows us to get to a commoditized line-by-line .NET DLL in the
 fastest and easiest manner. No porting.
 - Reasonable performance profile
 - Well tested Java environment equivalence

 - Blackbox, can't improve on it or tweak behaviour. If there are bugs
 or other issues, related to IKVM (ie thread safety, memory handling,
 etc) we can't fix those without dropping IKVM as our solution.
 - Adds an additional dependency
 - May not be the best possible performance profile. As DIGY said, it's
 roughly equivalent, but that doesn't mean that current Lucene.Net is
 fully optimized for .NET. In fact, it has been proven not to be by
 folks who have made custom builds/forks, realizing significant
 speedups using generics, etc..

 Also, that's a significant change in the library, which will introduce
 breaking API changes, and require us to beef up the unit tests to
 ensure that concerns like thread safety continue to behave as


 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Hans Merkl wrote:
  A .NET wrapper around the IKVM classes may be a good idea.
  I like the idea that IKVM would also allow use of tons of other useful
  Java/Lucene code that's out there. There are some filters and analyzers
  Java that might be very useful for my work. That's not really possible
  the line-by-line port. It may be possible with Sharpen though.
  On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 13:04, Digy wrote:
  In theory you can use ikvmc to compile the Java source files into a
  that references some IKVM DLLs and an ikmvc'ed version of OpenJDK's
  classlib.  After that it is a plain .NET DLL and one could write a .NET
  centric API using that DLL.
  I haven't really tried it on anything serious and it may become tricky
  reflection gets involved.  And there is some layer of indirection you
  wouldn't have by a line by line translation that may lead to decreased
  performance.  I'd be game to try it out, though.
  A few yers ago, I tried IKVM with ~300M (200-300 bytes) documents. It
  surprisingly as fast as Lucene.Net. That may mean that we should fix
  something in the code.
  Reflection is another nice thing in IKVM. You can even load and execute
  classes J

RE: Question

2010-01-07 Thread Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

It's the fact that the API is exactly the same (as well as the lines
of code, practically) which causes many of the issues in Lucene.NET (not
only in use but in implementation), as while Java and C# are very similar,
that doesn't guarantee the same results.

But that's an issue for another email, one which many (including
myself) have dealt with.

That being said, I would go with a Solr provider if such a thing
existed.  I'm debating whether or not to use the Lucene.NET library in my
application, or to try and find a preexisting Solr provider.  However, it
doesn't seem that there are many, and I really don't have the luxury of
setting up the environment myself (although I'm interested in using it,
since I can very easily talk whatever language it does over the wire with

- Nick

-Original Message-
From: Erik Hatcher [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: Question

Ed - that's a reasonable critique, but the API is practically the same  
between the Lucene.Net and Lucene Java.   There is a section  
contributed by George in the upcoming 2nd edition of Lucene in Action  
- it's short and says basically that.

But, rather than buy a commercial search engine, consider Solr!

I don't want to come here and steal any of Lucene.Net's thunder by  
mentioning Solr, as no doubt Lucene.Net is the right fit for many  
projects.   Solr, though, is so much more than just Lucene, providing  
enterprisey features (replication, distributed search, facets, and  
more) that just can't be trivially/naively built on top of any flavor  
of Lucene.  And Solr is easy interfaced with .NET as a client.  Of  
course the hurdle then is does Solr, a Java-based app, fit into the  
operations of your deployment environment?.  It's another technology  
to add if the shop is purely .NET currently.  But then again, it  
literally does run everywhere quite easily.


On Jan 7, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Ed Jones wrote:

 My problem with Lucene in Action and all the examples on the  
 internet is
 that they were all in Java and you have to understand exactly what  
 is doing to understand it all properly. It's for this very reason we  
 to shun using in major projects. I wanted dearly to use it
 but the learning curve was far too steep and there appears to be very
 very few .net examples of code or help.

 Instead we have invested a significant amount of money in buying in a
 much more commercial search engine.

 I am keeping an eye on the project though in-case it can be
 used in other parts of our business, but again the same will apply, we
 will need more non Java examples.


 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Chapman []
 Sent: 07 January 2010 09:21
 Subject: RE: Question

 From what I can remember the book Lucene in Action has a good  
 section on
 indexing documents and PDFs


 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Martz []
 Sent: 06 January 2010 19:51
 Subject: Re: Question


 I would definitely take Michael's advice to learn more about the

 overall issue before you get too far.

 A quick answer that may help is Windows does not ship with an iFilter

 for PDF built-in. Installing Adobe Reader 8 or higher will install a

 decent PDF iFilter.

 I am a little surprised by your question though - I assume that you

 have access to your own source code and could examine the result from

 the iFilter that's being fed to the IndexWriter and compare the

 behavior in the TXT case with the behavior in the PDF case?



 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jan 6, 2010, at 10:13, Michael Garski



 You'll need some way to extract the text from the PDF prior to

 indexing.  I'm not familiar with any packages that can do that but I

 have heard of them.  You may want to try searching the mailing list

 to see if there has been mention of one previously.  Lucid

 Imagination hosts a great mailing list search tool at


 -Original Message-

 From: Todd McIndoo []

 Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:11 AM


 Subject: Question

 Sorry if this is duplicate

 We are using of version I am trying to search a


 which contains lots of PDFs. I want to search a document, which

 contains a

 specific word, using We are yielding results in text


 but not in PDF. Is there something we have to do to be able to

 search in PDF

 Documents. All ifilters have been installed on the computer so I do

