I noticed the following at https://www.lyx.org/MailingLists#toc3

" Also, if you are a LyX user and have enjoyed using LyX for some purpose,
it would be nice of you to email the developers to let us know.",

and I am responding accordingly.

I started using LYX in 2004 because one of my PhD students was using it,
and he wanted me to use it in writing a paper with him.
He was a LaTeX whiz, as were many of my colleagues and students, but I was
not.  It was interesting to see his motivation to
move to LYX: He said that with LYX he could spend more time thinking about
what he was writing, rather than hassling with large equation
layouts, etc.  Since then I have insisted that students and colleagues,
that I am collaborating with, use LYX, and by now have a number of
published papers that we wrote using LYX.     One motivation, among others,
was that I got tired of providing my edits in pdf files,
when I can do them in LYX in track changes mode.  Also, I didn't like
Scientific Word that much (had used it to write a book).

Now, I have been writing a book for over two years now with my colleague
Tom Philips at NYU, using LYX, and we do have an LYX feature
request that I will send in the next email.

Meanwhile, I wanted to say that I am very impressed seeing all the
development activity by many people on this list.

Many thanks for a great product.

Best regards,

R. Douglas Martin
Professor Emeritus in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Founder and Former Director of MS-CFRM Program
University of Washington
lyx-devel mailing list

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