Is there a way to protect the containers against accidental termination?

For example:

# lxc list
| container-2016-01-25-17-20-11 | RUNNING | (eth0) (...)

# lxc delete container-2016-01-25-17-20-11

No longer there!

Some kind of "lxc config set containername allowdelete=0" would be very useful:

- "s" is next to "d" on the keyboard, so it's easy to delete the container with:

lxc d-press-tab containername

- it would feel safer to protect important containers this way

- probably "lxc config set containername allowdelete=0" should not protect snapshots, if named explicitely, i.e. "lxc delete containername/snapshot"

Tomasz Chmielewski

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