complete inability to import latex tables at the moment?

2003-01-02 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
I'm trying to get tables into lyx from a word document (I really don't
want to fight that ill-formatted monster in starwriter!).  I can dump to
text well enough, but I want to keep the tables filled in.

I was even able to trivially get the tables into latex with a bit of vi
magic [   %s/^/  /   and then change the starting of the left columns
to \\]

latex handles these fine, and can display them.  Lyx won't import it.

Then, in a flash of insight, I made a trivial lyx file; Hi followed by
a 2x2 tabular with all defaults, filled with a b c d

Export this silly little file to latex, and try to import it back in.
No dice.

Do a cvs update, and the problem remains

I've attached the offending file.


Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics/\   ASCII ribbon campaign
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Smeal 178  (814) 375-4700  \ /   against HTML mail
These opinions will not be those of  Xand postings. 
Penn State until it pays my retainer.   / \   

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complete inability to import latex tables at the moment?

2003-01-02 Thread Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
I'm trying to get tables into lyx from a word document (I really don't
want to fight that ill-formatted monster in starwriter!).  I can dump to
text well enough, but I want to keep the tables filled in.

I was even able to trivially get the tables into latex with a bit of vi
magic [   %s/^/ & /   and then change the starting of the left columns
to \\]

latex handles these fine, and can display them.  Lyx won't import it.

Then, in a flash of insight, I made a trivial lyx file; "Hi" followed by
a 2x2 tabular with all defaults, filled with a b c d

Export this silly little file to latex, and try to import it back in.
No dice.

Do a cvs update, and the problem remains

I've attached the offending file.


Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics/"\   ASCII ribbon campaign
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Smeal 178  (814) 375-4700  \ /   against HTML mail
These opinions will not be those of  Xand postings. 
Penn State until it pays my retainer.   / \   

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