Re: [Lustre-discuss] Metadata storage in test script files

2012-05-07 Thread Chris Gearing
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Nathan Rutman wrote:

 On May 4, 2012, at 7:46 AM, Chris Gearing wrote:

  Hi Roman,
  I think we may have rat-holed here and perhaps it's worth just
  re-stating what I'm trying to achieve here.
  We have a need to be able to test in a more directed and targeted
  manner, to be able to focus on a unit of code like lnet or an attribute
  of capability like performance. However since starting work on the
  Lustre test infrastructure it has become clear to me that knowledge
  about the capability, functionality and purpose of individual tests is
  very general and held in the heads of Lustre engineers. Because we are
  talking about targeting tests we require knowledge about the capability,
  functionality and purpose of the tests not the outcome of running the
  tests, or to put it another way what the tests can do not what they have
  One key fact about cataloguing the the capabilities of the tests is that
  for almost every imaginable case the capability of the test only changes
  if the test itself changes and so the rate of change of the data in the
  catalogue is the same and actually much less than the rate of change
  test code itself. The only exception to this could be that a test
  suddenly discovers a new bug which has to have a new ticket attached to
  it, although this should be a very very rare if we manage our
  development process properly.
  This requirement leads to the conclusion that we need to catalogue all
  of the tests within the current test-framework and a catalogue equates
  to a database, hence we need a database of the capability, functionality
  and purpose of the individual tests. With this requirement in mind it
  would be easy to create a database using something like mysql that could
  be used by applications like the Lustre test system, but using an
  approach like that would make the database very difficult to share and
  will be even harder to attach the knowledge to the Lustre tree which is
  were it belongs.
  So the question I want to solve is how to catalogue the capabilities of
  the individual tests in a database, store that data as part of the
  Lustre source and as a bonus make the data readable and even carefully
  editable by people as well as machines. Now to focus on the last point I
  do not think we should constrain ourselves to something that can be read
  by machine using just bash, we do have access to structure languages and
  should make use of that fact.
 I think we all agree 100% on the above...

  The solution to all of this seemed to be to store the catalogue about
  the tests as part of the tests themselves
 ... but not necessarily that conclusion.

 , this provides for human and
  machine accessibility, implicit version control and certainty the what
  ever happens to Lustre source the data goes with it. It is also the case
  that by keeping the catalogue with the subject the maintenance of the
  catalogue is more likely to occur than if the two are separate.

 I agree with all those.  But there are some difficulties with this as well:
 1. bash isn't a great language to encapsulate this metadata

The thing to focus on I think is the data captured not the format. The
parser for yaml encapsulated in the source or anywhere else is a small
amount of effort compared to capturing the data in the first place. If we
capture the data and it's machine readable then changing the format is easy.

There are many advantages today to keeping the source and the metadata in
the same place, one being that when reviewing new or updated tests the
reviewers can and will be encouraged to by the locality to ensure the
metadata matches the new or revised test. If the two are not together then
they have very little chance of being kept in sync.

2. this further locks us in to current test implementation - there's not
 much possibility to start writing tests in another language if we're
 parsing through looking for bash-formatted metadata. Sure, multiple parsers
 could be written...

I don't think it is a lock in at all, the data is machine readable and
moving to a new format when and should we need it will be easy. Let's focus
on capturing the data so we increase our knowledge, once we have the data
we can manipulate it however we want. The data and the metadata together in
my opinion increases the chance of capturing and updating the data given
todays methods and tools.

3. difficulty changing md of groups of tests en-mass - eg. add slow
 keyword to a set of tests

The data can read and written by machine and the libraries/application to
do this would be written. Referring back to the description of the metadata
we would not be making sweeping changes to test metadata because the
metadata should only change when the test changes [exceptions will always
apply but we should not optimize for exceptions].

Also I don't think 'slow' would not be part of the metadata because it is
not an attribute

Re: [Lustre-discuss] Metadata storage in test script files

2012-05-04 Thread Chris Gearing
Hi Roman,

I think we may have rat-holed here and perhaps it's worth just 
re-stating what I'm trying to achieve here.

We have a need to be able to test in a more directed and targeted 
manner, to be able to focus on a unit of code like lnet or an attribute 
of capability like performance. However since starting work on the 
Lustre test infrastructure it has become clear to me that knowledge 
about the capability, functionality and purpose of individual tests is 
very general and held in the heads of Lustre engineers. Because we are 
talking about targeting tests we require knowledge about the capability, 
functionality and purpose of the tests not the outcome of running the 
tests, or to put it another way what the tests can do not what they have 

One key fact about cataloguing the the capabilities of the tests is that 
for almost every imaginable case the capability of the test only changes 
if the test itself changes and so the rate of change of the data in the 
catalogue is the same and actually much less than the rate of change 
test code itself. The only exception to this could be that a test 
suddenly discovers a new bug which has to have a new ticket attached to 
it, although this should be a very very rare if we manage our 
development process properly.

This requirement leads to the conclusion that we need to catalogue all 
of the tests within the current test-framework and a catalogue equates 
to a database, hence we need a database of the capability, functionality 
and purpose of the individual tests. With this requirement in mind it 
would be easy to create a database using something like mysql that could 
be used by applications like the Lustre test system, but using an 
approach like that would make the database very difficult to share and 
will be even harder to attach the knowledge to the Lustre tree which is 
were it belongs.

So the question I want to solve is how to catalogue the capabilities of 
the individual tests in a database, store that data as part of the 
Lustre source and as a bonus make the data readable and even carefully 
editable by people as well as machines. Now to focus on the last point I 
do not think we should constrain ourselves to something that can be read 
by machine using just bash, we do have access to structure languages and 
should make use of that fact.

The solution to all of this seemed to be to store the catalogue about 
the tests as part of the tests themselves, this provides for human and 
machine accessibility, implicit version control and certainty the what 
ever happens to Lustre source the data goes with it. It is also the case 
that by keeping the catalogue with the subject the maintenance of the 
catalogue is more likely to occur than if the two are separate.

My original use of the term test metadata is intended as a more modern 
term for catalogue or the [test] library.

So to refresh everybody's mind, I'd like to suggest that we place test 
metadata in the source code itself using the following format, where the 
here doc is inserted into the copy about the test function itself.

   Copies lustre source into a node specific directory and then creates 
a tarball using that directory
   This should be called prior to upgrading Lustre and creates a set of 
data on the Lustre partition
   which be accessed and checked after the upgrade has taken place. 
Several methods are using
   including tar'ing directories so the can later be untar'ed and 
compared, along with create sha1's
   of stored data.
   - lnet
   - recovery
   - before_upgrade_clear_filesystem
   - LU-123
   - LU-432
   - upgrade

test_before_upgrade_create_data() {

run_test before_upgrade_create_data Copying lustre source into a 
directory $IOP_DIR1, creating and then using source to create a tarball

Again thoughts and input very much appreciated


Lustre-discuss mailing list

Re: [Lustre-discuss] Test restructuring

2011-10-14 Thread Chris Gearing
Hi Nathan,

This is definitely something we have been thinking about but also something 
that's not got to the top of our to-do list yet. I think we can safely say 
that we share a desire to make them more reliable, repeatable, and easier to 
run and automate, and also a view  that to do this is going to need 

Perhaps we should use this mail to start a discussion on lustre-discuss and 
then agree a plan/approach that someone can execute.


should talk about and also something that

-Original Message- 
From: Nathan Rutman
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 12:30 AM
Cc: Nathan Rutman ; Roman Grigoryev ; wc-discuss ; lustre-discuss
Subject: Test restructuring

Hi Chris -
talking to Eric after EOFS he mentioned that you were not just interested in 
automating the existing Lustre tests but also in restructuring how they were 
designed / set up to make them more reliable, repeatable, and easier to run 
and automate.  Or, at least that is my desire and I was hoping you had 
similar thoughts / plans.
In particular, I'm interested in a few things:
1. Separating out the setup of the filesystem from the execution of the 
2. Reducing the ordering dependencies on the tests and clarifying their 
individual prerequisites and postconditions.
3. Reorganizing the tests into more logical groupings.
4. Cutting out redundant / ineffective tests.

Are you / WhamCloud pursuing any of this at the moment?
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Lustre-discuss mailing list

[Lustre-discuss] Landing and tracking tools improvements

2011-05-23 Thread Chris Gearing
We now have a whole kit of tools [Jira, Gerrit, Jenkins and Maloo] used 
for tracking, reviewing and testing of code that are being used for the 
development of Lustre. A lot of time has been spent integrating and 
connecting them appropriately but as with anything the key is to 
continuously look for ways to improve what we have and how it works.

So my question is what do people think of the tools as they stand today 
and how can we improve them moving forwards. if people can respond to 
lustre-discuss then I'll correlate the outcome of any discussions and 
then create a Wiki page that can form some plan for improvement.

Please be as descriptive as possible in your replies and take into 
account that I and others have no experience of Lustre past so if you 
liked something prior to the current tools you'll need to help me and 
them understand the details.



Chris Gearing
Snr Engineer
Whamcloud. Inc.

Lustre-discuss mailing list

Re: [Lustre-discuss]

2010-12-22 Thread Chris Gearing
Hi Aurelien,

That's useful thanks.

Our plan is to create a community database that enables every valuable 
facet of a lustre test to be stored. This means all the results, all the 
logs, stack traces etc etc.  Sometimes we will only store failing logs, 
but for acceptance and release testing we will store passing and 
failing(!) logs. The aim is that when someone is looking into a test 
failure, nothing they require will have been left behind.

A further use of this approach is that we hope to be able to deliver 
landing collateral to reviewers as a standard part of our process. For 
example a patch could have a link to an example of the failing test that 
isolated the bug or missing feature, the code that fixes the failure or 
adds the feature and an example of the passing test showing the bug fix 
or feature addition working. This additional usage is not entirely near 
term, but is a direction that would add great value.

As for yml vs. xml, the reality is that we use the yml as a way of 
transporting the results from the test machine, which could be a 
test-cluster or an individuals laptop running VMs, to the database. If 
xml made this data more widely usable and the requirements of junit do 
not require us to leave information out I can't really see a problem in 
switching to it.


On 20/12/2010 14:50, DEGREMONT Aurelien wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 Here is a rough example of junit report we produce. This was a quick 
 and dirty implementation of Junit that could be improved. Some part of 
 junit report content was limited due to lack of information acceptance 
 small upcalls have.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
 testsuite name=Lustre.acceptance-small
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #0: touch .../ ; rm 
 .../ time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #0b: chmod 0755 
 /mnt/lustre time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #0c: check import proc 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #1a: mkdir .../d1; 
 mkdir .../d1/d2 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #1b: rmdir .../d1/d2; 
 rmdir .../d1 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #2a: mkdir .../d2; 
 touch .../d2/f time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #2b: rm -r .../d2; 
 checkstat .../d2/f time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #3a: mkdir .../d3 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #3b: touch .../d3/f 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #3c: rm -r .../d3 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #4a: mkdir .../d4 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #4b: mkdir .../d4/d2 
 time=1 /
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity name=Test #180a: test obdecho on 
 osc time=80
 failure type=FAIL![CDATA[rc=1
 test_180a failed with 1]]/failure
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity-benchmark name=Test #dbench: 
 test_dbench time=0
 testcase classname=Lustre.sanity-benchmark name=Test #dbench: 
 dbench time=2 /

 This is a imple junit report. This could be improved. Partly in 
 improving and
 I'm open to switch to any other standard format, supported by Hudson, 
 if this can helps.

 What's your needs/plan?


 Chris Gearing a écrit :
 Hi Aurélien,

 Do you have a specification for the junit test results you produce, 
 or an example of one of your test results sets. We would be more than
 willing to pick up and go with something that can be used with a 
 wider set of tools, with the obvious caveat that it provides 
 everything needed to completely capture the test results for Lustre 
 today and in the future.

 If you have some example results set's that you can forward please 
 mail them to chris



 I see that PerfPublisher uses xml, although this seems to be the only 

 On 17/12/2010 20:11, Aurélien wrote:
 Robert Read a écrit :
 We don't plan to use Hudson to manage our testing results as I 
 don't think it would scale very well for all the testing we might 
 do for each build. We're currently building a more custom results 
 server that's similar (in spirit at least) to the kinds of tools 
 we had at Oracle.  We'll make it available once it's in 
 presentable form.
 Actually, our first step was to replace the 
 driver script with one that has a more sensible user interface for 
 running the standard tests.  Since the on master 
 has already been changed to produce test results in yaml format, 
  the new script collects these with the logs, and is capable of 
 submitting them to the test results server.   Currently this is 
 being run manually, though.  Automating the test execution and 
 connecting all the pieces will be next step.
 Ok. I will be very interested in seeing the final result.
 But I think it is a good idea to stick to standard format and tools 
 as much as possible. This could be a pity

Re: [Lustre-discuss]

2010-12-20 Thread Chris Gearing
Hi Aurélien,

Do you have a specification for the junit test results you produce, or 
an example of one of your test results sets. We would be more than
willing to pick up and go with something that can be used with a wider 
set of tools, with the obvious caveat that it provides everything needed 
to completely capture the test results for Lustre today and in the future.

If you have some example results set's that you can forward please mail 
them to chris



I see that PerfPublisher uses xml, although this seems to be the only 

On 17/12/2010 20:11, Aurélien wrote:
 Robert Read a écrit :
 We don't plan to use Hudson to manage our testing results as I don't 
 think it would scale very well for all the testing we might do for 
 each build. We're currently building a more custom results server 
 that's similar (in spirit at least) to the kinds of tools we had at 
 Oracle.  We'll make it available once it's in presentable form.
 Actually, our first step was to replace the 
 driver script with one that has a more sensible user interface for 
 running the standard tests.  Since the on master 
 has already been changed to produce test results in yaml format, 
  the new script collects these with the logs, and is capable of 
 submitting them to the test results server.   Currently this is 
 being run manually, though.  Automating the test execution and 
 connecting all the pieces will be next step.
 Ok. I will be very interested in seeing the final result.
 But I think it is a good idea to stick to standard format and tools 
 as much as possible. This could be a pity if all your new work will 
 be only usable by  your tool.

 Junit is quite standard.
 PerfPublisher has its own format due to junit limitations. There is 
 other ones. It could be really good if you do not create a new one.

 And indeed, acc-sm is a bit limited and improve it could be really 


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