[lxc-users] Missing /proc/self after lxc-attach ?

2016-02-15 Thread Mateusz Korniak
Hi !
I am facing problem that 
is missing after I enter container via lxc-attach. [1]

When I log in to same container via lxc-start -F console, everything looks OK.

Is it bug or feature? 

It reduces usability of lxc-attach as many apps like top  [3]  and dynamic 
linking via RPATH [4] are not working :(

Confirmed Ubuntu 14.04. [5].

TIA, regards,

[1]: After lxc-attach entry to container:
# ls -la /proc/self
ls: cannot read symbolic link /proc/self: No such file or directory
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 15 12:05 /proc/self

[2]: After login via lxc-start console:
# ls -la /proc/self
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 15 12:05 /proc/self -> 1476

# top
Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc

   linux-vdso.so.1 (0x7ffd40fd8000)
   libjli.so => not found
objdump -a -x  java | grep -i rpath 


lxc-create -t download -n ubuntu_tursty_test -- -d ubuntu -r trusty -a amd64

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] Missing /proc/self after lxc-attach ?

2016-02-15 Thread Mateusz Korniak
On Monday 15 February 2016 15:04:31 Wolfgang Bumiller wrote:
> > On February 15, 2016 at 1:29 PM Mateusz Korniak
> >  wrote: [1]: After lxc-attach entry to
> > container:
> > # ls -la /proc/self
> > ls: cannot read symbolic link /proc/self: No such file or directory
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 15 12:05 /proc/self
> What is the exact command you used to attach? 

# lxc-attach -n test-container

> Because eg. if you only
> enter the mount namespace but not the PID namespace, then you see the
> container's /proc with the *container*'s processes and thus your PID
> doesn't show up, making /proc/self a dead symlink.

Both /proc looks similar, except in /proc from lxc-start console login I can 
see extra process entry:

self -> 1479

I am confused, why I do not see that process entry from lxc-attach view of 
/proc regardless of missing /proc/self ?

BTW, I have not mention it but its 
kernel 4.1.15 
lxc 1.1.5

TIA, regards,
Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] systemd[1]: Starting of glusterfs.automount not supported (inside lxc 1.1.5 container)

2016-06-14 Thread Mateusz Korniak
Hi !
I am trying to have glusterfs automounted on demand inside lxc 1.1.5 
/etc/fstab line which works on host machine:, 
/mnt/glusterfs_biuro_test_vol   glusterfs   _netdev,x-
systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=3m 0 0

when used inside container refuses to work [1].
I can, though, mount manually inside same container via:

# mount /mnt/glusterfs_biuro_test_vol

What am I doing wrong?
TIA for any hints, 

# systemctl status mnt-glusterfs_biuro_test_vol.automount   

● mnt-glusterfs_biuro_test_vol.automount
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/fstab)
   Active: inactive (dead)
Where: /mnt/glusterfs_biuro_test_vol
 Docs: man:fstab(5)

Jun 14 14:22:52 clients-www systemd[1]: Starting of mnt-
glusterfs_biuro_test_vol.automount not supported.

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] Networking issue

2016-11-09 Thread Mateusz Korniak
On Wednesday 09 of November 2016 01:33:55 Saint Michael wrote:
> lxc.network.type=macvlan
> lxc.network.hwaddr = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
> Now suppose I have a machine, not a container, in the same broadcast domain
> as the containers, same subnet.
> It cannot ping or ssh into a container, which is accessible from outside my
> network.
> However, from inside the container the packets come and go perfectly, when
> the connection is originated by the container.
> (...)
> Any idea?

Make sure you do not have lxc.network.hwaddr duplicates (many containers with 
same hwaddr).
Turn off container and make sure it stops being "accessible from outside my

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] Networking issue

2016-11-09 Thread Mateusz Korniak
On Wednesday 09 of November 2016 01:33:55 Saint Michael wrote:
> Now suppose I have a machine, not a container, in the same broadcast domain
> as the containers, same subnet.
> It cannot ping or ssh into a container, which is accessible from outside my
> network.
> However, from inside the container the packets come and go perfectly, when
> the connection is originated by the container.
> A container can ping that host I mentioned, but the host cannot ping back
> the container.

Assuming you have container on host and external machine,
if you can:
machine ~]$  ping container
but  not (if I understand correctly):
container ~]$  ping machine

compare (tcpdump  -e icmp  -n )  of both pings on machine and host to see if 
they are different?

check if they do not get filtered by rp_filter 
sysctl  -a | grep [.]rp_filter

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

[lxc-users] How to set lxc.network.ipv4/hwaddr/ipv4.gateway=auto in LXD 2.6 managed container?

2016-12-02 Thread Mateusz Korniak
I am trying to move from LXC 1.1.x (macvlan) [1] containers to recent LXD [2].

I am stuck with problem:
- how can I set static ipv4/hwaddr and ipv4.gateway=auto?

I switched default profile to maclvan [3].
I created test container:

# lxc init ubuntu:16.04  ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test

Starting it confirms that macvlan iface works. Disbled DHCP configuration of 
eth0@if2, and now setting IP# fails:

# lxc config device set ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test virt ipv4.address 
error: The device doesn't exist

It's confusing as virt device is visible in lxc config show [4], but not in 
lxc config device list ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test [5]?

TIA, regards,

[1]: Old LXC network config
lxc.network.type = macvlan
lxc.network.macvlan.mode = bridge
lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:00:31:12  

lxc.network.ipv4 =   

lxc.network.ipv4.gateway = auto 

[2]: versions:

# lxc profile show default  

name: default
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
nictype: macvlan
parent: eth0
type: nic
- /1.0/containers/ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test

# lxc config show --expanded  ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test  

name: ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test
- default
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: ubuntu 16.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20161130)
  image.label: release
  image.os: ubuntu
  image.release: xenial
  image.serial: "20161130"
  image.version: "16.04"
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.last_state.power: STOPPED
  volatile.root.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:be:9b:1b
  volatile.root.name: eth1
  volatile.virt.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:e3:22:75
  volatile.virt.name: eth0
path: /
type: disk
nictype: macvlan
parent: eth0
type: nic
ephemeral: false

# lxc config device list ubuntu-1604-macvlan-test   

root: disk

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] no ping between host and lxc container

2016-12-20 Thread Mateusz Korniak
On Tuesday 20 of December 2016 17:04:08 Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> What I did in my host, is create a macvlan interface for the host, and move
> host's eth0 IP address there.
> (...)
> ### from "lxc config show container_name"
> devices:
>   eth0:
> name: eth0
> nictype: macvlan
> parent: eth0
> type: nic
> So I use host eth0 (now without IP, as its ip is moved to v-0, which is a
> macvlan interface) as "parent" in lxd (this should be "lxc.network.link" in
> lxc). If you have problems with flockport's guide, try my setup.

Are you able to set MAC address for lxc container?
How do you setup IP# for container?

TIA, regards,

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list

Re: [lxc-users] no ping between host and lxc container

2016-12-20 Thread Mateusz Korniak
On Tuesday 20 of December 2016 18:06:38 Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> > How do you setup IP# for container?
> (...) by default there's no way to
> set (and restrict) IP address from the host side.

It's a pity. [1].

Perhaps, any idea how one get LXC config
  lxc.network.ipv4.gateway = auto
equivalent in LXD?

BTW, what lxc/lxd versions you are using, as in my case network devices are 
visible only by:
  lxc config show --expanded 
not by simple:
  lxc config show
as looks in your case ...

I am confused though, as many tutorials claim that:
  lxc config device set CONT DEV  ipv4.address  10.x.y.z 
should work :/

TIA, regards,

Mateusz Korniak
"(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

lxc-users mailing list