Greetings one and all from Axel. In 2002 I attended the Grand Prix of  Europe 
at the Nurburgring in Germany's Eiffel Mountains. Early in the  morning on 
race day, I pulled out my lute and started practicing near the gift  shop and 
cafe. Bring a really obnoxious tourist who spent his childhood in  Germany, I 
wore my American Flag shirt (obtained from the Indianapolis Motor  Speedway) 
my dark brown cowboy hat. It was getting warm so I took my cowboy  hat off 
and began playing my simple Newsidler pieces. To my surprise,  people  from 
around the world would listed for  second and would drop  money into the cowboy 
hat. Eventually, I had enough money to buy breakfast and  get some trinkets on 
The Grand Prix of Europe from the gift shop, Some people  stayed around for the 
duration of the music. To those people I explained that  some lute music was 
written in a tablature known as German  lute tablature.  They seemed very 
pleased. My apologies to my fellow lutenists, I hope that the  Formula One 
community does not think that all lute players are Black Men  who wear their 
nation's flag and traditional head gear while playing lute at the  Grand Prix. 
Of course I am no Joshua Bell, but all was much fun and a good  time was had by 

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