Hi lute gang,

I played (well, ok, it is just only public premature rehearsing, I'm
afraid) a Chaconne by de Visee, to the two tubes. And the piece (nearly
5 minutes) needed some cuttings, too. I only can cut _off_ by Quicktime
- not paste anything - so had to play some sections extra times; when a
bass note went wrong or such... Not so severe in live, but irritating,
when canned. I planned to work much more before recording this piece to
the tubes, but I did not...  ;-(

The piece is, btw, very good and actually very clever, too, much more
clever than my playing, but perhaps you anyhow get the clever ideas of
de Visee?

And my instrument really is one of those by "Barber's own design". And
I do really use those two re-entrant strings in an instrument of only
76cm:8x1/140cm:6x1. And I am even  tuning in a, when a'=415Hz. And all
synthetics... Horrible?  ;-))

So it is really now a question of a "toy theorbo" and probably also a
toy player? ;-)  And/but it seems to work well; I mean the instrument,
not the player... ;)

You'll find the recordings in

 YouTube:  (seems to be slow tonight. I'll send the address later!)
 Vimeo    : http://www.vimeo.com/3243140

And also the music - as facsimile ms. - is there; in case you want to try
it by yourself, see page
and play it better!  :-)

All the best,


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