Re: Best Practices for Distributing Lucene Indexing and Searching

2005-03-01 Thread Doug Cutting
Yonik Seeley wrote:
6. Index locally and synchronize changes periodically. This is an
interesting idea and bears looking into. Lucene can combine multiple
indexes into a single one, which can be written out somewhere else, and
then distributed back to the search nodes to replace their existing
This is a promising idea for handling a high update volume because it
avoids all of the search nodes having to do the analysis phase.
A clever way to do this is to take advantage of Lucene's index file 
structure.  Indexes are directories of files.  As the index changes 
through additions and deletions most files in the index stay the same. 
So you can efficiently synchronize multiple copies of an index by only 
copying the files that change.

The way I did this for Technorati was to:
1. On the index master, periodically checkpoint the index.  Every minute 
or so the IndexWriter is closed and a 'cp -lr index index.DATE' command 
is executed from Java, where DATE is the current date and time.  This 
efficiently makes a copy of the index when its in a consistent state by 
constructing a tree of hard links.  If Lucene re-writes any files (e.g., 
the segments file) a new inode is created and the copy is unchanged.

2. From a crontab on each search slave, periodically poll for new 
checkpoints.  When a new index.DATE is found, use 'cp -lr index 
index.DATE' to prepare a copy, then use 'rsync -W --delete 
master:index.DATE index.DATE' to get the incremental index changes. 
Then atomically install the updated index with a symbolic link (ln -fsn 
index.DATE index).

3. In Java on the slave, re-open 'index' it when its version changes. 
This is best done in a separate thread that periodically checks the 
index version.  When it changes, the new version is opened, a few 
typical queries are performed on it to pre-load Lucene's caches.  Then, 
in a synchronized block, the Searcher variable used in production is 

4. In a crontab on the master, periodically remove the oldest checkpoint 

Technorati's Lucene index is updated this way every minute.  A 
mergeFactor of 2 is used on the master in order to minimize the number 
of segments in production.  The master has a hot spare.

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Re: Best Practices for Distributing Lucene Indexing and Searching

2005-03-01 Thread Yonik Seeley
> 6. Index locally and synchronize changes periodically. This is an
> interesting idea and bears looking into. Lucene can combine multiple
> indexes into a single one, which can be written out somewhere else, and
> then distributed back to the search nodes to replace their existing
> index.

This is a promising idea for handling a high update volume because it
avoids all of the search nodes having to do the analysis phase.

Unfortunately, the way addIndexes() is implemented looks like it's
going to present some new problems:

  public synchronized void addIndexes(Directory[] dirs)
  throws IOException {
optimize();   // start with zero or 1 seg
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
  SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();  // read infos from dir[i]);
  for (int j = 0; j < sis.size(); j++) {
segmentInfos.addElement(; // add each info
optimize();   // final cleanup

We need to deal with some very large indexes (40G+), and an optimize
rewrites the entire index, no matter how few documents were added. 
Since our strategy calls for deleting some docs on the primary index
before calling addIndexes() this means *both* calls to optimize() will
end up rewriting the entire index!

The ideal behavior would be that of addDocument() - segments are only
merged occasionally.   That said, I'll throw out a replacement
implementation that probably doesn't work, but hopefully will spur
someone with more knowledge of Lucene internals to take a look at

  public synchronized void addIndexes(Directory[] dirs)
  throws IOException {
// REMOVED: optimize();
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
  SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();  // read infos from dir[i]);
  for (int j = 0; j < sis.size(); j++) {
segmentInfos.addElement(; // add each info
maybeMergeSegments();   // replaces optimize


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Re: Best Practices for Distributing Lucene Indexing and Searching

2005-03-01 Thread Chris Hostetter
: We have a requirement for a new version of our software that it run in a
: clustered environment. Any node should be able to go down but the
: application must keep functioning.

My application is looking at similar problems.  We aren't yet live, but
the only practicle solution we have implimented so far is the "apply all
adds/deletes to all instances in parallel or sequence" model which we
don't really like very much.  I don't consider it a viable option for our
launch given the volume of updates we need to be able to handle in a
timely manor.

I'm also curious as to what ideas people on this list have about realiable
index replication.  I've included my thoughts on some of the possible
solutions below...

: 2. Don't distribute indexing. Searching is distributed by storing the
: index on NFS. A single indexing node would process all requests.
: However, using Lucene on NFS is *not* recommended. See:

I don't really consider reading/writing to an NFS mounted FSDirectory to
be viable for the very reasons you listed; but I haven't really found any
evidence of problems if you take they approach that a single "writer"
node indexes to local disk, which is NFS mounted by all of your other
nodes for doing queries.  concurent updates/queries may still not be safe
(i'm not sure) but you could have the writer node "clone" the entire index
into a new directory, apply the updates and then signal the other nodes to
stop using the old FSDirectory and start using the new one.

: 3. Distribute indexing and searching into separate indexes for each
: node. Combine results using ParallelMultiSearcher. If a box went down, a
: piece of the index would be unavailable. Also, there would be serious

I haven't really considered this option because it would be unacceptable
for my application.

: 4. Distribute indexing and searching, but index everything at each node.
: Each node would have a complete copy of the index. Indexing would be
: slower. We could move to a 5 or 15 minute batch approach.

As i said, tis is our current "last resort" but there are some serious
issues i worry baout with this under high concurrent update/query load.
they are the same issues you would face if you only had one box -- but
frankly one of the main oals i see for a distributed solution is to reduce
the total amount of processing that needs to be done -- not multiply it by
the number of boxes, so i'm trying to find something better.

: 5. Index centrally and push updated indexes to search nodes on a
: periodic basis. This would be easy and might avoid the problems with
: using NFS.
: 6. Index locally and synchronize changes periodically. This is an
: interesting idea and bears looking into. Lucene can combine multiple
: indexes into a single one, which can be written out somewhere else, and
: then distributed back to the search nodes to replace their existing
: index.

Agreed.  These are two of the most promising ideas we're currently
considering, but we haven't acctually tried implimenting yet.  The other
thing we have considered is having a pool of "updater" nodes which process
batches of additions into a small index, which is then copied out to all
of hte other nodes.  these nodes can then either Multisearch between their
existing index and the new one, or they can acctally merge the new one
in (based on their current load).

The concern i have with approaches like this, is that they still require
the individual nodes to all duplicate work of merging, and ultimately:
optimizing.  that's something i don't wnat them to have to do, especially
under potentially heavy query load.

What i'd really like is a single "primary indexer" box, that builds up
lots of small RAMDirectory indexes as updates come in, and periodically
writes them to files to be copied over to "warm standby indexer" boxes.
All of the indexer boxes eventually merge these small indexes into the
master, which is versioned on a regular basis.  The primary indexer would
also be the main guy to decide how often to do an optimize()

if the primary indexer goes down, and of the warm standy indexers can take
over with minimal loss of updates.

Then the various "query boxes" can periodically copy the most recent rev
of the index over whenever they want, close their existing IndexReader and
open a new one poited at the new rev.

Problems that come up:

  1) for indexes big enough to warant these kinds of realiability
 concerns, you need a lot of bandwidth to copy that much data arround.
  2) our application has an expecation that issuing the same query to two
 different nodes in the cluster at the same time should give you the
 same results.  In order for that to be true, in an approach like the
 one i described would reuire some coordination mechanism to know what
 the highest rev# of the index had been copied to all of boxes and
 then signal them all to start using that rev at the same time.

