dear caroline -

i damaged my hand slightly when i was a kid (fell on a
rake) so a thumb-in/thumb-out discourse - instigated,
no doubt, by some fussy fop in the baroque - has given
way to "comfy or no" in my case.

it could be the mineral water here in tuscany or the
olive oil but both our fingernails - my wife's and
mine - have become much healthier since moving here.

regards - bill    

 --- Caroline Chamberlain
> Dear Lute Listers
> I just do not understand how to play the lute
> courses with the right hand 
> side of the fingers. Is this technique really
> necessary? And, as a 
> guitarist who wants to keep playing the guitar, must
> I learn the thumb 
> inside technique for the Renaissance lute?
> Nails have always been a problem for me as mine are
> weak and constantly 
> splitting. Somehow, I have got around the problem,
> using the edge of the 
> finger with the support of only a tiny bit of nail.
> Certainly the skin in 
> that area, where nail meets finger, is a little
> harder than on the other 
> side. I've never really analyzed exactly what I do,
> but I seem to be able 
> to get reasonable tone and volume. I don't think
> that for lute playing, I 
> need to get rid of the (shortish) nails that I do
> have.
> Many thanks,
> Regards
> Caroline
> --
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