Bug with SVN usage on V2.4.1 MAC OSX

2024-07-14 Thread Robert Betz

I am running MAC OSX Sonoma 14.5 with Lyx 2.4.1.

I have my documents under Subversion Version control. When I commit a 
document after changes I am suffering a crash with the following dump 
from Lyx. The crash is repeatable.

Thanks for your assistance with respect to this issue.


Robert Betz

( 1) 1 lyx 0x00010877a3a3 
: 1 lyx 0x00010877a3a3 
+ 199

( 2) 2 lyx 0x00010877a71c 
: 2 lyx 0x00010877a71c 
+ 139

( 3) 3 lyx 0x00010847ad9f _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi : 3 lyx 
0x00010847ad9f _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi + 350

( 4) 4 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff813ec1fdd _sigtramp : 4 
libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff813ec1fdd _sigtramp + 29

( 5) 5 ??? 0xb7bb6641 0x0 : 5 ??? 0xb7bb6641 0x0 + 

( 6) 6 lyx 0x0001085a62c4 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 6 lyx 
0x0001085a62c4 _ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 168

( 7) 7 lyx 0x0001085b293b 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathHull4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 7 lyx 
0x0001085b293b _ZNK3lyx13InsetMathHull4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 1477

( 8) 8 lyx 0x000108503fa3 
_ZNK3lyx10RowPainter10paintInsetERKNS_3Row7ElementE : 8 lyx 
0x000108503fa3 _ZNK3lyx10RowPainter10paintInsetERKNS_3Row7ElementE + 639

( 9) 9 lyx 0x0001085059e0 _ZN3lyx10RowPainter9paintTextEv : 9 lyx 
0x0001085059e0 _ZN3lyx10RowPainter9paintTextEv + 154

( 10) 10 lyx 0x000108552ba0 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics13drawParagraphERNS_11PainterInfoElii : 10 lyx 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics13drawParagraphERNS_11PainterInfoElii + 2384

( 11) 11 lyx 0x0001085576b2 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 11 lyx 
0x0001085576b2 _ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 110

( 12) 12 lyx 0x0001083d1f9d 
_ZN3lyx10BufferView4drawERNS_8frontend7PainterEb : 12 lyx 
0x0001083d1f9d _ZN3lyx10BufferView4drawERNS_8frontend7PainterEb + 711

( 13) 13 lyx 0x00010893dcaf 
_ZN3lyx8frontend11GuiWorkArea10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent : 13 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend11GuiWorkArea10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent + 413

( 14) 14 QtWidgets 0x00010a694cb5 _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent : 14 
QtWidgets 0x00010a694cb5 _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent + 1093

( 15) 15 QtWidgets 0x00010a73ca1b _ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent : 15 
QtWidgets 0x00010a73ca1b _ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent + 43

( 16) 16 QtCore 0x00010a208ee8 
: 16 QtCore 0x00010a208ee8 
+ 248

( 17) 17 QtWidgets 0x00010a65b7c1 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 17 QtWidgets 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 241

( 18) 18 QtWidgets 0x00010a65cb82 
_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 18 QtWidgets 
0x00010a65cb82 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 466

( 19) 19 lyx 0x00010878b617 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 19 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 21

( 20) 20 QtCore 0x00010a208c16 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent : 20 QtCore 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent + 166

( 21) 21 QtWidgets 0x00010a68693a 
: 21 QtWidgets 0x00010a68693a 
+ 3610

( 22) 22 QtWidgets 0x00010a668bcb 
_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii : 22 QtWidgets 
0x00010a668bcb _ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii + 9019

( 23) 23 QtWidgets 0x00010a669042 
_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii : 23 QtWidgets 
0x00010a669042 _ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii + 10162

( 24) 24 QtWidgets 0x00010a694ede _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent : 24 
QtWidgets 0x00010a694ede _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent + 1646

( 25) 25 QtWidgets 0x00010a7a6bb4 _ZN11QMainWindow5eventEP6QEvent : 
25 QtWidgets 0x00010a7a6bb4 _ZN11QMainWindow5eventEP6QEvent + 276

( 26) 26 QtWidgets 0x00010a65b7d6 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 26 QtWidgets 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 262

( 27) 27 QtWidgets 0x00010a65cb82

Re: Lyx 2.4.0 RC3 SVN Crash MAC OSX.

2024-02-19 Thread Robert Betz


I have attached a Lyx file and associated template and layout files. 
This is a much smaller example. After experimenting, it seems to fail 
sometimes, and not others. One can make a seeminglyinnocuous change and 
it will ether fail consistently on SVN update, or it will work consistently.

Hope these files help track done the issue.




Robert Betz
E: robertbe...@gmail.com
M: 0419249948

Stephan Witt wrote on 19/2/2024 5:36 pm:

Am 19.02.2024 um 05:17 schrieb Robert Betz :

I am currently using Lyx 2.4.0 RC3 on MAC OSX V14.2.1 (Sonoma) and if I try and 
check in a Lyx document to an SVN repository Lyx crashes. Using the same SVN 
version under Lyx V2.3.7 is OK.

The Lyx crash log is:

(  1) 1   lyx 0x0001028e85c3 
 : 1   lyx 0x0001028e85c3 
 + 199
(  2) 2   lyx 0x0001028e893c 
 : 2   lyx 0x0001028e893c 
 + 139
(  3) 3   lyx 0x0001025edeff 
_ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi : 3   lyx 
0x0001025edeff _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi + 350
(  4) 4   libsystem_platform.dylib0x7ff8065d237d _sigtramp : 4  
 libsystem_platform.dylib0x7ff8065d237d _sigtramp + 29
(  5) 5   ??? 0x7ff7bda4486e 0x0 : 5   ???  
   0x7ff7bda4486e 0x0 + 140702015309934
(  6) 6   lyx 0x000102717774 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 6   lyx 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 168



Hi Bob,

thank you for testing the RC3 version.

I tried to reproduce the crash but I failed. I suppose it happens for some 
documents only, i.e. for documents containing some MathGrid element.

Is the crash reproducible for you or is it spurious? Is it possible to provide 
a MWE document?

BR, Stephan

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
(My article)}
# Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
# Author : Matthias Ettrich 
# Transposed by Pascal André 
# Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers.

Format 35
Input stdclass.inc

SecNumDepth 3

NoStyle Chapter
NoStyle Chapter*


#Style MyQuote
#LatexType Environment
#LatexName myquote
#NextNoIndent  1
#RightMargin   MMM
#BottomSep 0.5
#Align Block
#AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center
#LabelType Manual
#OptionalArgs  1
#LabelSep  x
#  Shape   Up
#  Series  Bold
##define the environment 
#\newenvironment{myquote}[1]{\begin{quote}\textbf{#1 }}{\end{quote}}

Style Part
Align Left
AlignPossible Left
BottomSep 1.5

Style Part*
Align Left
AlignPossible Left
BottomSep 1.5

# Theorem-numbered style *Template* declaration
Style TheoremTemplate
LatexType Environment
LabelSep  M
ParIndent MM
BottomSep 0.5
Align Block
AlignPossible Block, Left
LabelType Static
  Shape   Italic
  Series  Medium

Lyx 2.4.0 RC3 SVN Crash MAC OSX.

2024-02-18 Thread Robert Betz
 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 466

( 28) 28 lyx 0x0001028f9883 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 28 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 21

( 29) 29 QtCore 0x000104410b76 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent : 29 QtCore 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent + 166

( 30) 30 QtCore 0x000104411cb3 
: 30 QtCore 0x000104411cb3 
+ 803

( 31) 31 libqcocoa.dylib 0x000103246002 qt_plugin_instance : 31 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x000103246002 qt_plugin_instance + 198082

( 32) 32 libqcocoa.dylib 0x000103246708 qt_plugin_instance : 32 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x000103246708 qt_plugin_instance + 199880

( 33) 33 CoreFoundation 0x7ff806680077 
CoreFoundation 0x7ff806680077 

( 34) 34 CoreFoundation 0x7ff806680019 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 : 34 
CoreFoundation 0x7ff806680019 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 157

( 35) 35 CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667fde4 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 : 35 
CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667fde4 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 215

( 36) 36 CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667ea61 __CFRunLoopRun : 36 
CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667ea61 __CFRunLoopRun + 919

( 37) 37 CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667e102 CFRunLoopRunSpecific : 37 
CoreFoundation 0x7ff80667e102 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557

( 38) 38 HIToolbox 0x7ff810f569d9 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode : 38 
HIToolbox 0x7ff810f569d9 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292

( 39) 39 HIToolbox 0x7ff810f56616 ReceiveNextEventCommon : 39 
HIToolbox 0x7ff810f56616 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 201

( 40) 40 HIToolbox 0x7ff810f56531 
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter : 40 HIToolbox 
0x7ff810f56531 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 66

( 41) 41 AppKit 0x7ff809c8c7b9 _DPSNextEvent : 41 AppKit 
0x7ff809c8c7b9 _DPSNextEvent + 880

( 42) 42 AppKit 0x7ff80a584f64 -[NSApplication: 42 AppKit 
0x7ff80a584f64 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) 
_nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1304

( 43) 43 AppKit 0x7ff809c7dd32 -[NSApplication run] : 43 AppKit 
0x7ff809c7dd32 -[NSApplication run] + 603

( 44) 44 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0001032454e4 qt_plugin_instance : 44 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x0001032454e4 qt_plugin_instance + 195236

( 45) 45 QtCore 0x00010440cf77 
_ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE : 45 QtCore 
0x00010440cf77 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE 
+ 471

( 46) 46 QtCore 0x00010442 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv : 46 
QtCore 0x00010442 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv + 130

( 47) 47 lyx 0x0001025e941e _ZN3lyx3LyX4execERiPPc : 47 lyx 
0x0001025e941e _ZN3lyx3LyX4execERiPPc + 936

( 48) 48 lyx 0x0001024be69f main : 48 lyx 0x0001024be69f main + 79

( 49) 49 dyld 0x7ff806219386 start : 49 dyld 0x7ff806219386 
start + 1942




Robert Betz
E: robertbe...@gmail.com
M: 0419249948
lyx-devel mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 RC3

2024-02-12 Thread Robert Betz

I am using MAC OSX 14.2.1 with Lyx V2.4.0 RC3.

When I use forward search to a PDF in Skim everything works OK, but the 
reverse search does not work.

Incidentally, both forward and reverse search work with Lyx V2.3.7.

Has anyone else had this trouble with V 2.4.0 RC3?




Robert Betz
E: robertbe...@gmail.com
M: 0419249948

Richard Kimberly Heck wrote on 12/2/2024 8:41 am:

The third release candidate for 2.4.0 is available here:


The reason for the quick release of the third one was a bug preventing 
the editing of math in tables. That has been fixed, as has been 
another bug affecting the creation of LyX 'archives' on Windows.

Please report any problems to lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org, which you 
should be able to do by replying to this message.


lyx-devel mailing list

Re: Lyx V2.3.2 - Issues with svgs snippets on Mac OS X

2018-12-23 Thread Robert Betz

Stephen Witt mentioned that he was using RSVG-convert.  So I installed, using 
macports librsvg.  I did a reconfigure on Lyx, and now the svgz snippets show 

Don’t know why it is required to have this package, as Lyx should supply 
everything it needs to make all these conversions work.

Just thought I would let you and others following this thread that this is what 
made it work (for me anyway).



School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

> On 23 Dec 2018, at 3:06 pm, Anders Ekberg  wrote:
>> On 23 Dec 2018, at 13:05, Stephan Witt  wrote:
>> Am 22.12.2018 um 23:59 schrieb Robert Betz :
>>> Daniel,
>>> I have tired all sorts of things on Mac OS X Mojave but I cannot get either 
>>> SVG or SVGZ files to render in Lyx.  Just get error generating loadable 
>>> format.
>>> I was wondering if any other users on Mac OS X Mojave are having problems 
>>> with rendering SVG and/or SVGZ?  An easy way to test this is to load up the 
>>> User Manual in Lyx and scroll down until you hit the small svgs snippets in 
>>> the text (used to store pictures of screen buttons in the file).
>> I’m sure it worked for me in the past. So I gave it a try on Mojave and it 
>> works.
>> Then I tried to break it and this is easy. My converter configuration does 
>> the SVG to PNG conversion with rsvg-convert because I’ve installed it from 
>> MacPorts. But the idea was to have a reasonable fallback for those not 
>> having it. It looks like not working anymore. I changed my system to make 
>> rsvg-convert unavailable and now I cannot display SVG anymore too.
>> I’ll investigate the issue and report back.
>> Stephan
> F.Y.I. svgs in the LyX 2.3.2 User’s guide do not render for me on Mojave with 
> Inkscape installed, but no special converters defined. (No idea how it was 
> before upgrading though…)
> /Anders
>> @Daniel: Does it work on Windows without inkscape?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bob
>>> School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
>>> Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
>>> T: +61 2 4921 6091
>>> M: +61 (0)419 249 948
>>> E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au
>>> The University of Newcastle (UoN)
>>> University Drive
>>> Callaghan NSW 2308
>>> Australia
>>> CRICOS Provider 00109J
>>>> On 20 Dec 2018, at 2:20 pm, Daniel  wrote:
>>>> On 20/12/2018 12:00, Robert Betz wrote:
>>>>> I don’t know whether anyone else is having trouble with the snippets in 
>>>>> the Lyx User Guide, but on my Machine (Mac OS X V10.14.2 Mojave) the svgz 
>>>>> snippets all get errors as below
>>>>> I anyone else having this problem.  The Inkscape converter seems to be 
>>>>> having problems with these.  Works fine in Ubuntu.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bob
>>>> Works fine under Win10.
>>>> Daniel

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Lyx V2.3.2 - Issues with svgs snippets on Mac OS X

2018-12-23 Thread Robert Betz

That is the configuration that I have — I have Inkscape installed, and this is 
the File Converter that is being used for SVG and SVGZ files.  I ran Lyx in 
debug mode and I could see that there was some sort of a failure surrounding 
using Inkscape as the converter.  As I understand it, Inkscape is installed as 
part of the Lyx installation, so I assumed that it is using its own local copy.

Is there an alternative way to set this up so that another render engine is 
used that works?

Thanks is advance for any advice.



School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

> On 23 Dec 2018, at 3:06 pm, Anders Ekberg  wrote:
>> On 23 Dec 2018, at 13:05, Stephan Witt  wrote:
>> Am 22.12.2018 um 23:59 schrieb Robert Betz :
>>> Daniel,
>>> I have tired all sorts of things on Mac OS X Mojave but I cannot get either 
>>> SVG or SVGZ files to render in Lyx.  Just get error generating loadable 
>>> format.
>>> I was wondering if any other users on Mac OS X Mojave are having problems 
>>> with rendering SVG and/or SVGZ?  An easy way to test this is to load up the 
>>> User Manual in Lyx and scroll down until you hit the small svgs snippets in 
>>> the text (used to store pictures of screen buttons in the file).
>> I’m sure it worked for me in the past. So I gave it a try on Mojave and it 
>> works.
>> Then I tried to break it and this is easy. My converter configuration does 
>> the SVG to PNG conversion with rsvg-convert because I’ve installed it from 
>> MacPorts. But the idea was to have a reasonable fallback for those not 
>> having it. It looks like not working anymore. I changed my system to make 
>> rsvg-convert unavailable and now I cannot display SVG anymore too.
>> I’ll investigate the issue and report back.
>> Stephan
> F.Y.I. svgs in the LyX 2.3.2 User’s guide do not render for me on Mojave with 
> Inkscape installed, but no special converters defined. (No idea how it was 
> before upgrading though…)
> /Anders
>> @Daniel: Does it work on Windows without inkscape?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bob
>>> School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
>>> Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
>>> T: +61 2 4921 6091
>>> M: +61 (0)419 249 948
>>> E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au
>>> The University of Newcastle (UoN)
>>> University Drive
>>> Callaghan NSW 2308
>>> Australia
>>> CRICOS Provider 00109J
>>>> On 20 Dec 2018, at 2:20 pm, Daniel  wrote:
>>>> On 20/12/2018 12:00, Robert Betz wrote:
>>>>> I don’t know whether anyone else is having trouble with the snippets in 
>>>>> the Lyx User Guide, but on my Machine (Mac OS X V10.14.2 Mojave) the svgz 
>>>>> snippets all get errors as below
>>>>> I anyone else having this problem.  The Inkscape converter seems to be 
>>>>> having problems with these.  Works fine in Ubuntu.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bob
>>>> Works fine under Win10.
>>>> Daniel

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Lyx V2.3.2 - Issues with svgs snippets on Mac OS X

2018-12-22 Thread Robert Betz

I have tired all sorts of things on Mac OS X Mojave but I cannot get either SVG 
or SVGZ files to render in Lyx.  Just get error generating loadable format.

I was wondering if any other users on Mac OS X Mojave are having problems with 
rendering SVG and/or SVGZ?  An easy way to test this is to load up the User 
Manual in Lyx and scroll down until you hit the small svgs snippets in the text 
(used to store pictures of screen buttons in the file).




School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

> On 20 Dec 2018, at 2:20 pm, Daniel  wrote:
> On 20/12/2018 12:00, Robert Betz wrote:
>> I don’t know whether anyone else is having trouble with the snippets in the 
>> Lyx User Guide, but on my Machine (Mac OS X V10.14.2 Mojave) the svgz 
>> snippets all get errors as below
>> I anyone else having this problem.  The Inkscape converter seems to be 
>> having problems with these.  Works fine in Ubuntu.
>> Regards,
>> Bob
> Works fine under Win10.
> Daniel

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Lyx V2.3.2 - Issues with svgs snippets on Mac OS X

2018-12-20 Thread Robert Betz
I don’t know whether anyone else is having trouble with the snippets in the Lyx 
User Guide, but on my Machine (Mac OS X V10.14.2 Mojave) the svgz snippets all 
get errors as below

I anyone else having this problem.  The Inkscape converter seems to be having 
problems with these.  Works fine in Ubuntu.



School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.2.3 Released.

2018-12-20 Thread Robert Betz

I agree.  It seems to be an issue with Mojave.  I cannot be 100% sure as I have 
not tried the new version on an old version of the Mac.

Mojave seems to have a lot of checks (for security reasons I guess) on program 
interactions, and they seem to slow things down a lot.



School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

> On 16 Dec 2018, at 6:00 pm, Stephan Witt  wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> is it a problem with LyX 2.3.2 and with 2.3.1 forward search is fast?
> My guess was: it’s a problem new with Mojave…
> Regards,
> Stephan
>> Am 16.12.2018 um 15:34 schrieb Robert Betz :
>> I have noticed that Lyx V2.3.2 under Mac OSX 10.14.1 (Mojave) has a very 
>> slow forward search.  Seems to take a couple of seconds.
>> This was reported by another user as well.  In addition he was having 
>> problems with the reverse search working. Reverse search on my system is 
>> working well, and does not suffer the delays of the forward search.
>> Regards,
>> Bob
>> School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
>> Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
>> T: +61 2 4921 6091
>> M: +61 (0)419 249 948
>> E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au
>> The University of Newcastle (UoN)
>> University Drive
>> Callaghan NSW 2308
>> Australia
>> CRICOS Provider 00109J
>>> On 14 Dec 2018, at 5:09 pm, Chris Menzel  wrote:
>>> I'm always hesitant to complain about this brilliant piece of software but, 
>>> for me (Mojave 10.14.2 Beta) with this version, forward search (LyX ⟶ Skim) 
>>> is still very slow and reverse search (Skim ⟶ LyX) appears to be 
>>> nonfunctional. I've of course checked all the usual settings.
>>> -chris
>>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 9:32 AM Richard Kimberly Heck  
>>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Public release of LyX version 2.3.2
>>> ===
>>> We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.3.2. This is the second
>>> maintenance release in the 2.3.x series.
>>> You can download LyX 2.3.2 from http://www.lyx.org/Download/.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.2.3 Released.

2018-12-16 Thread Robert Betz
I have noticed that Lyx V2.3.2 under Mac OSX 10.14.1 (Mojave) has a very slow 
forward search.  Seems to take a couple of seconds.

This was reported by another user as well.  In addition he was having problems 
with the reverse search working. Reverse search on my system is working well, 
and does not suffer the delays of the forward search.



School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 (0)419 249 948
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J

> On 14 Dec 2018, at 5:09 pm, Chris Menzel  wrote:
> I'm always hesitant to complain about this brilliant piece of software but, 
> for me (Mojave 10.14.2 Beta) with this version, forward search (LyX ⟶ Skim) 
> is still very slow and reverse search (Skim ⟶ LyX) appears to be 
> nonfunctional. I've of course checked all the usual settings.
> -chris
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 9:32 AM Richard Kimberly Heck  <mailto:rikih...@lyx.org>> wrote:
> ...
> Public release of LyX version 2.3.2
> ===
> We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.3.2. This is the second
> maintenance release in the 2.3.x series.
> You can download LyX 2.3.2 from http://www.lyx.org/Download/ 
> <http://www.lyx.org/Download/>.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: #10216: Lyx V2.2.0 Modules no working

2016-06-15 Thread Robert Betz
I created a new file with Lyx using the standard article style.  I then 
included the module Customisable Lists (enumitem) using the 
Document->Settings->Modules. I am assuming that the
directive should be in this file.

The latex code produced is attached.




School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

T: +61 2 4921 6091
M: +61 419 249 948
F: +61 2 4921 6993
E: robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au<mailto:robert.b...@newcastle.edu.au>

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

CRICOS Provider 00109J


[The University of Newcastle]<http://www.newcastle.edu.au/>











On 14 June 2016 at 1:13:18 AM, LyX Ticket Tracker 
(t...@lyx.org<mailto:t...@lyx.org>) wrote:

#10216: Lyx V2.2.0 Modules no working
Reporter: rebetz | Owner: rebate
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.2.1
Component: layout | Version: 2.2.0
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: |
Changes (by rgheck):

* keywords: Modules Settings =>
* component: general => layout


We would need to see the LyX file and the module, if it's a custom one.

Ticket URL: <http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10216#comment:2>
The LyX Project <http://www.lyx.org/>
LyX -- The Document Processor

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