Re: es_EmbeddedObjects 1.5.0-1

2007-03-04 Thread Uwe Stöhr

"Ignacio Garcia" schrieb:

*Top of row* will add space above the characters of the table row. ... So 
inserting space
 _/to the top of row/_ for normal tables is only useful when you don't have 
vertical lines.

*Between rows* only has an effect when you have selected the whole table row ... 
So inserting space /t_o the top of row_/ for normal tables is only useful ...

Now I understand, I had the term "top of row" in the "between rows" section. 
It's now fixed.
Thanks for all your annotations.

PS: My emails don't show in lyx-docs or lyx-users. Any idea?

No, but this message appeared:

best regards Uwe

Re: es_EmbeddedObjects 1.5.0-1

2007-03-04 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Ignacio García schrieb:

In the LyX package I have instaled, the images
are not there.

This was a problem in our build scripts, this is fixed now.

regards Uwe

Re: es_EmbeddedObjects 1.5.0-1

2007-03-03 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Ignacio García schrieb:

Starting of the included EmbeddedObjects Version 1.5.0-1
I have updated the translation into Spanish with the changes
in Formal Tables, Notes, Row spacing ... and more,
and some minor fixes in the former translation.
The link es_EmbeddedObjects.lyx (1.5.0-1) 

includes the .lyx and two translated images
of Framed and Shaded Notes

Many thanks, I uploaded it.
Notice that now every language has its own folder:
So you must download the file from there as working base to have the correct 
image paths.

In the LyX package I have instaled, the images
are not there.

But they are in SVN. You can download them from here:

In 2.12.1 the second sentence
"So inserting space to the top of row for normal tables.."
should be between rows ?

What do you mean? "Top of row" and Between rows" are the names of the option so 
I didn't changed it.

In the last line B.1 should be DVI instead Postscript

Thanks for the hint.

best regards