Re: [lwip-users] tcp_tmr and timers.c

2014-10-27 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
All my TCP examples and applications work, and I'm calling
sys_check_timeouts(); so, if tcp_tmr is really not called, then
"something" with the same functionality is being called.
I do use NO_SYS=1 and have provided a working sys_now() function.
DHCP and DNS timeouts are also handled through sys_check_timeouts(), and
I have used a timeout for a UDP application as I sent.
As this seems to work for any similar scenario,  what is actually your
problem ?

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Need to Know more about tcp and it's concepts

2014-11-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You should start by learning communications and networking, there are
several books outthere, I'm fond of Mr. Tanenbaum, get a copy of
Computer Networks.
For TCP/IP itself, read Douglas Comer or Stallings.

However, what you mention in your mail are lwIP functions.
Apples and oranges
Once you know what a connection oriented protocol is, and get an idea of
what a machine to serve that protocol should do, try to think how to
make it work in an event driven framework with a small overhead. That is
the lwIP raw api.
You can read an intro to how to use these functions in the wiki.
However, the text assumes you know TCP (it is qiute difficult to do
rocket science without knowing about rockets or science, the same
applies to networking with microcontrollers).

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Has anyone been using the Keil lwIP software packs?

2014-11-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I have my own port and been compiling it with Keil on a Cortex-M3.
I have some patches on top of 1.4.1 and didn't like the way Keil packs
lwIP. My advice is to use lwIP with an open and portable port, with an
open and portable driver. You can use the one I wrote, modify it, write
your own. This way you can reaaly move in and out of any architecture
without any vendor restrictions.
Peek my page:

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Assertion "pbuf_free: p->ref > 0" failed at line 651 in ../src/lwip/core/pbuf.c

2014-11-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If I was you, I would:
- make sure the port I'm using works, by first running known good examples.
- study those examples to learn how to work with lwip.
- read the wiki, it is great for bed reading.
- trace assertions to my code, execute step by step and see what I'm
doing wrong.
- try to figure it out by myself, but if I can't, I would write a brief
and concise description of what I'm doing, what I can't solve, and what
I don't understand. That description would include a description of the
system in which I'm doing that, stating that I followed the previous
steps and the system works, and what type of lwIP API I'm using.

With the data you provide, I can only direct you to line 651 of pbuf.c
and see why something you are passing to that function is incorrect.
OK, I feel like wasting some time today, here I go:
$ vi src/core/pbuf.c
/pbuf_free(struct pbuf *p)/
/* all pbufs in a chain are referenced at least once */
*651-->LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_free: p->ref > 0", p->ref > 0);*
//* decrease reference count (number of pointers to pbuf) *///
//ref = --(p->ref);/

that means you are trying to free an already freed pbuf.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] hayes commands popping up in ppp stream

2014-11-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
My view:
Since PPP expects a serial transparent interface, and you are not
providing that, I would write a "tap" which provides that to PPP and
"taps" all other data out.

GSM modem > real serial --> my module -> PPP virtual serial

---> tracking virtual serial

Some GSM modems provide a packetization interface to clearly separate
muxed channels on the same serial interface. If yours does not, you'll
have to work harder.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] hayes commands popping up in ppp stream

2014-11-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
is a clear indication that your power supply is not well designed and/or
your module is not well decoupled.
It needs >2A current to transmit for a very short time, you need a 100uF
low impedance
in parallel with 2uF MLCC close to the module; or better, what the
hardware manual recommends.
And make sure your power supply can provide that current for that amount
of time,
which you'll find in the manual.

Sorry about that, but I used to work with the tech support for Simcom in

On 14/11/2014 10:06 a.m., Sergio R. Caprile wrote:
> My view:
> Since PPP expects a serial transparent interface, and you are not
> providing that, I would write a "tap" which provides that to PPP and
> "taps" all other data out.
> GSM modem > real serial --> my module -> PPP virtual serial
> ---> tracking virtual serial
> Some GSM modems provide a packetization interface to clearly separate
> muxed channels on the same serial interface. If yours does not, you'll
> have to work harder.

Sergio R. Caprile, Human Being, Bs.As., Argentina
Electronics Engineer, Musician (guitarist), TaoFx

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] hayes commands popping up in ppp stream

2014-11-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
yes, Simcom tech department sucks... they've had some internal issues on
the move from SIM340 to SIM900.
They are chinese and english docs are poor and mostly non-existent.
We've had a tech contact long ago but hopefully I haven't contacted them
for years.
Regarding the hw, you are too close to the limit, I've never run them
bellow 3.6V. You need a heck of a stable power supply to drop only 0.1V
with a >2A pull. It might work OK in the lab/city (close to the cell)
and fail on a moving truck.
Should you need anything else, you can pm me so we don't bother lwIP users.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] How to explicitly set IP6 header version = 6 in outgoing packets

2014-11-19 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
$ grep -R BeginPacketSend lwip/*

What are you talking about, Willis ?
Are we talking lwIP here ?

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Query regarding internals of lwip-contrib: Unix port

2014-12-05 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Trying searching for those words in the list, I've been discussing about
that one or two months ago
If you can ping your lwIP from your shell, then the rest is

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] fnConnected not invoked

2014-12-05 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Have you read the wiki ?
Have you tried the working examples in the contrib tree ?
Vendors have the marketing idea of showing they are bigger and stronger,
more macho than the other vendors. Try simple working examples from the
contrib tree.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Interfacing LwIP for a radio communication

2015-02-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Something is not clear to me here...
"PPPoS" might be confused with PPP over SONET/SDH
You guys are talking about plain old PPP, RFC-1661, Point-to-Point
Protocol, which (by definition) works over any point-to-point link, as
long as it is full-duplex and can carry bytes (octets). I guess
"point-to-point" and "peer-to-peer" can be considered equivalent in this
aspect. So...
Please forgive my ignorance, I don't know what a SwMi is (even less a
centralized one) ;^)
PPP runs on telephone modems and serial ports, although, as Sylvain
cleverly points out, SLIP will have way less overhead, both in bandwidth
and code size.
Perhaps confusion comes from the way cell modems capture PPP by
"dialing" a fake number ? Or because of authentication with PAP/CHAP ?
As long as the two end points can see each other, you can establish a
PPP link or a SLIP link. You don't need to "dial" or "login" to have PPP
working. Authentication is not mandatory, you can bypass it.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Interfacing LwIP for a radio communication

2015-02-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, I think I'm starting to get a hint on what you do have and what you
are trying to do.
You seem to have a packet radio system, and you seem to need to route IP
over that packet radio system.
I will assume that you already studied and know your packet radio system
and you are sure it does not have its own way of handling IP frames with
AX25 or other similar stuff.
In such a case, you need to build your router, either out or inside
lwIP. I guess you already decided to build it on a netif, and I guess
the SLIP code will allow you to build a static routing table to
accomplish some sort of mapping from IP address to radio address.
You might get some clues and directions if you ask the guys at AMPRNet
or study AX25, KISS, 6PACK. Good luck.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Where to get the LwIP version information

2015-02-09 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
$ grep -R VERSION programming/lwip/lwip
programming/lwip/lwip/src/include/lwip/init.h:/** LWIP_VERSION_RC is set
to LWIP_RC_RELEASE for official releases */
programming/lwip/lwip/src/include/lwip/init.h:/** LWIP_VERSION_RC is set
to LWIP_RC_DEVELOPMENT for CVS versions */


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP TCP STACK

2015-02-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I will try my best to understand.
You seem to have some Ethernet hardware related to the Arduino.
That hardware seems to have some library called EMAC doing something.
That something at least answers a ping, so there is at least some sort
of a fraction of a TCP/IP stack on it.
You've found lwIP and you think that might help you to achieve something.
Well, if that something means porting lwIP to the Arduino to work with
that hardware and that library as a driver for the Ethernet interface,
then check the wiki and the comments other people porting the stack have
made. You know this is C, do you ?
If not... then...


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DNS host not resolving using lwip_gethostbyname function using ppp over serial

2015-03-02 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I will give you the best advise I can give you. Two of them, and for
free. Well actually three:

1 - Don't expect some random one to help you, if you don't provide a
clue on what you are doing. Do you know what you are doing ?
2 and 3 - At bottom

Here's what I can extract from your writing
You seem to be working with some hardware connected to some GPRS modem.
You are running PPP over GPRS to connect to whoknowswhere, where there
is some who seems to be a DNS server.
You seem to be using the netconn API, which I don't know and so I'm not
able to help you, but if you provide that info on your msgs, maybe one
who knows it gets attracted by the subject line.
You seem to do some calls to the API, expecting to get some results.
Maybe if you actually explain what you are doing, maybe someone will
actually tell you what you are doing wrong.
You seem to have seen the (supposedly) DNS server response is not coming
back. Did you actually see the question going out ? Have you checked it
is OK and consistent ?
But even before getting there, have you ever checked your routing and
your port works OK ? Have you ever tried a known to work example ? Have
you pinged google or yahoo ?

2 - First: check your port works, try known to work examples, try simple
stuff, make sure it works. E.g.: PPP over a modem to a known to work ISP
phone number. Yes, use other hardware if you have to, or use Ethernet,
you MUST be sure your port works. Second: check your connection to the
world works, repeat the former tests over your connection. You MUST be
sure your connection works. Third: read the wiki. Know how to use your
system and your functions. Fourth: if you have a problem, read the wiki
again and learn how to properly report an issue or ask for help.

Subject: lwip_gethostbyname (netconn) returns ERR_VAL
Hello, I'm using netconn on a blablabla port of lwIP 1.4.1 (release),
the port has been tested and it works OK. Connection is OK, I can ping
the DNS and it is known to work (I'm using it from other machines). When
I call lwip_gethostbyname() I get ERR_VAL (-6), the DNS client has been
properly initialized, here is my code:
function()/* I don't know netconn, so I can't write a proper code
example */
call to init dns()
call to lwip_gethostbyname (parameters)
here I can see the error
nothing else
Attached you can find the capture I did with wireshark. I'm not
proficient to understand the DNS dialog, so please help me on this one too.

Best regards

3 - Never follow old ugly women and advise (old engllish (american ?)


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DNS host not resolving using lwip_gethostbyname function using ppp over serial

2015-03-02 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
On the log, you have this

dns_check_entry: "": timeout

lwip_gethostbyname( failed, err=-6

Since I seem to have nothing more interesting to do today, I googled
this for you. I've found an answer from Simon from 2011, some guy had
this very same problem.

Yes, you have a timeout, either the DNS server response is not arriving
(in time) or your question is getting lost, or your system is trashed
and you are not asking properly/missing data/trashing data.

I already explained to you what a developer should do to solve your
case. If I were you, I would follow one of them at least.
Find a way to dump your IP traffic so you can at least reduce some of
the uncertainties.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwip and microblaze

2015-03-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your problem is not with lwIP or the microblaze.
To "Connect to a web api" you need to know what the web api does and do
what it expects you to do. The only thing that this shares with a web
server is that maybe both will use TCP port 80 and maybe both will talk
HTML at some point.
You will choose an lwIP API, you will open a TCP connection on
destination port 80 (assuming it uses the standard port for http) to the
host hosting the web api of your interest, and you will parse its
responses and send whatever you want/need to send.
There are examples on using TCP in the contrib tree


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwip gpio

2015-03-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is no gpio in lwIP
"gpio" means General Purpose Input Output and is a common name for the
I/O ports in some processors. It is a processor thing.
lwIP does not talk to gpios, lwIP is a TCP/IP stack, you write
applications that do what you want them to do, and if that is moving I/O
pins (or "talk to gpios") then you will write the code that does that.
You need a web server  and have to write the equivalent to a CGI script
or use SSI. The HTML on the hosted page may read an internal variable
(SSI) or call a function (CGI) which does the trick.
Besides that, you are better off asking for guidance on your processor

And please, don't crosspost and don't send user questions to developer's


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-03-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Can you at least explain what you are doing with what and post a capture
file ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-03-09 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There are 298 frames in your capture file.
Somewhere in the middle of it I see a sending a TCP SYN to
port 80 to
Judging by the amount of crap it is sending, and the fact that it is
opening the connection, I assume is your PC
Then, must be your "box", which is running git head code on
a X processor with a X port, configured for X (SYS or NO_SYS) which is
OK and tested good because ? And, your webserver is X from X, using API
X which is also OK and tested good because ?

The TCP three-way handshake for opening is
I can see the first two frames, but there is no clue of the third one.
Since it has to be sent by the opener in response to the SYN+ACK, which
I can see, then the opener is either not seeing this frame or not liking
itm or broken.
Enabling checksum validation in wireshark, I see the (supposed to be)
lwIP box sends correct checksums, but the PC does not. (?) This is
probably due to checksum offloading and you taking the capture on the
same machine.

Can you do a plain "telnet mybox 80" from a known-to-be-good machine on
a not so loaded (read "just the two boxes and all the extra crap
removed") network and ellaborate on all the Xs ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-03-09 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
By "port" I meant who did the work of porting the stack to your processor.
Sorry, I don't fully agree with your definitions of "known to be good"
or "known to work". To me those are "supposed to be OK". Your web server
is not lwIP code, how are you certain it works OK ? You can't have two
unkown variables and believe both of them are true. In order to test the
port for good, you need a known to work application, and viceversa.
Some things might have happened on what you have there:
- The web server might have defects that weren't seen on 1.4.1 and are
evident in git head.
- The official release 1.4.1 might have been manipulated by the one
doing the port to make it work, so when you apply a git head it won't work.
As Simon pointed out (I missed that, only TCP checksum validation
activated on my Wireshark...), you are sending IP datagrams with bad
checksums. That is the reason why your browser does not see the SYN+ACK
and keeps sending SYNs.
What he describes is what I called "defects that weren't seen on 1.4.1
and are evident in git head" a couple lines above...

If we assume that the driver (the port) and the stack (the port) are OK,
you have to try to reduce the web server to the minimum required to
serve a static page, know what API is it using, and if you post the
minimum code someone will probably check it (I offer my help with the
raw API, don't know the others. Be specific in the subject on what API
you are using.
If we assume the web server is OK (why ?), then something is broken in
your port, that is, the lwIP code is modified and or the ethernet code
is buggy. Pickup one of the known to work applications, and see if it
works, and if it doesn't, find why.
You are using NO_SYS=0, hope you know what your are doing with tasks and
calling lwIP from just one of them. I can't help further on this, I'm a
NO_SYS=1 guy.
Good luck

PS: how come you are developing networking applications and don't know
how to do a plain telnet to a port ? you open a command shell or
whatever M$ calls it and write "telnet" followed by the port number, or
install PuTTY.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Zynq Z7010 network exception problem,

2015-03-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I assume the product you describe is some sort of soft core.
If it was an ARM, I would put a breakpoint at the exception vector, and
trace the registers back to the offending instruction. I suppose you can
do something similar, that's what exceptions are for.
I remember Simon telling you to look for help on your product forums,
that is not an lwIP bug, that is a port/driver problem and you should
ask there.
Good luck


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-03-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
  or install PuTTY.

> Right. That's what I do. With that knownledge however, I think you'd have
> to explain what to do with telnet in this case...

haha, right, developing web server applications and not knowng HTTP
either... oh, these kids nowadays... good point Simon, sometimes I
forget I'm an old man...

Once you connect to the box to port 80, however you do it, you paste
(the web server might not wait for you to type) the following

GET / HTTP/1.0

Anyway, we just wanted to connect here and it served our purposes.

your telnet capture: frames 75 and 173: you are not trying to connect to
port 80 but to the telnet port (last time I used M$ stuff, the port
number was entered plain text without brackets, as in any other shell in
the Un*x world), that explains the RSTs.
Anyway, your PC is ignoring the RST+ACK and I bet that is because of the
IP checksum error. Your previous stuff capture (1.4.1) shows IP
checksums are correct, so as far as I'm concerned, that is the problem.

OK, summing up:

Web server uses socket API, so it can't be the problem (Simon's statement)
driver + vendor port seem to work OK with (vendor ?) 1.4.1 (you don't
say where your 1.4.1 came from). IP checksums are OK
driver + vendor port don't work with git head. IP checksums are bad

My best guesses
1) Are you calculating IP checksums in software and in your hardware
(driver)? Please check
2) I remember there were some changes on the checksum functions, perhaps
something in your port collides with those changes or exposes a defect
in them.
3) Your port can be trashing memory that was not in use by 1.4.1.

My suggestions:
1) Check for this
 #define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP 1
and also check how your driver initializes the chip for checksums.
Setting the above macro to the opposite value might be faster to check...
2 and 3) Check for these anywhere in your port and please post what you find
 * #define LWIP_CHKSUM 
 * Or you can select from the implementations below by defining
 * LWIP_CHKSUM_ALGORITHM to 1, 2 or 3.

I don't know anything but the raw API, so in my case I would use the
echo application from the contrib tree..
You need to see what the IP checksum function calculates, compare with
what is written in the pcb, and what goes out. One of those three should
be wrong.
I would put a breakpoint at the echo and work my way down, but there is
probably a closer place to start.

Good hunting.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-03-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> For ethernet packets, I'm claculating checksum in hardware but for TCP and
> IP, its is in software only.

>>* My suggestions:*
>>* 1) Check for this*
>>*  #define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP 1*

>I checked above Macro in my opt.h and it is set to 1.

Then you have just found your problem.

If you are calculating IP checksums in hardware, you must not
calculate them in lwIP.

*#define CHECKSUM_GEN_IP 0*
lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Patch to update from 1.4.0 to 1.4.x?

2015-03-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> Is it possible TI's lwIP bases on some release candidate or BETA-version?

Even though I do like TI, they, like any other vendor, will play with any
code to make their demo work.
I've seen infinite loops in Cortex-M3 libraries (Holtek), interrupt
routines preempting and calling non-reentrant functions in lwIP (Fujitsu),
hardcoded memory references to RAM in lwIP contrib (TI), long loops called
again and again parsing texts from the beginning again and again... as long
as the demo works and the deadline is met, you guess.
lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Connect my computer (client) to my board (server/Lwip) using the hostname

2015-03-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> Here’s my problem:

Your problem is that you are confusing windoze sort of name resolution
based on netbios or whatever they do today, with DNS (Domain Name
The translation from a name to an address, name resolution, requires a
properly configured DNS server. The requester asks the server with a name
and gets an address in return.
Netbios way: the client broadcasts the name, disturbing everyone in the
network (UDP broadcast), until hopefully the owner gets the question and
responds with its address. Yes, there is WINS and there are better options.
lwip-users mailing list

[lwip-users] Patch to update from 1.4.0 to 1.4.x?

2015-03-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> I don't agree, some vendors, like Atmel, have a perfectly clean lwIP port
> announced as being production ready, and it really is.

Kudos to Atmel then !
The only problem with them down here is that their products are hard to get.
I used to have a strong sympathy for TI and I think I still have it.

I'll start taking a closer look to Atmel. Thanks!
lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] ppp over serial works with gsm modem sim900d but not working with sim5216j using same controller harware

2015-04-01 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Looking at your frames, the SIM900 outputs a PPP frame with HDLC address
and control bytes, while the SIM5216 does not.
I'm by no means a PPP expert, but just looking for PPP in wikipedia
shows this:

/The Address and Control fields always have the value hex FF (for "all
stations") and hex 03 (for "unnumbered information"), *and can be
omitted whenever PPP LCP Address-and-Control-Field-Compression (ACFC) is

You should actually check if that is the case before calling SimCom tech

Besides that, those two HDLC-like framed PPP frames containing an IPCP
message are equivalent, you are being assigned an IP address and
provided primary + secondary DNS addresses


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Local "ping"

2015-04-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Ola Norberto,

> - VM´s network configured as "NAT Network"
Sorry, I don't know what that is, assuming your virtual machines +
network are properly configured, it doesn't matter wether they are
virtual or real, they are machines in one or many networks and can be
pinged if routed and not firewalled.

If I understand correctly, you are running lwIP under Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
I don't know what your particular netif does (sorry, that is your job),
the "standard" provided in the contrib tree: mintapif, uses a TUN/TAP
Bear in mind that different interfaces (except in some particular cases)
must belong to different IP networks, otherwise you must bridge them.
The TUN/TAP interface has its own IP subnet and the host machine routes
to it because it looks like a physical interface. In order for the other
machines to reach that, they have to be configured to properly route
that subnet.

> I configure the netif with IP=, MASK=, GW=
> The eth-7 (VM#1) interface has this configuration:
> eth7  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:48:61:0c  
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

For what I think I understand, you have two Ethernet interfaces within
the same IP subnet in the same machine. That won't work unless you
bridge them or change one of them.
You should see an interface for lwIP in your ifconfig with the GW
address you configured for lwIP. If you expect Linux to route, then
addresses must belong to different subnets, otherwise, put the
interfaces into a bridge so Linux can bridge them.

The ARP request is a broadcast, the Echo Request (ping) is unicast.
check for something like this in your netif.c



lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] TCP keeps re-transmitting but no ACK packet after SYN, SYN+ACK

2015-04-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If IP checksums come out as 0x when you set them in lwIP for
hardware calculation, that means your system seems to be correctly
configured for that, lwIP sends 0x and the link-layer driver is
doing nothing (or at least it is not setting any bits...).

OK, so your IP checksums are calculated in software and they are going
out wrong. Then [quoting myself]:

>> You need to see what the IP checksum function calculates, compare
with what is
>> written in the pcb, and what goes out. One of those three should be

I guess the easiest test is to check for the output of the checksumming
function and compare that to the IP checksum in the wire.
Put a breakpoint there, or a printf, or whatever.

See  src/core/inet_chksum.c, start with checking this:
/#ifndef LWIP_CHKSUM//
//# define LWIP_CHKSUM lwip_standard_chksum//
//# endif//
/and then

>> Good hunting.

BTW, you could also just try changing the algorithm and see what happens.
Also check for a definition of /LWIP_CHKSUM_ALGORITHM/ in your port/.
/I see many changes to this file from 1.4.1 to git head, maybe you have
just found something... maybe not. Sorry but you are the one with the
problem and you have to hunt it down, as no one else seems to see what
you are seeing in your system./



lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwip ARP reply delay at first time

2015-04-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Dmitriy, you seem to have a non-working port and/or a non-working driver.
FCS errors are not intentionally generated, so you can't correct them
unless you know why they are there. So... I'll assume you mean those
errored frames belong to the lwIP board. FCS should be correctly
generated by a correctly initialized Ethernet chip; check your driver,
check your cable.
The delay between frames can be because of an RTOS task polling the chip
instead of an interrupt driven rx framework. Check your port.
The initial delay... if you connect two machines together without a
hub/switch, one of them needs to reverse its function (unless you use a
crossover cable), that might be both Ethernet chips trying to satisfy
the other. A correctly configured chip shouldn't take long, but... check
your driver, try with a switch or a crossover cable if you can't get a
In any case, you should step through your code to find some answers.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] RFC1867 HTTP file upload - rawAPI

2015-05-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
The web server in contrib (for RAW API) has minimal support for POST and
CGI-like functions. You can build an upload with that.
For a fork of this supporting minimal multipart/form-data in POST try mine:

It is work in progress, and I'll be glad having beta testers other than
myself. RAW API only.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwip release

2015-05-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you check the developers list, you'll see they are busy trying to get
1.5 out
The current git head has many bug fixes, no new experimental stuff
afaik, except for advanced development in IPv6 and PPP.
You can get specific patches from Savannah to fit your needs
or you can run git head. Unless Simon or any of the other main
developers says otherwise, I bet you are safe.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Missing ACKs using LWIP 1.3.2

2015-05-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I bet you won't find specific lwIP patches on this because it doesn't
seem to be an lwIP bug. Polling the ethernet controller every 10ms is a
very bad idea, unless you are absolutely sure there won't be more frames
arriving in that time frame than what can fit in its buffer. You should
interrupt and buffer/signal  and/or poll the controller as frequently as
you can.
Another common mistake is polling the controller for last frame only,
two or more consecutive frames arriving between polls cause only the
first one to be retrieved. My bet is that you are constantly losing
frames you don't care about, and once a day you lose an important one.

You can try fixing the code to be more responsive, or you can try
another port. Anyway, I suggest you check it for proper behavior by
running netio or something similar.

Porting lwIP is not as cumbersome as it might seem, I did.
You can try this ARM Coortex-M3 vendor-agnostic port here:

you can probably keep your link-layer driver. Let us know.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Lwip with two ethernet ports

2015-05-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I beg your pardon, I don't understand what you are doing and what you
are trying to do.

I don't think you can netif_set_default() two interfaces, can you ? Two
defaults ?

And btw, lwIP won't route, or at least it was not designed to do it and
has a minimum support for it. Last time I checked there were a couple of
hooks you could grab to do it yourself.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Lwip with two ethernet ports

2015-05-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
To answer a ping to eth0 coming from eth1, lwIP has to actually route
the response. Is it capable of doing that or will it send it to the
gateway (which does not exist) ?
Have run Wireshark on your PC and checked if your lwIP device is
actually sending something ?
Have you followed the packet flow inside your lwIP device ?

For the future:
You won't be able to ping Device_2 from your PC unless:
- Device_2 is configured to have Device_1 as its gateway to; otherwise it will send it to .254, which is...
- Device_1 routes


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] problem after a packet loss event

2015-05-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
My 2 cents:

frame 644 gets lost
frame 651 says "send 624651"
frame 652 repeats, why ? possible software problem here, short timeout ?
frame 653 is the retransmission
frame 654 ACKs it for good
frame 655 says "send 624651" which in this context means "resume sending
after frame 650". Your device buffered content in 645+647+648+650 = 4 x

There is a 125ms delay between 654 and 655. Looks like something went
out of sync inside your device. What are you exactly doing with that
much data you are receiving ? Is it possible that you store it somewhere
and that somewhere takes more than expected and a timer times out and
then is improperly reset and immediately times out again and the system
goes nuts ?
Why did 644 get lost ? This is between your PC -> your device. Hardware
? Driver ? Looks like a driver not attend in due time problem.
My best guess on the window is that lwIP reduces its size based on the
ACK delay between frames 650 and 655, which is the time it took for your
app to tell the stack to resume sending.
I can't guess why the PC doesn't fill that window, that depends on the
app in your PC afaik, but I can tell you that 2352 is not a multiple of
TCP_MSS, so only 1 fits in there. Nagle ?

Good report, btw


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] problem after a packet loss event

2015-05-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, John, I wouldn't blame de lwIP stack without having an actual proof.
So far, all packet loss reports have been cause of a bad driver polling
the controller for only the first frame (missing the second one in two
consecutive frames) or a bad main loop polling the driver at a time
longer than the one need to keep the amount of frames being received.
I didn't raise this subject before because Fabrizio's capture shows the
first frame being lost, is it possible that there are other (maybe
broadcast) frames in the wire not being captured/shown by the capture
filter ?
I would check the stats and put some frame received counter in the netif
before blaming the stack, I got myself tired of doing netio transfers in
both directions and never got a frame loss problem. Have you guys
properly validated your port and your driver with known to work apps ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Single connection with "httpd" web server

2015-05-13 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
a system I used to work with, happened to solve this issue in a very
elegant way.
You need a tag, a hidden variable in your form, whose value will be
received by the browser when loading the form (SSI) and will be
incremented by the system at every form submission (CGI). If the
received tag does not match the one in the system, then there's been a
collision where one configurating user is trying to submit changes based
on old data, and another configurating user has already submitted
changes in between.
The login/logout suggested by Simon can be easily done with a couple
CGIs and a timer, and you can also use user authentication.
My fork of this web server supports all this (raw API only).

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP LPCWare Example: Questions on Transmit PBUF Usage

2015-05-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I will assume you are using the raw API:
you should check the wiki for the documentation on the proper way to do
things lwIP: ;
the contrib tree for examples on the proper way to do things lwIP:
(check echo);
and LPCwhatever for what where you thinking when you did that and didn't
document it properly.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP TCP server for STM32f107 microcontroller

2015-05-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
for lwIP, there is a wiki and a
contrib tree plenty of (good) examples.
for TCP/IP there are books (and universities). Google is your friend,
along with Dr. Tanenbaunm, Comer, Stallings.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DHCP problem with lwip 1.4.1

2015-05-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Please post a wireshark capture. It is hard (if not impossible) to
divinate the dialog between them both in order to judge which one is not
following the RFC.
You must get a hub to plug both wireshark PC and lwIP device or run lwIP
in the same box. BTW, your device is... and the port is good because...


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Strategy Question for DHCP

2015-05-27 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You should see your ping, and the ARP before that... do you ?
Did you configure for gratuituous ARP ? Did you see it ?

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP LPCWare Example: Questions on Transmit PBUF Usage

2015-05-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I understand the wiki part on TCP does not talk about PBUFs, that is
The rest of my post, after what you quoted, stated that you should check
the contrib tree. Those example applications instruct on proper PBUF usage.
I'm glad you've found your problem.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP HTTP Issue sending multiple packets

2015-05-29 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you are using an Atmel http server, you should check at the Atmel forums.

In case that server is coincident with the one in the contrib tree, and
also with the RAW API, and you are not using an OS (which you don't say,
btw), I can try to help.
I don't understand what you are trying to do, you say you open the
connection but you don't in an http server, the client does. Can you
please explain how you handle the whole process, if possible in proper
http terms, and where does your code differ from the tested and working
http server in the contrib tree ?

The browser calls for this html page wich does blablabla and then a CGI
function gets called which does blablabla and so blablabla.

In a system with RAW API and no OS (NO_SYS=1), the user usually reads
the eth controller from the main loop, and for every frame the stack
gets called, which in turn leads to your application function getting
called. Many functions are not reentrant, so you can't call them from
within an interrupt handler, you will call tcp_send functions when your
app function is called. You will also get called to your tcp_acked
function, which will release  buffers in order for more data to be sent.
If you don't release buffers, then you won't be able to send more data,
unless you provide more buffering space, which you do in lwipopts.h
I suggest you study and understand the examples in the contrib tree
before you dive into writing a full asynchronous application.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP HTTP Issue sending multiple packets

2015-06-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I seem to understand what you are trying to do.
Support for CGI is maybe less than minimal in the contrib tree web
server; I don't know what Atmel did on this, if any. But, anyway, it all
comes down to the basic TCP functions you'll find in the wiki

You are not sending raw Ethernet frames, you are sending TCP segments,
your limit is the TCP MSS buffering space. Check the http_send()
function again and you'll see.
I bet your problem is that you are not taking ACKs into account.
In short and not too strictly true: You may send upto the window size,
then you can't send anything else until you get an ACK from the remote side.
The stack will inform you when an ACK is received. You then will call
the stack to keep sending. The problem from within an http server is...
In short: you get the HTTP connection, you enter your app function via
the parser (recognizes the GET/POST, the URL belongs to your function,
and it is called somehow). Then you will call http_write() or however
you decide to wrap the final call to tcp_send(). THEN, you can't send
more than what TCP provides in this stage. THEN, you have to wait for an
ACK coming, it will go through to http_sent(), which will call
http_send(), and this function has to have a way to know that your
function has to be called... I don't know if Atmel provided a way for
you to do this; you need to study an actual CGI sending data to
understand that. From your example, I bet there isn't.
If you have lots of RAM, you might buffer all your data in a "file" and
serve that file. http_send() is basically written to serve files. Once
you understand how http_send() works, you might change it to serve your
purposes, but, are you willing to do this ?
If you want a webserver with some CGI support and some examples of
actually sending data on a CGI function, try my fork:

In this server your CGI function is basically a function that just
stores data in a buffer and returns.
How you handle the asynchronicity between the mic sampling frequency and
the http transfer rate is all up to you.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] memory leak ?

2015-06-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
You are using lwIP through RAW API
Do you have NO_SYS=1 or any OS ?
1.4.1 /HEAD I guess
The port is good because it have been validated with a known to work
application, not just the one you wrote ?
You are seeing an indication that looks like a memory problem. How
exactly are you freeing your received PBUFs in your application ?

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] memory leak ?

2015-06-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Tx: yes
Rx: if you free them properly then they shouldn't be scarce. Have you
tested this ?

I'm not familiar with lwIP under RTOS except that you must adhere to the
general rule of not calling the stack from different threads.
You should check your port with a known good application first. Try
echo, for example, or netio; both are available in the contrib tree (and
there is nice patch for netio sent by youknowho)

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DHCP usage

2015-06-05 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I'm no DHCP expert, but, is there any reason why you have to see
something in wireshark when turning DHCP off ?
You have been leased an address for a period of time, whether you use it
or not is your problem (though I may be wrong).
Your pseudo-code looks right to me.
If you want to see something maybe you should turn on gratuitous ARP.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] ERROR:Assertion failed: "tcp_slowtmr: active pcb->state != CLOSED" at line 662 in tcp.c

2015-06-08 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I don't know if 1.3.2 has the following comment before the function:

 * Called every 500 ms and implements the retransmission timer and the
timer that
 * removes PCBs that have been in TIME-WAIT for enough time. It also
 * various timers such as the inactivity timer in each PCB.
 * Automatically called from tcp_tmr().

But I bet it sure has some code looking sort of like this one:

  /* Steps through all of the active PCBs. */
  prev = NULL;
  pcb = tcp_active_pcbs;
  if (pcb == NULL) {
LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_slowtmr: no active pcbs\n"));
  while (pcb != NULL) {
LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_slowtmr: processing active pcb\n"));
LWIP_ASSERT("tcp_slowtmr: active pcb->state != CLOSED\n", pcb->state

As far as I understand, you seem to have an active pcb that stays CLOSED
for too long.
Perhaps you forgot to free it ?
Anything else to give us a clue ?
What are you actually doing with what and how do you end up there ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] tcp_output.c fault?

2015-06-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Vendor strikes again...

You should post this to TI's forums.
Your processor looks like an ARM processor, check the hard fault related
registers and determine why you are having that hard fault.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DHCP reboot after link up event

2015-06-15 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, I'm no DHCP expert either
Looking at the source and checking RFC-2131, REBOOTING state only needs
to verify an existing lease. That can be done by issuing a DHCPREQUEST
message with the known ip address.
Coherency suggests that given the address is correct, then the client
already has all necessary parameters correct, obtained from last request.
I would say the problem lies on that subject. Somehow that is not working.
Please post a network capture showing first DHCPREQUEST on startup and
then the link-down/link-up issue.
Please post a log with DHCP debugging (:#define DHCP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON)


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] DHCP reboot after link up event

2015-06-19 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I see what you mean.

< else if ((dhcp->state == DHCP_REBOOTING) || (dhcp->state ==
DHCP_REBINDING) || (dhcp->state == DHCP_RENEWING)) {
> else if ((dhcp->state == DHCP_STATE_REBOOTING) || (dhcp->state ==
>  (dhcp->state == DHCP_STATE_RENEWING)) {
>   dhcp_handle_ack(netif);

Based on the differences, I bet you could get away with removing that
call to dhcp_handle_ack().
This is due to a bug fix (see below), I suggest you leave a comment on
bug #38203 so you can discuss this with Simon.

git blame:
d6620f0f (sg2015-03-20 20:29:04 +0100 1662)

git log:
commit d6620f0f3af60ba1be8c5df795c29dcddcd2698e
Author: sg 
Date:   Fri Mar 20 20:29:04 2015 +0100

fixed bug #38203 (DHCP options are not recorded in all DHCP ack


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Networking device discovery protocols

2015-06-19 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I think what you describe (and need) is a simple NetBIOS name server
(NBNS for short). It listens on a UDP port 137 for UDP broadcast queries
for its name, and responds to matches.
You could also configure the DHCP server to assign a DNS provided IP
address, so people would find your device based on a proper name
resolution. Although that requires you to be friends with the IT guy.
Using NBNS will work only in windoze environments, and I personally
don't know if that port is still operational in newer systems. Anyway,
the name server itself is pretty simple, I wrote a quick hack for it
several years ago; it is for another system but I can help you move it
to lwIP RAW API.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] How to send data at a defined time?

2015-07-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Martin H.,
First of all, what are you using ? Do you have an RTOS or are you
running on bare metal with NO_SYS=1 ?
Second, are you using the RAW API or what ?
Then, how exact needs this "defined time" to be ? You can call a send
function whenever you want, lwIP (at least the RAW API) is event driven,
so you can send UDP by just calling the send function when needed. TCP
is a bit more complicated because it is... well, it is TCP.
Basically, you can send as much data at once as your buffers allow.
What is "lwIP context" for you ? Are you programming in C or what ?
Since there is no udp_sent() callback, I have to guess you are using
TCP... then, once the connection is established and flow is steady, the
amount of time until the sent callback is called is what it takes for
the receiving host to send you an ACK, cause that is how TCP works.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Retransmit too quick?

2015-07-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Yes, looks like that to me.
Perhaps you have a broken timer implementation and it is expiring ahead
of time ?
Looks like a "glitch" in a real-time system.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Dead loop inside tcp_output

2015-07-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Perhaps if you share what you are doing ?
Is it the RAW API or ... ?
Is it NO_SYS=1 or an RTOS port ?
And your port is OK because ... ?
Have you run a known good application and it works flawlessly ?
Are you following the thread-related guidelines ?
Your application is ... and you call ... and then you get stuck in the loop.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Retransmit too quick?

2015-07-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you are using the raw api and no RTOS, then your port should (must)
be calling the lwIP timers function and you don't have to do anything
with timers
(that is what I meant by "a broken timer implementation").
Your main should be something like


and you have to make sure it loops often (as it should).

You call the raw api functions only from the main loop, no calls on
interrupts. Do you ?

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Sending with thread safety

2015-07-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you are running with NO_SYS=1, you don't have an OS and all you have
is a main loop or equivalent. From within than main loop you will always
call lwIP, no calls from interrupts. This is easy, right ? If you have
an asynchronous event, well, you will signal with a flag and take care
of it in the main loop; this is no different than what is normal for rx.
Sort of:

Asynchronous Tx necessity -> set txflag
controller -> there is Rx -> set rxflag
main loop ->
rxflag -> netif_input -> tcp_input() -> your application (either
tcp_receive() or tcp_sent())
txflag -> tcp_sndbuf() -> tcp_write() -> netif_output
-> no room -> tcp_poll() will take care later

This is so either for server or client frameworks, and you can see it in
the examples, or read it in the wiki:

If you are running with NO_SYS=0, you have an OS that handles threading.
You will always call lwIP functions from within the same thread, or you
will use netconn or socket, and/or you will ask someone else, not me.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Retransmit too quick?

2015-07-06 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Again, you should check how you are handling timers in your port.
sys_check_timeouts() needs a consistent time base, it expects you
provide a sys_now() function which returns time in milliseconds.
You should call sys_check_timeouts() from your main loop as frequently
as possible so it does its jobs, it will take care of time by using

Sorry, I can't check/follow your code, you should send the first block
when you need it and following blocks will be sent via the tcp_sent()
callback, check the examples.
And, you should not be freeing pbufs the way you are doing in
echo_recv(), please check the examples and the wiki

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Sending with thread safety

2015-07-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I'm not sure about the timers, but as far as I know ALL lwIP functions
must be called from within the same thread (context), you can't call
something from interrupt context and then call something from the main loop.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Retransmit too quick?

2015-07-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
>So I don't understand why calling sys_check_timeouts without any
> delay yields a poorer performance than calling it or tcp_tmr at 250ms
> pace.

Neither do I.
Either your port is broken or your code is not properly written and this
condition masks that out.

>I think tcp_sent callback is only an option, not a requirement, in
> lwip.

You are free to think whatever you want. However, that doesn't
necessarily need to be correct.
Do you actually know TCP ? If you understand TCP, you'll understand why
tcp_sent() is not an option, unless you know exactly what you are doing.
Now, in my opinion, that is the reason why you are observing that
strange timer dependent performance change.

>So I think it is OK to use the following flow:
>use tcp_sndbuf to check available buffer
>use tcp_write to write data to queue
>finally use tcp_output to send out data asap.
>Is my understanding correct?

No, afaik it is not.
TCP can't send more data than the receiver allows for, so if you don't
pay attention to the receiver's ACKs, you will end up with a full
buffer, won't be able to send anything, and will be wasting precious
time calling functions that can't do anything, hogging your CPU. Then,
automagically, you will adjust your timers and suddenly it somehow
approaches the receiver's ACK speed and you see an increase in performance.
Comer is your friend, Stallings too, be a good boy and read them.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Retransmit too quick?

2015-07-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
The RAW API is event driven code.
The ACK is handled as an ACK by lwIP. This means the window is updated,
the sent pbufs are freed, and you can send data again.
You can't send more data until you receive an ACK for your window size.
You can't queue more data until lwIP frees pbus (when you receive an ACK).
There is no point in calling the send function when you don't have room
to queue/send more data, this causes CPU hog.
There is no point in calling the send function at specific intervals
(assuming you need to send a big bunch of data); if the ACK gets
received in between the interval, you'll have dead times where nothing
is sent.
The write time to call the send function is when the sent callback is fired.
You are free to choose and write your app the way you want; but, if it
does not work and you ask for help...
Good luck.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] new SSI/SHTML parser testers needed

2015-07-24 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Yes it is.
(been on vacations)

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwip-users Digest, Vol 143, Issue 10

2015-07-24 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
tcp_sent() is called when a frame arrives, your port notices it and
dispatches to lwIP, and it reckons it is a TCP ACK. All your timing woes
depend mainly on your port, as me and many others don't see that in ours
and we all run the same lwIP.

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Problem with SSI, does not read SSI file content, reads/writes only header.

2015-08-03 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your lwIP version ?
Your API ?
Your port works OK because...
Do you happen to use an RTOS or not ?
The webserver you are using is ? The one in contrib tree ?

If your responses happen to be
1.4.1 or HEAD
I tested with echo and the other apps in contrib tree or something
equally convincing
No, I do have NO_SYS=1

Then, make sure you have actually read all the comments in the source
which reference 'SSI', properly setup the #defines required by SSI in
your lwipopts.h, named your file with a .shtml extension (or .shtm or
.ssi) so the server knows it has to parse it, and you have written and
initialized your SSI handler as described in the .h

If you fancy using a somehow more "standard behaviour" server, with a
simpler and faster SSI engine, and usage examples, check my fork:


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] What should I do when tcp_err callback

2015-08-20 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I will assume you are using the RAW API, you are using no RTOS, and you
have set NO_SYS=1

A call to tcp_err callback y as indication of a problem in a connection.
It has been aborted (reset by the other end) or never setup (timeout on
connection attempt).
When called, you must free your own resources and not disturb lwIP,
since it already did what it had to do.
See the accompanying examples in the contrib tree for more information
and proper usage, you'll save a lot of time; yours and ours.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Opinions on using lwIP for making application GPRS-chipset-agnostic

2015-08-21 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
What I would do, if I were in your shoes, is to write my app for lwIP,
and then either use PPP for those TCP/IP capable GPRS modules and a
layer-2 interface (netif) for the other ones.
This way, your app is always the same and you only change code for what
is below layer-3. You'll have to write your own netif, though.
lwIP is a TCP/IP stack which communicates to "the outside world" via
interfaces called "netif". Basically you can run it on top of everything
where you can write a netif for.
The git HEAD contains working PPP code, stable 1.4.1 is OK for
everything else but PPP and IPv6, although the maintainers recommend
using git HEAD now because 1.5.0 is just around the corner.
Your app will be written for lwIP using one of several APIs available.
The 'RAW' API, a poem for bare metal lovers; 'netconn' API, more
suitable for RTOS accolites; and 'socket' API for the full-OS minds.
Pick your own, and please, read the wiki


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] memory management

2015-08-21 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is a comment in mem.c:

/** If you want to relocate the heap to external memory, simply define
 * LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER as a void-pointer to that location.
 * If so, make sure the memory at that location is big enough (see below on
 * how that space is calculated). */
/** the heap. we need one struct mem at the end and some room for
alignment */
#define LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER ram_heap

ehmm... it is just an array of bytes... how would you instruct your
compiler to put YOUR array of bytes in whatever it is "external memory"
for your particular application ? Then do it that way.

For example, if you are running on an ARM Cortex-M3 with an external
memory space going from 0x600 to 0x700 and you happen to have
put your RAM chip decoded from 0x6400 upwards and you happen to want
to have your heap there, then you will read your compiler manual and
figure out how to tell it to use 0x6400 as a void-pointer, and then
you will write the macro LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER accordingly:

#define LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER   ((void *) 0x6400)

works (at least) on Keil and IAR and seems to be CMSIS compliant.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Question regarding how to access a linux lwip application from outside

2015-08-21 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
How would you access any application on any machine other than the one
connected to the Internet inside your home/workplace ?
A tap interface is no different from another Ethernet interface, so your
Linux box will route/firewall/NAT and that is a whole adventure which is
not related to lwIP whatsoever. Forget about NAT if you run IPv6.
Assuming your box is already configured, just add the tap interface.
Otherwise, there are a lot of tutorials you'll have to follow.
The main point here, if you run IPv4, is that you'll have to configure
port forwarding so your application is seen from outside at a particular
port. You'll use private addresses for the lwIP stack.
Another problem is that the lwIP interface goes on and off with the
process, so don't expect to see it on ifconfig while lwIP is not
running; unless you configure it to stay permanent, which I don't know
how to do it. My best bet is you add your firewall rules after lwIP is
In most real applications, you won't have lwIP running on your linux box
connected to the Internet but on an internal machine, so this is the
most generic recipe.

This is in no way complete and/or advisable, you better read the how-tos
and do your own math. This is how I forward a port to my son's computer
with iptables:
# forward UDP 5000 (Voobly) to Fer
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $EXTIF -p udp --destination-port 5000
-j DNAT --to-destination

EXTIF= the interface connected to the Internet.
So UDP 5000 traffic to my Internet public IP is forwarded to the same
port on an internal machine.
Replace with your lwIP box address. You'll have two
addresses: one for the "router" and one for the "machine". Use the
"machine" address, the "router" is like an internal address for an
internal Ethernet card.

Read /contrib/ports/unix/proj/unixsim/README

When you setup your netif, the tap interface will be started and
assigned the address you set for your gw.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Opinions on using lwIP for making application GPRS-chipset-agnostic

2015-08-21 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> > and a
> > layer-2 interface (netif) for the other ones.
> > This way, your app is always the same and you only change code for what
> > is below layer-3. You'll have to write your own netif, though.
> > lwIP is a TCP/IP stack which communicates to "the outside world" via
> > interfaces called "netif". Basically you can run it on top of everything
> > where you can write a netif for.

> I don't understand why Sergio is proposing that, lwIP embeds a full
> featured PPP stack and all GPRS modems I know are able to do PPP.

Yes, same here, all modules I know are TCP/IP capable and PPP capable.
The OP mentioned some modules/chipsets which are not TCP/IP capable and
I assumed they weren't PPP capable also.
As long as the chipset/module supports PPP, you rule and dinner's ready.
Otherwise, long way to walk on the netif road.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] memory management

2015-08-21 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> It's much safer to integrate this with linker script (for example
> with attributes on gcc).  Casting number to pointer does not
> guarantee that other variable will no be placed in the same area (by
> linker or other Dev using such tricks). Happy debugging when it
> happens :)

However, in this particular example, since by definition of external
memory there is no on-chip memory at that location, the linker will not
assign any variable to that memory space. As for other Devs... well,
let's say all developers know the external memory map...

Had that "double allocation" happening once when toying with fixed
addresses in internal memory though, don't remember what I was doing and
why I did that... Nice pointing that out anyway!

AFAIK there is no CMSIS way of assigning segments, is it ? (but that is
completely off-topic)


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Call tcp_close() out of tcp_recv()-context?

2015-09-07 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
It depends on what you mean by "context".
If you don't have any kind of OS running, you have one thread and
interrupt handlers, you can safely call lwIP RAW API functions from your
main thread. It is not safe to also call from interrupts. If your
application depends on interrupts, just set a flag or equivalent and let
the main thread react to that.
If you have an OS, you have to keep everything on one thread or use
another API.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Call tcp_close() out of tcp_recv()-context?

2015-09-07 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is no "possibly" here, if you call lwIP RAW API functions from
within an interrupt, you can't also call them from the main thread or
other nested interrupts.
All calls to lwIP RAW API functions must happen from within the same
context, they can't interrupt themselves.
Check the examples in the contrib tree.
Read the wiki
You can call tcp_close from your my_recv. Make sure your "my_send" (if
any)is not interruptable by your my_recv


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] How to get rid of TCP Retransmission and PSH flags

2015-09-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> I don't know where to start.

You could start by correctly describing what you are trying to
accomplish, with what, what API are you using, and what lies under.

lwIP version
OS ?
port: has it been validated ? (works OK with known good apps)
netif driver: same here

Regarding "newbie": Do you actually have some TCP/IP knowledge and need
help with lwIP or you are a complete newbie ? You should have some
networking knowledge to develop networking apps. Do you ?

Regarding your capture files:
who is who ?
TCP retransmissions can be caused by lost frames or timer issues (among
other stuff). Check your port.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] porting

2015-09-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
lwIP runs under Un*x, that includes GNU/Linux and so Raspbian, hence the
Raspberry PI.
You already have a full featured TCP/IP stack there, why do you want to
run lwIP ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] UDP and TCPIP at the same time

2015-09-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
If you mean "UDP and TCP" at the same time, that depends only on your
available memory. If you compile TCP in and UDP in, and you have enough
code memory for it to run and data memory for them to use, then yes.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Patch to update from 1.4.0 to 1.4.x?

2015-10-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There is no reference to 'GMAC' in the whole lwip tree.
That seems to be Atmel stuff and you should ask them


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Patch to update from 1.4.0 to 1.4.x?

2015-10-14 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Well, I'm by no means even close to an expert, but afaik that certainly
depends on how you configure lwip.
PBUF_RAM is a single consecutive chunk of RAM for a pbuf, taken from the
PBUF_POOL is a pbuf which is itself a chain of pbufs, which are chunks
of RAM taken from the pool.

Allocation of a PBUF_RAM uses mem_malloc()
Allocation of a PBUF_POOL uses memp_malloc()

Depending on your configuration, memp_malloc() can be #define'd as
mem_malloc() (when MEMP_MEM_MALLOC is defined and != 0 )

So... you'd better check their lwipopts.h

afaik, for a "common" use, the pool and the heap are separate pieces of
RAM and the phrase you highlighted is controversial, but since it
involves macros not belonging to lwip...


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] IP connection going down spontaneous

2015-10-23 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Sandra, lwip is stable, you should check your product.
As you probably know, there is no such thing as an IP connection, so if
you are specific on what you are doing and what is the problem you are
having, there is a chance to find a solution or at least the culprit.
If you want to take traffic captures and post links to them, I'll be
happy to take a look.
If you want to log lwip messages and describe what your usage is
(NO_SYS, OS, API), sure someone will be happy to look at it and suggest.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] IP connection going down spontaneous

2015-10-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Hi Sandra,
You seem to have an issue that gets noticed with a traffic pattern. Try
to find a way to log stats somewhere because I can't imagine a way to
figure this out without logging or real-time debugging.
Try ARP flooding locally, maybe you are lucky.
You might have an improper driver leaking memory, or one of your apps
not behaving correctly, but I can't see further as I don't know the
socket API and how it works with multithreading.
Try to start a new thread with a more specific subject line if no one
else jumps into this one.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP and Websockets

2015-10-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
you have some board using some port from some manufacturer which uses
what API interface ? And runs with or without an RTOS (NO_SYS) ?
And that webserver is ?

As I see from your code, it looks like it is the RAW API with callbacks,
however, you are interacting with the webserver code, not with lwIP
directly. You should ask the ones who wrote the webserver code for guidance.
It looks similar to the lwip httpserver_raw code in the contrib tree. As
far as I can see, in that server, we don't play around with tcp_sent(),
it is setup at connection establishment. Then, you are messing around
with 'hs', the server http_state structure, which has many more fields
than the ones you are setting up, so it is quite likely you are
delivering the server an inconsistent structure and it fails to do its job.
If you expect the caller to send more data after you received something,
you have to call tcp_recved() before freeing the pbuf. Then I guess the
next data to you won't honor your 'requestType' detection, so you should
establish a state machine there. And you are patching this in what
function ?
A web server is a delicate piece of code and you are not expected to be
modifying around without knowing exactly what to do.
I have a working beta of a (somehow more polished) fork of the contrib
tree web server here:
If your application works with NOSYS=1 and the RAW API, whether you
decide to use mine or the "official" one, I can try to help you. If you
want to use the one that came with your manufacturer board, you have to
ask them for help.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP and Websockets

2015-10-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> - If I need to wait for a handshake in the HTTP form, it would be fine
> if I start with a HTTP server. As I understand it, HTTP server is mostly
> a TCP server with some retries and the particular communication scheme
> (Get, post, etc.).

No it is not
>> A web server is a delicate piece of code [...].
An HTTP server is a statefull machine, and the fact that you are not
working with sockets but with callback functions makes it even more
complicated and cumbersome to follow.

> I will take a look at your code to try to figure this out. It can be
> something with the HS for sure. It's weird that I am doing the same that
> they do and it doesn't work...

Evidently you are not, otherwise it would work... ;^)

> For me, if I get XX from http_recv it
> should be easy to send YY back as a response. HTTP should be the next
> step, right?

You don't have a single point of entry, your application is distributed
among many functions, you may not get the whole request at once, you
might not be able to send the whole response at once, etc.

You need to modify the http_parse_request function to understand the
websocket request. Then you have to serve your response instead of the
server's standard response with is send_headers + send_file.
If you don't return the proper value, your data won't be sent. If you
hog tcp buffers, your data will stop being sent and nothing else will work.
Then, you have to patch other functions so next coming dara is sent to
your websocket server and not rejected as unknown data. Essentially,
HTTP was not conceived as a bidirectional protocol and so is the server,
so you might find this is not easy to do.

Your first step now should be to determine if the web server your vendor
provided is the one in the lwIP contrib tree or it was modified by them.
I don't see references to decodeHttpMessage() (and it doesn't follow the
lwIP group code standard guidelines for naming convention)

$ grep -R decodeHttpMessage *

so my bet is that that webserver does not belong to lwIP but your vendor.
Then, you have to choose whether:
you'll use that webserver, in which case you should ask your vendor for
you'll use the contrib tree webserver, in which case you'd ask this
list for help
you'll use my fork of the contrib tree webserver, in which case you
would ask me for help. If you are not in a hurry, I can try to add
support for this to my server, but I'm quite busy right now.



lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP and Websockets

2015-10-26 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
> What do you mean with proper value?

I mean the value you return when you exit in a function, the whole web
server code knows what the callee has done and needs to be done by means
of the returned value.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Tcp Window Update generation forcefully

2015-10-30 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
It is hard to suggest a solution when there is no description of the

If you are thinking on making changes to your code, you should upgrade
to the latest code, there's been lots of upgrades and bug fixes
and I don't think you'll find someone willing to help on 1.3.1

You mention Modbus/TCP and "serial to Ethernet"
Are you connecting two Modbus devices via a serial connection
transported over TCP or are you connecting a (serial) Modbus device to a
Modbus/TCP device ?
Did you implement Modbus/TCP in any one of them or you pack Modbus
messages into TCP segments ?
Are you spoofing messages or do you just bridge them ?
Do you use ASCII or RTU ? How do you determine the end of the message ?

What API are you using ? Raw/Socket/Netconn ?
Do you have an RTOS running ? (NO_SYS=???)

What is the problem you have ???!?
I know Modbus and it can be picky about delays, but certainly I don't
see how it won't work with a faster connection, since messages can't
arrive faster than they are sent; do you need to throttle the server ?

Who is the server ? Who is the client ?
You say you want to generate window updates for client requests, but
afaik in Modbus the one who requests is the server... please give a
thorough description of your problem.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-02 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
There are two HTTP servers on the contrib tree.
Which one are you using ? RAW API or ?

The webserver worked more than OK the last time I checked. If you
modified it and it doesn't work, common sense dictates you rollback and
examine if this issue you notice can be observed on fresh code.
If you can observe this issue on fresh code, from GIT HEAD or from
1.4.1, and you are using RAW API with NO-SYS=1, on a tested and known to
work OK port, with a tested and known to work OK linklayer driver, I'll
be happy to help.

There is a fork of the RAW API server with added authentication (and
other stuff) on my site:
Feel free to use it if it satisfies your needs.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-02 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
yes, you are right.
I don't remember seeing the RSTs last time I checked, I switched to my
own fork long ago, and as I don't have the time to look at it in detail,
I am not able to test for a "maybe" a bug.
Since Simon signals this one as a possible bug, I'll try to see how I
can help, as it probably affects my code also.
Please describe your API and NO_SYS when you open your bug (you didn't
tell, yet).

lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] http client

2015-11-02 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Perhaps his is not the place to look for that info, and I don't know if
you are looking for the POST method details in the HTTP spec or you want
working examples for doing that with lwIP.

In the first case, you should google for HTTP POST ;^)
In the second case, would you be so kind to describe which API you are
using and what is the problem you are facing?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
I forked because I wanted to have some stuff and it was really
complicated to coexist with the current state of CGI and POST.
Thanks for your compliments, I'd be more than glad to help in merging
and even maintaining.
I still have some stuff to add and fix in authenticated multipart POST,
I've been quite away from this this year.

Your description is quite good, as soon as I have some time I'll try to
see what is going on.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] http client

2015-11-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, RAW API and NO_SYS=1 then.
I guess this will be easier with socket or netconn, but since you
require small code and no OS, RAW API is great.

As the other guys remarked, an http client is quite complicated.
However, just sending a hardcoded POST is not (quite) complicated.
You need a simple TCP client, you can build one with the info in the

Then, as you probably know, you have to choose the way you will pass
your data to the server, either form or multipart.

The easiest way, if you won't make changes on the server side, is to use
a GET and just pass the parameters on the URL. If you must use POST,
then it gets more involved.
The other point is if you need authentication, which makes things a bit
more involved too.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] lwIP UDP Receive Issues - RAW API

2015-11-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Your recv function looks fine, but since it is not called, it is quite
likely the problem is not there.
Please post your setup, check for return values, and by all means check
your driver and port. Please single step a received frame and see if it
is delivered to the stack and then to your function.
"Ethernet interrupts" are OK as long as you do not call lwIP on
interrupt context and main context. Choose only one.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Questions about how to get a robust lwIP TCP Raw API server application.

2015-11-04 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Sorry bom, please don't consider this as thread hijacking, I think
you'll find this useful too.

I do work on baremetal, and always thought a move like DP's is OK, I
don't see any problem with that. OS task switches would be seen by lwIP
as peripheral interrupts. As long as all lwIP calling code is in the
same thread, I don't see any issues.
Yes, perhaps using the OS would take advantage of it, but not using it
enables porting code from bare metal to OS a no hassle. Otherwise, one
would have to keep two copies of his applications.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Duplicate ACK issue lwIP 1.4.0

2015-11-09 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Yes, same impression here, as Enrico said, your dup ACKs are yuour .65
machine asking for the lost frame to be retransmitted.
Your layer-2 driver seems to be broken.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Compilations errors with MEM_USE_POOLS

2015-11-09 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
 * MEM_USE_POOLS==1: Use an alternative to malloc() by allocating from a set
 * of memory pools of various sizes. When mem_malloc is called, an
element of
 * the smallest pool that can provide the length needed is returned.

 * To use this, MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS also has to be enabled.

Did you ?

 * MEMP_USE_CUSTOM_POOLS==1: whether to include a user file lwippools.h
 * that defines additional pools beyond the "standard" ones required
 * by lwIP. If you set this to 1, you must have lwippools.h in your
 * inlude path somewhere.

and this ?

What are you running ? 1.4.1 ? git HEAD ?


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Missed Ethernet Frame

2015-11-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
My best bet is that lwIP is not missing an ethernet frame, but you are.
Your frame enters your chip, goes to your driver and is then sent to
lwIP, which runs in your system (your port of it), then the TCP data (I
guess you are using TCP because you talk about ACKs) is sent to your
application, and your application must tell the stack the data is done
so lwIP can ACK. Let's put this last one aside as it is a bit more involved.
Have you checked between your driver and lwIP ?
Have you checked between your driver and your chip ?
Is your port a good one ? Do you know it works OK ?
BTW, are you running with or without an OS (NO_SYS=?)
Are you honoring the thread-safety recommendations ? That includes not
calling lwIP from main loop and interrupt handler at the same time.

This list has seen lots of reports from people running vendor provided
demos with broken drivers that miss (at least) the second frame on a
burst because they don't poll the chip for more data after an interrupt,
and so on.

Try to be more specific, 1.4.1 runs more than OK, and git HEAD has lots
of bugfixes, you should upgrade anyway, but to me this problem is not


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-10 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
can you provide a trigger ? My wireshark screen is all green...
I mean, please provide an HTML that I can include in my code that you
know forces this behaviour.

I remember getting RSTs when POSTing to authorization required pages,
the browser sends the whole pack and the server stops immediately. This
is my fault and I will address it some day, but what you describe is
exactly the opposite, the client sends FIN+ACK. I'm I correct ?

I've tested with Firefox 41.0.2 and now 42.0 on Windoze, and my test bed
is my lwHTTPd over the minimal unix port.
My server sends the 401 header and status in one TCP segment in one
Ethernet frame. Please provide your config too; I don't quite get the
issue (my fault, not yours), but I seem to understand from what you
describe that the 401 header is on one frame and the HTML status on the
next one ? My code is optimized not to do that unless memory is scarce.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] LWIP_ERROR when LWIP_SDK_DEBUG is not defined

2015-11-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
$ grep -R LWIP_SDK_DEBUG *

There is no such SDK for lwIP as lwIP is not a commercial product,
LWIP_SDK_DEBUG has been introduced by your vendor, and you should
address your vendor, whoever it is.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
OK, I see.
I'll try to trash my server so it sends headers first and then status,
on two frames (I've spent a long time polishing it so it does not...
unless there is absolutely no room).
BTW, what is your MSS and so ? can you attach your lwipopts.h please ?
I might have some spare time tomorrow. I only have Chrome on a tablet,
will try with that


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Bug on lwIP TCP section (or HTTP client from contrib)?

2015-11-11 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
As a matter of fact, if I'm not wrong, it is the server who must close
the connection and not the client, so this is Chrome's bug.
However, you mentioned a "off by 1" in the window so I'll try to see
that and what the culprit.


lwip-users mailing list

Re: [lwip-users] Missed Ethernet Frame

2015-11-18 Thread Sergio R. Caprile
Hi Colin,
I'm sorry I can't help, I'm not familiar with the socket API. Try
opening a new thread with your specific issue, and specify you are using
the socket API.
Please include file and line number where you see the packet is dropped.
As far as I can see, TCP drops because the upper layer can't handle,
maybe you are not getting data fast enough out of the socket API, but
again, I'm not familiar with it.

lwip-users mailing list

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