Am 14.01.2018 um 17:48 schrieb Jean-Pierre Chrétien:
If I understand you correctly, you will insert the command I tested
using babel?
The point is that if one wants to use the preamble one needs the babel
command as you do because babel is loaded after the preamble in LyX.
One can omit that by adding the command
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}
as TeX code in the main text, e.g. right before the nomenclature list.
But I can't get the pdf of the file that you sent me, see attached.
I cannot reproduce this. Please try to use the UserGuide from LyX's git
and add the command
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}
as TeX code. Then it should work. (Do not also use the preamble.)
regards Uwe