Problems with LyX

2020-10-07 Thread Andreas Plihal
Dear community,


a few days ago I wrote you my problem in german. Sorry for that. Instead of it I will try it with my (bad) english:

I have produced around 120 A4 pages with LyX, interspersed with much mathematical formulas. I choose the KOMA-script for books for it. The content is finished, now I'm fine-tuning the shape. In doing so, I carefully consult the manuals enclosed with the software:

	User Guide
	Embedded Objects
	Special manuals

I have already been able to solve a number of problems this way.

But now I am facing a tricky problem. And I don't know if the problem is with me, with LyX or with its documentation. In all honesty, I'm a little confused. I try to tell you the cause of my confusion.


I want to include boxes for mathematical examples in my book. To do this, I chose the so called 'colored boxes', divided them into an upper part (for the mathematical example) and a lower part (for its solution), was able to underlay both parts with different colors (for making it pretty), choose a pretty thin boxrule and finally managed to make the box breakable. I can even place the text for footnotes inside the box outside the box. Unfortunately, two strange things happen in this process:

	I put 2 footnotes in the box. Outside the box, however, both footnote texts are quoted with the same No. 2. A footnote text with No. 1 does not even exist.
	I made the entire text in the collor box long enough, so there MUST be arise a page break. This puts the first footnote on the first page and the second on the second page of the box. Now the two footnote texts should be shown on the corresponding pages. But they won't, both are shown on the second page.

So far so bad.


And now comes my real problem, which arises when I try to fix the problem above:

In the various manuals

	UserGuide 6.7.1, 6.10.2, B.18,
	Additional 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.5, 3.4, 3.5.2, 5.6.2, 6.2.3,,, 6.7.3,,, 6.9 .3, 6.11.3, 6.12.3, 6.12.4, 6.13.2, 6.16, 6.16.2,,;
	EmbeddeObjects 2.5, 2.6.3,, 2.7.1,, 2.8.3, 2.8.4, 2.9, 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, 2.13, 2.14.1, 2.14.3 , 2.14.4, 2.14.5, 3.2.1, 3.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.5, 3.9, 3.10, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3, 6.3, 8;
	Customization 5.3.5, 5.3.7, 6.2.2

it is always advised to add into the preamble in some situations.

However, in the manual, for example 'Additional 2.4.2 - Change the preamble' is written:


The commands LyX adds to the header of a LaTeX file are fixed; You cannot change them without changing LyX yourself. But you can add your own stuff to the preamble.
To do this, choose Document⇒Settings⇒LaTeX header. This opens an editing window in which you can write your preferred commands.

The editing behavior in this window is specific, so don't expect the LyX key combinations to work in it.
LyX adds everything in the LaTeX leader window to its built-in leader. Before you add your own declarations to the header, check to see if LyX doesn't already support this (remember what we said about reinventing the wheel?). Also: make sure your headers are correct. LyX doesn't check it. If the opening credits are incorrect, you will most likely get the error message Missing \ begin {document}. If you ever get them, check your opening credits!



Nice. When I try to change the preamble, I regularly read the LaTeX preamble shown in LyX in its first line:

% Do not change the preamble !!!



Even if I ignore that, I can't add anything to the preamble - that seems to be technically impossible in LyX.

Now the manual UserGuide ' - Local Format' says:


Modules work with LyX like packages with LaTeX: They are meant to be used in different documents. If you often need the same thing in different documents, you should consider writing a module for it. Sometimes, however, you need a format for a particular document, but only in that one document. Something like a document-specific LaTeX preamble: LyX ’ so-called 'local format'. See the Local Layout section of the Customization Guide for information on how to use it.



When I try to find the various in the above Manuals to accommodate the changes proposed there in the 'local format', I regularly receive the message after validation:


Format is invalid!



Can you please help me?



Andreas Plihal

lyx-docs mailing list

Re: Missing commands/problems with LyX

2016-07-07 Thread Richard Heck

On 07/07/2016 08:30 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

Dear LyX,

(I asked some questions yesterday, and got very quick help from 
Guillaume Munch. Apparently, he found my questions of general 
interest, and replied to the “general list”. He then suggested that I 
should follow up on his response to this general list. However, I have 
no idea of where this “general list” is located... Is it a web 
discussion forum? Or what???)

He presumably meant the lyx-users list, which is for questions about 
using LyX. There is also the lyx-devel list, which is more for 
discussion of development.


Re: Missing commands/problems with LyX

2016-07-07 Thread Pavel Sanda
Bernt Lie wrote:
> *  File \units.sty' not found"

Most probably missing in your latex distribution. You need to ask your latex 
manager to pull it.
(its in texlive-latexextra for me, but you are most probably using miktex where 
packaging is different).

Missing commands/problems with LyX

2016-07-07 Thread Bernt Lie
Dear LyX,

(I asked some questions yesterday, and got very quick help from Guillaume 
Munch. Apparently, he found my questions of general interest, and replied to 
the "general list". He then suggested that I should follow up on his response 
to this general list. However, I have no idea of where this "general list" is 
located... Is it a web discussion forum? Or what???)
I have now successfully saved an 80 page *.tex file from Scientific WorkPlace 
as Portable LaTeX, and imported it into LyX. At the moment, I'm in the process 
of fixing the file, and making modifications - this is a good way of learning 
for me. I do have some *problems*, though.

* The LyX file previews nicely (Ctrl+r) from my desktop with LyX. 
HOWEVER, I have also made the same installation of LyX on my *laptop* (same = 
only used default settings during the installation). BUT on my *laptop*, I get 
an *error message* when trying to preview it: "LaTeX Error: File \units.sty' 
not found", with description



***(cannot \read from terminal in nonstop mode)"

Some other problems:

* I have put some examples into Boxes (Minipage? -- Insert\Box\Shaded 
Background, with shading set to light gray).  Reason? I want the examples to 
stand out a little bit more than simply as in the example environment. Problems?

o   I get a "Package babel Error: Unknown language \english'..." error message 
when previewing. Description:



You may proceed, but expect unexpected results". I click "Show output anyway", 
and the result is ok - sort of.

?  How can I avoid this error message?

o   One unforeseen additional problem... the minipage environment does not 
respect the page layout, i.e. the box expands below the bottom of the page, and 
does not flow over to the next page...

?  Is this the intended behavior??? I thought minipages would flow over to the 
next page...

Errors? in the "LyX User's Guide" of July 5, 2016??

* At the end of section (Short Titles of Headings), it is 
stated that "The title of this section is a good example of using this feature."

o   This is a totally uncomprehensible statement for those (like me) who read 
the *printed version* of the User's Guide! There is now sign that the sections 
at any level are too long and should need a short title.

o   OK - when I look into the *.lyx file in LyX, I see that a short title has 
been defined. But this is not really a good example...

* In section Resumed Enumeration..."To resume an enumeration, 
use the style Enumerate-Resume". Eh I am not able to find this style.

o   In the User's Guide, it appears as EnumerateOption, but it is still not 
clear where I can find this???

OK - I will probably find more things to ask about as I proceed in fixing my 
document (SWP --> LyX) - I will now start to fix tables. Some comments:

* I really like the Graphics option of "Graphics Group" - makes it easy 
to scale graphics from the same source with the same amount :-).

* One nice feature of Scientific WorkPlace is the support for 
(physical) *units*. At the moment, it seems like I have to type "\operator{K}", 
etc. in LyX (e.g. to typeset the unit for Kelvin) - which is not that elegant.

* In Scientific WorkPlace, I frequently use "fragments". I find this a 
quick way to insert new elements, e.g. I could use this to insert a figure 
float with centered paragraph...

Thanks for your response.

Best regards,
Bernt Lie

Re: Problems with lyx when writing a paper

2010-11-10 Thread stephen's mailinglist account
On 10 November 2010 13:56, Marina Montero Carrero wrote:
 I am a new Lyx user: I already used it to write my thesis and found it
 really great! However, I am having a lot of trouble now, when trying to
 write a report with it.
 I would like to use the article layout, but when I choose it, write
 something and try to compile it to pdf I get a blank page, with nothing
 written on it.
 I am trying to look for other templates for articles, but I have not been
 successful at all so far. I would really appreciate if you could help me
 with it or let me know where I could get more layouts or information related
 to my problem.
 I attach my file just in case.
 Thanks in advance,
 Marina Montero Carrero

Look at your LaTeX log:

Package geometry Warning: `width' results in NEGATIVE (-967.39369pt).
`lmargin' or `rmargin' should be shortened in length.

Overfull \hbox (1004.22395pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) and

Overfull \hbox (1017.72212pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) Sheu's

Overfull \hbox (999.70264pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) pa-

I think you have set your margins in cm rather than in mm - look at
Document -settings - page margins


Re: Problems with lyx when writing a paper

2010-11-10 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 10.11.2010 14:56, schrieb Marina Montero Carrero:

I am having a lot of trouble now, when trying to
write a report with it.
I would like to use the article layout, but when I choose it, write
something and try to compile it to pdf I get a blank page, with nothing
written on it.

Your document uses a lot of code in the document preamble. Most of the things can be deleted there 
because LyX already takes care about these packages.

Attached is a cleaned-up version of your file

You get a blank page because you set the page margins to 30 cm which is wider 
than the page width.

In general it looks much better if you don't set the line spacing and the page margin to a fixed 
value. The best is to use the document class article (KOMA-script) and the default margins and 
spacings. This document class automatically calculates the margins and spacings depending on the 
page format, the used font and the font size. So setting the line spacing to single will lead to a 
spacing of approximately 1.2 which has been found optimal for a printed text.
If you need to have more space on the inner/left margin, for example to bind the document as a book, 
you can use the command BCOR in the options of the document class.

I did this in the attached file.

regards Uwe

p.s. this is the documentation mailing list, For questions like this, we have 
the lyx-users list.

Description: application/lyx

Re: Problems with lyx when writing a paper

2010-11-10 Thread stephen's mailinglist account
On 10 November 2010 13:56, Marina Montero Carrero  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new Lyx user: I already used it to write my thesis and found it
> really great! However, I am having a lot of trouble now, when trying to
> write a report with it.
> I would like to use the article layout, but when I choose it, write
> something and try to compile it to pdf I get a blank page, with nothing
> written on it.
> I am trying to look for other templates for articles, but I have not been
> successful at all so far. I would really appreciate if you could help me
> with it or let me know where I could get more layouts or information related
> to my problem.
> I attach my file just in case.
> Thanks in advance,
> Marina Montero Carrero

Look at your LaTeX log:

Package geometry Warning: `width' results in NEGATIVE (-967.39369pt).
`lmargin' or `rmargin' should be shortened in length.

Overfull \hbox (1004.22395pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) and

Overfull \hbox (1017.72212pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) Sheu's

Overfull \hbox (999.70264pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 119--120
\T1/lmr/m/n/12 (-20) pa-

I think you have set your margins in cm rather than in mm - look at
Document ->settings -> page margins


Re: Problems with lyx when writing a paper

2010-11-10 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 10.11.2010 14:56, schrieb Marina Montero Carrero:

I am having a lot of trouble now, when trying to
write a report with it.
I would like to use the article layout, but when I choose it, write
something and try to compile it to pdf I get a blank page, with nothing
written on it.

Your document uses a lot of code in the document preamble. Most of the things can be deleted there 
because LyX already takes care about these packages.

Attached is a cleaned-up version of your file

You get a blank page because you set the page margins to 30 cm which is wider 
than the page width.

In general it looks much better if you don't set the line spacing and the page margin to a fixed 
value. The best is to use the document class article (KOMA-script) and the default margins and 
spacings. This document class automatically calculates the margins and spacings depending on the 
page format, the used font and the font size. So setting the line spacing to single will lead to a 
spacing of approximately 1.2 which has been found optimal for a printed text.
If you need to have more space on the inner/left margin, for example to bind the document as a book, 
you can use the command "BCOR" in the options of the document class.

I did this in the attached file.

regards Uwe

p.s. this is the documentation mailing list, For questions like this, we have 
the lyx-users list.

Description: application/lyx

Re: Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Could you post the content of Document  LaTeX Log File, please?

And please use the lyx-users list for such questions.


Willis Gwenzi wrote:
 Dear Sir/Madam,
 I am writing a thesis document in Lyx. However, I have just realized that
 Lyx can no longer create a pdf or DVI version of my document. Each time i
 click the pdf icon i get the statement ' buffer-view pdf 2' at the
 left-hand corner of the screen. a similar message is obtained for DVI I
 have tried to copy and paste the document in a new file but that didn't
 help. However, if I open a new document and type a few statements Lyx is
 able to compile a pdf.
 Could you please assist in solving this problem. I can attach the doc if
 you think that will help.
 Thanks in advance,
 Willis Gwenzi
 Phd student, Australia


Re: Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Willis Gwenzi wrote:
 Herewith the document that failed to print a pdf preview.

The source of the problem is the bibliography. You put the whole reference 
into the label field. Have a look at the User Guide on how to use the 
bibliography environment.

(The preview fails because of a unicode character conversion problem in the 
bibliography inset; this is a bug).


Re: Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Could you post the content of Document > LaTeX Log File, please?

And please use the lyx-users list for such questions.


Willis Gwenzi wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I am writing a thesis document in Lyx. However, I have just realized that
> Lyx can no longer create a pdf or DVI version of my document. Each time i
> click the pdf icon i get the statement ' buffer-view pdf 2' at the
> left-hand corner of the screen. a similar message is obtained for DVI I
> have tried to copy and paste the document in a new file but that didn't
> help. However, if I open a new document and type a few statements Lyx is
> able to compile a pdf.
> Could you please assist in solving this problem. I can attach the doc if
> you think that will help.
> Thanks in advance,
> regards,
> Willis Gwenzi
> Phd student, Australia


Re: Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-12 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Willis Gwenzi wrote:
> Herewith the document that failed to print a pdf preview.

The source of the problem is the bibliography. You put the whole reference 
into the label field. Have a look at the User Guide on how to use the 
bibliography environment.

(The preview fails because of a unicode character conversion problem in the 
bibliography inset; this is a bug).


Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-11 Thread Willis Gwenzi
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing a thesis document in Lyx. However, I have just realized that
Lyx can no longer create a pdf or DVI version of my document. Each time i
click the pdf icon i get the statement ' buffer-view pdf 2' at the left-hand
corner of the screen. a similar message is obtained for DVI I have tried to
copy and paste the document in a new file but that didn't help. However, if
I open a new document and type a few statements Lyx is able to compile a

Could you please assist in solving this problem. I can attach the doc if you
think that will help.

Thanks in advance,


Willis Gwenzi
Phd student, Australia

Problems converting lyx document to pdf or DVI

2010-02-11 Thread Willis Gwenzi
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing a thesis document in Lyx. However, I have just realized that
Lyx can no longer create a pdf or DVI version of my document. Each time i
click the pdf icon i get the statement ' buffer-view pdf 2' at the left-hand
corner of the screen. a similar message is obtained for DVI I have tried to
copy and paste the document in a new file but that didn't help. However, if
I open a new document and type a few statements Lyx is able to compile a

Could you please assist in solving this problem. I can attach the doc if you
think that will help.

Thanks in advance,


Willis Gwenzi
Phd student, Australia

Re: Problems with LyX

2008-03-22 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Hi Andrew,

This is the mailing list for LyX documentation, you'll get a much better 
response if you ask on the user's list:

lyx-users at

(My guess is that you don't have the right LaTeX classes installed, but 
I'm confident you'll get a quick answer from the user's list!)

Best regards,

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, Andrew Whelan wrote:

I'm trying to write a science thesis and somebody suggested that I use 
LyX. From what I can tell it looks great, but I can't get it to work on 
my computer.  I'm running Mac OSX 10.3.9, and I've downloaded LyX as 
well as MacText (or LaText).  My friend told me that what I have to do 
next is choose New from the File Menu, and the go to Settings in the 
Document Menu. When I do that, however, and try to choose my Document 
Class, it tells me that all of the options are Unavailable.  What am I 
doing wrong?

Also, every time I try to use LyX and then quit the program, a message comes 
up saying Could not remove the temporary directory 
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir422MMIJZP/lyx_tmpbuf0.  Is that a problem, or is that normal?

Thank you very much,

Andrew Whelan

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Problems with LyX

2008-03-22 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Hi Andrew,

This is the mailing list for LyX documentation, you'll get a much better 
response if you ask on the user's list:


(My guess is that you don't have the right LaTeX classes installed, but 
I'm confident you'll get a quick answer from the user's list!)

Best regards,

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, Andrew Whelan wrote:

I'm trying to write a science thesis and somebody suggested that I use 
LyX. From what I can tell it looks great, but I can't get it to work on 
my computer.  I'm running Mac OSX 10.3.9, and I've downloaded LyX as 
well as MacText (or LaText).  My friend told me that what I have to do 
next is choose "New" from the File Menu, and the go to "Settings" in the 
Document Menu. When I do that, however, and try to choose my Document 
Class, it tells me that all of the options are Unavailable.  What am I 
doing wrong?

Also, every time I try to use LyX and then quit the program, a message comes 
up saying "Could not remove the temporary directory 
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir422MMIJZP/lyx_tmpbuf0".  Is that a problem, or is that normal?

Thank you very much,

Andrew Whelan

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Major and minor Problems with Lyx

2007-09-18 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Hi Anja,

I've forwarded your message to the users' list, you had sent it 
to the documentation list.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Anja Moos wrote:


I tried to use Lyx to write my master thesis but had several problems.

The most severe one:

!!!Lyx doesn't work any more - not at all!!!

When opening it, it says: Lyx has been closed because of an unexpected 
situation. This is most likely caused by a flaw in the software[...].

The error information is (debug log):
TextClassList::Read: no textclasses found! Completed
(I didn't try reinstalling it yet, but this bug should be fiexed anyhow. So 
please, help!! :-))

I worked a little on it before this happend. I found two other problems 
during those trials:

1. The programm has problems dealing with tex-files. Because it could
   not cope with my tex-files, I tried the following: I exported your
   handbook (or another documentation of yours) to tex and imported it
   again. There was a failure message - which I unfortunately can't
   remember any more.

2. In the tutorial, it sais:  Überprüfen können Sie Ihre Arbeit anhand
   der Datei de_beispiel_gelyxt.lyx. Sie enthält denselben Text, diesmal
   aber von einem LyX-Profi geschrieben. Die Beispieldateien finden Sie
   im Verzeichnis examples des systemweiten LyX-Verzeichnisses  But the
   correct path is: examples/de/beispiel_gelyxt.lyx

By the way, I downloaded Version 1.5.1-1.

I'd be very happy hearing from you because I really would like to write my 
master thesis with your program (instead of word - for plain tex I am to 

Good luck with debugging and fixing and thank you for your work! Best,

PS: In case you are german you can answer in german.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Major and minor Problems with Lyx

2007-09-18 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Hi Anja,

I've forwarded your message to the users' list, you had sent it 
to the documentation list.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Anja Moos wrote:


I tried to use Lyx to write my master thesis but had several problems.

The most severe one:

!!!Lyx doesn't work any more - not at all!!!

When opening it, it says: "Lyx has been closed because of an unexpected 
situation. This is most likely caused by a flaw in the software[...]".

The error information is (debug log):
"TextClassList::Read: no textclasses found! Completed"
(I didn't try reinstalling it yet, but this bug should be fiexed anyhow. So 
please, help!! :-))

I worked a little on it before this happend. I found two other problems 
during those trials:

1. The programm has problems dealing with tex-files. Because it could
   not cope with my tex-files, I tried the following: I exported your
   handbook (or another documentation of yours) to tex and imported it
   again. There was a failure message - which I unfortunately can't
   remember any more.

2. In the tutorial, it sais:  "Überprüfen können Sie Ihre Arbeit anhand
   der Datei de_beispiel_gelyxt.lyx. Sie enthält denselben Text, diesmal
   aber von einem LyX-Profi geschrieben. Die Beispieldateien finden Sie
   im Verzeichnis examples des systemweiten LyX-Verzeichnisses"  But the
   correct path is: examples/de/beispiel_gelyxt.lyx

By the way, I downloaded Version 1.5.1-1.

I'd be very happy hearing from you because I really would like to write my 
master thesis with your program (instead of word - for plain tex I am to 

Good luck with debugging and fixing and thank you for your work! Best,

PS: In case you are german you can answer in german.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44