Re: lyxexport: batch export utility for LyX

1999-06-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 05:06:28PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Because I'm stupid. I'll invert the order.

It's always more fun to make you say it rather than saying it myself. That
way it still looks like I"m polite.

> Amir> Why can't you do something like the relyx wrapper script?
> If we do that, it would be in the wrapper script too. I am just
> proposing weird ideas... Note that relyx needs a bit more info, for
> example the lyxdir location, which is not needed by lyxexport. 

OK, I'll admit, I have no idea what's going on & have been mostly ignoring
the thread (even tho it's about perl!). I thought, though, that all you
needed was the name of the real perl to put in the #! line. In that case,
you could have a two-line wrapper script since, as you say, relyx needs more
info that this would.

Hm. Is there a way to get the perl make utilities to tell you where the real
perl is? Or is the problem that you need to run the correct perl when you
perl the Makefile?


Re: lyx2latex

1999-07-02 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 04:38:00PM +, Andre' Poenitz wrote:
> In vain attempt of killing some time I started writing a lyx2latex
> converter. The main difference to Stefanos approach is that it's
> a standalone perl script.

Wow! I'm impressed. Either it's much easier to go from lyx to latex than
vice versa (because lyx was designed that way) or you're a much better
programmer than I am.

By the way, for safety, 
(in main) should probably be 

to avoid messing up "my_lyx_doc.lyx". while we're at it, why do you need the
g? Also, you might want to warn if the .tex file exists already (or require
-f to overwrite.)

So I guess between reLyX and lyx2latex, people don't really need LyX
anymore. If someone sends you a LyX document, you can just use lyx2latex to
convert it to latex, edit the latex file, and then use reLyX and send the
edited LyX file back to them!

Hello, Friday.


lyx web site

1999-07-05 Thread Amir Karger

I could have sworn we were going to update the lyx web site. Then we had a
minor disagreement, and everything stopped. (Or perhaps things stopped
because people actually started hacking code.) Anyway, as I see it, the
current problem is, do we use php3 or regular html for the LyX home page?
Here are a few options:

(1) Use PHP3

- sexy cookies, et al.
- Very easy to create web page template (e.g. the navbar), to keep the web
  site up to date

- some mirrors don't have php3

(2) Use plain HTML

- Easy to mirror
- Don't need to learn php3 to code it (Well, the amount of php3 you need to
  write  a new page is pretty minimal.)

- adding a new page requires editing every one of the existing pages to add
  it to the navbar. Yuck. Also, hard to keep a consistent look & feel.

I thought up a (3) and (4) today.

(3) Use php3 magic to create "default" html pages. I have to imagine that
php3 has some method to create html pages, perhaps using the default values
for cookies (like the "long names" cookie) etc. Then the LyX home page could
create *.html from *.php3 and mirrors that don't have php3 could mirror the
html pages.

(4) If (3) doesn't exist, I could probably create a simple perl script that
would understand php3 "include" and (simple) variables. That would allow us
to use the main things we want php3 for.

These might have the advantages of (1) and (2) above without the

Basically, it would be nice to do *something* so that we could get the web
site into cvs already, and expand our mirroring.

The truth is, I personally don't see why we need *so* many mirrors. IMO, we
could just use a few php3-aware mirroring sites. If others disagree, then
we should come up with a different method. But let's not do *nothing*. Once
the web site gets standardized, then while the real hackers are fixing the
kernel, we idiots can work on the less glamorous stuff.


Re: lyx web site

1999-07-05 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 05:03:44PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> I think we have agreed to use PHP3.

You seem to have this bad habit of not telling people about decisions. :)
(Since it's not friday.) The last thing I remember was an argument about it;
I don't remember a proclamation from our fearless leader.

> We will move to PHP3 when Lgb finds the time to upgrade PHP on la1ad.
> Mirrors will have to use PHP3. That should not be a problem.

So php doesn't have a way to create html?

> Until la1ad is updated, please start moving the site to the new
> scheme.
> You are welcome to upload them to and use that as
> the testbed. This way, we will be ready when la1ad is upgraded.

Well, I put index.php3, start and end.php3 there. However, it doesn't seem
to be including the include files. I.e., php3 doesn't seem to be working.
Any idea why?

> I think Lgb got a new harddisk for la1ad as well.


> So, Amir, please start porting ;-)

I'll continue to port once I'm sure I'm doing it right.


Re: lyx web site

1999-07-06 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 12:59:35PM -0600, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
> > | So php doesn't have a way to create html?
> > 
> > I don't know.
> The mirroring mechanism would be different. If you download a page with
> wget, you get the html version, not the php3 code. 

Great! So I don't have to write a perl script or anything.

Could someone check out the sunsite site & tell me why php3 isn't loading
the included files, so that I can complete the migration of the other files?


Re: 1.0.4pre2?

1999-07-07 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 06:52:45PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Lars> I'll see if I just throw together a 1.0.4pre2 then.
> The things I still have on my mailbox and I'd like to fix before 1.0.4
> are

[good things snipped]

I'm trying to get revtex4.layout done before 1.0.4. Unlike the geophys
problems that Martin (?) mentioned, revtex4 is actually quite close to
latex2e (perhaps surprisingly, they did the Right Thing, and decided to use
geometry, graphics, et al. instead of their own commands). If I get
something nice working, I'm going to contact the American Physical Society &
see if we can get them to recommend LyX to scientists who're afraid of

The only problem I know of so far is the inability to give an optional
argument to \title, \author, et al.

But I figure the final 1.0.4 won't be out for a while.


Re: PHP3 on

1999-07-08 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 11:29:37AM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> PHP3 can use  disabled it because other software uses the same tag.
> So, instead of , we should use 
> and everything works.

Arg! I even saw that in a 30-second peruse of, but didn't imagine
that that would be the problem.

> Amir, you can continue work, if you please ;-)

Well, I'll be flying today (and boy, will my arms be tired!) but I'll try to
get something done in the next couple. Getting the original pages into php
form will be simple, although we'll probably want to tinker with the navbar
et al.


LyX web site

1999-07-11 Thread Amir Karger

Hi all.

I've put preliminary versions of (almost) all the LyX home site onto Please check them out and give comments.

- Note that a couple of file names have been changed, I added the LyX 1.0
press release, changed the shortcuts in the navbar as well as some titles,
and I think made a couple other minor changes.

- I didn't copy feedback.phtml. I don't know if/how that works with
  php3, although I suspect it will work just fine.

- should titles ($title) be centered (in start.php3)?

- are there more non-english sites to put in i18n.php3 (which used to be
  translation.html, even though it isn't really about translation) now that
we don't have a "links" section in the navbar? E.g., I was going to add
Asger's site, but netscape claims it hasn't been updated since 1997. Any
other languages? IMO, English sites need not be linked unless they've got
really good info. (Hm, do we need a links.php3 too? Or is it covered in the
download & non-english pages?)

- I remember some discussion about using the new & improved press release
  language in about.html (now about.php3) as well as the first paragraph of
the LyX home page. Did we (and/or lars) decide not to change it, or did it
just not change by inertia?

- I didn't know what to do about counters et al.

Once we've fixed these minor details, we should think about upgrading the
site. E.g., do we want to change the main home page? Do we want more pages
with info, etc.? Do we want more links to various things (e.g., LyX in the
press)? I think that after I fix the stuff mentioned above, I'll mail to
lyx-users asking for comments on the new (then-beta) page, and see if there
are any good suggestions. (After all, we want the lyx home page to be useful
to *users*, not just devvies, which is why it's not called the developers
only page.)

Of course, once it's under CVS, lots 'o people will be able to change it,
though I suspect few will.


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-12 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 10:34:11AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Small comments:
> - in the navbar, the graphical tour should be available 

In fact, you may have noticed that the graphical tour isn't available at
all! I didn't want to save each page & gif separately, then upload them all
to sunsite. Can someone send me a tgz?

>   It is strange to have the mailing lists referenced in the first part
>   of the navbar, and then again in the second part...

Well, the second part is the archives. Of course, you know that. What's the
solution, though? We have a page that describes all the mailing lists, & we
have links to the list archives. Do we take the archive links out of the
navbar? I think having them there just might make some people look there
before mailing the list for help. We could put the mailing list page link in
the mailing list section of the navbar... but then what labels would we give
things so that people know that the first is a page describing all the
lists, while the other links are just links to archives?

It's never easy.

>   when using ontop-long title, is it possible to have the entries to
>   the 'navigate' part to wrap, instead of being just too long?

I'm afraid I have no idea why. I thought it might be the "nowrap" in the
's, but they make words not wrap *within* their cells.  But now that I
think of it, I can't imagine that you could wrap tables: allowing one row to
wrap would screw up the tabularity. I *guess* you could do it by making
"Home","Devvies","Download" etc. all be in one  instead of each one
being a separate . Problems with that? Well, it means the items in the
three rows of the (top) navbar won't line up nicely. (Yes, you could make
Home, Devvies, etc., into a *table* inside the one , but that would be
more complicated.) But I don't really care how we do this.

>   Is it possible to turn the options (titles, on top/bottom) into
>   checkboxes? It would be fancy.

Asger? I don't even know how to do it in HTML, so I certainly don't know how
to do it in php3.

> - in download, 'Internal ispell' should be 'International ispell'
>   A link to noweb could be nice... Google tells me
>   I'm not sure the link to kghostview is relevant. We should also have
>   kdvi, and probably others. We could either remove this entry, or
>   make it more generic.

Changed, added, removed.

Re JÜrgen's mail: 

I agree that the mirrors should be listed. (a) I don't know
them. (b) do we make another navbar section with the mirrors, or just have a
mirrors page?

Also, since the phtml won't work, what do we do about feedback?

Is the navbar getting too big? We've got 9 things in the navbar, lgt would
make 10, mirrors 11. Do we want to perhaps break things down into About,
Download, Main? Then have a separate submenu for each, s.t. the navbar shows
the main menu, the submenu that makes sense in that context, plus the
mailing list archives & configuration thing? Or is that too complicated.


sunsite down?

1999-07-13 Thread Amir Karger

Trying to connect to
Error: Could not connect to
Reason: No route to host

Thoughts? Asger or others?


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-13 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 11:02:13AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Can't wget do that for you?

Um, what's wget?

> The short title could be 'lists archives' instead of 'mailing
> lists'. Maybe Devvies should be replaced with Devel, since it is the
> name of the list. 

That sounds believable. How about "Mail Archives"? That's not so great but
I'm not so fond of "List Archives" either. Either way, I agree it's better
than Mailing Lists. And Mailing List Archives is just too long.

> Amir> I agree that the mirrors should be listed. (a) I
> Amir> don't know them. (b) do we make another navbar section with the
> Amir> mirrors, or just have a mirrors page?
> Amir> Also, since the phtml won't work, what do we do about feedback?
> It could just be implemented as a mailto: url.

I guess. But that wouldn't be nearly as Kool.

> Amir> Is the navbar getting too big? We've got 9 things in the navbar,
> Amir> lgt would make 10, mirrors 11. Do we want to perhaps break
> Amir> things down into About, Download, Main? Then have a separate
> Amir> submenu for each, s.t. the navbar shows the main menu, the
> Amir> submenu that makes sense in that context, plus the mailing list
> Amir> archives & configuration thing? Or is that too complicated.
> It could be nice.

You heard him, Asger. Go ahead!


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-13 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 11:02:13AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Amir> Is the navbar getting too big? We've got 9 things in the navbar,
> Amir> lgt would make 10, mirrors 11. Do we want to perhaps break
> Amir> things down into About, Download, Main? Then have a separate
> Amir> submenu for each, s.t. the navbar shows the main menu, the
> Amir> submenu that makes sense in that context, plus the mailing list
> Amir> archives & configuration thing? Or is that too complicated.
> It could be nice.

On reflection, it doesn't seem like the current stuff that's on our page
would really work like that. What would our submenus be? Download doesn't
need a submenu, while "About" would subsume all the rest of the pages.
(Unless someone can think of a better way to break things down into
submenus. But really, the intro to lyx, screenshots, lgt, etc. all seem to
be "about" lyx. Although I guess mirrors and mailing list could go in a
separate place. And we could put non-English web sites on its own page with
a link from the non-English page.)

If we're not using a submenu, then perhaps the main page should have links
to the various subpages, like has now. Or would that make the
main page too long? In whcih case we should maybe have an "about" page which
has links to about, etc. even though we don't have a submenu.

Wow. I'm bored just *talking* about this.


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-20 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 10:43:44AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> Um, what's wget?
> >From
> GNU Wget is a freely available network utility to retrieve files from
> the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP, the two most widely used
> Internet protocols. It works non-interactively, thus enabling work in
> the background, after having logged off.

I ended up using the Perl equivalent, because I'm a Perl geek. The LGT is
now on there.


Re: Great Documentation work!!!

1999-07-21 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 11:24:42AM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> Dear Doc-Team!!!
> I already had a talk with my fellow developers at the TILDEM-Italy, it
> which I told them that what I was most impressed of for the 1.0.x release
> of LyX was not so the code modification, but all the documentation changes
> with all the language support and translation effort.

I have to agree here. The translation effort has really exploded over the
last year. Perhaps coinciding with the 0.12 release.

Of course, there's still a lot to do. There are still portions of
documentation that have author's notes saying something like "this
documentation is terrible". It would be great if those could be fixed.
Unfortunately, our Doc Team (including me) seems to be sort of in a coma.

If any of the newer readers of lyx-devel are interested in contributing to
the LyX effort but don't know how (or don't have time) to code C++ (or Perl :)
documentation requires only good knowledge of English (or even some other
language!) So please volunteer. I'm sure Mike Ressler (hi, Mike!) will be able
to find something for you to do.


Re: revtex4

1999-07-21 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 09:49:47AM -0500, Mate Wierdl wrote:
> Is it supported by LyX?

No. I started working on a layout file and got sidetracked.


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-21 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 07:13:00PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Didn't it occur to you that you could send the HTTP requests directly
> with telnet? But maybe you are not a telnet geek.


> PS: I can confirm that the LGT is there. Something that could be added
> is some info on the fact that LyX is for unices and a pointer on the
> Windows port page and on some OS/2 info if this exists. If I am not
> mistaken, no list of platforms is given on the pages.


1) Where do I put it? The main page? I've been thinking of creating an
"about" page which would link to the intro (currently called about),
features, i18n, screenshots, and the lgt. Which would make the initial page
smaller. I can't decide whether I would want to then remove those pages from
the navbar, and just have "main, download, about, links & lists, devel" in the
navbar, or whether I'd want to leave all the stuff currently in there.
IMO, when you have too much in the navbar, it's not worth having a navbar.
(The navbar is for moving around large sections of the web site. Within
those sections, it should be very straightforward how to move to the pages
you want.) And I think a smaller home page is better: loads faster, less
clutter, gets the important information (new versions, other news) across

Asger said:

> I say drop the mailing list archives from the short top navbar, but keep
> them for the long, side navbar.

I think that's inconsistent. Also, the table-too-wide problem Jean-Marc
mentioned goes away if we shorten the whole navbar.

1a) the page is still too wide on my 15 inch monitor because of the menu
gif. I assume it's too wide on other people's screens too. Should we shrink
the gif?

2) What do I put there? I don't have links to either windows or OS/2.

3) A number of people were unhappy a few months ago with the old "What is
LyX" description ("LyX is a free program that provides a more modern
approach..."). However, that lingo is still on the home page. Should I
change it to the first paragraph of the PR?

LyX is an advanced open source document processor running on many Unix
platforms. It is called a "document processor", because unlike standard word
processors, LyX encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of
your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing,
leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX automates formatting
according to predefined rule sets, yielding consistency throughout even the
most complex documents. LyX produces high quality, professional output --
using LaTeX, an open source, industrial strength typesetting engine, in the

I know noone really cares about this, but we ought to make sure the face we
present to the world looks nice.


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-22 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 12:55:38PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > And I think a smaller home page is better: loads faster, less
> > clutter, gets the important information (new versions, other news) across
> > better.
> Good thinking.

Well, it's not just me. I've been reading

> I thought we agreed months ago to change to the PR paragraph(s).

That's what I thought too. I'll change it.

> Martin do you have a HTMLised version of the PR because I'd like to add a
> copy to my web site -- however with so many revisions at the time I don't
> seem to have kept the final release.  This would then replace the ancient
> v0.12 release page I currently provide for visitors to my web pages :(

I stole it, I think from David Johnson's page. It's linked from right now.

> > I know noone really cares about this, but we ought to make sure the face we
> > present to the world looks nice.
> Don't be too disheartened Amir.   Just make the changes you see fit -- if
> someone doesn't like them then they can flame^H^H^H^H^H^H complain to you
> postfact ;-)

OK. You asked for it :)


Re: LyX web site

1999-07-22 Thread Amir Karger
 tastes but still have all the text on the screen -- without 
affecting the margins and other formatting of your final output. Thus, 
you can work comfortably on small displays (or if your eyes are tired or 
your eyesight is not so good) and get the final output right with just a 
couple of page previews using xdvi or ghostview.

LyX includes excellent and copious on-line help -- a beginner's tutorial, 
user's guide, and additional manuals describing advanced features.  LyX's 
menu system exists in a dozen different (Latin character set) languages, 
selectable at run time.

LyX conspicuously lacks a filter for importing MS Word documents. The 
LyX Team considers this not worth the effort, as word processors in 
general are moving away from proprietary formats to the open XML 
standard. So, as long as you need continued access to legacy documents, 
you should retain a traditional word processor, e.g., Corel's WordPerfect 
for Linux.

LyX runs on standard Unix platforms, including Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, 
Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, AIX, ..., even OS/2 and Cygnus/Win32 (somewhat 
experimentally), and provides native support for PostScript(tm) fonts 
and figures. 

More about LyX, including screen shots and the LyX Graphic Tour, at:

What's new compared to LyX version 0.12.0?

Most importantly, import of existing LaTeX documents using the new 
reLyX perl script. Better support for SGML/LinuxDoc, tables, and 
indexing/bibliographies, etc. Summing up, it's better looking, better 
working, better documented, and lots of bugs have been fixed.

How stable is LyX?

This release is considered stable, but as with any software, you should 
take appropriate back-up steps in a production environment.

What about KLyX?

KLyX is a port of LyX version 0.12.0 to KDE, done primarily by Matthias 
Ettrich and Kalle Dalheimer. It was made as a proof-of-principle, to 
demo how good looking LyX could be made on this desktop environment, 
and implement some advanced features which KDE, and its Qt toolkit, 
facilitate. There is an intention to re-integrate KLyX into the LyX 
code base; by version 1.2, LyX should be GUI toolkit/desktop agnostic.


LyX is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which 
means specifically that you can use it for free. See
The main LyX site is

with mirrors at
The source code package is available at:

and at the mirrors listed above.

You need XForms version 0.81, 0.86 or 0.88 to compile your own version. 
Version 0.88 is highly recommended. Of course you also need LaTeX; the
teTeX distribution is recommended.

Precompiled binaries for various platforms are available at:

Binaries for i386-Linux are also available at your local metalab 
(previously known as sunsite) mirror:

Undoubtedly binaries packaged for various distributions (rpm, deb) will 
appear soon on metalab.

Information and binaries for Cygnus/WinNT can be found at:

The LyX Graphic Tour can be found at: 

It is possible to run LyX in a temporary directory before you install it.

About the LyX Team

The LyX Team is a world wide consortium of volunteer contributors. Many, 
many people have helped make the 1.0 release possible, including:

      Lars Gullik Bjoennes, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra, Asger Alstrup,
  Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Juergen Vigna, John P. Weiss, Bernhard 
  Iselborn, Andre Spiegel, Allan Rae, Henner Zeller, Robert van
  der Kamp, David L. Johnson, Amir Karger, Joacim Persson, Peter 
  Suetterlin, SMiyata, Alkis Polyzotis, ...

Special thanks should go to Matthias Ettrich who started it all.


Please direct any comments or questions to the appropriate mailing list as
described on the LyX homepage (


The LyX Team

Web Site v1.1

1999-07-23 Thread Amir Karger

OK. I did a semi-major overhaul of the pages' content and linkage. The site
( is now "two-tiered". The navbar contains links to
"Home, News, About, Download, Internet, and Devvies", and each of those
pages (except News)  then has links to sub-pages, like the mailing list
page, LyX versions, screenshots, etc. I changed some of the pages' names,
and also changed some of their content, but usually not by too much.

To answer some e-mails:

- I fixed (?) the gif. I assumed your problem was that it appeared
inside the text cell of the main table, which made the page way too wide. It
now appears above everything (only on the main home page). Also added the
link to Stefano's stuff.

- I created a News page.

- I changed the Intro page (used to be About. Now About it the main About
  page that links to features, screenshots, etc.) to be the first half of
the press release (minus the sentence mentioning "we've done a lot in the
last 18 months).

- I created a "Platforms" page (from About). It links to the Cygwin port,
  plus I stole most of a paragraph from Arnd's recent e-mail. Since I really
know nothing about other platforms, please check this page out. We may need
to add/delete platforms, or put in special information for other platforms.
(Perhaps we should link there from Download too?)

- I put "English Sites" on the Internet page. (The Non-English sites are of
  course useful for people who don't know English or want to know about
specific problems with typing in a given language. The English sites, in
contrast, will just tend to have some extra information that doesn't happen
to be on the home page.) Right now, I just have Allan and David's sites up.
Please let me know about more English *and* non-English sites. (I prefer not
to link to sites that are old and/or don't have more info than the home site.)

- I used bobby on the home page. It didn't complain too much. I don't really
  have the energy to use all the other pages (especially since bobby will
apparently keep giving me the errors that it can't check for for every
page), but it would be nice if someone else volunteered to.


- download.php3 still seems long to me. Should I put, e.g., "stuff with
  relevance to lyx" on a separate page?

- news.php3 mentions v1.0.3 and links to a CVS checkout of CHANGES. While
  linking to a CVS checkout is Cool, and may even be Useful sometimes, here
I think it's misleading, because the CHANGES file will reflect things that
aren't in CHANGES! Do folks agree? What are other places where linking to
CVS files would be useful? The features page? Various pages at

- We still don't have a feedback page or counters. I'm usually against
  counters although I admit that it felt really good watching the counter
the day LyX 1.0 was released. As far as the feedback page, I'm *sure* php3
can do forms, I just haven't learned much php3 yet. Asger?

- Online docs would definitely be Cool. They should of course be HTML, not
  ps, so that people can look up specific things. And of course, now that
DocBook is working so well (yay!) they should be easy to convert. Right?

Future plan:

Well, aside from acting on those thoughts, I think I want to do a bit more
reorganizing. Specifically, there are now some 34 files + the lgt directory.
I therefore propose creating the subdirectories about, download, and
internet, and putting the subpages (and gifs) into them. The bad news is
that this would require making the links things like "/index.php3" instead
of just "index.php3". Not too big a deal. 

If we did that, I think it would be easy to use PHP to create submenus for
Download, About, etc. I know Asger said they would be hard to maintain, but
I think with creative programming, we might be able to set it up so that
moving files around would require changing information in only one place.

E.g., each directory has its own start.php3, which lists the submenu
information and then includes ../start.php3. The main start.php3 is set up
so that it creates a submenu (using the info from the sub-start.php3) only
if there actually *is* a submenu to be created. (So on the home page, or the
new page, we don't create them.) Then the php3 code could take care of all
of the complicated issues of when and how to create the submenus. Deleting a
file would just require pulling it out of that directory's start.php3.

While we're at it: Asger, is it redundant to store $item and $this in every
file? I would think we would only need to store $this. In fact, it seems we
shouldn't need to store that either! Isn't there a php3 function that
figures out the current page's address? Then just cut off the


Re: How do you easily fire up REVTEX

1999-07-23 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 05:17:38PM +0930, Colin Kestell wrote:
> I am told that revTEX is an ideal document class for the paper I wish to
> write. Although itis an option in my document choices I get the error
> message "revtex.sty not found". It's there, I put it there (where the
> other .sty files live), so why can't it find it ?
> Regards


Are you able to export as latex and then latex the document? (Do you have to
change from \documentclass to \documentstyle?)

I suspect the problem is something like not doing "texhash" or some such. I
don't really know, but I'm hoping the configure wizards here (hi,
Jean-Marc!) might have an idea. I could have sworn that the fact that it
shows up in your document choices means that latex *was* able to find it.

Unfortunately, I think the guy who wrote the revtex layout isn't really
listening any more, and noone else on the list uses it much. I'm actually in
the middle of making a new layout to work with the new revtex4, but I'm not
sure when that will be done.

-Amir Karger

Re: LyX web site

1999-07-23 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 07:19:17PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BTW, did I mention that the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list should be
> added to mailing lists? 


> Then, all references to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be hunted and nuked.

nazgul:/home/httpd/html>grep lyxdoc@ *.php3

fermi2:~/lyx/web>grep lyxdoc@ *.php3

I would be very impressed with myself, but I didn't actually change
anything. Or did you mean lyxdoc's in the distribution? Ah. There *do*
appear to be a bunch of them in the actual lyxdocs.

JMarc, you can probably sed or awk those away, right? I don't want to take
away all of the fun.

There was definitely not enough insulting today. Where's Asger when you need

Happy weekend, all.


Re: Web Site v1.1

1999-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 11:54:42AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It looks very good! I'll try to throw in a couple criticisms for good
> measure, however.
> In internet.php3, you forgot, hosted by Juergen.

Added. Too bad I can't connect to sunsite again!

> In the platform page, the first paragraph ends with "..., and Solaris,
> and Digital Unix. " Is it just me, or is there an extraneous "and"?
> Note that Digital Unix (aka DEC OSF/1) is now Tru64 Unix :)

"and" removed. As for the Tru64 thing, am I missing a joke, or am I supposed
to replace DU with TU?

> For OS/2, you could give mailto: URLs for SMiyata and Arndt, if they
> accept to receive e-mail on this... You could maybe take the first
> long paragraph of README.OS2 intead of the e-mail from Arndt, or at
> least use cvsweb/checkout to ling to README.OS2 and
> INSTALL.OS2. Similarly, the mentions of README and INSTALL for Unices
> should be URLs.

OK. Arnd and SMiyata, what do *you* think I should put on that page? I'm
willing to use URL's, paragraphs, links to README's, whatever, but you
probably have the best ideas.

> Amir> - download.php3 still seems long to me. Should I put, e.g.,
> Amir> "stuff with relevance to lyx" on a separate page?
> Yes. And maybe setup the list in some sort of table, so that it is
> more readable.

I'll see what I can do.

> Amir> - news.php3 mentions v1.0.3 and links to a CVS checkout of
> Amir> CHANGES. While linking to a CVS checkout is Cool, and may even
> Amir> be Useful sometimes, here I think it's misleading, because the
> Amir> CHANGES file will reflect things that aren't in CHANGES! 
> You should mention that CHANGES may contain things that are not yet
> released. 

I don't really like that option. The link is on the page so that the user
can get information on what changes are in the distribution. Why have a link
to information that's not applicable to the user's situation? Certainly, we
should have a link to the CVS version of CHANGES (something like, "if you'd
like to know what has been done recently in CVS, here are the latest CHANGES") but I think it's just confusing to say "here is
version 1.0.3 and these are the changes" and then they don't actually list
the right changes.

It seems like we have releases rarely enough that---especially once the web
site is under CVS---we could just put a new copy of CHANGES up for each
version. Of course, this will only work if CHANGES is the only file we need
to change for each release.

> Amir> - Online docs would definitely be Cool. They should of course be
> Amir> HTML, not ps, so that people can look up specific things. And of
> Amir> course, now that DocBook is working so well (yay!) they should
> Amir> be easy to convert. Right?
> Or maybe PDF, if somebody has access to pdflatex or distiller.

I'm always willing to accept contributions. Of course, since all the docs
are included in the distribution, it doesn't seem like people will often
need to reference them, so they don't have to be pretty. HTML seems simpler
to me.

> Amir> If we did that, I think it would be easy to use PHP to create
> Amir> submenus for Download, About, etc. I know Asger said they would
> Amir> be hard to maintain, but I think with creative programming, we
> Amir> might be able to set it up so that moving files around would
> Amir> require changing information in only one place.
> Yes, I think each page should have its own submenus in place of the
> mailing-lists in the navbar, if possible.

In place of rather than in addition? I'm rather ambivalent about this. Does
anyone think this needs to stay?


php3 help!

1999-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

For my Grand Plan to move files into subdirectories on the lyx web site, it
would be very useful for me to have access to the address of the page a
person is looking at. So for example, if I'm looking at, then I know to hilight
"screenshots" in the sub-menu navbar. So far all I've found is __FILE__,
which gives you '/home/html/index.php3' which isn't really what I want.

Asger has things like:

   $this = "foo.php3"

at the top of each file. I *guess* we could use that, but shouldn't PHP3 be
able to figure that out?! 

Note by the way that we'll need to know more than just the basename, because
we need to differentiate between download/index.php3 and about/index.php3.
(Yes, we could call it download/download.php3, but (a) that's a harder URL
to remember, and (b) it's more kludgy.)

All of this busywork is mostly caused by the same obsessiveness that makes
me correct spelling mistakes in the docs. But I do also have a goal of
making changing and adding to the website be as easy as possible. Which will
be especially important when we put the site under CVS, if we want more
people to keep the site up to date.


Re: Web Site v1.1

1999-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 11:54:42AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> - download.php3 still seems long to me. Should I put, e.g.,
> Amir> "stuff with relevance to lyx" on a separate page?
> Yes. And maybe setup the list in some sort of table, so that it is
> more readable.

Done. As far as making a table, I tried to think about it in WYSIWYM terms,
and realized that this is really a Description, so rather than a fancy
table, I just used 's. I try to shy away from tables unless they're
necessary. If you think it's still confusing, we could e.g. make the terms
 or something. But I think it's pretty readable now. (Amazing what some
indentation can do!)


Re: Web Site v1.1

1999-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Jul 23, 1999 at 02:23:42PM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> Well, aside from acting on those thoughts, I think I want to do a bit more
> reorganizing. Specifically, there are now some 34 files + the lgt directory.
> I therefore propose creating the subdirectories about, download, and
> internet, and putting the subpages (and gifs) into them. The bad news is
> that this would require making the links things like "/index.php3" instead
> of just "index.php3". Not too big a deal. 

So I tried to do this. Unfortunately, it ends up not working after all.
Basically, the problem is that on sunsite, /index.php3 becomes, which is not what we want! We might be able to
get around this with fancy regexps, but that would make creating links among
the web pages pretty complicated (something like 
where $LYX is set either to "../" or "/wherever/the/lyx/main/directory/is",
which seems like a lot of work for a simple link. Of course, if we're
guaranteed always to be at the top level of the domain (i.e. we know that
"/" in a link will take us to then it might work. In that
case, the only problem is that I can't actually test it, because it won't
work on sunsite.

Which is too bad because the sub-directory thing seemed to be working until
I hit that snag.

> Isn't there a php3 function that figures out the current page's address?
> Then just cut off the part!

I'm becoming somewhat less impressed with php as time goes on. It seems like
it's missing simple Perl stuff (e.g. "push" was just added for v4.0 beta,
ways of handling lists, etc.). Also, the manual seems really big, but if
you're not looking to use sybase or oracle or whatever, what's left seems
kind of sparse. I suppose the power of PHP really comes in when you do want
to interface with these database programs, but I'm not doing that, so I'm
just getting annoyed. And I *still* can't really find the a variable that
tells you which file you're looking at. PHP_SELF might be it, but I can't
tell, because grepping for it in the manual only finds it in an example on a
page that's Apache-specific.  Arg!


Re: Web Site v1.1

1999-07-27 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:59:46AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Did you try the following suggestion from the PHP FAQ?


>   The best way is to stick a  tag on a
>   page and load it up. This will show you all sorts of information
>   about your PHP setup, including a list of both
>   environment variables and also special variables set by your web
>   server. This list can't really be documented in the PHP
>   documentation because it will change from one server to
>   another. 

Unfortunately, the names given in the output don't necessarily seem to
conform to variable names. I.e., the output lists HTTP_FOO and $HTTP_FOO is
a getable variable. But it also lists PHP_BAR and $PHP_BAR doesn't seem to
exist. I admit that the manual probably can't print out all the variables,
but they *could* at least have a little more information on how these global
variables are set, and what to do with the output from phpinfo().

In other news, I used the time-honored method of sleeping to figure out that
it will be totally easy to use sub-directories after all. So I'll let you know
when v1.2 is ready.


Web site v1.2

1999-07-27 Thread Amir Karger

Come and get it!

- There are now several subdirectories: about, download, internet. If you
enter a subdirectory (e.g. by clicking on "More About LyX" in the navbar)
then you will get a "sub-navbar" on the resulting page. So e.g. has shows the main menu along with a submenu
listing the main download page, related software, and the LyX versioning
system. But at lyx/news.php3, which is in the main directory, there's no

- There are still some broken things. One I'm not sure which direction I
should fix it in. If we're in the download directory, then whichever page
we're on (e.g. "related software") will be highlighted in the subnavbar. The
question is, should "Download" be highlighted in the main navbar as well?
I.e., will that make it even more clear exactly where in the site you are,
or is that too much highlighting?

- The lgt doesn't really fit in. I think maybe I shouldn't turn all of the lgt
pages into php3, because the lgt kind of needs to be wider, so you can have
the figures next to the text. Perhaps instead I'll just put an "up" link to
".." in lgt-final.html.

- There are still a couple of pages that haven't been assimilated, including
  intro_old and the LyX Press Release. I probably ought to php3-ize them.

- I'm starting to agree with Jean-Marc that we don't need the Mailing List
  Archives in the navbar, especially when we've got the subnavbars, and when
they can get there from the mailing list page anyway. Anyone else have an

Please let me know if there are broken links & things. I will probably be
doing some other minor tweaks, but I'm basically happy with the structure
of the site now.


Re: Web site v1.2

1999-07-27 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 07:42:41AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The new web pages look good; I have only one beef: the front page should
> have more about "What is LyX" rather than bouncing you elsewhere right
> away. It really deserves a paragraph rather than a sentence. 

I suppose that makes sense. I guess I was a bit too impressed with my
sparsitude. Perhaps I'll take (most of) the first paragraph of the PR, which
was in about/index.php3 and just put it on the home page.

> Also, you might put a mini-screenshot in place of the "LyX creature".
> Looking at the front page, you'd never be able to tell that LyX was a
> kick-butt document preparation machine! I know we don't want it too busy,
> but it will be people's first impression.

Probably not a bad idea. Any suggestions from anyone on a gif from the lgt,
e.g., to use on the home page? Or perhaps one screenshot and one "dvi-shot"
from the lgt, so people can see the quality of the interface and the quality
of the output, which are I guess the two main cool factors of LyX.

Although the mascot's pretty cute too. Perhaps I could put him centered at
the bottom of the page, e.g.


Web site v1.3

1999-07-27 Thread Amir Karger

- Fixed broken links, uploaded full lgt (was missing 40 gifs!), and other
  minor details

- Updated news page

Added the fact that the lyx home page has been overhauled :)
Also tried to make it look a bit more organized, wrote the date for each
news item, etc.

- Fleshed out "LyX is what?!" on home page considerably
- gifs on home page.

Specifically, There are now some five paragraphs describing LyX on the main

#1 is a bastardized version of the first paragraph of the LPR. 

#2 says you don't need to know LaTeX but if you do you're really cool. (I
figure it's a FAQ, and a FAQ which might make LaTeX ignorant *or* LaTeX
aware people not bother reading more about LyX.) 

#3 lists just a few features, for the sake of temptation.

#4 is just a link to 'about/', which is the whole point of this exercise.

#5 introduces two gifs (LyX screen and printout) from the LGT.

Now, I had originally planned for the home page to be *really* sparse. But
Mike has convinced me (at least until someone gives a counterargument---I'm
easily convincable) that if the page says nothing about LyX than people may
never bother going to the sub-pages. Now that it's longer, however, there's
much more to argue about.


- Is the text of the five paragraphs good? I'd appreciate feedback for
  paragraphs 2-5, which I made up, as well as forgiveness from Martin for
paragraph 1.

- Should the home page be reorganized? I put News on top since I figure
  anyone who knows what LyX is won't want to read the What is LyX stuff.
Should the downloading stuff go on top, too?  Especially since it's short
and the info paragraphs are pretty long? Or does it not matter since you can
always use the navbar to navigate anyway?

- Is there more that needs to be on the home page? Or is there now too much?
  One or more of the new info paragraphs could always be put back in
about/index.php3, which is now very sparse.

-We still have no feedback page or counter. Put a mailto at the bottom of
the home page? Or create a feedback page?

I think it's starting to look better, but maybe that's just because I've
been staring at it all day. I think v1.4 (after the blizzard of comments
sure to come in by tomorrow) will be ready to expose to lyx-users for


Re: Web site v1.3 (with questions for Asger)

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 02:11:01PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:

Aha! Now this is the kind of obsessive compulsive response I like to see.

> The home page has a lone ";" just under the title :P 
> The second last paragraph should have a comma before the word "mirrors"  
> and then you could probably drop the comma after the word mirrors.  (Come
> on everybody apply your -pedantic options ;-)


> On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Amir Karger wrote:
> > Added the fact that the lyx home page has been overhauled :)
> > Also tried to make it look a bit more organized, wrote the date for each
> > news item, etc.
> Shouldn't the news items be in reverse chronological order instead?

The reason I didn't want to do that is that there are different kinds of
news. I wanted to split LyX news from Website news, e.g. Is suppose that
we're going to have news pretty rarely, so maybe we should just put it all
in one list.

> Reads well although it really needs to be formatted into a narrower
> column. With a wide browser window the page looks very stringy.  However
> this would probably require a table to narrow it up a bit.
> Ah,  hang on,  I tried it again with a sidebar and it looks much better.
> I also tried Lynx and it looks good.

Right. When I had the side vs. top argument with Asger, he said that the
side navbar is better because otherwise with a normal font size you have too
many characters per line. But he eventually recanted & allowed it to be

> Does php let you customise according to User-Agent?  so that Lynx
> automatically gets horizontal navbars and others get vertical?  unless
> overridden by the user of course.

Yes. And in fact, Asger coded that in.

> Oh,  hang on again I found something else wrong.  If I select sidebar for
> any page and then navigate to another page I no longer have a sidebar.
> This appears to be a cookie thing.  Anyway of getting around that?  apart
> from me accepting cookies?  (I just like to see how sites get on if I
> don't accept cookies -- I allowed the cookie and then it worked)

I don't think so. I mean, how can you customize the page without cookies?
Maybe, though, we shouldn't print out the Customize menu if cookies aren't
being accepted. Someone who knows php3 could tell me if it's possible to
know if your cookies are being accepted.

By the way, Asger, how come we use short link names if there are no cookies?
Shouldn't the default be the longer, more descriptive names?

> Perhaps about/index.php3 and about/intro.php3 should be merged a bit more.
> After all you include the PR so you could cut intro.php3 down a bit more
> if you wanted.

My thinking is that people will only want to read the intro once, so it
would clutter up about/index.php3 to put it in there. (That was also why I
didn't put it on the home page, but I've been convinced that we need to have
a couple paragraphs.) I don't think most people will bother to read the PR,
and they don't really need to since it's got all that extra information at
the bottom which we've spread around the site (where to get lyx, what about
klyx, etc.)

> Can we easily setup a dynamic page of comments?  like the news page only
> with entries for comments?  This would be filled with user comments then.
> Then again do we want the world to read the comments from the feedback
> page?

Right. I think dynamic pages are better when the subject matter requires
discussion. In this case, it's just a place for people to write "LyX is

Which reminds me. We STILL don't have a FAQ!!! Jose wrote one a long time
ago, and Lars didn't put it up because he wanted a faq-o-matic. Well, I
haven't seen the faq-o-matic (which *still* should incorporate the FAQs that
Jose collated) yet It's really in our best interest to have a FAQ, and
CVS would mean keeping it updated might even be possible.

> In an earlier email you asked about highlighting the navbars at each
> appropriate level (About and Intro for example) it seems this is in
> operation for some pages and not others.  I like the looks of those with
> both highlighted.

As I said, it's broken now but I have to decide which direction to fix it

Thanks for the comments.


Re: Web site v1.3

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 10:33:24AM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> Shouldn't the news items be in reverse chronological order
> Allan> instead?
> Yes, and having dates there would be nice too.

We do have dates there, but it sounds like the general consensus (sample
size 2!) is that I shouldn't separate the news into sections. OK.

> About those submenus: would it be possible to have them appear just
> under the relevant menu entry (at least in side mode), like:
> Navigate
>  · Home page
>  · Latest News
>  · /How to Get It/
> · /Main Download page/
> · Versioning System
> · Related Software
>  · More About LyX
>  · Internet Resources
>  · Developers' Web Site
> [here, text in /.../ is in italics]

This had been my original idea. It's not quite as easy to do in PHP3, but it
should be doable. But what do we do in the top navbar case? Fancy sites will
sometimes use fancy graphics to show that the submenu is a "descendant" of
the particular item in the main menu. I don't know how to do that or if we
should. I could indent the submenu, I suppose. Would that help?o

> At least, the title of the submenu should be the same as the name of
> the relvant menu: for example, if I click 'How to Get It', I'd assume
> that the submenu title should not be 'Download menu', since it is not
> immediately clear to me that you mean the same.



news.php3 update

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

OK. How do you like the news page now?


Re: Web site v1.3 (with questions for Asger)

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 12:11:06AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> If I select "sidebar" the URL of the fetched page has "?id=1" or something
> like that at the end.  So couldn't the navbar links automatically be set
> to have that also?  That way you wouldn't need a cookie.

Yes you would. What happens when news.php3 links to download/index.php3? We
would have to add the "?foo=bar" for every link. And we'd need to use php3
for it, since $navbar is a variable.


Re: news.php3 update

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 12:53:27AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > That's nice. Now you need to find slashdot-ish icons for the
> > categories...

Or I could just steal theirs.

> If only it were Friday ;-)
> Lookin' good, Amir!

Feelin' good, Allan!

(That was a "Trading Places" reference, for the uninitiated.)


Re: Web site v1.3 (with questions for Asger)

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 01:06:22AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Amir Karger wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 12:11:06AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > > 
> > Yes you would. What happens when news.php3 links to download/index.php3? We
> > would have to add the "?foo=bar" for every link. And we'd need to use php3
> > for it, since $navbar is a variable.
> Hmmm...  I know this much -><- about php3 and its getting late over here
> so maybe I don't understand the problem.  But didn't you just agree with
> me that php3 can just regenerate the page?  Doesn't it do that anyway
> everytime I access a php-powered site?  Doesn't matter anyway I usually
> look at the web with lynx and the pages look terrific without cookies on
> it.

The problem is that without cookies, if I set "long=1" when you're looking
at a certain page, then as soon as you go to a different page on the site,
then $long is no longer set. Unless every single intra-site link contains a
"long=1". Sure, I could set the navbar links to have "long=1" in them, but
making it consistent would require that, say, a (non-navbar) link in
about/index.php3 to about/i18n.php3 would *also* need to have the "long=1"
in it. Which is too complicated.


web site v1.4

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

- highlight the correct item(s) in the menu, and sub-menu if applicable.
- print indented sub-menu when using a side navbar.


It's a terrible kludge. Check out all the ugly stuff I added to start.php3
in the main directory. I don't know that I want to keep this, or that I want
to keep it like this, at least, but it *does* seem to do what it's supposed

let me know if it's broken.


web site problem

1999-07-28 Thread Amir Karger

By the way, the cookies seem to be directory specific. Is that something we
can change? Because otherwise you need a separate cookie for each directory
(or each time you change from a file in the About menu to a file in the
Download submenu, you may switch from side navbar to top navbar!)


Re: Too heavy wysiwig "Index:*"

1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 03:22:39PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Makarenko" == Makarenko Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Makarenko> Intuitively, it is clear that any index entry contains the
> Makarenko> closest word or phrase.  Anyway it is duplicated in the
> Makarenko> pop-up dialog when the entry is clicked on.  Maybe it would
> Makarenko> be more 'user friendly' to display the index entries
> Makarenko> lighter ?
> I agree. We could maybe only show 'Index' or even 'Idx' in the button?
> What do the others think?

I totally agree. The WYSIWYM philosophy should be that things that matter
when you're reading the main text are visible, and things that don't matter
are not. (Complete support for collapsable insets in 1.2 will of course make
that easier.) As Makarenko says, 99.9% of the time, the index entry will be
some shorthand for exactly what the text says there.

In fact, we should talk about shrinking other insets while we're at it. For
example: why should labels be written out? I guess that references should
show what they're referring to, but won't labels always refer to the text
near them? So why not make labels shorter, too?

> Makarenko> I join an example how I did it.
> Could you please send patches instead of code snippets. As it is, I do
> not see what your code intends to do and cannot test it easily.

On the other hand, thank you for making modifications instead of just
complaining :)



1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

I seem to have missed some new translations, including the new Dutch stuff
and some others. Congratulations and thank you to those who have contributed
new stuff.

Because it's so easy, I'll usually put new translations on as soon as I get the news. If you notice
that I haven't done so for a while (and I'm not on vacation, e.g.) feel free
to send me a reminder to do so.

One question about translations. I notice that the slovene tutorial has
\language slovene, while at least one of the tutorials has \language
default. We Americans don't care about foreign languages, so I don't pay
much attention to it, but I assume there's some reason for having one or the
other. So:

(1) What is the translator supposed to put there?
(2) Is that info in DocStyle?
(3) Would anyone like to fix all the incorrect docs? :)


Re: Too heavy wysiwig "Index:*"

1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 03:45:15PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> In fact, we should talk about shrinking other insets while we're
> Amir> at it. For example: why should labels be written out? I guess
> Amir> that references should show what they're referring to, but won't
> Amir> labels always refer to the text near them? So why not make
> Amir> labels shorter, too?
> That's very different. Having the explicit label is useful in this
> case: it gives you an info which is the label associated with the
> paragraph. In the index case, it gives almost no info.

Um, maybe. Why would you need that extra information? The only time it's
referred to is when you're making a ref or pageref to it, and then you're
somewhere else in the document anyway. In any case, I was just sort of
hoping to start a discussion of which insets should be changed/removed/added
in 1.1. We shouldn't be too complacent, assuming that the current GUI is
perfect. And as long as changes are small, continue to make sense (or make
more sense), and are documented, we don't have to worry about confusing
users either.

> I wanted to add something like that, but sent the message too fast...

This is the problem with e-mail. Another problem is that some people are so
impressed with themselves for being able to send mail quickly, that they end
up sending two copies of their replies to people sometimes. How sad.


Re: web site v1.4

1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 03:03:08PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> let me know if it's broken.
> - if I click 'more about lyx' I get an additional 'what about klyx'
> menu at toplevel. In fact, the last item of a submenu is always shown
> at toplevel.

Ah. Thank you. It's all part of the kludge.

> - In how to get it, 'main page' should be green when it is the current
> one (same for 'more about lyx'). 

True. And by the way, there was a bug there too. It's actually supposed to
say "Main Download page", not just "Main page", but I was giving it a null

> Nicely done.

Not really. I'm going to try and dekludge it a bit this afternoon by getting
rid of the information redundancy.  I think I really need to turn the arrays
of the link types, names, etc. into hashes, which might make it look a bit
cleaner too. (I could use objects but that might be overkill for just a
simple website.)


Hebrew LyX

1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

Shalom, Sivan.

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 04:34:09PM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Are there any plans or discussions about extending lyx to hebrew? 

There has definitely been discussion. Check out the lyx-devel mailing list
archive at If you
search for "hebrew" you'll see that a few people have asked about it.

> This requires bidirectional support. 

The newly begun development cycle, v1.1, involves a newly written kernel
which can handle Unicode as well as languages written in different
directions. (East Asian language support has been asked for by a bunch of
people.) So the good news is that it will be possible, but the bad news is
that the new kernel is still quite small.

Quoting Asger Alstrup Nielsen, one of the main kernel designer/developers:

No.  Requests for this has been very few, so we have decided
 that it's not a priority.  In particular, the new kernel is
 not planned to handle this at first.  However, the new kernel
 is an open design, so plugging in a RTL inset is technically
 feasible, but I doubt that it will happen for a long time.

> I could spec what is needed (based on the bidi facilities in hebrew
> latex). I could perhaps find a student or a team to do coding in a
> software project course next year. 

Aha! If you or your underlings :) would be willing to do (part of) the bidi
coding, then there's a *much* higher chance of it happening. None of the
core developers has a particular need for RTL right now, which is probably
why it's not being pursued very aggressively. But nothing is to stop you
from becoming a major developer.

Incidentally, you'll also find in the mailing list archive a link to a $100
prize being offered in one of the open source bazaars for a hebrew word
processor for linux. I'm sure lyx would pass the test.

> But if we do anything I would like it to be part of the usual distribution
> so that it is maintained properly rather than fall out of synch with the
> main version.

In my experience, the developers have been only too happy to except almost
anything, as long as it was good code and didn't completely go against the
direction of LyX development. In your case, it's something that the
developers planned to do anyway, just not so soon.

So I hope you'll work on this. (And I'm sure you'll get support from the
core developers if you have questions.) Then I can stop sending my
grandmother letters in unreadable handwriting :)

-Amir Karger

Re: Web site v1.3 (with questions for Asger)

1999-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 11:47:58AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Amir Karger wrote:
> Ahhh...  Okay, I was thinking php was smarter than it is.  I thought it
> might have been able to apply the "long=1" to a table of links and this
> table of links would then be used for all the entries in all the pages.  
> Effectively using $table[0] = index.php and in the pages using something
> like .  This would then mean you'd only need to change
> one table entry to update all links to a particular page.

I think you *could* do this, although it would mean putting all of the files
into the main start.php3 (the file included by all other files). When I put
things into sub-directories, I made sub-directory-specific start.php3 files
(which list the files for their sub-dir and then include ../start.php3).
Which ruins your plan. 

But I don't like your plan anyway, because it means that when you're writing
a new (piece of a) page, you can't just link to a file, you need to look at
the table to decide what to link to, and every link will then look like . Not only is that ugly, it means that
anyone reading the source (e.g. to edit it) *also* has to refer to the table
to know what the link means. 

Now, you could change the table to a hash, so you'd have
$linktable["Platforms"] which would link to about/platforms.php3.  But that
still has the ugliness problem, and means you need to keep track of the
names describing the files (and what does "Related" mean? Who knows? But
download/related.php3 is more clear). Admittedly, you still have that in the
current implementation (requiring these names to be in two different places,
which is a Bad Thing for upkeep), but I'm hoping to get rid of any code that
depends on it and use the names only as the link text. I plan to do that by
referencing the files by just their filenames, and using some regexp magic.
Unfortunately, php3 isn't making this too easy for me.

> But I get the feeling from your description that there are no global
> variables in php.

Well, it depends on what you mean by global. The start.php3 file is included
by every php3 file, so any variables in that are global to the whole
website. However, if you change one of those variables, then when you go to
a new page, start.php3 will be loaded fresh, and the variable will change
back. Which is why you need cookies. But really, without cookies that sort
of thing is unmanageable, because what happens if I look at,
then go to, and then go back to
Obviously php3 can't keep my customize info around without a cookie.


Web site v1.4.1

1999-07-30 Thread Amir Karger

I call it 1.4.1 because nothing visible changed. However, I tried to
dekludgify the menu/highlighting issue somewhat. I think it's a bit more
sane now, and I *think* it works for every page. Please check and make sure!

Each file now has at the top only the title, author, and the file's full
pathname (e.g., "download/index.php3". I could get rid of that, too, if I
knew how to get php3 to tell me the URL of the file we're currently looking
at!). You no longer need to tell the file its name in the navbar. (That's in
the start.php3 include files, which is where the navbars get written, which
makes more sense.)

My current todo list says:

- better OS/2 text (following Arnd's suggestions)

- feedback: still haven't got any and we may want something better than a

- counter: maybe we don't want one

- links to CHANGES/README's etc. from CVS. (I realized, btw, that we could
  always have a link that checked out the correct version of this file. Only
problem would be that this link would have to be updated whenever there's a
new version, which isn't too often.)

- get rid of the mailing list archives menu in the navbar? It's in
  mailing.php3 which isn't hard to find. Does it really belong on every page
on the site?

- better customize? It appears to be directory specific now, which is pretty
  lame. In fact, it's worse than that. If I set top navbar instead of the
default side then I get a cookie for every page, even within the same
directory. Which is a problem for me since I have netscape ask me if I want
to accept each cookie (netscape isn't as advanced as lynx (!) which lets you
accept all cookies from a given domain).

G'weekend, all. I again heard no insults today and I fear that with
Jean-Marc gone the discussion on this list will only be more serious and
lyx-related. How ghastly!


Re: Web site v1.3 (with questions for Asger)

1999-08-01 Thread Amir Karger

On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 05:04:11PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> I want to take this opportunity to clear one thing up:
> I don't know PHP.  I just use it.  I do know that PHP
> is a mess.  It reminds me of Perl somehow, but I take
> comfort in that the Microsoft offering ASP is worse.

What a bummer. So we have noone who actually knows php3? This should be fun.

PHP reminds you of perl because it's supposed to be like perl.
Unfortunately, it's missing a lot of convenient perl-isms, so it's not even
a good scripting language. It seems to me that using CGI (which I also don't
know anything about), which lets you write in Real Perl but has tons of HTTP
methods, would be easier (and wouldn't more places have support for that
than for PHP?), but I'm sure Asger chose PHP wisely, after long and careful
deliberation, not just because he can't understand Perl syntax.

Speaking of Perl, you'll be happy to hear that my brother, who's a comp-sci
professor, agrees with your opinion that Perl sucks. However, sucks for him
because he's working part time at a startup company and now has to learn
perl cuz a lot of the scripts are written in it. ha ha!


Re: LyX web site

1999-08-01 Thread Amir Karger

On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 12:05:05PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> I know it's Saturday now, and I'm probably a week late on top of

Well Saturday for you is sometimes Friday for us, so we'll pretend you got
the insult in just in time.

[terribly cruel insult snipped, since it's not friday in any time zone

> The very first word is misspelled!

"With enough eyes, all idiotic typos are shallow." That was, of course, a
test for the lyx-devel list, to see whether anyone actually cares about the
web site. Since it took so long, I know noone does, so I'll just delete all
the files now (I am a master fisher for compliments.)

> What a disgrace!  I'm seriously considering having the password
> for the sunsite account changed to spare the world from your
> blatant spelling errurs.  On the other hand, you probably
> can't spell the password anyhow, so I might save the trouble...

I thought you might feel that way. That's why I got the password changed
To something I can spell.

> P.S. These days I have a deadline to meet at work, so I don't
> have much time for Lyxing.  However, I can tell you that I have
> implemented the scheleton for displaying in the new kernel. 

If I weren't so insulted, I would say that what you get done even when
you're busy with other things is pretty impressive.

> Before you get aroused, no, there is nothing on the screen yet, and it's

While I'm very excited about LyX, and I often call hacks sexy, I have yet to
actually get *aroused* by even the finest coding. I'm not sure whether to
assume this is a mistranslation, or whether you're trying to open up new
realms of sexual diversity.

> only the class design that I have looked at.  So, progress is there,
> although it's slow.  I hope to do the same trick with this code as with
> the web-site:  Pass it to someone else when the framework is up.
> Hopefully, I can find someone competent this time.

I would volunteer, but I'm busy. For example, I played the card game "war"
with my nephew on saturday, and was thinking that the game is totally
deterministic (as long as you pick up the cards consistently), so much so
that a computer could play it. I had no recourse but to actually test my
hypothesis, so today I coded up a Perl script and accompanying module to
allow you (well, the computer, actually) to play war. I was going to work on
the revtex4.layout, but as you can see I had more important things on my


Re: Inset layout files

1999-08-01 Thread Amir Karger

On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 05:23:23PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Yoni Elhanani wrote:
> > I am not familiar with LyX sources, (I'm barely familiar with LyX
> > itself) but last night I peeked around, and noticed that LyX uses
> > layout files for commands and enviroment (and command-enviroment such
> > as a list), but insets are hardcoded.
> [snipped summary of many of our less well documented future plans]

[Allan's intelligent reply snipped]

> When can you start?


> You are most welcome to familiarize yourself with the sources and help us
> get the layout changes underway in the development branch.  You'll need to
> checkout the 'lyx' cvs tree to do that.  What is probably even more
> necessary at present is to skim through the past discussions and create a
> design document or two.  Scripting and layouts have been recurring topics
> of conversation for the last 18 months but I don't think any of the
> developers has actually gathered this info together.

Another way to get familar with the sources would be to get together with
Sivan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who mailed the list recently and work on
Right-To-Left support for the new version of LyX. But Israel's a small
country; you two probably already know each other :)

Kol Tuv,

Re: Now it's here! The pictures from Tildem

1999-08-03 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 11:18:29AM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> Hi!
> The pictures from the third international LyX developers
> meeting held in Bozen, Italy are here:

Nice pictures.

The fact that a "Ildm menu" is created in the navbar, with a link to a
non-existent "ildm/" page, is probably a bug in the php. Who coded that
stuff anyway?


Re: Now it's here! The pictures from Tildem

1999-08-04 Thread Amir Karger

> On Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 11:18:29AM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > The pictures from the third international LyX developers
> > meeting held in Bozen, Italy are here:
> > 
> >

By the way, since this was the third int. lyx DEVELOPERs meeting, shouldn't
this page go on the devel site?

(No, I'm not saying this just to avoid the problems with the sunsite site :)


Broken website

1999-08-04 Thread Amir Karger

(Forwarded from non-list mails)

On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 11:24:18AM +0200, Asger Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> > But I still think we
> > need something better than having everything in the main directory. If we
> > have 30 files in the main directory, it will be confusing for people who
> > want to edit pages.
> No, it's not.  You find the page you want to edit with your browser, and
> see the filename there.  Start your editor and edit the page.
> Come on, the main LyX source directory has hundreds of files, and this
> is not a problem, even if we do not have the luxury of using a browser
> to find the one we need to edit.  Why should it be a problem with many
> 50 web-pages?

(1) I think the LyX sources would be easier to look at---especially for
newcomers---if they were in subdirectories. And in fact Lars *did*
reorganize things that way, although apparently just partially.

(2) OK. My original argument was kind of dumb. But IMO maintenance is easier 
if things are nicely divided up. Yes, I'm probably too obsessive about it,
but I think it's useful for organizing things.

> I agree that pictures and "logical" units such as the LGT should go into
> a directory by itself.  But it's a mistake to demand that all pages
> should go into it's own sub-directory, just because you fear that it
> will be confusing.  I find it more confusing to have all these
> sub-directories because that makes maintainance a hell, and it doesn't
> even work, and we have the cookie-hell as well.

It only makes maintenance a hell if you have a badly designed system. If you
have a well designed system, it makes it easier. And I admit you get more
cookies, but once you've accepted 1 cookie, what's so bad about 5?

> The reason that sub-menus make things harder is that you can not see all
> available pages, and therefore you have to try and guess where this and
> that page is:  First you click on "About...", well, it's not there, so
> then you try "Download...", but that didn't find it either.  Hmm, maybe
> it's "Developers" and so on.

[and from later in the mail:]
> The top nav-bar is a problem because there is not enough space to
> present all the different pages in one go.  Therefore, we have to settle
> to present only the groups, and not the entries inside each group,
> because of space considerations.

This problem would persist and be even worse using your suggestion for the
top navbar of only having the main topics. Then you *really* have to guess
where pages are.

> Grouping the pages into groups is a good idea, but all pages should be
> visible in the navigation bar, IMO.  It should be visible immediately
> which pages are available in a group -- you should not have to expand it
> to see.
> Them it's much easier to find something, and you get a much more
> immediate impression of what is available on this site.

There are currently about 15 different pages. You want to put them all in
the navbar?  What about when we have 20 pages? 25? No, I don't know what
will be on those pages, but we ought to build this system so that it can
expand if necessary.

I suppose a potential option would be to require a side navbar and use an
intelligent scheme to list the main menu & sub menus, e.g. using a bigger
font for the main pages, and/or indenting sub menus. The main start.php3
would be much simpler without all the top vs. side code.

> Sub-folders is a powerful tool, but it should only be used when
> appropriate.  It has advantages and disadvantages that should be
> considered before applying, just like any other tool has to be evaluated
> before it's used.

Of course. So far we've had three votes for sub-menus and one against. Plus
a rather large number of "yes by default and laziness" votes.

> I suggest that we only have one start.php3 page which contains all pages
> in the system.  Having local start.php3 in each directory is a
> maintainance hell, and we will end up with something which isn't an
> improvement of the old system -- if we want to change the nav-bar, we
> have to go around and change it in many files.
> The entire point of the start.php3 file is to avoid this problem -- all
> pages are registered one place, and one place only.

I admit that it might be better to leave the whole database in one place.
(Although perhaps we should put it into a separate file to be included by
start.php3? Which would also make creating a site-map really easy.)

While I am not entirely opposed to getting rid of the local start.php3's, I
don't think they're as bad as you're making them out to be. My way of
thinking was that if you want to change the main navbar, you should be
editing the main start.php3, while if you want to change a subnavbar you
should be editing the sub start.php3. And it's not like that will be
difficult to find. If you're editing or adding a file in a given directory,
you edit the start.php3 in that directory. That seems like *less* of a
maintenance hell to me. Although the only web site maintenance I've done

More on the website

1999-08-04 Thread Amir Karger

I've removed the mailing list archive menus. I changed the subnavbar to
write, e.g., "Download sub-menu" instead of "menu". Is that more or less
confusing, Asger? Or still the same, which is to say (IYO) very?

Note that the "Ildm sub-menu" is currently created only if using top navbar.
Obviously inconsistent, but not worth fixing now. If we do decide to use
subdirs, then we probably won't have any which aren't listed in start.php3.


Re: More on the website

1999-08-04 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 06:53:49PM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Did you look at the feedback stuff I sent?

Yup. It looks overly configurable, but it shouldn't be too hard to add. Of
course, I need to figure out whether to put it in a subdirectory or not :)


[ Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers]

1999-08-05 Thread Amir Karger

I have no idea if this is useful or meaningful.

- Forwarded message from Peter Skye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 01:04:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Peter Skye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Amir Karger, LyX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Hacksaw Version 1.0c
Subject: Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers

Contact:  Rollin White ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


   Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers

  Warp Expo West offers three free ways for OS/2 Software
Developers and other OS/2-oriented vendors to demonstrate
and sell their products.

  First, we'll give you a free table in the exhibitor hall.
Bring in your product and show our happy throngs of OS/2
users how it works and what it does.  Remember that many
guests at Warp Expo West will be looking for new OS/2
software and other OS/2-related products -- and your
presence will give them a chance to see what your products
can do.  For your free exhibitor table, send a request to

  Second, we'll give you a seminar time period so you can
give an in-depth presentation of your OS/2 products.  We'll
happily add meeting rooms to accomodate everyone, and we'll
promote your presentation to make sure you have a good
audience.  To speak at Warp Expo West, contact

  And third, we've got Vendor100 ready just for you.  We'll
put your product in front of every Warp Expo West attendee,
and our staff will assist every guest in finding the exact
products that meet their needs.  It's a free way to get your
product known to Warp Expo West visitors -- and all you have
to do to sign up is send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you've got an OS/2 product, Warp Expo West wants to
showcase it.

  So take your pick of everything you want.  A free
exhibitor table in our vendor hall, a lecture period to
demonstrate your product in detail, and Vendor100.

  Warp Expo West will be held on September 18 near
Disneyland in sunny Southern California.  All the info is at

  If you've got an OS/2 product, email


  He'll get you signed up for the exact options you want -
for free.

  And if you're coming to Warp Expo West to see the sights,
the software, the seminars and the excitement, you can
register - for free - at

  Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.

 # # # # #

- End forwarded message -

Re: [ Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers]

1999-08-06 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 01:52:05AM +0100, Arnd Hanses wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 1999 12:03:51 -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> >- Forwarded message from Peter Skye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
> >
> >Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 01:04:10 -0700 (PDT)
> >From: Peter Skye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Amir Karger, LyX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >X-Mailer: Hacksaw Version 1.0c
> >Subject: Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers
> Well, this is a user group trying to help independent OS/2 software
> companies to survive; maybe there you'll find someone to sponsor LyX
> adaptation for special needs... (Or even to finance later world
> domination of your LaTeX to LyX project)

Wait! What do you mean by "you"? What I meant by forwarding this message is
that I have no OS/2 connections, so if someone wants to contact these people
it won't be me.


Re: Latex to lyx translation

1999-08-11 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 05:04:07PM +0200, Artur Andrzejak wrote:
> lyx is really great, but
> there it is quite choosy at accepting latex files.
> Artur Andrzejak

Thanks for your input.  If you use reLyX from the command line, you can do
more than using "Import->LaTeX" from within LyX. A couple thoughts:

> # substitute the documentclass to amsbook
> $in =~  s/\\documentclass(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/\\documentclass$1\{amsbook\}/g;
(1) You can get amsbook class by using "reLyX -c amsbook"

> # substitute some environment names
> $in =~  s/\\begin\{lemma\}/\\begin\{lem\}/g;
> $in =~  s/\\end\{lemma\}/\\end\{lem\}/g;

I think this gets ugly because of the numerous different ams layouts.
Using the "reLyXre" portion of the syntax.default file may help you here,
because then the stuff within the environments will be translated, and you
can remove the \begin and \end command and change the layout type within LyX.

This is definitely a shortcoming that should be addressed in later versions
of reLyX, but I fear that your method isn't general enough to include.

> # substitute \cal, \bar, \choose etc.
> $in =~  s/\{\\cal(.*?)\}/\{\\mathcal\{$1\}\}/gs;
> $in =~  s/\{\\bar(.*?)\}/\{\\overline\{$1\}\}/gs;

I believe you could get these by adding to the "reLyXmt" portion at the end
of the syntax.default file. Check the reLyX man page. We may want to add
this to the default syntax.default file. Anyone else have comments on this?

> $in =~  s/\{([^\$\{\}]*?)\\choose(.*?)\}/\\binom\{$1\}\{$2\}/gs;

Sorry, but this has already been addressed when someone asked about the
"atop" command. It's just too hard to parse regular TeX as well as LaTeX.
While it may not help you much, I can only say that LaTeX2e has been a
standard for a long time, and 

> $in =~  s/\\text\{(.*?)\}/\\textrm\{$1\}/gs;
> $in =~  s/\\mbox\{(.*?)\}/\\textrm\{$1\}/gs;

Sorry. I don't think these translations yield equivalent LaTeX. we have
discussed "strict" and "non-strict" translation modes, but there's nothing
like that in reLyX now---right now, it almost always tries to have stricter
translations even if it yields more evil red text.

We could definitely do a lot more with reLyX. Unfortunately, real life
doesn't give me the time to work on it much, and noone else has stepped in
to work on it either.


Re: getting rid of double spaces

1999-08-12 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 02:58:38PM -0500, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
> And I can't use another editor, as I have program output which relies 
> on double spaces inside some of my figures. . . .
> They seem to be harmless once they're passed by latex, but paranoia is 
> catching up with me.  Is there a way to remove them?

You could easily (?) whip up a perl script (or probably even
awk...) to do it except between \begin{figure} and \end{figure}, e.g.


Re: getting rid of double spaces

1999-08-13 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 05:40:09PM -0500, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 02:58:38PM -0500, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
> > > And I can't use another editor, as I have program output which relies 
> > > on double spaces inside some of my figures. . . .
> > > 
> > > They seem to be harmless once they're passed by latex, but paranoia is 
> > > catching up with me.  Is there a way to remove them?
> > 
> > You could easily (?) whip up a perl script (or probably even
> > awk...) to do it except between \begin{figure} and \end{figure}, e.g.
> Yep, after learning Perl, it would be clear sailing :)

Complain, complain. It would be something like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wp
BEGIN{$replace = 1}

# mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /etc/passwd
# /etc/reboot
# Just kidding! (Happy Friday) '#' are comments.

$replace = 0 if /\\begin\{figure\}/;
$replace = 1 if /\\end\{figure\}/;

s/  / /g if $replace;

Just cut & paste that to a file, without the comments if you'd like, chmod
+x it, and do something like bar.lyx >

And then you can complain some more when it totally ruins your files :)


[ REVtex on LyX]

1999-08-16 Thread Amir Karger

- Forwarded message from Juris Reinfelds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

In Lyx 1.0.1 on SuSE Linux 6.1 the RevTex template does not dvi.
It comes back with the Latex error "cannot find revtex.sty".

Without any description of the mechanism of template inclusion and template
workings we are totally stumped by the sheer number of files and directory
depths in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex and elsewhere.

Could you please give us a reference to a HowTo or Readme or give us some
clues where to find a Am Phys Society template that works.

- End forwarded message -

I know I'm supposed to be the revtex geek here, but I tend to get confused
about the file hierarchies too. The fact that I haven't actually written
anything with revtex doesn't help. So I'm forwarding this to the lyxlist for

If you search for "revtex" at, you'll find the revtex 3.1 ftp
site, which includes a readme and stuff. In the LyX distribution, there's a
file (in lib/tex/revtex.cls) which includes that revtex.sty, which is
probably supposed to be somewhere like /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc.
Btw, if you have tetex, there's some kind of texhash command you may need to

Just to make your life a bit more complicated, APS just release a beta for
revtex4. The good news is that it's (much) more latex2e compatible, so it'll
work better with LyX. The bad news is that lyx doesn't have a revtex4
textclass yet. I started working on it but got caught up in other terribly
important things. Once it's done, we'll hopefully make the regular revtex
layout deprecated. But I need to finish it & write up some docs (which
revtex.layout doesn't have yet).


Re: [ REVtex on LyX]

1999-08-16 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 12:17:14PM -0600, Juris Reinfelds wrote:
> Thanks for forwarding my message to lyxlist and for your quick response. 

I'm sending this to the list too, since I can't answer all of your questions.
In general, you'll probably get quicker answers by mailing questions to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], since I'm only an "expert" at a couple things, like
reLyX and (in theory) revtex.

To subscribe to the devel list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] The
subject and the message itself can be empty; only the address matters. Check for details.

> What I am missing most is a description of the design of Lyx:

Ah. Well, at least some of this can be found in the docs. The documentation
for LyX is very extensive, and it's even mostly current, although definitely
not perfect.

>   How does one create a textclass in Lyx?

See chapter 6 of the Customization document (available in the LyX help
menu). Basically, the answer is that you should copy an existing textclass
(i.e., a layout file in the lib/layouts directory in the distribution) and
modify things to fit your needs. Many textclasses require only minor

>   How does one create a template?

A template is basically just a regular lyx file. They're generally designed
to be pretty short, just laying out the general outline of the documents for
people to fill in using "new from template". I guess the only difference is
that usually when you design a template, you create the file in LyX, but
then remove any nonessential directives with a text editor. This probably
makes no sense. Read lib/templates/ in the LyX
distribution for details. (There's also a command documented in section 2.3
of the user's guide which creates a "default" template.)

>   Where does Lyx look for .sty .cls files? 

LyX basically just runs LaTeX, and LaTeX looks in places determined by your
TEXINPUTS environment variable. (I think LyX might add something like
/usr/local/share/lyx/tex, which has some LyX-specific tex files in it, to

>   What directories does Lyx create in /tmp? Where else?

You mean when you're doing "view dvi" or some such? It creates temporary
directories called /tmp/lyx_lots_of_gibberish/more_gibberish. Each such temp
file contains the tex translation of your lyx file, the dvi, etc. 

> Is Lyx development going on without any design-of-Lyx document or agreement?

Certainly not! There are a bunch of design documents, many of which can be
found at Others may be archived in various other
locations (e.g. the mailing list archives) but I'm not a core developer so I
can't tell you where they are. But the core developers reading this message

> My student Vince Montoya came up with a work-around for the RevTex problem,
> but it is a bit clumsy compared to the slickness of the rest of Lyx.

Is the workaround something we could use? Note that the tex/revtex.cls is
already a workaround, but it's revtex's fault, not Lyx's fault, because
revtex 3.1 was designed to use latex2.09 even though it's obsolete.

As I mentioned I will hopefully someday get the revtex4 textclass done. When
I do, I'm actually hoping to contact APS, and suggesting that they recommend
LyX to the more LaTeX-phobic professors, since LyX provides a more WYSIWYG



1999-08-20 Thread Amir Karger

"At the awards presentation for Show Favorite at LinuxWorld Conference and
Expo, SourceGear Corporation has accepted the top award in the category of
Productivity Application/Suite."

Huh? Are we talking about the same Abiword, which is in release 0.7.4 right
now? And yet they had 18000 downloads in July? They must have some serious
PR or something! (Or maybe it's their new "import Word" feature.)


Re: LyX 1.0.3: a bug report

1999-08-30 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 12:47:04PM +0100, Serge Winitzki wrote:
> 1) When selecting a file in the File/Open box, double-clicking on the
> file name is very finicky, it seems to expect me to double-click
> extremely quickly.

Good point. I don't know why I never mentioned this annoyance, since it
seems it was easy to fix.

> 5) Two RevTeX glitches when exporting to TeX: first, the \documentclass
> line should really be \documentstyle, because the stupid RevTeX is still
> Latex 2.09 although its correct processing with Latex 2e requires a .cls
> file. Second, when using boldface in math, for example a boldface "x",
> followed by normal "+y", which should be the TeX code "{\mathbf x} + y",
> LyX incorrectly generates the TeX code "\mathbf{x} + y", which results
> in both x and y and whatever follows being typesent in boldface.

I believe the second problem isn't a revtex-specific problem. Mathed has
"issues" with boldfacing which will probably be fixed in 1.1. Also, as Lars
said, LyX does use documentclass for revtex. LyX comes with a revtex.cls
file which basically just calls revtex.sty in compatibility mode. RevTeX4
has been released in beta, and I started working on a layout file for it but
have been very lazy.



1999-08-30 Thread Amir Karger

Forwarding this to the list since I'm over my head here. Has anyone else
gotten these problems with the LyX revtex.cls (from the command line)? Or
does anyone (welcome back, Jean-Marc!) know what would cause it? (Serge, it
might help if you reminded us what your tex distribution is. But it might
not :) 

As far as the requirement for hand-editing from style to class, as has been
mentioned it's not worth doing anything special because as soon as that lazy
good-for-nothing working on revtex4.layout finishes, it won't be an issue.


- Forwarded message from Serge Winitzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Serge Winitzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So you're saying you can create dvi in lyx but not from the command line?

No, I can't create dvi anywhere. If I make TeX read the .cls file that
comes with LyX rather than the revtex.cls file that comes with most
Latex distributions, latex breaks with messages such as "Unknown option
`errorshow' for package `tracefnt' " and 
"l.173 \DeclareSymbolFont
! Undefined control sequence.
extract@fontinfo ... instead}else default@errfont 
  errhelp nofont@help
l.259 \selectfont

> The problem is probably that lyx automatically puts LYXDIR/tex/ into your
> TEXINPUTS environment variable. (LYXDIR is something like

I made a TEXINPUTS path equal to
.:/usr/local/share/lyx/tex/:/opt/tex/lib/texmf// with the disastrous 
results above.

> Course you can change class to style by hand if you would like for when
> you finally want to send to the publisher . Or write a one-line sed/awk/perl
> script to do it.

Of course, that's what I'm doing but I thought I'd let you know.

- End forwarded message -

web site, revtex

1999-08-31 Thread Amir Karger

(1) I finally put the feedback page up at the sunsite lyx web site
( Please check it out. I basically just copied the form
from the lyx home page. Please don't submit lots of forms, because I've set
it to mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :) Lars can check himself and see whether that
part works. (And check the success page.)

I don't check the validity of the from address, because I don't really care
if we get anonymous suggestions etc.

(2) I seem to have lost my revtex4.layout as I've juggled files between my
various accounts. (This is what happens when you try to do a PhD in four
different states.) I'll try to recreate it (i.e. recopy it from
revtex.layout) and post it someday.


Re: exdented paragraphs

1999-09-03 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 08:48:17AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
> > I think we started on this one, too.  In the latex books I've checked,
> > I haven't found a way to have exdented (negative indent) paragraphs
> > such as this one, which are the natural format for a number of
> > things that I do.
> > 
> > I would expect that there's a trivial way to do this, but I have no 
> > idea what to look under.
> You might have to resort to plain TeX to get what you want.


Why not \setlength{\parindent}{-.2in}, e.g.? (You could move in the left
margin first and then exdent if you want.)


\title[foo]{bar} et al.

1999-09-03 Thread Amir Karger

Question for the latex gurus in the audience.

One popular complaint about lyx 1.0 is that you can't get the equivalent of
\section[short]{long section title}.

Well, perhaps this has been discussed before, but couldn't you do something
like this in the preamble (I don't know TeX, so this is sort of pseudoTeX):

% Initialie shortsectionname to nothing by default.
% however you set something to "" in TeX


\if\shortsectionname isn't null\let\optarg=\shortsectioname%

And in the .layout file:

Style Shortsection
name = shortsection

Ignoring the probably laughable syntax & methodology, you can see that I'm
trying to say that you would write the short title for the chapter first,
in Shortsection style, and then you would write a Section title like usual.
The \shortsection command would set the variable \shortsectionname to the
short section name the user input, and then the renew'ed \section command
would print it out correctly, or print nothing. (I wanted to just say
\mysection[\shortsectionname]{#1} but that would make an empty entry in the
TOC, which is wrong.

Since this doesn't require changing LyX code, I would contend that it won't
break anything. I'm probably wrong. But please tell me why.

The actual reason I'm interested is that revtex lets you use optargs for
\title and a bunch of other fields in the title. If we want to "market" this
thing for clueless professors, we shouldnt' require them to reedit the thing
when they're done. (Of course, APS still isn't accepting submissions in
revtex4, so maybe we can just wait for 1.2.)


Release version

2001-07-17 Thread Amir Karger

I'm happy to announce (only two weeks late) the birth of our daughter, Deena
Jenny, on July 3. She's already got me wrapped around her finger.

Unfortunately, this may cut into the vast amounts of time I've been devoting
to the LyX coding effort for the past year .


Re: Improved latex preamble import in reLyX.

2001-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 08:26:21PM +0300, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:34:05PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 03:03:40PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > > 
> 3. The \L and \R commands for Hebrew files.
>  - \L{text} is a shortcut to \foreignlanguage{english}{text}
>  - \R{text} is a shortcut to \foreignlanguage{hebrew}{text}

But \L and \R may mean different things in non-Hebrew files, right?



2001-07-26 Thread Amir Karger

Yes, I'm still alive.

Jose, it's great to see that you made progress on the reLyX stuff. I took a
brief look at it and it looked fine, although I might have done a couple
things differently. Unfortunately, I don't have much free time, or I could
try to help with the uninstalled reLyX problem. Still, it was nice to see a
file in reLyX/ updated more recently than 2 years ago.


Re: reLyX

2001-07-27 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 09:14:34AM -0700, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 03:54:27PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > 
> > I wonder how much mathed specific code is in reLyX that could be removed
> > if we had support for it in mathed.
> > 
> > I think I could e.g. support everything on the bottom of
> > lib/reLyX/syntax.default "natively", so this  reLyXmt thingy could go...
> > 
> > Who knows how reLyX works nowadays?
> I do (or I can figure it out in a few minutes).

I do too (or I can figure it out in a few mintues).

The more you support the better. The goal was always for reLyX to just copy
math verbatim & pass it along to LyX, but LyX didn't support everything
people were throwing at it. (This is still a problem for optional arguments
to \section et al., but I've complained about that at least once in the last
six months, so I won't be annoying.)


Re: Rename 666 to TEX

2001-07-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 10:23:53AM -0300, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> Herbert Voss wrote:
> > 
> > "Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen" wrote:
> > >
> > > The 666 name is fun, but not very intuitive/informative. What about
> > > changing it to TEX? Failing that, we should at least use ERT, which
> > > is not very intuitive either, but at least more established?
> > 
> > TeX is better, because it's no more like the eval red text.
> It goes away anyway. I like the 666, maybe the same people trying to ban
> Harry Potter will give lyx some publicity also :)

Funny, but I"m going to have to agree with the others. If someone does
happen to see an open 666 inset, this'll give them a clue as to what it


Re: Rename 666 to TEX

2001-07-30 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 03:41:35PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> > The "TeX inset" on the other hand, is clear and intuitive.
> In a DocBook document "TeX" won't make much sense.

Whoa. Never thought of that. In my mind, the LyX backend is always LaTeX.

> On the other hand "Raw" may make more sense when used in both LaTeX and
> DocBook documents.  

Probably a good description.

> You could also just call it a "Markup" inset since
> LaTeX and DocBook are markup languages.

To me, though, markup seems like it's even more marked up than LyX, not more
raw. I'd go with raw.


Re: Artwork

2001-07-30 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 03:32:48PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> This is sexy but what would be really nice is if the logo actually looked
> like something.  The LyX creature is usually described as a deformed
> platypus.  It'd be nice it actually looked like it could be a real
> creature -- with a beak that isn't just a cariciture.

IMO, the LyX mascot looks like the LyX mascot. Animals, as Kayvan said, have
been done.


Re: reLyX

2001-08-03 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 04:32:44PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 05:39:43PM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I don't have much free time, or I could
> > try to help with the uninstalled reLyX problem. 
>   I have already a solution for that, I will commit it when I come back. 


> I will extend your previous code in the $maybe_dir. I will locate the path
> to the reLyX script and from there I will try to discover where is the
> main_script located. Only some more lines of code...

That sounds right. I'm sort of surprised I didn't do it in the first place.

>   If you see something that isn't the perlish way of doing it please say. 

I think I saw a couple things, but they didn't look too egregious. I think I
would have solved differently the paperoptions stuff where you return
subrefs, but it still seems OK.

> At a certain point I was looking for the first char in a line and I was
> doing something like:
>   $_[0] eq '#', while the more natural way to do it in perl is /^\#/

$_[0] is wrong anyway, since that looks at the first scalar in @_, which is
very different than the first character in $_! Yet another way to do it
(recall that the Perl motto is "There's more than one way to do it" is
substr($_,1,1) eq '#'. I think I usually use the regex, though.

Enjoy your vacation.


Re: lyx file format changes

2001-08-08 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 09:21:51AM +1200, Michael Koziarski wrote:
> >The conversion is important.
> >Perhaps the problem is that there aren't many developers which know perl well.
> Um, I do.  I program perl & python for a living.  Is there a bug / feature 
> request for reLyx anywhere?  I could have a poke around and see what I can 
> do.

Aha! Caught you!

There are some bugs mentioned in the reLyX man page. There's also a BUGS
file in lib/reLyX in the distribution. Since then, there have been several
gazillion messages about it, some of which I might be able to forward to

Near the beginning of this thread, Dekel gave a list of new LyX features that
aren't supported by reLyX yet. You might want to play with some of those
too. Also talk to Andre about what Mathed now supports or doesn't -- you may
be able to get rid of the reLyXmt{} in syntax.defaults. (Actually, you
shouldn't get rid of it, since people might want to put their own personal
commands in there that aren't supported by Mathed. But he may have added
support for what's there currently.)

There are actually several *classes* of reLyX problems:

- new LyX features, as above
- things not supported by reLyX guts: Text::TeX (which is very very old and
  I changed only a bit from the v0.01 I got from CPAN) doesn't support
  anything very complicated in [], for example, which means you can lose
- LaTeX things LyX can't do: my favorite example is \section[foo]{bar},
  which is supposedly going to be supported someday.
- Things that are difficult to translate exactly into LyX. I think there
  have been a couple of threads on the difficulties of \centering vs.
  \begin{center}, for example.
- ... much much more

Seriously, if you poke around a bit and decide it' s not totally hopeless,
I could go through my mail/relyx folder and find you a bunch more. I would
be thrilled to know someone's taken over for my slacking, and a bunch of the
hardcore LaTeXers on the list would be happy too.


Re: new (math) parser

2001-08-16 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 01:15:47PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> My first shot at a 'more LaTeX compliant' parser attached. Would be nice if 
> someone could test it against .lyx documents as well as "other" LaTeX (cut
> & paste to the main LyX window, press C-m)


The fact that you have this, btw, implies that it should be (relatively)
easy to have the same functionality for pasting LaTeX into LyX. Just call
reLyX -p on the text that's pasted.

(How long has that been on the TODO list for?)


Re: Wheel mouse

2001-08-16 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 05:12:43PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > just in case you have a wheel mouse, could you please check why the cursor
> > "hangs" in the math formula?
> I don't have one.

In case it's relevant and not reported yet, I believe I found that in
LyX1.1.6fix2, if the mouse is over a fig, then the mouse wheel doesn't work.
(This might only be when the fig takes up the whole window, but I don't think


Re: web page changes

2001-08-22 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 08:59:05AM -0400, Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 09:25:39AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> > Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > | However I don't care how this is output on the web-page (we could maybe
> > | have a look at the prefered language set in the browser and have a list
> > | of date-formats and output it in the local (prefered language) mode ;)
> > 
> > No, we should use the language of the web page.
> > 
> And that is _ENGLISH_ -- not "American".
> And in England people write 3rd August 2001.

I can't tell if this is a joke. While Americans don't get a monopoly on the
web, there's no reason to say that we should use British spellings &
standards either. I'd vote for the "international standard" too, FWIW.


Re: Table of Contents dialog inconsistency

2001-08-22 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:49:40PM +0100, John Levon wrote:
> well known bug (it's on sourceforge)

The best part of this message is that it came in the digest right after
Jurgen said, "We can always count on Lars being stubborn." Scanning the
messages, I saw his, then yours, and thought, "Lars' stubbornness is on
sourceforge? Wow, it really is the source for all possible projects."


Re: reLyX bug

2001-08-30 Thread Amir Karger

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 06:42:11PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 03:28:53PM +0200, Michael Schmitt wrote:
> > On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > 
> > syntax error at /home/schmitt/LyX/lyx-devel/lib/reLyX/ line
> > 310, near "}("
>   This is my code.
>   Amir could have a look and teel me why there is a syntax error there? The
> context of that line is:
>  305  if( $Latex_Preamble =~ /\\geometry\{(.*)\}/) {
>  306  my $geom_options = $1;
>  307  my $op;
>  308  foreach $op (keys %Geometry_Options) {
>  309  $geom_options =~ s/$op// && do {
>  310  $LyX_Preamble .= $Geometry_Options{$op}();

I'm pretty sure that the problem here is that you're missing a &.
I think you have to write:

$LyX_Preamble .= &{$Geometry_Options{$op}}();

That is, $Geometry_Options{$op} is a reference to a subroutine, so you need
to &{...}() it to actually call the subroutine.

>  311  print "Geometry option $op\n" if $debug_on;
>  312  }
>  313  }
> ...
>   I'm using perl 5.6.0 and I don't have a problem with it, while Michael is
> using  perl 5.004 or 5.005, I can't decide from the @INC...

Actually, I'm a bit surprised that 560 works on that. Could it be that if
you try to stringify a code reference, Perl calls the sub with no arguments?
Or maybe the parentheses make Perl realize it's a sub.


Re: reLyX bug

2001-08-30 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 04:50:48PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 08:49:49AM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure that the problem here is that you're missing a &.
> > I think you have to write:
> > 
> > $LyX_Preamble .= &{$Geometry_Options{$op}}();
> > 
> > That is, $Geometry_Options{$op} is a reference to a subroutine, so you need
> > to &{...}() it to actually call the subroutine.
>   Or the other option from Yves, no?
>   $Geometry_Options{$op}->()

Yeah, that's OK too.

>   I only know some of the basics and it made lots of sense that if I define
> an annonomous function to call it only adding the parentheses, that is
> equivalent to prefixing it with an &.

Right. So it's just that Perl didn't have the sophisticated understanding of
$foo(bar) beforehand. (Of course, this opens up the possibility of bugs,
because I sometimes write $foo(bar) when I meant $foo[bar]. Leftover habit
from BASIC, I guess.)


Re: reLyX bug

2001-08-31 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 11:30:32AM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:18:49PM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 04:50:48PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > > On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 08:49:49AM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> > > 
> > Yeah, that's OK too.
>   Actually I have choosen your alternative, I really dislike the ()->, grrr...
> (sorry Yves, nothing personal, on the other hand since today is friday it
> is after all).

Recall the Perl motto, "There's more than one way to do it." Although in
this case, some ways are more confusing than others.

> > Right. So it's just that Perl didn't have the sophisticated understanding of
> > $foo(bar) beforehand. (Of course, this opens up the possibility of bugs,
> > because I sometimes write $foo(bar) when I meant $foo[bar]. Leftover habit
> > from BASIC, I guess.)
>   I'm disapointed with you, you were my idol. Now all is lost, and nothing
> makes sense. Thanks for this friday Amir, you destroyed my dreams to become
> a great perl programmer.

Well, if it makes you feel better, I recently finished my doctorate, and got
a job at a bioinformatics company, where at least for the first four months
I've been programming Perl full time. It's a lot of fun! Someone called me
"Mr. Perl" the other day :)

OTOH, don't tell anyone, but I may be learning Java soon.

> PS: Even after your deeds, I have destroyed all the evidences that there
> were times when you didn't remember to use push. Now even c++ has it...

Thank you!

Have a good weekend, even if you don't get to take Monday off like we lazy
Americans do.


Re: reLyX bug

2001-09-04 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 10:45:16PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 11:20:40PM +0200, Yves Bastide wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 07:17:38PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > > 
[ignore unimportant stuff about a bug]
> > >   I really, really prefer python.
> > > 
> > >   And the code is so much readble...
> > 
> > But so much less fun... :-)
>   Come on, that's not true. You can overload operators, use functional
> programming tools as I did in my last program. If that is not fun, used with
> classes I don't know what is. ;-)
>   You can add a __cal__ method to a class making it a functor, and using it
> everywhere a function can be used. I don't even dream it how to do it in
> perl... ;-)

I'm *not* trying to start a flame war here. I'll point out, though, that you
can overload operators in perl too. I don't really know what you mean about
using a clas where you would use a function. I will say there's a *lot* of
sneakiness that can be done with Perl classes -- mostly because it's very
relaxed about requiring things -- although much of that may be obfuscated.
The AUTOLOAD method is downright scary, for example. I recently bought
Damian Conway [the guy who has written modules to write Perl in Klingon,
Latin, and whitespace, among other things]'s "Object-Oriented Perl", where
he seems to be arguing "anything you can do in [OO language X] I can do in
Perl if I feel like it, but usually I won't bother." Or something. (But not
in a condescending way. I think he's just hitting back at all the people who
say Perl isn't a "real" OO language.)

> > And you know that Amir's code is particularly readable
>   Why do you think that protesting I'm still hacking reLyX code? ;-)
>   No only readable but also clean. Thanks, *Mr* Perl. ;-)


JMarc? [was Re: reLyX bug]

2001-09-05 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 04:01:26PM +0200, Yves Bastide wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 02:22:56PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> >   
> >   As a curiosity, did reLyX worked before?
> >   I guess that if it work then we had a strange case of interaction beetween
> > BLOCK and the variable outside. Hardly what anyone would expect.
> BEGIN blocks are executed immediately after compilation.  Variable names
> are known, but assignments in "my" constructs haven't been done yet.
> With the previous version of reLyX, try
> $ perl -w reLyX-1.2 
> you'll get
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/local/bin/reLyX-1.2 line 52.
> the uninitialized value being $mainscript...

Good point. I think you need to do 

   use vars qw($whatever @variables $you're_setting_in_the_BEGIN)

in the BEGIN block in order to get the vars to work. I might be wrong though

> BTW (Amir I guess?) why 
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> then
> $^W = 1; # same as 'perl -w'
> ?  This disables -w in the BEGIN {}, as seen here

Good question. I don't know why we did that. My guess is that the configure
tool that writes the first line couldn't for some reason add the -w, so we
used ^W instead. However, this was all done 2 or 3 years ago, so I don't

In fact:

fermi2:~/lyx/reLyX>rlog -r1.5

File which configure turns into an executable wrapper for reLyX

revision 1.5
date: 1998/11/02 15:10:14;  author: karger;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -1
Use $^W instead of -w switch, because Jean-Marc asked me to.

Aha! JMarc, do you remember why we did this?


Re: About latest reLyX

2001-10-18 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 01:20:18PM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 12:17:06PM +0100, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> >   Amir or John Weiss should have a better answer. I never worked with this
> > part of the code, but I think that I have a basic grasp of what is going on.

On the other hand, I haven't worked on it in three years.

> >   Reading the comments in source code, it looks like the latex code is
> > "cleaned" in, where, for example, x^2 => x_{2}, since the mathed
> > parser is more strict than latex.

Pretty much.

> x^2 is fine in current mathed, and so is '$...$', '$$...$$' and '\cal'.
> >  After that stage all the latex math code is passed untouched to mathed.
> Would be nice if all math remains untouched by reLyX...

It's great that you've done a lot of work to support the stuff lyx didn't
used to support which required writing these workarounds in the first place.
It seems like some of could probably go away at this point. 

I do think the math translation stuff in syntax.default needs to stay in,
because lots of people use non-"standard" math in their files, and this
might allow them to translate it.

Btw, the only problem with not translating $..$ and stuff is that the parser
at some point does need to make sure it knows where math begins and ends.
(Btw, there are probably other commands that automatically start math mode
text. Would be nice to handle those, sending them all to whatever that
function is that just copies exactly literally. As long as we're at it,
what's the current support for \mbox? I had this fantasy of finding \mbox'es
in math and translating them into regular LyX)


Re: New chess (skak.sty) support

2001-10-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 08:37:28AM +0100, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> > P.S. Now, how about somebody implementing external material inset
> > support for Rosegarden/NoteEdit and musicTex? That would make LyX the
> > first word processor that supported writing really beautiful music.
> > Check out
> Hmm, it seems like Lilypond might be a better choice for the generator.
> See I propose a NoteEdit/LilyPond combination.
> Any takers?

I would *love* to work on this. I'm a music lover, and had a link to
lilypond for years.

Sadl, there's no way I have time for this.

But it would be great if someone else would do it :)


Re: [Fwd: lyx utils]

2001-11-03 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 10:44:46AM -0400, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> Herbert Voss wrote:
> > do we want to create a
> > with all the information and files?
> > 
> > Herbert
> Hmm, I went to and did not find /help so I tried
> and lo and behold :) Very nice. Every LyX user should
> bookmark it. It would be nice to have the url on the LyX help menu.
> Having mention of hollywood in /help would, I think, be a plus. The
> python scripts are all fairly short.

This is great!

Any reason it's not linked from (a prominent place at)


Re: Translation of LaTeX to LyX comments and back

2001-11-19 Thread Amir Karger

On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 05:08:31PM +, John Levon wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 02:08:07AM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
> > I have again been urged to use vim for editing some
> > document on my archaic notebook (where I use M$-DOS and vim) and
> > I was against unpleasantly surprised, that LyX still does not
> > provide interoperability between LyX and LaTeX in terms of
> > comments. Do you think, that it would be really so hard to
> > implement a translation of any LyX note (Insert/Note) into LaTeX
> > comment (with %) and vice versa? It would make things hugely
> > better for me.
> I suppose this would be utterly trivial to code, unless I'm missing
> something ?

Well, you have to be somewhat careful. You probably don't want to copy every
"%whatever" as a LyX note. What about %'s that are put in to fix line breaks
in TeX commands? You might want to check the archives, because I think we
discussed this long ago. I know Lars had talked about using Comment style
for this. There is a Comment style in LyX already, right? 


Re: LDN & mascot

2001-12-13 Thread Amir Karger

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 10:58:42AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 10:26:21AM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > > As for the contest I think we have had arguements on that earlier this
> > > year and nobody wanted to change from the existing creature design.
> > > The pretty anti-aliased version will be used soon enough but it is
> > > still the same design.
> >
> >   I love the present design, I only want a name for our pet. And no
> > John, I don't think that he is called Steve. :-)
> I suppose one question we might want to answer first is: Is "it" a he,
> she or an it?

Do we care?

I guess that -- although I have no particular liking for the name, I'd have
to go for "Felix" (Felyx?). Or Alyx.


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